DNS/DoT to DoH proxy with load-balancing, fail-over and SSL certificate management



Variable Example Description
TLS_DOMAIN my.duckdns.org Domain name without wildcards. Used to create wildcard certificate and to check incoming connections
DNS_PROVIDER duckdns One of supported provider from https://go-acme.github.io/lego/dns/
DUCKDNS_TOKEN 1fff-111-... Provider specific token, see https://go-acme.github.io/lego/dns/ for further information
CERT_DIR /opt/certs Directory for generated certificates. Default: ./certs
EMAIL [email protected] Registration email address for Let's Encrypt
LOG_LEVEL debug Level to log. One of 'trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal'. Default: info
PREFERRED_CHAIN ISRG Root X1 preferred certificate chain to use. default: "ISRG Root X1"
UPSTREAM_DOH,https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query Comma separated list of upstream DoH DNS resolvers. Placeholder _CLIENTID_ will be automatically replaced with client id (only TLS from subdomain)
UPSTREAM_RETRY_CNT 2 Number of retry attempts before fallback resolver will be invoked. Default: 2
UPSTREAM_TIMEOUT 1s timeout for the upstream DoH request. Default: 1s
FALLBACK_DOH https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query Fallback upstream DoH server, used if upstream DoH requests fail. Default: https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query

Example with docker-compose and blocky

dns-proxy as DoT with Let's encrypt certificate and duckdns domain "test.duckdns.org". Uses 2 blocky instances as DoH resolver ( and Clients can use either "test.duckdns.org" for anonymous or " XXX.test.duckdns.org" for named access (in this case XXX will be passed to blocky for logging and filtering purposes).

version: "2.1"
    image: ghcr.io/0xerr0r/dns-proxy
    container_name: dns-proxy
    restart: always
      - "853:853"
      - "53:53"
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
      - TLS_DOMAIN=test.duckdns.org
      - DNS_PROVIDER=duckdns
      - [email protected]
      - LOG_LEVEL=info
      - UPSTREAM_DOH=,
      - certs:/app/certs
Dimitri Herzog
Java dev @work, Go dev @home. Topics of interest: Go, Docker, self-hosting
Dimitri Herzog
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