This is a single-instance streaming server with chat.

Table of Contents

AlbertoBroadcast Stream Server

This is a single-instance streaming server with chat. Originally written to replace Rabbit as the platform for watching movies with a group of people online.

Build requirements

  • Go 1.13 or newer
  • GNU Make

Older Go Versions

You can install a newer version of Go alongside your OS's distribution by following the guide here:

Once you have that setup add an enviromnent variable named GO_VERSION and set it to the version you installed (eg, 1.14.1). The Makefile will now use the newer version.

Compile and install

You have to :

  • download git clone, go into the source directory cd broadcastserver;
  • choose your TARGET oneof "android darwin dragonfly freebsd linux nacl netbsd openbsd plan9 solaris windows";
  • choose your ARCH oneof "386 amd64 amd64p32 arm arm64 ppc64 ppc64le mips mipsle mips64 mips64le mips64p32 mips64p32leppc s390 s390x sparc sparc64";
  • build make TARGET=windows ARCH=386 (On BSD systems use gmake);
  • and run ./MovieNight;

Example :

$ git clone
$ cd broadcastserver
$ (make|gmake) TARGET=windows ARCH=386
$ ./MovieNight

Docker build

broadcastserver provides a Dockerfile and a docker-compose file to run broadcastserver using Docker.

Building the Container

Install Docker, clone the repository and build:

docker build -t broadcastserver .

Running the Container

Run the image once it's built:

docker run -d -p 8089:8089 -p 1935:1935 [-v ./settings.json:/config/settings.json] broadcastserver


  • -d runs the container in the background.
  • -p 8089:8089 maps the broadcastserver web interface to port 8089 on the server.
  • -p 1935:1935 maps the RTMP port for OBS to port 1935 (default RTMP port) on the server.
  • -v ./settings.json:/config/settings.json maps the file settings.json into the container. [OPTIONAL]


docker-compose will automatically build the image, no need to build it manually.

Install Docker and docker-compose, clone the repository and change into the directory ./docker. Then run:

docker-compose up -d

This docker-compose file will create a volume called broadcastserver-config and automatically add the standard settings.json file to it. It also maps port 8089 and 1935 to the same ports of the host.

Notes for Running Using docker-compose

The container needs to be restarted to apply any changes you make to settings.json.

FreeNAS-FreeBSD build and run

A FreeNAS & TrueNAS plugin had been released. You should find MovieNight into the plugin section of you management GUI. However you still can make an manual plugin deployment, documentation here If you prefer to make an Jail without using the plugin management, a script wich setup an Jail and build and run MovieNight into that Jail as been written, you'll find it here freenas-iocage-movienight


Now you can use OBS to push a stream to the server. Set the stream URL to


and enter the stream key.

Now you can view the stream at

There is a video only version at

and a chat only version at

The default listen port is :8089. It can be changed by providing a new port at startup:

Usage of .\broadcastserver.exe:
  -e bool
        Whether or not to download approved emotes on startup (default "false")
  -k string
        Stream key, to protect your stream (default: "")
  -l string
        host:port of the broadcastserver (default ":8089")
  -r string
        host:port of the RTMP server (default ":1935")
  -f string
        the settings file you want to use (default "./settings.json")


broadcastserver configuration is controlled by settings.json:

  • AdminPassword: users can enter /auth <value> into chat to grant themselves admin privileges. This value is automatically regenerated unless RegenAdminPass is false.
  • ApprovedEmotes: list of Twitch users whose emotes can be imported into broadcastserver. Using /addemotes <username> in chat will add to this list.
  • Bans: list of banned users.
  • LetThemLurk: if false, announces when a user enters and leaves chat.
  • ListenAddress: the port that broadcastserver listens on, formatted as :8089.
  • LogFile: the path of the broadcastserver logfile, relative to the executable.
  • LogLevel: the log level, defaults to debug.
  • MaxMessageCount: the number of messages displayed in the chat window.
  • NewPin: if true, regenerates RoomAccessPin when the server starts.
  • PageTitle: The base string used in the <title> element of the page. When the stream title is set with /playing, it is appended; e.g., broadcastserver | The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot
  • RegenAdminPass: if true, regenerates AdminPassword when the server starts.
  • RoomAccess: the access policy of the chat room; this is managed by the application and should not be edited manually.
  • RoomAccessPin: if set, serves as the password required to enter the chatroom.
  • SessionKey: key used for storing session data (cookies etc.)
  • StreamKey: the key that OBS will use to connect to broadcastserver.
  • StreamStats: if true, prints statistics for the stream on server shutdown.
  • TitleLength: the maximum allowed length for the stream title (set with /playing).
  • TwitchClientID: OAuth client ID for the Twitch API, used for fetching emotes
  • TwitchClientSecret: OAuth client secret for the Twitch API; can be generated locally with curl.
  • WrappedEmotesOnly: if true, requires that emote codes be wrapped in colons or brackets; e.g., :PogChamp:
  • RateLimitChat: the number of seconds between each message a non-privileged user can post in chat.
  • RateLimitNick: the number of seconds before a user can change their nick again.
  • RakeLimitColor: the number of seconds before a user can change their color again.
  • RateLimitAuth: the number of seconds between each allowed auth attempt
  • RateLimitDuplicate: the numeber of seconds before a user can post a duplicate message.
  • NoCache: if true, set Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate in the HTTP header, to prevent caching responses.


flv.js is Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. This project is licened under the MIT license.

Alberto van Eckeveld
Alberto van Eckeveld Main Java Developer.
Alberto van Eckeveld
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