Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for any type of projects.

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The fastest polyglot Git hooks manager out there

Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for Node.js, Ruby or any other type of projects.

  • Fast. It is written in Go. Can run commands in parallel.
  • Powerful. With a few lines in the config you can check only the changed files on pre-push hook.
  • Simple. It is single dependency-free binary which can work in any environment.

📖 Read the introduction post

# On `git push` lefthook will run spelling and links check for all of the changed files
  parallel: true
      files: git diff --name-only HEAD @{push}
      glob: "*.md"
      run: npx yaspeller {files}
      files: git diff --name-only HEAD @{push}
      glob: "*.md"
      run: npx markdown-link-check {files}
Sponsored by Evil Martians


Choose your environment:

Then you can find all Lefthook features in the full guide and explore wiki.

Why Lefthook

  • Parallel execution

If you want more speed. Example

  parallel: true
  • Flexible list of files

If you want your own list. Custom and prebuilt examples.

      run: yarn eslint {staged_files}
      run: bundle exec rubocop --force-exclusion {all_files}
      files: git diff --name-only HEAD @{push}
      run: yarn stylelint {files}
  • Glob and regexp filters

If you want to filter list of files. You could find more glob pattern examples here.

      glob: "*.rb" # glob filter
      exclude: "application.rb|routes.rb" # regexp filter
      run: bundle exec rubocop --force-exclusion {all_files}
  • Execute in sub-directory

If you want to execute the commands in a relative path

      root: "api/" # Careful to have only trailing slash
      glob: "*.rb" # glob filter
      run: bundle exec rubocop {all_files}
  • Run scripts

If oneline commands are not enough, you can execute files. Example.

      runner: bash
  • Tags

If you want to control a group of commands. Example.

      tags: frontend security
      run: yarn audit
      tags: backend security
      run: bundle audit
  • Support Docker

If you are in the Docker environment. Example.

      runner: docker run -it --rm  {cmd}
  • Local config

If you a frontend/backend developer and want to skip unnecessary commands or override something into Docker. Description.

# lefthook-local.yml
    - frontend
      skip: true
  • Direct control

If you want to run hooks group directly.

$ lefthook run pre-commit
  • Your own tasks

If you want to run specific group of commands directly.

      run: bundle exec rubocop --force-exclusion --safe-auto-correct {staged_files}
      run: yarn eslint --fix {staged_files}
$ lefthook run fixer
  • Optional output

If you don't want to see supporting information:

  - meta #(version and which hook running)
  - success #(output from runners with exit code 0)

Table of contents:


Migrate from



Comparison list


  • Download binary on npm postinstall hook

    Download binary on npm postinstall hook

    As was discussed in issue #16 the lefthook npm package contains all the binaries, this postinstall hook downloads only the appropriate binary for the host OS (or in case of CI: none).

    Note: I submit my PR in accordance to Note 2: I did not run any go/ruby command as this PR mainly changes the postinstall script in the .npm directory. If this is still necessary I will update my PR, just let me know what is missing. :v:

  • Pass local and remote branch names as arguments / env variables to pre-push

    Pass local and remote branch names as arguments / env variables to pre-push

    Is it possible to access the local / remote ref names in the pre-push hook?

    Git passes the information as STDIN to the pre-push hook. But lefthook is not passing it to the actual hook.

  • Fixers do not stop commits

    Fixers do not stop commits

    Here's a trivial example:

    FROM ubuntu:bionic
    RUN : \
        && apt-get update \
        && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
            ca-certificates \
            curl \
            git \
            python3-pip \
            python3-setuptools \
        && apt-get clean
    RUN : \
        && curl --location --silent --output /tmp/lefthook.gz \
        && echo '0876ae7a862cb26aa5bd50173502dfd836cd16317f7af18be0797deeb3e1cfcd  /tmp/lefthook.gz' | sha256sum --check \
        && gunzip /tmp/lefthook.gz \
        && mv /tmp/lefthook /usr/local/bin \
        && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/lefthook \
        && which lefthook
    RUN pip3 install autopep8
    WORKDIR /src
    COPY lefthook.yml .
    ENV \
        [email protected] \
        GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='A A' \
        [email protected] \
    RUN : \
        && git init . \
        && echo 'print(1    +1)' > \
        && lefthook install \
        && git add .
    CMD ["bash", "-xc", "git commit -m test && git status && cat"]
          files: git diff --staged --name-only -- '*.py'
          run: autopep8 -i {files}
    docker build -t test .
    docker run --rm -ti test
    $ docker run --rm -ti test
    + git commit -m test
    Lefthook v0.6.3
    RUNNING HOOKS GROUP: pre-commit
      EXECUTE > autopep8
    SUMMARY: (done in 0.17 seconds)
    ✔️  autopep8
    [master (root-commit) 2858089] test
     2 files changed, 6 insertions(+)
     create mode 100644 lefthook.yml
     create mode 100644
    + git status
    On branch master
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
    + cat
    print(1 + 1)

    The commit should have been blocked as autopep8 modified a file

  • Npm: download the required binaries during installation

    Npm: download the required binaries during installation

    • The binaries are now downloaded upon installation. This reduces the package size significantly, which is very important for open-source repositories.

    • Fixes finding the binaries on Windows inside the hooks. Previously the code fell back to using npx

    Closes #43

  • Don't run tool if no file to work on

    Don't run tool if no file to work on


    Possible bug I saw during test lefthook.

    Actual behavior

    When no {staged_files} is empty (SKIP. NO FILES FOR INSPECTING) is output but the command is called.

    Waited behavior

    The command is not called


  • Lefthook for Dart

    Lefthook for Dart

    Hello! I want to use lefthook with Dart. I can make a PR for that, but I have a couple of questions.

    Do you publish all packages manaully? Who will publish new versions to pub (Dart package registry)?

    P.S. Thanks for lib, it is really great! 😻

  • Speed up on Node

    Speed up on Node

    Now we have 3 binaries in npm and script which run necessary binary depends on the current platform.

    There are 2 big problems with current behavior:

    1. npm package size is huge (26 MB)
    2. Node.js startup time is not great.


    1. postinstall script download necessary binary (many npm packages use this approach, for instance puppeter).
    2. npm runs binary directly without index.js
  • wiki: Comparison page

    wiki: Comparison page

  • npm Scope package naming

    npm Scope package naming

    Since this project moved into Evil Martians a long time ago, I would like to propose to rename or alias the npm package scope to just "lefthook".

  • Lefthook with Git GUI

    Lefthook with Git GUI

    I'm currently using Husky and lint-staged with Tower, hooks with this setup work

    I want to try Lefthook, but having problems


    set hooks with this command

    [~/kit]$ yarn lefthook install -a
    yarn run v1.21.1
    $ /node_modules/.bin/lefthook install -a
    SYNCING lefthook.yml
    SERVED HOOKS: pre-commit, prepare-commit-msg
    ✨  Done in 0.45s.
    [~/kit/.git/hooks]$ ls -la 
    total 16
    drwxr-xr-x   4 pavel  staff  128 Dec 24 17:01 .
    drwxr-xr-x  17 pavel  staff  544 Dec 24 17:01 ..
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 pavel  staff  370 Dec 24 17:01 pre-commit
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 pavel  staff  618 Dec 24 17:01 prepare-commit-msg

    made one commit via Tower, linters have worked, but after this hooks have been deleted

    [~/kit/.git/hooks]$ ls -la 
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x   2 pavel  staff   64 Dec 24 17:03 .
    drwxr-xr-x  17 pavel  staff  544 Dec 24 17:03 ..

    unfortunately could not find a way which git commands uses Tower when committing

    Source tree

    Husky and lint-staged

    git --no-optional-locks -c color.branch=false -c color.diff=false -c color.status=false -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c credential.helper=sourcetree commit -q -F /var/folders/kj/w787fzx160130jtykf3kj1440000gn/T/SourceTreeTemp.Io8AzJ -a 
    Info: can't find node in PATH, trying to find a node binary on your system
    husky > pre-commit (node v13.5.0)
    Stashing changes... [started]
    Stashing changes... [skipped]
    → No partially staged files found...
    Running tasks... [started]
    Running tasks for src/**/*.{js,jsx} [started]
    Running tasks for src/**/.{scss,css} [started]
    Running tasks for src/**/.{scss,css} [skipped]
    → No staged files match src/**/.{scss,css}
    prettier --write [started]
    prettier --write [completed]
    eslint --fix [started]
    eslint --fix [completed]
    git add [started]
    git add [completed]
    Running tasks for src/**/*.{js,jsx} [completed]
    Running tasks... [completed]

    Lefthook hooks did not work when committing

    git --no-optional-locks -c color.branch=false -c color.diff=false -c color.status=false -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c credential.helper=sourcetree commit -q -F /var/folders/kj/w787fzx160130jtykf3kj1440000gn/T/SourceTreeTemp.fvWmZQ -a 
    Can't find lefthook in PATH
    Can't find lefthook in PATH
    Completed successfully

    System info

    macOS 10.15.2
    git 2.24.1
    lefthook 0.7.0

    Do you know why hooks can disappear after a commit?

  • Documentation to work with commitlint?

    Documentation to work with commitlint?

    Unfortunately the commitlint documentation only has these instructions:

      "husky": {
        "hooks": {
          "commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"

    And it's unclear whether lefthook exposes whatever HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS are in such a way that it works with commitlint.

  • Reports no errors when running invalid/missing commands

    Reports no errors when running invalid/missing commands

    :wrench: Summary

    When running invalid/missing command, lefthook doesn't report any errors.

    Lefthook version


    Steps to reproduce

    $ lefthook run ammaabsent
    Lefthook v1.2.6
    RUNNING HOOK: ammaabsent
    $ echo $?                

    Expected results

    $ lefthook run ammaabsent
    Lefthook v1.2.6
    RUNNING HOOK: ammaabsent
    ERROR: no such hook `ammaabsent`
    $ echo $?                
  • Stage changed files skip unstaged changes

    Stage changed files skip unstaged changes

    :zap: Summary

    • [x] Refactor runner.go to be more readable
    • [x] Add pre- and post-run handlers
    • [ ] Stash unstaged changes for pre-commit hook before running the hook and unstash them after

    For reference:

  • Error using {push_files}

    Error using {push_files}


    Whenever I pass the {push_files} argument to a run: in the pre-push section I just get this error message that says error replacing {push_files}: exit status 128

    Steps to reproduce

    Here's the relevant sections my lefthook.yaml file:

      - meta       # Skips lefthook version printing
      - success    # Skips successful steps printing
      parallel: true
          tags: sast
          glob: "*.sh"
          run: scripts/ {push_files}

    Contents of though I'm sure it doesn't matter because it happens no matter what I use but adding for completeness sake:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -euo pipefail
    if ! command -v shellcheck > /dev/null; then
      echo "WARN: shellcheck is not installed. Installing....."
      if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
        if ! command -v brew > /dev/null; then
          echo "ERROR: Homebrew isn't installed. Please see for instructions."
          exit 1
          brew install -q shellcheck
        echo "ERROR: Non macOS operating systems not supported at this time. Feel free to open a PR and extend this check :)"
    for file in "$@"
      shellcheck -o all "${file}"

    Expected results

    I expect it to not error? lol. I know the file i'm testing should cause an error to return from my script. I've also tried other scripts in the run directive and the same results.. anytime I reference the {push_files} I get that same error.

    Actual results

    I make adjustments to a *.sh file and when I try to push up the change to remote up I get the error [snipped branch name details]:

    ➜  git push origin BRANCH_NAME
    error replacing {push_files}: exit status 128
    shellcheck: (SKIP. ERROR)
    refs/heads/style/BRANCH_NAME branch_sha refs/heads/style/BRANCH_NAME branch_sha
    SUMMARY: (done in 0.09 seconds)

    Possible Solution


  • Removing a ref after lefthook install fails to fetch from the main branch

    Removing a ref after lefthook install fails to fetch from the main branch


    When you remove a ref option from remote configuration, and you already had lefthook install-ed, the remote syncing fails.

    Steps to reproduce

      ref: v1.1.1
      config: examples/complete/lefthook.yml
    $ lefthook install
    SERVED HOOKS: commit-msg, pre-commit, pre-push
    $ git -C .git/info/lefthook-remotes/lefthook/ log --oneline
    55f4381 (grafted, HEAD, tag: v1.1.1) 1.1.1: Quote path to script
      config: examples/complete/lefthook.yml # assumed to fetch from master branch 
    $ lefthook install
    SERVED HOOKS: commit-msg, pre-commit, pre-push
    $ git -C .git/info/lefthook-remotes/lefthook/ log --oneline
    55f4381 (grafted, HEAD, tag: v1.1.1) 1.1.1: Quote path to script # (!) must be master branch

    Expected results

    Expected to checkout to the main branch of the repository. May be master or main branch at least.

    Possible Solution

    Provide a default value for the ref.

  • support new config file format

    support new config file format

    It will be really cool to add .lefthook.yml (with dot in the beginning) config file format support. Just to align with other libs:

  • Git submodules doesn't appear in changed files

    Git submodules doesn't appear in changed files

          run: printf '%s\n' {all_files}

    I expected the submodules we're using to appear in the {all_files} but it wasn't the case. I think it should display the submodules as well.

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