Level of detail (LOD) add-on for Godot 3.2.x

Level of Detail (LOD) add-on

This add-on provides level of detail for meshes, lights and particles. It can be used to improve performance in large scenes significantly.

This repository only contains the add-on. See godot-extended-libraries/godot-lod-demo for the demonstration project.


  • Supports lights, meshes and particles (Particles and CPUParticles).
  • Each node has its own LOD distance properties, but you can also define a LOD bias project setting to improve visual quality or performance for the target hardware.
  • Lights can have their shadow smoothly fade off with distance, then the light itself smoothly fade off as well.
  • Works with both the GLES3 and GLES2 renderers.
  • Written in performance-conscious GDScript. Easy to install and use, but scales to hundreds of LOD instances (and perhaps thousands on more powerful hardware).

The LOD add-on only runs in the running project, not while in the editor. This is done by design to avoid accidentally saving modified versions of the scene. You need to run the project to test LOD functionality.


Using the Asset Library

  • Open the Godot editor.
  • Navigate to the AssetLib tab at the top of the editor and search for "lod".
  • Install the Level of Detail (LOD) plugin. Keep all files checked during installation.
  • In the editor, open Project > Project Settings, go to Plugins and enable the Level of Detail (LOD) plugin.

Manual installation

Manual installation lets you use pre-release versions of this add-on by following its master branch.

  • Clone this Git repository:
git clone https://github.com/godot-extended-libraries/godot-lod.git

Alternatively, you can download a ZIP archive if you do not have Git installed.

  • Move the addons/ folder to your project folder.
  • In the editor, open Project > Project Settings, go to Plugins and enable the Level of Detail (LOD) plugin.



  1. After enabling the plugin (see above), add a LODSpatial node.

  2. Add 2 or 3 child nodes. These must have with the -lod0 (high detail), -lod1 (medium detail) or -lod2 (low detail). -lod2 is optional. If you only have the -lod0 and -lod1 LOD levels (high and low), keep in mind the node will be invisible if -lod2 should be displayed given the current distance.

    Your scene tree should now look like this:

    - LODSpatial
      - MeshInstance-lod0
      - MeshInstance-lod1
      - MeshInstance-lod2
      - (other, unrelated nodes can be placed here too)
  3. Configure the distance properties in the LODSpatial node.

  4. To smoothly fade out the least detailed LOD before it disappears completely, see TIPS.md.

Note: As its name implies, LODSpatial is not limited to MeshInstances. It can hide and show any node that inherits from Spatial.


  1. After enabling the plugin (see above), add a LODOmniLight or LODSpotLight node.
  2. Configure the node as you would configure a typical light node.
  3. Set a maximum light and shadow distance in the inspector. By default, lights will no longer be visible at all if the camera is more than 50 units away. Their shadows will also no longer be visible if the camera is move than 25 units away.
  4. You can also configure the fade factors to make the fade-in less dramatic. This can be useful to make transitions less noticeable if the camera moves quickly.

Note: Since the light's energy will be tweaked for LOD purposes, don't change it manually while the project is running. You can still set a fixed energy value in the inspector, though. The add-on will take it into account for its calculations. To change the light's intensity over time (e.g. using AnimationPlayer), darken or lighten its color instead.

Note: If you add child nodes to a LODOmniLight or LODSpotLight, they will no longer be visible if the light is fully hidden due to the distance.


  1. After enabling the plugin (see above), add a LODParticles or LODCPUParticles node.
  2. Configure the node as you would configure a typical particles node.
  3. Set a maximum emission distance in the inspector. By default, particles will no longer emit if the camera is more than 50 units away.

You can safely add child nodes to a LODParticles or LODCPUParticles node, as the node itself is never hidden.


There are several Project Settings you can define to customize this add-on's behavior. You can set them directly in a script (ProjectSettings.set_setting("section/key", value)) or use the Project Settings in the editor to do so.

lod/spatial_bias, lod/light_bias, lod/particle_bias

Default: 0

The distance bias (in 3D units) to use for LOD calculations. Positive values will improve performance at the cost of visual quality, whereas negative values will improve visual quality at the cost of performance.


Default: 0.25

The rate at which the LOD mesh and particle instances update (in seconds). Lower values are more reactive but use more CPU. Each LOD instance uses a random jitter to avoid applying updates on all instances at the same time.

Since meshes and particles are updated in a "discrete" manner rather than a continuus one, the default refresh rate is quite low. The difference is hardly visible, yet it helps decrease CPU usage significantly in scenes with hundreds of instances (or more).


Default: 0.05

The rate at which the LOD light instances update (in seconds). Lower values are more reactive but use more CPU. Each LOD instance uses a random jitter to avoid applying updates on all instances at the same time.

Since lights are updated in a "continuous" manner rather than a discrete one, the default refresh rate is relatively high. Despite not quite being 60 FPS (0.01666), it often looks very close in practice unless the camera is moving really fast.

Tips and tricks

See TIPS.md for useful tips on improving performance and visual quality of your 3D project. These tips can be followed even if you don't use this add-on.


Copyright © 2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors

Unless otherwise specified, files in this repository are licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md for more information.

Godot Extended Libraries
An unofficial Godot organization for sharing ideas, addons, modules, and community projects.
Godot Extended Libraries
  • Debug LODs in editor

    Debug LODs in editor

    Is it possible to view LOD changes in editor view or is it supposed to work in render only? I set up a scene with LODSpatial and a camera, but when I move the camera, LODs do not change in the camera preview viewport.

  • Doesn't work in 3.2 editor

    Doesn't work in 3.2 editor


    • reproduced all from installation steps, but it didn't hide any objects.
    • downloaded demo project, launched it, see no spheres were disappeared after looked from far distance

    But when I launched game debug (triangle button) - than it showed me hiding. Not sure where problem is.

    Maybe some version mismatch (used latest master of this plugin, Godot v3.2.3 stable). Does anybody has any hints on fixing this ?


  • LODs don't switch in game in Godot 3.5 rc6

    LODs don't switch in game in Godot 3.5 rc6

    I have a tree I modeled in Blender and exported to Godot, as well as a billboard impostor (image on a quad), but the LODs don't switch in game.

    Both LODs are visible in editor as expected image

    Both LODs are also still visible in game, unexpected behaviour image

    How it's supposed to look in game: image

    Exact Godot version: v3.5.rc6.mono.official [f05cecdc4]

  • A small suggestion to script (refactor and usability improvement)

    A small suggestion to script (refactor and usability improvement)

    I'll leave it here just in case. don't want to poke you over this since Godot 4 has it covered, but still. What's changed:

    1. Structured scene.
    2. Meshes are attached as children to Scene_items nodes, so no need to name them in any specific way.
    3. LOD distances are relative, values are multiplied by the size of the parent node LODs
    4. removed get_children() loop.

    Scene with embedded script: image

    [gd_scene load_steps=2 format=2]
    [sub_resource type="GDScript" id=1]
    script/source = "# Copyright © 2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors - MIT License
    # See `LICENSE.md` included in the source distribution for details.
    extends Spatial
    # If `false`, LOD won't update anymore. This can be used for performance comparison
    # purposes.
    export var enable_lod = true
    # The maximum LOD 0 (high quality) distance in units.
    export var lod_0_relative_distance = 5
    # The maximum LOD 1 (medium quality) distance in units.
    export var lod_1_relative_distance = 25
    # The maximum LOD 2 (low quality) distance in units.
    # Past this distance, all LOD variants are hidden.
    export var lod_2_relative_distance = 150
    # The rate at which LODs will be updated (in seconds). Lower values are more reactive
    # but use more CPU, which is especially noticeable with large amounts of LOD-enabled nodes.
    # Set this accordingly depending on your camera movement speed.
    # The default value should suit most projects already.
    # Note: Slow cameras don't need to have LOD-enabled objects update their status often.
    # This can overridden by setting the project setting `lod/refresh_rate`.
    export var refresh_rate = 0.25
    # The internal refresh timer.
    var timer = 0.0
    func _ready():
    	# Add random jitter to the timer to ensure LODs don't all swap at the same time.
    	timer += rand_range(0, refresh_rate)
    # Despite LOD not being related to physics, we chose to run in `_physics_process()`
    # to minimize the amount of method calls per second (and therefore decrease CPU usage).
    func _physics_process(delta):
    	if not enable_lod:
    		# Show
    		# Hide
    	# We need a camera to do the rest.
    	var camera = get_viewport().get_camera()
    	if camera == null:
    	if timer <= refresh_rate:
    		timer += delta
    	timer = 0.0
    	var distance = camera.global_transform.origin.distance_to(global_transform.origin)
    	# The LOD level to choose (lower is more detailed).
    	# Multiply distance values by scale for relativism.
    	if distance < lod_0_relative_distance * self.scale.length():
    		# Show
    		# Hide
    	elif distance < lod_1_relative_distance * self.scale.length():
    		# Show
    		# Hide
    	elif distance < lod_2_relative_distance * self.scale.length():
    		# Show
    		# Hide
    		# Show
    		# Hide
    func show_scenes(lod_name):
    func hide_scenes(lod_name):
    [node name="LODs" type="Spatial"]
    script = SubResource( 1 )
    __meta__ = {
    "_editor_description_": "Do not rename or edit the nodes.
    Put meshes into Scene Items nodes"
    [node name="LOD0" type="Spatial" parent="."]
    __meta__ = {
    "_edit_lock_": true
    [node name="Scene_items" type="Spatial" parent="LOD0"]
    __meta__ = {
    "_edit_lock_": true
    [node name="LOD1" type="Spatial" parent="."]
    __meta__ = {
    "_edit_lock_": true
    [node name="Scene_items" type="Spatial" parent="LOD1"]
    __meta__ = {
    "_edit_lock_": true
    [node name="LOD2" type="Spatial" parent="."]
    __meta__ = {
    "_edit_lock_": true
    [node name="Scene_items" type="Spatial" parent="LOD2"]
    __meta__ = {
    "_edit_lock_": true
    [node name="LOD3" type="Spatial" parent="."]
    __meta__ = {
    "_edit_lock_": true
    [node name="Scene_items" type="Spatial" parent="LOD3"]
    __meta__ = {
    "_edit_lock_": true
  • Debug view

    Debug view

    Hello, great addon, i propose an improve update, add a debug view with a color system ; the idea is to show all LOD level in the viewport with a color identifier.

    Actually, hard to see if the distance set is efficient.

    Edit : i can make a quick draw with toshop to give how to see this system.

  • Implemented pooled LOD updating via LODManager.

    Implemented pooled LOD updating via LODManager.

    Remember that suggestion @lawnjelly made about the way LODs are updated? Well this pull request has this feature implemented. the refresh project settings have been replaced with refresh_threshold_ms. The lower this value is, the less time the plugin has to update LODs in the scene, and thus the less that can be updated in one frame. LODs that aren't processed in a certain frame will have to wait till the next one. This proves to be very flexible as no matter how many LODs are in a scene. Only so much can be updated within the allocated time, improving performance and scalability.

    The Node inspector UIs were also given a makeover.

    Maintainer edit: This closes #3.

  • Possible more efficient updates

    Possible more efficient updates

    I don't know whether this is possible in gdscript with a singleton, but you may be able to make the updates more efficient:

    Calling _physics_process for a large number of nodes is quite inefficient even if just a stub function, especially if physics tick rate is e.g. 60 tps. With 1000 nodes, that is 60,000 updates per second, most of which are stubs.

    A more efficient paradigm might be instead to register each LOD node when added to the scenetree with a central updater, and unregister when removed from the scene tree.

    The central updater could then run on a single _physics_process (or _process) and go through the list of registered nodes and update a certain number each update, calculated to give them all on average an update every 0.25 seconds.

    In our example of 1000 nodes that would be: desired updates per second = (1000 * 4) updates per tick at 60tps = 4000 / 60 = 66.6

    4000 updates per second is a reduction of 15x. In addition, you could do further approaches like reduce the update rate on far away nodes, and check them every second.

    There are also a number of other optimizations which are common with collision detection, but these may well be overkill unless you had a large number of nodes.

  • Take the camera FOV into account for LOD calculations

    Take the camera FOV into account for LOD calculations

    When the camera FOV decreases, the distances should be multiplied accordingly so distant objects still look detailed. The user-supplied camera distances will be specified for the default camera FOV (which is 70 in Godot 3.2.x).

    There should be a project setting to disable this LOD adjustment in case it's not desired (e.g. for a game where the FOV is only changed for aesthetic reasons).

    I've also considered using screen density-based LOD calculations, but they have an additional performance cost and some downsides (such as making high-resolution gaming even slower than it would be otherwise).

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