An (almost) compliant XPath 1.0 library.


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xsel is a library that (almost) implements the XPath 1.0 specification. The non-compliant bits are:

  • xsel does not implement the id function.
  • The grammar as defined in the XPath 1.0 spec doesn't explicitly allow function calls in the middle of a path expression, such as /path/function-call()/path. xsel allows function calls in the middle of path expressions.
  • xsel allows name lookups with a wildcard for the namespace, such as /*:path.

Basic usage

package main

import (


func main() {
	xml := `
	<a>This is an XML node.</a>

	xpath := grammar.MustBuild(`/root/a`)
	parser := parser.ReadXml(bytes.NewBufferString(xml))
	cursor, _ := store.CreateInMemory(parser)
	result, _ := exec.Exec(cursor, &xpath)

	fmt.Println(result) // This is an XML node.

Binding variables and namespaces

package main

import (


func main() {
	xml := `

	contextSettings := func(c *exec.ContextSettings) {
		c.NamespaceDecls["ns"] = ""
		c.Variables[exec.Name("", "mynum")] = exec.Number(3.14)

	xpath := grammar.MustBuild(`//node()[. = $ns:mynum]`)
	parser := parser.ReadXml(bytes.NewBufferString(xml))
	cursor, _ := store.CreateInMemory(parser)
	result, _ := exec.Exec(cursor, &xpath, contextSettings)

	fmt.Println(result) //3.14

Binding custom functions

package main

import (


func main() {
	xml := `
	<a>This is an element.</a>
	<!-- This is a comment. -->

	isComment := func(context exec.Context, args ...exec.Result) (exec.Result, error) {
		nodeSet, isNodeSet := context.Result().(exec.NodeSet)

		if !isNodeSet || len(nodeSet) == 0 {
			return exec.Bool(false), nil

		_, isComment := nodeSet[0].Node().(node.Comment)
		return exec.Bool(isComment), nil

	contextSettings := func(c *exec.ContextSettings) {
		c.FunctionLibrary[exec.Name("", "is-comment")] = isComment

	xpath := grammar.MustBuild(`//node()[is-comment()]`)
	parser := parser.ReadXml(bytes.NewBufferString(xml))
	cursor, _ := store.CreateInMemory(parser)
	result, _ := exec.Exec(cursor, &xpath, contextSettings)

	fmt.Println(result) // This is a comment.


xsel supplies an XML parser (using the encoding/xml package) out of the box, but the XPath logic does not depend directly on XML. It instead depends on the interfaces defined in the node and store packages. This means it's possible to use xsel for querying against non-XML documents, such as JSON.

To build a custom document, implement your own Parser method, and build Element's, Attribute's Character Data, Comment's, Processing Instruction's, and Namespace's.

Commandline Utility

xsel supplies a grep-like commandline utility for querying XML documents:

$ go get
$ xsel -h
Usage of xsel:
  -a    If the result is a NodeSet, print the string value of all the nodes instead of just the first
  -c    Execute XPath queries concurrently on files (beware that results will have no predictable order)
  -e value
        Bind an entity value e.g. entityname=entityval
  -m    If the result is a NodeSet, print all the results as XML
  -n    Suppress filenames
  -r    Recursively traverse directories
  -s value
        Namespace mapping. e.g. -ns companyns=
  -u    Turns off strict XML decoding
  -v value
        Bind a variable (all variables are bound as string types) e.g. -v var=value or -v companyns:var=value
  -x string
        XPath expression to execute (required)

CLI examples

$ cat test.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <a xmlns="http://a">Element a</a>
  <b>Element b</b>

This is a basic query:

$ xsel -x '/root/b' test.xml
test.xml: Element b

This is a basic query on stdin:

$ cat foo.xml | xsel -x '/root/b' -
Element b

This query has multiple results, but only the first value is printed:

$ xsel -x '/root/*' test.xml
test.xml: Element a

This query has multiple results, and all values are printed:

$ xsel -x '/root/*' -a test.xml
test.xml: Element a
test.xml: Element b

Print all results as XML:

$ xsel -x '/root/*' -m test.xml
test.xml: <a xmlns="http://a">Element a</a>
test.xml: <b>Element b</b>

Suppress the filename when printing results:

$ xsel -x '/root/*' -m -n test.xml
<a xmlns="http://a">Element a</a>
<b>Element b</b>

Bind a namespace:

$ xsel -x '//a:*' -s a='http://a' -m test.xml
test.xml: <a xmlns="http://a">Element a</a>

Bind a variable (variables are bound as strings):

$ xsel -x '//*[. = $textval]' -v textval="Element b" test.xml
test.xml: Element b
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