The easiest way to make API documents for GraphQL

Document Generator for GraphQL

gqldoc is now alpha

gqldoc is command line tool to generate documents from GraphQL schema or your GraphQL endpoint. the command is written by Go 1.16. So You need Go 1.16 and above If you want to build.


How to use

Generate docs from graphql endpoint

You need to enable GraphQL Introspection. --header and --query options are supported.

$ gqldoc -e --header 'Authorization: Bearer token' -o ./doc_dir

Generate docs from graphql schema files

Supported .json and .graphql, .gql extensions. .json must be contained the result of introspection.

$ gqldoc -s schema.graphql -o ./doc_dir

If you want to specify multiple schema, you can use --schema flag repeatedly.

$ gqldoc -s a.graphql -s b.graphql -o ./doc_dir

You can also use glob.

$ gqldoc -s "schema/**/*.graphql" -o ./doc_dir


Mac and Linux users via Homebrew

$ brew install Code-Hex/tap/gqldoc

Manually via go command

Again, this tool is supported Go 1.16 and above. If you are one of those users, you can install like below.

$ go install

Manually download

You can download binary from here


This todo list is written the order of priority.

  • GitHub Actions for this Available
  • Subscription
  • Directive and it's location.
  • Put in output directory
    • TOC purpose
  • Custom Template
  • Render HTML
    • I'm wondering if I should really support this feature.
Kei Kamikawa
Okinawapm, Previous: Mercari, Inc.
Kei Kamikawa
  • 🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    I found new changes in GitHub's GraphQL Schema 👋🤖 I can't tell if the changes are fixes, features or breaking, you'll have to figure that out on yourself and adapt the commit messages accordingly to trigger the right release, see our commit message conventions.

  • want installation instruction

    want installation instruction

    Hi, thank you for awesome tool! I want to try this tool, but it seems there's no cmd/gqldoc/main.go or gqldoc/main.go. Please add them and give an installation instruction on

  • 🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    I found new changes in GitHub's GraphQL Schema 👋🤖 I can't tell if the changes are fixes, features or breaking, you'll have to figure that out on yourself and adapt the commit messages accordingly to trigger the right release, see our commit message conventions.

  • 🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    I found new changes in GitHub's GraphQL Schema 👋🤖 I can't tell if the changes are fixes, features or breaking, you'll have to figure that out on yourself and adapt the commit messages accordingly to trigger the right release, see our commit message conventions.

  • 🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    I found new changes in GitHub's GraphQL Schema 👋🤖 I can't tell if the changes are fixes, features or breaking, you'll have to figure that out on yourself and adapt the commit messages accordingly to trigger the right release, see our commit message conventions.

  • 🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    I found new changes in GitHub's GraphQL Schema 👋🤖 I can't tell if the changes are fixes, features or breaking, you'll have to figure that out on yourself and adapt the commit messages accordingly to trigger the right release, see our commit message conventions.

  • 🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    I found new changes in GitHub's GraphQL Schema 👋🤖 I can't tell if the changes are fixes, features or breaking, you'll have to figure that out on yourself and adapt the commit messages accordingly to trigger the right release, see our commit message conventions.

  • 🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    I found new changes in GitHub's GraphQL Schema 👋🤖 I can't tell if the changes are fixes, features or breaking, you'll have to figure that out on yourself and adapt the commit messages accordingly to trigger the right release, see our commit message conventions.

  • 项目引用了等62个开源组件,存在6个漏洞,建议升级



    漏洞标题:Google Kubernetes API Server 资源管理错误漏洞
    Google Kubernetes是美国谷歌(Google)公司的一套开源的Docker容器集群管理系统。该系统为容器化的应用提供资源调度、部署运行、服务发现和扩容缩容等功能。API server是其中的一个API(应用编程接口)服务器。
    Google Kubernetes 1.15.10之前版本、1.16.7之前版本和1.17.3之前版本中的API Server组件存在资源管理错误漏洞。远程攻击者可借助特制请求利用该漏洞造成拒绝服务。
    影响范围:(∞, 2.2.8)
    引入路径:>[email protected]>[email protected]>[email protected]>[email protected]>[email protected]

    另外5个漏洞 ,信息有点多我就不贴了,你自己看下完整报告: 你对这个issues有任何疑问可以回复我,我能看见哈。

  • 🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    I found new changes in GitHub's GraphQL Schema 👋🤖 I can't tell if the changes are fixes, features or breaking, you'll have to figure that out on yourself and adapt the commit messages accordingly to trigger the right release, see our commit message conventions.

  • 🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    I found new changes in GitHub's GraphQL Schema 👋🤖 I can't tell if the changes are fixes, features or breaking, you'll have to figure that out on yourself and adapt the commit messages accordingly to trigger the right release, see our commit message conventions.

  • 🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    🚧 🤖📯 GraphQL Schema changed

    I found new changes in GitHub's GraphQL Schema 👋🤖 I can't tell if the changes are fixes, features or breaking, you'll have to figure that out on yourself and adapt the commit messages accordingly to trigger the right release, see our commit message conventions.

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