HBase Exporter,fetch data from jmx for region-level data.

HBase Exporter

Prometheus exporter for HBase which fetch data from hbase jmx, written in Go.

You can even see region-level metrics.

Installation and Usage

For pre-built binaries please take a look at the releases.


Below is the command line options summary:

hbase_exporter --help

Argument Introduced in Version Description Default
web.listen-address 1.2.0-cdh5.12.1 Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. :9115
web.telemetry-path 1.2.0-cdh5.12.1 Path under which to expose metrics. /metrics
hbase.master.uri 1.2.0-cdh5.12.1 HTTP jmx address of an HBase master node. http://localhost:60010/jmx
hbase.regionserver.uri 1.2.0-cdh5.12.1 HTTP jmx address of an HBase regionserver node. http://localhost:60030/jmx
hbase.master 1.2.0-cdh5.12.1 Is hbase master. false


Start in master:

./hbase_exporter --web.listen-address=":9003" --hbase.master.uri="http://localhost:60010/jmx" --hbase.master


Start in regionserver:

./hbase_exporter --web.listen-address=":9003" --hbase.regionserver.uri="http://localhost:60010/jmx"



Common jvm metrics, both hmaster and regionservers.

From(both hmaster and regionservers):

http://localhost:60030/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=HBase,name=JvmMetrics and http://localhost:60010/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=HBase,name=JvmMetrics


hbase_jvm_mem_non_head_used_m{host="localhost",role="master"} 1

hbase_jvm_mem_non_head_used_m{host="localhost",role="regionserver"} 1

Name Type Origin in jmx
hbase_jvm_mem_non_head_used_m gauge MemNonHeapUsedM
hbase_jvm_mem_heap_userd_m gauge MemHeapUsedM
hbase_jvm_heap_max_m gauge MemHeapMaxM
hbase_jvm_mem_max_m gauge MemMaxM
hbase_jvm_gc_time_millis gauge GcTimeMillis
hbase_jvm_gc_count gauge GcCount
hbase_jvm_thread_blocked gauge ThreadsBlocked


HMaster server metrics, only for hmaster.

From: http://localhost:60030/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=HBase,name=Master,sub=Server

Example: hbase_server_num_region_servers{host="localhost",role="master"}

Name Type Origin in jmx
hbase_server_num_region_servers gauge NumRegionServers
hbase_server_num_dead_region_servers gauge NumDeadRegionServers
hbase_server_is_active_master gauge IsActiveMaster
hbase_server_average_load gauge AverageLoad


Regionserver server metrics, only for regionserver.

From: http://localhost:60030/jmx?qry=qry=Hadoop:service=HBase,name=RegionServer,sub=Server

Example: hbase_server_mem_store_size{host="localhost",role="regionserver"} 1

Name Type Origin in jmx
hbase_server_mem_store_size gauge MemStoreSize
hbase_server_region_count gauge RegionCount
hbase_server_store_count gauge StoreCount
hbase_server_store_file_count gauge StoreFileCount
hbase_server_store_file_size gauge StoreFileSize
hbase_server_total_request_count gauge TotalRequestCount
hbase_server_split_queue_length gauge SplitQueueLength
hbase_server_compaction_queue_length gauge CompactionQueueLength
hbase_server_flush_queue_length gauge FlushQueueLength
hbase_server_block_count_hit_percent gauge BlockCountHitPercent
hbase_server_slow_append_count gauge SlowAppendCount
hbase_server_slow_delete_count gauge SlowDeleteCount
hbase_server_slow_get_count gauge SlowGetCount
hbase_server_slow_put_count gauge SlowPutCount
hbase_server_slow_increment_count gauge SlowIncrementCount

Regionserver region metrics, only for regionserver.

From: http://localhost:60030/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=HBase,name=RegionServer,sub=Regions

Example: hbase_region_store_count{host="localhost",hregion="4fcaf7b9d1fedc1b62c15cbb1c9a10dc",htable="t1",namespace="n1",role="regionserver"} 1

Name Type Origin in jmx
hbase_region_store_count gauge storeCount
hbase_region_store_file_count gauge storeFileCount
hbase_region_mem_store_size gauge memStoreSize
hbase_region_store_file_size gauge storeFileSize
hbase_region_compactions_completed_count gauge compactionsCompletedCount
hbase_region_read_request_count gauge readRequestCount
hbase_region_write_request_count gauge writeRequestCount
hbase_region_num_files_compacted_count gauge numFilesCompactedCount
hbase_region_num_bytes_compacted_count gauge numBytesCompactedCount
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