A Golang plugin collection for SublimeText 3, providing code completion and other IDE-like features.

GoSublime Backers on Open Collective Sponsors on Open Collective Build Status


GoSublime is an IDE-like plugin for Sublime Text 3 mainly, but not limited to, providing integration for most of your Go/Golang development tools.

See https://margo.sh/b/hello-margo/ for a brief introduction to margo, the engine behind GoSublime.

Installation & Support

See https://margo.sh/b/migrate/ for instructions on how to install GoSublime.

See SUPPORT.md for details about what level of support you can expect while using GoSublime.


  • code completion from Gocode (fork);
  • context aware snippets via the code-completion popup;
  • sublime build system(ctrl+b) integrating with GoSublime 9o command prompt with live command output;
  • lint/syntax check as you type or on save;
  • quickly jump to any linter error reported in any open file or package;
  • quickly fmt your source or automatically on save to conform with your coding standards;
  • easily create a new go file and run it without needing to save it first (9o replay);
  • share your snippets (anything in the loaded file) on play.golang.org;
  • list declarations in the current file or package;
  • automatically add/remove package imports;
  • quickly jump your import section(automatically goes to the last import) where you can easily edit the pkg alias and return to where you were before;
  • go to definition of a package function or constant, etc.;
  • create your own margo extensions in Go to e.g. add context-aware commands to the command palette.


Copyright, License & Contributors

margo and GoSublime are released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md

Thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].


GoSublime has received support from many kind individuals and as a thank you I've added most to THANKS.md file as a way of saying Thank You. Some donors donated anonymously and so are not listed, however. If you have donated and would like to add an entry to this file, feel free to open a pull request.


See https://margo.sh/funding/ for ways in which you can help support future development of margo and GoSublime.

Become a backer or a sponsor on OpenCollective


Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]


Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor]

  • Code completion not working

    Code completion not working

    I am using bf2ead85bfddd7e442ae89ec4b332ae22fb9dbfd on go1.11beta2 (but also go1.10.3).

    Code completion brings up a list of words, some of which are possibly relevant, but the vast majority are not. These are entirely unrelated to the package or import context.

    Here is the console output, though I don't see anything useful here.

    DPI scale (detected): 1
    startup, version: 3175 linux x64 channel: dev
    executable: /opt/sublime_text/sublime_text
    working dir: /
    packages path: /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages
    state path: /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Local
    zip path: /opt/sublime_text/Packages
    zip path: /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages
    ignored_packages: ["Vintage"]
    pre session restore time: 0.07466
    loading dictionary Packages/Language - English/en_US.dic
    startup time: 0.162235
    first paint time: 0.178941
    reloading plugin Default.arithmetic
    reloading plugin Default.auto_indent_tag
    reloading plugin Default.block
    reloading plugin Default.colors
    reloading plugin Default.comment
    reloading plugin Default.convert_color_scheme
    reloading plugin Default.convert_syntax
    reloading plugin Default.copy_path
    reloading plugin Default.delete_word
    reloading plugin Default.detect_indentation
    reloading plugin Default.duplicate_line
    reloading plugin Default.echo
    reloading plugin Default.exec
    reloading plugin Default.fold
    reloading plugin Default.font
    reloading plugin Default.goto_line
    reloading plugin Default.history_list
    reloading plugin Default.indentation
    reloading plugin Default.install_package_control
    reloading plugin Default.kill_ring
    reloading plugin Default.mark
    reloading plugin Default.new_templates
    reloading plugin Default.open_context_url
    reloading plugin Default.open_in_browser
    reloading plugin Default.pane
    reloading plugin Default.paragraph
    reloading plugin Default.paste_from_history
    reloading plugin Default.profile
    reloading plugin Default.quick_panel
    reloading plugin Default.rename
    reloading plugin Default.run_syntax_tests
    reloading plugin Default.save_on_focus_lost
    reloading plugin Default.scroll
    reloading plugin Default.set_unsaved_view_name
    reloading plugin Default.settings
    reloading plugin Default.show_scope_name
    reloading plugin Default.side_bar
    reloading plugin Default.sort
    reloading plugin Default.swap_line
    reloading plugin Default.switch_file
    reloading plugin Default.symbol
    reloading plugin Default.transform
    reloading plugin Default.transpose
    reloading plugin Default.trim_trailing_white_space
    reloading plugin Default.ui
    reloading plugin CSS.css_completions
    reloading plugin Diff.diff
    reloading plugin HTML.encode_html_entities
    reloading plugin HTML.html_completions
    reloading plugin ShellScript.ShellScript
    reloading plugin 0_package_control_loader.00-package_control
    reloading plugin 0_package_control_loader.01-ssl-linux
    Package Control: Linux SSL: successfully loaded _ssl module for libssl.so.1.0.0
    Package Control: Linux SSL: unloading http module so ssl will be available
    Package Control: Linux SSL: unloading urllib module so ssl will be available
    reloading plugin 0_package_control_loader.02-bz2
    reloading plugin FileDiffs.file_diffs
    reloading plugin Find++.DirectoryPanel
    reloading plugin Find++.FindPlusPlus
    reloading plugin Git.git_commands
    reloading plugin GoTests.GoTests
    reloading plugin GoToTest.GoToTest
    reloading plugin Package Control.1_reloader
    reloading plugin Package Control.2_bootstrap
    reloading plugin Package Control.Package Control
    reloading plugin VCS Gutter.gutter_handlers
    reloading plugin VCS Gutter.vcs_gutter
    reloading plugin VCS Gutter.vcs_gutter_change
    reloading plugin VCS Gutter.vcs_gutter_events
    reloading plugin VCS Gutter.vcs_helpers
    reloading plugin VCS Gutter.view_collection
    reloading plugin GoSublime._after
    reloading plugin GoSublime._before
    reloading plugin GoSublime.GoSublime
    reloading plugin GoSublime.gs9o
    reloading plugin GoSublime.gscommands
    reloading plugin GoSublime.gscomplete
    reloading plugin GoSublime.gsdoc
    reloading plugin GoSublime.gsev
    reloading plugin GoSublime.gslint
    reloading plugin GoSublime.gspalette
    reloading plugin GoSublime.gstest
    reloading plugin GoSublime.margo_sublime
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.01_reload_submodules
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.02_temp_file_cleanup
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.biblatex_crossref_completions
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.biblatex_field_name_completions
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.biblatex_name_completions
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.biblatex_snippet_completions
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.biblatex_syntax_listener
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.change_environment
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.create_mousemap
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.delete_temp_files
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.detect_spellcheck
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.getRegion
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.getTeXRoot
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.jumpto_anywhere
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.jumpto_tex_file
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.jumpToPDF
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.kpsewhich
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latex_cite_completions
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latex_cwl_completions
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latex_env_completions
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latex_fill_all
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latex_input_completions
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latex_installed_packages
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latex_own_command_completions
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latex_ref_completions
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latexCommand
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latexDocumentationViewer
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latexEnvCloser
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latexEnvironment
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latextools_default_settings
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.latextools_plugin
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.makePDF
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.migrate
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.parseTeXlog
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.texcount
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.texMacro
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.texSections
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.texSyntaxListener
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.toggle_auto
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.toggle_focus
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.toggle_fwdsync
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.toggle_show
    reloading plugin LaTeXTools.toggle_view_on_build
    reloading plugin PlainTasks.PlainTasks
    reloading plugin PlainTasks.PlainTasksDates
    reloading plugin PlainTasks.PlainTasksToHTML
    reloading plugin PlainTasks.plist_parser
    plugins loaded
    Loading LaTeXTools plugins...
    Loaded LaTeXTools plugins ['base_viewer'] from path /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/LaTeXTools/viewers/base_viewer.py
    Loaded LaTeXTools plugins ['zathura_viewer', 'evince_viewer', 'okular_viewer', 'sumatra_viewer', 'preview_viewer', 'command_viewer', 'skim_viewer'] from path /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/LaTeXTools/viewers
    Loaded LaTeXTools plugins [] from path /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User
    Loaded LaTeXTools plugins ['pdf_builder'] from path /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/LaTeXTools/builders/pdfBuilder.py
    Loaded LaTeXTools plugins ['traditional_builder', 'simple_builder', 'script_builder', 'basic_builder'] from path /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/LaTeXTools/builders
    Loaded LaTeXTools plugins [] from path /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User
    Loaded LaTeXTools plugins ['new_bibliography', 'traditional_bibliography'] from path /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/LaTeXTools/bibliography_plugins
    Loaded LaTeXTools plugins [] from path /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User
    GoSublime r18.05.19-1: _before.init()
    GoSublime r18.05.19-1: gs.init()
    GoSublime r18.05.19-1: sh.init()
    GoSublime r18.05.19-1 sh: using shell env GOPATH=/home/userredacted
    GoSublime r18.05.19-1 sh: using shell env GOROOT=/home/userredacted/go
    GoSublime r18.05.19-1 sh: using shell env PATH=/home/userredacted/bin:/home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/GoSublime/bin:/home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/GoSublime/bin:/home/userredacted/bin:/home/userredacted/src/perkeep.org/bin:/home/userredacted/go/bin:/home/userredacted/Development/android-studio/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/opt/go/bin
    GoSublime r18.05.19-1 sh: go version: `devel..c814ac4` (raw version string `devel +c814ac4 Thu Jul 19 21:30:27 2018 +0000`)
    GoSublime r18.05.19-1 sh: shell bootstrap took 0.067s
    GoSublime r18.05.19-1: margo.init()
    GoSublime r18.05.19-1: mg9.init()
    [22:18:03] margo: agent#007: starting
    GoSublime r18.05.19-1: _after.init()
    ** 2018-08-02 22:18:03.894940 **:
    GoSublime init r18.05.19-1 (0.002s)
    |   install margo: no
    |   install state: done
    | sublime.version: 3175
    | sublime.channel: dev
    |       about.ann: a18.07.17-1
    |   about.version: r18.05.19-1
    |         version: r18.05.19-1
    |        platform: linux-x64
    |            ~bin: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/GoSublime/linux-x64/bin
    |       margo.exe: ~bin/gosublime.margo_r18.05.19-1_devel..c814ac4.exe (ok)
    |          go.exe: ~/go/bin/go (ok)
    |      go.version: devel..c814ac4
    |          GOROOT: ~/go
    |          GOPATH: /home/userredacted
    |           GOBIN: (not set)
    |       set.shell: []
    |       env.shell: /bin/bash
    |       shell.cmd: ['/bin/bash', '-l', '-c', '${CMD}']
    |    sh.bootstrap: 
    |                > 	using shell env GOPATH=/home/userredacted
    |                > 	using shell env GOROOT=~/go
    |                > 	using shell env PATH=~/bin:~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/GoSublime/bin:~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/GoSublime/bin:~/bin:...yada yada....
    |                > 	go version: `devel..c814ac4` (raw version string `devel +c814ac4 Thu Jul 19 21:30:27 2018 +0000`)
    |                > 	shell bootstrap took 0.067s
    |                >
    [22:18:04] margo: agent#007: ['/home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/GoSublime/bin/margo.sh', 'start', 'margo.sublime', '-codec', 'msgpack']
    [22:18:04] margo: agent#007: log: ``` go install -v -tags=margo -i margo.sh/cmd/margo.sublime ```
    [22:18:04] margo: agent#007: log: ``` /home/userredacted/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/GoSublime/bin/margo.sublime -codec msgpack ```
    [22:18:04] margo: agent#007: log: store.go:137: started

    The values for GOPATH and GOROOT are correct.

  • MarGo & Gocode

    MarGo & Gocode

    An issue to track the dependency and integration of MarGo and Gocode in GS

    • Why the update prompt keeps appearing when you restart ST2: It's designed to remind you to update gocode and MarGo. Most of the GS functionality is being pushed into MarGo (think gofmt, lint, doc, package imports, etc.). If MarGo has a breaking change and you update GS it will very likely have broken functionality until you update. It only appears if the CHANGELOG version string is different. In the future, instructions to install via git directly, It behaves slightly odd currently if you install manually because your settings don't contain a changelog version. Just choose the option to update and it will handle the rest. If it still appears after that then something probably went wrong so please file a bug report, including any errors in the console (ctrl+` (baktick) or ctrl+' (single quote)) and we can try to get to the bottom of it.
  • autocomplete not working for local packages

    autocomplete not working for local packages

    I'm using ST3 on windows with the gosublime plugin. I'm developing an app engine application. Auto-complete works fine for packages from the standard library as well as from the app engine SDK. But it does not for local packages.

    I've gone through a couple of issues related to this topic but to no avail. Appreciate your help.

    Thanks, Keyur

  • Code completion for appengine packages

    Code completion for appengine packages

    I've read all previous issues but none of the solutions work for me. I'll try to be as precise as possible.

    • My projects are in ~/gocode
    • App Engine is in ~/src/go_appengine
    • $GOPATH set in .bash_profile is ~/gocode/:~/src/go_appengine/goroot/

    I've made the following changes to the GoSublime User Settings in Sublime Text 2:

            "shell": ["/bin/bash"],
            "env": {"GOPATH": "$HOME/gocode/:$HOME/src/go_appengine/goroot/"},
            "fmt_cmd": ["goimports"]

    Unfortunately, code completion does not work. If I invoke the documentation hints via Cmd-. + Cmd-h, I do get help hints even for appengine packages. E.g. if the cursor is anywhere within appengine.NewContext() and I press Cmd-. + Cmd-h I do get

    // appengine.NewContext func
    // NewContext returns a context for an in-flight HTTP request.
    // Repeated calls will return the same value.
    func NewContext(req *http.Request) Context {
        return appengine_internal.NewContext(req)

    Don't know whether this helps or means anything, but I'd love to get this resolved.

  • Fixes #114 - Integrate GoRename command

    Fixes #114 - Integrate GoRename command

    Refs #114

    I've added a GsGorename command that uses gorename for either currently selection or the expanded word under the cursor.

    The check for a dirty file has been left disabled, as I am not sure if it should be prevented or not. Also, I have not yet given it a key mapping since all the good ones are taken :-)

  • [Feature Request] Integrate bradfitz/goimports

    [Feature Request] Integrate bradfitz/goimports

    bradfitz/goimports is a replacement for gofmt that adds/removes standard library imports. I have been using it for a long time (from emacs) and it works great.

    Might you consider integrating that, or is there an easy way to accomplish that replacement for end-users?


  • Infinite loop of reinstalling standard library packages

    Infinite loop of reinstalling standard library packages

    I noticed my laptop getting warm this evening whilst writing some go code.

    htop shows gosublime.margo_r14.12.06-1_go?.exe repeatedly running go install on all of the packages I've imported in my program! It's generating a system load greater than 1 and making my fan spin all evening.

    It seems like an infinite loop of go install bufio, go install io, go install ....

    Is there a quick fix to stop this? I rely on gosublime!

  • MarGo: Can't find the MarGo binary at `C:\Users\...

    MarGo: Can't find the MarGo binary at `C:\Users\...

    MarGo: Cannot start MarGo: Can't find the MarGo binary at C:\Users\Wing7\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\GoSublime\windows-x64\bin\gosublime.margo_r13.06.22-1_go1.1.1.exe

    I can't find the exe in such folder, what should i do? the GoSublime init info has below:

    GoSublime init r13.06.22-1 (0.583s) | install margo: ok 0.570s | install state: done | sublime.version: 2217 | sublime.channel: stable | about.ann: a13.06.22-1 | about.version: r13.06.22-1 | version: r13.06.22-1 | platform: windows-x64 | ~bin: ~\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\GoSublime\windows-x64\bin | margo.exe: ~bin\gosublime.margo_r13.06.22-1_go1.1.1.exe (missing) | go.exe: E:\Go\bin\go.exe (ok) | go.version: go1.1.1 | GOROOT: E:\Go
    | GOPATH: D:\Work\go\src\github.com\wingao | GOBIN: E:\Go\bin (should usually be (not set)) | set.shell: [] | env.shell: | shell.cmd: ['C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe', '/C', '${CMD}']

  • goimports doesn't run automatically on save

    goimports doesn't run automatically on save

    Hi, I'm having trouble running goimports automatically when I save a file on Sublime Text 3. It doesn't auto format (gofmt) or do any goimports tasks.

    Hi, I've installed correctly GoSublime + goimports

    which goimports

    I've also set correctly my GOPATH and PATH :

    echo $GOPATH

    I've set my GoSublime custom config like that :

      "env": {
        "GOPATH": "/Users/fabrice/workspace/Go"
      "fmt_cmd": ["goimports"]

    Any advice?

  • GoSublime on saves not occurring - Margo Panic

    GoSublime on saves not occurring - Margo Panic

    None of the GoSublime onsave functionality appears to be working for me. Please find the GoSublime Sanity Check results attached:


  • MarGo installation fails for snap packaged go 1.10

    MarGo installation fails for snap packaged go 1.10

    [23:41:29] margo: agent#007: log: run["go" "install" "-v" "-tags=margo" "-i" "disposa.blue/margo/cmd/margo.sublime"]
    [23:41:29] margo: agent#007: log: go install runtime/cgo: open /snap/go/2130/pkg/linux_amd64/runtime/cgo.a: read-only file system
    [23:41:29] margo: agent#007: log: cannot install margo.sublime: exit status 1

    The reason seems to be that the -i flag is included in the go install command which causes a reinstallation of cgo because it's seen as stale. See this comment for more info: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/24674#issuecomment-379919460

    Is there any particular reason that you explicitly add the -i flag for go 1.10 here? This suggests the opposite:

    The go build command now maintains a cache of recently built packages, separate from the installed packages in $GOROOT/pkg or $GOPATH/pkg. The effect of the cache should be to speed builds that do not explicitly install packages or when switching between different copies of source code (for example, when changing back and forth between different branches in a version control system). The old advice to add the -i flag for speed, as in go build -i or go test -i, is no longer necessary: builds run just as fast without -i. For more details, see go help cache.

  • motd: cannot parse server tag: EOF

    motd: cannot parse server tag: EOF

    It happened in Sublime text 3.2.2 full log

    ** 2021-09-05 17:40:13.815383 **:
    GoSublime init r20.06.14-1 (0.003s)
    |   install margo: no
    |   install state: done
    | sublime.version: 3211
    | sublime.channel: stable
    |       about.ann: a20.06.14-1
    |   about.version: r20.06.14-1
    |         version: r20.06.14-1
    |        platform: linux-x64
    |            ~bin: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/GoSublime/linux-x64/bin
    |       margo.exe: ~bin/gosublime.margo_r20.06.14-1_go1.16.5.exe (ok)
    |          go.exe: /usr/local/go/bin/go (ok)
    |      go.version: go1.16.5
    |          GOROOT: /usr/local/go
    |          GOPATH: ~/go
    |           GOBIN: (not set)
    |       set.shell: []
    |       env.shell: /bin/bash
    |       shell.cmd: ['/bin/bash', '-l', '-c', '${CMD}']
    |    sh.bootstrap: 
    |                > 	GOPATH is not set... setting it to the default: ~/go
    |                > 	using shell env GOPATH=~/go
    |                > 	using shell env GOROOT=/usr/local/go
    |                > 	using shell env PATH=~/.serverless/bin:~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/GoSublime/bin:~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/GoSublime/bin:~/go/bin:~/.serverless/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/lib/node-v6.10.1/bin:~/bin:/usr/local/opt/go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:~/go/bin:/usr/lib/node-v6.10.1/bin
    |                > 	go version: `go1.16.5` (raw version string `go1.16.5`)
    |                > 	shell bootstrap took 31.808s
    |                >
      margo: agent#007: ['go', 'install', '-v', '-x', 'margo.sh']:
    [17:40:23] margo: agent#007: ['/home/rpchen1228/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/GoSublime/bin/margo.sh', 'start', 'margo.sublime', '-codec', 'msgpack']
    [17:40:24] margo: agent#007: log: Using margo extension: /home/rpchen1228/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/GoSublime/src/margo
    [17:40:24] margo: agent#007: log: ``` go install -v -tags="margo margo_extension" margo.sh/cmd/margo.sublime ```
    [17:40:27] margo: agent#007: log: ``` /home/rpchen1228/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/GoSublime/bin/margo.sublime -codec msgpack ```
    [17:40:28] margo: agent#007: log: oom_nix.go:25: SetMemoryLimit: limit=2048MiB, RLIMIT_DATA={Cur: 2048MiB, Max:17592186044415MiB}
    [17:40:28] margo: agent#007: log: store.go:137: started
    [17:40:28] margo: agent#007: log: motd.go:207: motd: cannot parse server tag: EOF
  • State of this project and future plans

    State of this project and future plans

    Hi! I love this project but was wondering about the current status of development because it seems inactive.

    If it is, are there plans to get new maintainers onboard?

  • Unable to find package margo

    Unable to find package margo

    Hi guys,

    Hope you are all well !!!

    [13:13:33] margo: agent#007: ['/Users/x0rzkov/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/GoSublime/bin/margo.sh', 'start', 'margo.sublime', '-codec', 'msgpack']
    [13:13:33] margo: agent#007: log: ``` go install -v -tags=margo margo.sh/cmd/margo.sublime ```
    [13:13:40] margo: agent#007: log: press ` super+. `,` super+x ` to configure margo or check console for errors
    [13:13:40] margo: agent#007: log: *Not* using margo extension: Error: cannot find package "margo" in any of:
    [13:13:40] margo: agent#007: log: 	/usr/local/go/src/margo (from $GOROOT)
    [13:13:40] margo: agent#007: log: 	/Users/x0rzkov/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/GoSublime/src/margo (from $GOPATH)
    [13:13:40] margo: agent#007: stopping

    I have margo.sh in /Users/x0rzkov/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/GoSublime/src/

    How to sort it out ? thanks

    Cheers, X

  • Unable to install GoSublime

    Unable to install GoSublime

    After fetching repo from git with git clone https://margo.sh/GoSublime to Packages directory of Sublime Text 3 installation, I restart SublimeText and nothing happens. Nothing on the status bar, ctrl+., ctrl+x does nothing Where to look?

  • Errors you may encounter when upgrading the library

    Errors you may encounter when upgrading the library

    (The purpose of this report is to alert DisposaBoy/GoSublime to the possible problems when DisposaBoy/GoSublime try to upgrade the following dependencies)

    An error will happen when upgrading library urfave/cli:


    -Latest Version: v2.2.0 (Latest commit d648edd on 6 Mar) Master branch -Where did you use it: https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime/search?l=Go&q=github.com%2Furfave%2Fcli -Detail:


    module github.com/urfave/cli/v2
    go 1.11
    require (
    	github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1
    	github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man/v2 v2.0.0-20190314233015-f79a8a8ca69d
    	gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2


    package cli
    import (

    This problem was introduced since urfave/cli v1.22.1(Latest commit 534d60b on 10 Sep 2019) . Now you used version v1.22.0. If you try to upgrade urfave/cli to version v1.22.1 and above, you will get an error--- no package exists at "github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man/v2/md2man"

    I investigated the libraries (urfave/cli >= v1.22.1) release information and found the root cause of this issue is that----

    1. These dependencies all added Go modules in the recent versions.

    2. They all comply with the specification of "Releasing Modules for v2 or higher" available in the Modules documentation. Quoting the specification:

    A package that has migrated to Go Modules must include the major version in the import path to reference any v2+ modules. For example, Repo github.com/my/module migrated to Modules on version v3.x.y. Then this repo should declare its module path with MAJOR version suffix "/v3" (e.g., module github.com/my/module/v3), and its downstream project should use "github.com/my/module/v3/mypkg" to import this repo’s package.

    1. This "github.com/my/module/v3/mypkg" is not the physical path. So earlier versions of Go (including those that don't have minimal module awareness) plus all tooling (like dep, glide, govendor, etc) don't have minimal module awareness as of now and therefore don't handle import paths correctly See golang/dep#1962, golang/dep#2139.

    Note: creating a new branch is not required. If instead you have been previously releasing on master and would prefer to tag v3.0.0 on master, that is a viable option. (However, be aware that introducing an incompatible API change in master can cause issues for non-modules users who issue a go get -u given the go tool is not aware of semver prior to Go 1.11 or when module mode is not enabled in Go 1.11+). Pre-existing dependency management solutions such as dep currently can have problems consuming a v2+ module created in this way. See for example dep#1962. https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules#releasing-modules-v2-or-higher


    1. Migrate to Go Modules.

    Go Modules is the general trend of ecosystem, if you want a better upgrade package experience, migrating to Go Modules is a good choice.

    Migrate to modules will be accompanied by the introduction of virtual paths(It was discussed above).

    This "github.com/my/module/v3/mypkg" is not the physical path. So Go versions older than 1.9.7 and 1.10.3 plus all third-party dependency management tools (like dep, glide, govendor, etc) don't have minimal module awareness as of now and therefore don't handle import paths correctly.

    Then the downstream projects might be negatively affected in their building if they are module-unaware (Go versions older than 1.9.7 and 1.10.3; Or use third-party dependency management tools, such as: Dep, glide, govendor…).

    2. Maintaining v2+ libraries that use Go Modules in Vendor directories.

    If DisposaBoy/GoSublime want to keep using the dependency manage tools (like dep, glide, govendor, etc), and still want to upgrade the dependencies, can choose this fix strategy. Manually download the dependencies into the vendor directory and do compatibility dispose(materialize the virtual path or delete the virtual part of the path). Avoid fetching the dependencies by virtual import paths. This may add some maintenance overhead compared to using modules.

    As the import paths have different meanings between the projects adopting module repos and the non-module repos, materialize the virtual path is a better way to solve the issue, while ensuring compatibility with downstream module users. A textbook example provided by repo github.com/moby/moby is here: https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/VENDORING.md https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/vendor.conf In the vendor directory, github.com/moby/moby adds the /vN subdirectory in the corresponding dependencies. This will help more downstream module users to work well with your package.

    3. Request upstream to do compatibility processing.

    The urfave/cli have 1694 module-unaware users in github, such as: alena1108/cluster-controller, nathan-jenan-rancher/example-kontainer-engine-driver, containerd/containerd… https://github.com/search?q=urfave%2Fcli+filename%3Avendor.conf+filename%3Avendor.json+filename%3Aglide.toml+filename%3AGodep.toml+filename%3AGodep.json


    You can make a choice when you meet this DM issues by balancing your own development schedules/mode against the affects on the downstream projects.

    For this issue, Solution 1 can maximize your benefits and with minimal impacts to your downstream projects the ecosystem.


    • https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules#semantic-import-versioning
    • https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Module_compatibility_and_semantic_versioning
    • https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules#releasing-modules-v2-or-higher

    Do you plan to upgrade the libraries in near future? Hope this issue report can help you ^_^ Thank you very much for your attention.

    Best regards, Kate

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