An open source smart contract platform

EOSIO - The Most Powerful Infrastructure for Decentralized Applications

Build status

Welcome to the EOSIO source code repository! This software enables businesses to rapidly build and deploy high-performance and high-security blockchain-based applications.

Some of the groundbreaking features of EOSIO include:

  1. Free Rate Limited Transactions
  2. Low Latency Block confirmation (0.5 seconds)
  3. Low-overhead Byzantine Fault Tolerant Finality
  4. Designed for optional high-overhead, low-latency BFT finality
  5. Smart contract platform powered by WebAssembly
  6. Designed for Sparse Header Light Client Validation
  7. Scheduled Recurring Transactions
  8. Time Delay Security
  9. Hierarchical Role Based Permissions
  10. Support for Biometric Hardware Secured Keys (e.g. Apple Secure Enclave)
  11. Designed for Parallel Execution of Context Free Validation Logic
  12. Designed for Inter Blockchain Communication

Disclaimer is neither launching nor operating any initial public blockchains based upon the EOSIO software. This release refers only to version 1.0 of our open source software. We caution those who wish to use blockchains built on EOSIO to carefully vet the companies and organizations launching blockchains based on EOSIO before disclosing any private keys to their derivative software.

Official Testnet

Supported Operating Systems

EOSIO currently supports the following operating systems:

  1. Amazon Linux 2
  2. CentOS 7
  3. CentOS 7.x
  4. CentOS 8
  5. Ubuntu 16.04
  6. Ubuntu 18.04
  7. Ubuntu 20.04
  8. MacOS 10.14 (Mojave)
  9. MacOS 10.15 (Catalina)

Note: It may be possible to install EOSIO on other Unix-based operating systems. This is not officially supported, though.

Software Installation

If you are new to EOSIO, it is recommended that you install the EOSIO Prebuilt Binaries, then proceed to the Getting Started Guide. If you are an advanced developer, a block producer, or no binaries are available for your platform, you may need to Build EOSIO from source.

Note: If you used our scripts to build/install EOSIO, please run the Uninstall Script before using our prebuilt binary packages.

Prebuilt Binaries

Prebuilt EOSIO software packages are available for the operating systems below. Find and follow the instructions for your OS:

Mac OS X:

Mac OS X Brew Install

brew tap eosio/eosio
brew install eosio

Note: On MacOS 10.15 (Catalina), there is a chance to face the linking error below which prevents successful installation of EOSIO:

Reinstalling 1 broken dependent from source:

The following Homebrew commands will resolve this issue:

brew link eosio

Mac OS X Brew Uninstall

brew remove eosio

Ubuntu Linux:

Ubuntu 20.04 Package Install

sudo apt install ./eosio_2.1.0-1-ubuntu-20.04_amd64.deb

Ubuntu 18.04 Package Install

sudo apt install ./eosio_2.1.0-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb

Ubuntu 16.04 Package Install

sudo apt install ./eosio_2.1.0-1-ubuntu-16.04_amd64.deb

Ubuntu Package Uninstall

sudo apt remove eosio

RPM-based (CentOS, Amazon Linux, etc.):

RPM Package Install CentOS 7

sudo yum install ./eosio-2.1.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

RPM Package Install CentOS 8

sudo yum install ./eosio-2.1.0-1.el8.x86_64.rpm

RPM Package Uninstall

sudo yum remove eosio

Uninstall Script

To uninstall the EOSIO built/installed binaries and dependencies, run:



  1. Nodeos
  2. Cleos
  3. Keosd


  1. Website
  2. Blog
  3. Developer Portal
  4. StackExchange for Q&A
  5. Community Telegram Group
  6. Developer Telegram Group
  7. White Paper
  8. Roadmap

Getting Started

Instructions detailing the process of getting the software, building it, running a simple test network that produces blocks, account creation and uploading a sample contract to the blockchain can be found in the Getting Started Guide.


Contributing Guide

Code of Conduct


EOSIO is released under the open source MIT license and is offered “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Any security provided by the EOSIO software depends in part on how it is used, configured, and deployed. EOSIO is built upon many third-party libraries such as WABT (Apache License) and WAVM (BSD 3-clause) which are also provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, makes no representation or guarantee that EOSIO or any third-party libraries will perform as intended or will be free of errors, bugs or faulty code. Both may fail in large or small ways that could completely or partially limit functionality or compromise computer systems. If you use or implement EOSIO, you do so at your own risk. In no event will be liable to any party for any damages whatsoever, even if it had been advised of the possibility of damage.


See LICENSE for copyright and license terms.

All repositories and other materials are provided subject to the terms of this IMPORTANT notice and you must familiarize yourself with its terms. The notice contains important information, limitations and restrictions relating to our software, publications, trademarks, third-party resources, and forward-looking statements. By accessing any of our repositories and other materials, you accept and agree to the terms of the notice.

EOSIO is a next-generation, open-source blockchain protocol with industry-leading transaction speed and flexible utility.
  • 1.5.0-rc1 with state_history_plugin gets stuck on kylin network

    1.5.0-rc1 with state_history_plugin gets stuck on kylin network

    So I replay the kylin blocks from scratch using config:

    /opt/eosio/bin/nodeos --hard-replay --replay-blockchain --disable-replay-opts plugin = eosio::state_history_plugin state-history-dir = "state-history" trace-history = true chain-state-history = true state-history-endpoint = [and a few other options that have been there for a long time]

    sometime after block 19406900 (not sure exact number), the software goes an infinite loop:

    Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: warn 2018-11-22T15:37:56.654 thread-0 controller.cpp:244 emit ] 3110000 plugin_exception: Plugin exception Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: missing trace for transaction 6139bd32da0c523116efcbb2e8536787f68e2b9da364e40792598ea7e64f5815 Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: {"id":"6139bd32da0c523116efcbb2e8536787f68e2b9da364e40792598ea7e64f5815"} Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: thread-0 state_history_plugin.cpp:385 store_traces Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: warn 2018-11-22T15:37:56.659 thread-0 controller.cpp:244 emit ] 3110000 plugin_exception: Plugin exception Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: missed a block in trace_history.log Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: {"name":"trace_history"} Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: thread-0 state_history_log.hpp:84 write_entry Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: warn 2018-11-22T15:37:56.661 thread-0 controller.cpp:244 emit ] 3110000 plugin_exception: Plugin exception Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: missed a block in trace_history.log Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: {"name":"trace_history"} Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: thread-0 state_history_log.hpp:84 write_entry Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: warn 2018-11-22T15:37:56.662 thread-0 controller.cpp:244 emit ] 3110000 plugin_exception: Plugin exception Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: missed a block in trace_history.log Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: {"name":"trace_history"} Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: thread-0 state_history_log.hpp:84 write_entry Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: warn 2018-11-22T15:37:56.669 thread-0 controller.cpp:244 emit ] 3110000 plugin_exception: Plugin exception Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: missed a block in trace_history.log Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: {"name":"trace_history"} Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: thread-0 state_history_log.hpp:84 write_entry Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: warn 2018-11-22T15:37:56.670 thread-0 controller.cpp:244 emit ] 3110000 plugin_exception: Plugin exception Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: missed a block in trace_history.log Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: {"name":"trace_history"} Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: thread-0 state_history_log.hpp:84 write_entry Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: warn 2018-11-22T15:37:56.678 thread-0 controller.cpp:244 emit ] 3110000 plugin_exception: Plugin exception Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: missed a block in trace_history.log Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: {"name":"trace_history"} Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: thread-0 state_history_log.hpp:84 write_entry Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: warn 2018-11-22T15:37:56.681 thread-0 controller.cpp:244 emit ] 3110000 plugin_exception: Plugin exception Nov 22 15:37:56 peer1 nodeos[28294]: missed a block in trace_history.log etc...

  • RAM costs for new accounts (i.e. incremental costs for dApp user acquisitions) are too high

    RAM costs for new accounts (i.e. incremental costs for dApp user acquisitions) are too high

    If one of the goals of EOS is to be able to very large platforms (e.g. social network), then how can 4kb * 0.015 EOS RAM cost per account be within the desirable tolerances?

    0.5-1.0 USD per account simply can't work if your target is to create tens or hundreds of million user accounts for your dApp!

    Am I missing something, e.g. is there any way for a dApp creator to somehow reclaim RAM costs for dormant or inactive user accounts that it has created?

  • Gh#3030 enable mongodb

    Gh#3030 enable mongodb

    Resolves #3030

    The mongo db plugin has been updated to work with 1.1 release.

    It is recommended that a large --abi-serializer-max-time-ms value be passed into the nodeos running the mongo_db_plugin as the default abi serializer time limit may not be large enough to serialize large blocks.

    It will create the following collections:

    • accounts - created on accepted transaction -- Currently limited to just name and ABI if contract on account

    • actions - created on accepted transaction -- action_num - the # of the action in its transaction -- trx_id -- account -- name -- authorization --- actor --- permission -- data -- hex_data

    • block_states - created on accepted block -- block_num -- block_id -- block_header_state -- validated -- in_current_chain

    • blocks - created on accepted block -- block_num -- block_id -- irreversible - updated to true on irreversible block -- block

    • transaction_traces - created on applied transaction -- transaction_trace

    • transactions - created on accepted transaction -- trx_id -- irreversible - updated to true on irreversible block -- transaction_header -- signing_keys -- actions -- context_free_actions -- transaction_extensions -- signatures -- context_free_data

  • Quality Name Distribution & Namespaces

    Quality Name Distribution & Namespaces

    Currently EOSIO prohibits the creation of new account names that are less than 12 characters long and/or contain a ".". The purpose of this restriction is to discourage name squatting. That said, it is desirable to enable shorter names for usability and because they are a marketable commodity.

    It is also desirable for organizations to have the ability to create a "trusted" namespace where everyone can trust an account suffix like ".edu" or ".com". Shorter suffix enable longer names pre-suffix and therefore have a larger namespace and are more valuable.

    The most economically efficient and fair method to allocate shorter names and/or namespaces is to sell the names at market price. To get the most value for the premium names they should not be sold all at once, but over time.


    1. Only account name "com" can register new accounts
    2. At most one new "premium name" (those that don't contain a ".") will be sold per day and it will be the name with the highest bid.

    Bidding on Names

    bidname( account_name bidder, account_name desired, asset bid )

    If 'bid' is greater than the highest bidder then bidder becomes the pending winner of the desired name. Each bid must be 10% higher than any existing bid. The existing bidder will receive a refund of their bid when they are outbid. This encourages parties to bid high enough that they don't get outbid in the first place and discourages parties from going back-and-forth fighting for the name. It also discourages "squatting" on names hoping no one comes along to outbid them.

    Every 24 hours the name with the highest bid is closed. Once closed the "winner" can use the newaccount action to register the account. At this point the memory allocated for the bid is released back to the bidder.

    Easy options for masses

    The vast majority of users will not want to participate in the daily name auctions because it is a slow and highly competitive process. Instead name-registrars will bid on the good names and then create accounts for their users as "sub-names". Large DAPPs will probably want to reserve their own branded namespace and set their own policy on premium names.


    Once account has been created by .com it cannot be deleted and the owner of can potentially transfer control over that account to anyone. If companies wish to retain control over all accounts with ".com" in the suffix then they will need to set the "owner" permission accordingly.

    Auction Proceeds

    The proceeds from the auction are placed into the system savings account along with other unallocated inflation and RAM trading fees.


    1. All names can be bid on at any time, but only the name with the highest bid closes each day. Order of names being sold will be "most valuable first".

    2. Future worker proposals could allocate the proceeds from the name sales.

    3. 12 character limit applies to the full name including the ".suffix"

  • State history plugin

    State history plugin

    Change Description

    The state history plugin gives external processes a way to track chain state (tables), transaction history, and blocks. External processes could store this data into a database (e.g. ), transform the data to meet app needs (e.g. a action handler), or index the data and provide an end-user api (e.g. a /v1/history replacement).

    The plugin stores:

    • Chain DB table changes (per block) (enable with --chain-state-history)
    • Transaction traces (per block) (enable with --trace-history)

    The plugin allows clients to fetch via block index:

    • Blocks from the block log
    • Chain DB table changes (per block) (enable with --chain-state-history)
    • Transaction traces (per block) (enable with --trace-history)

    The plugin stores its data in files which can move between machines. BPs could provide these files along with snapshots, reducing the need for new nodes to replay.

    The plugin provides a streaming websocket interface. To reduce the load on nodeos, the interface uses a serialized binary format instead of JSON and the plugin does minimal processing to handle requests. However, since this interface provides a high data volume and has no abuse mitigations, we don't recommend publicly exposing its port.

  • Unable to connect to HTTP/RPC API

    Unable to connect to HTTP/RPC API

    Hello Team,

    I am trying to connect to HTTP/RPC API and do basic queries like get accounts, get balance in my UI and I am always getting a 404 error.

    Here is the error:

    {"code":404,"message":"Not Found","error":{"code":0,"name":"exception","what":"unspecified","details":[{"message":"Unknown Endpoint","file":"http_plugin.cpp","line_number":203,"method":"handle_http_request"}]}}

    I have configured nodeos to work on port 8888 and cleos on 8889 and I have followed multiple resources to get it right but I cannot do so.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    I have attached the config files of nodeos and cleos.


  • Fix DPOS Loss of Consensus due to conflicting Last Irreversible Block

    Fix DPOS Loss of Consensus due to conflicting Last Irreversible Block

    This paper describes an improvement on the DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake) algorithm that makes stronger guarantees that a network of nodes following the DPOS 3.0 protocol will not fall out of consensus. We define falling out of consensus as two nodes concluding that two different blocks are irreversible.


    Proof of work blockchains, such as Bitcoin, define consensus using the “longest-chain” rule. Using this rule no block is ever considered irreversible confirmed. At any time someone could produce a longer chain built off of an older block and the node would switch. From this we can conclude that Bitcoin only offers a high-probability of irreversibility based upon the economic cost of attempting to change forks.

    BitShares introduced Delegated Proof of Stake. Under this algorithm stakeholders elect block producers. Block producers are pseudo-randomly shuffled and assigned absolute time slots during which they may either producer a block or not. The blockchain with the most producers building on it will grow in length faster than a blockchain with fewer producers. Given two chains growing at different speeds, the faster one will eventually become the longest chain. Therefore, the original Delegated Proof of Stake algorithm offers similar guarantees to Bitcoin, namely that as blocks are added to a chain it is increasingly unlikely for another chain to be produced that reverses reverses a block.

    The nature of the DPOS scheduling algorithm communicates a lot of information to an observer. For example, an observer can detect that they are likely on a minority chain based upon the frequency of missed blocks. With 21 producers a node can accurately detect they may be on a minority fork after just 2 consecutive missed blocks (6 seconds). This allows users to be warned when the network is unstable and to wait longer for confirmation. Likewise, if no producers have missed a block in 21 blocks that follow your transaction you can assume with certainty that your block will not be reversed. Rare loss of Consensus (DPOS 2.0)

    In DPOS 2.0 we introduced the concept of the last irreversible block. This is the most recent block which 2/3+1 of block producers have built off of. The theory is that if 2/3+1 of producers have built on a chain that confirmed a block then it is likely impossible for there to be any other fork.

    That said, enterprising folks have constructed contrived scenarios where a network split divides the network into two chains. Normally this would simply cause one or both chains to halt the advancement of the last irreversible block until one or the other is reconnected with 2/3+1 of the producers. In this normal behavior everything is fine and all nodes will converge on the one-true-chain once connectivity is returned. That said, there is a race condition whereby two-subsets simultaneously switch forks resulting in both forks reaching 2/3+1 on a different block. When this happens nodes on the two sides of a fork are unable to synchronize because neither will unwind beyond the last irreversible block. Manual intervention is required.

    Under this situation one or both forks will cease advancing irreversibility depending upon which whether either of the forks managed to end up with 2/3+1 of producers. The minority chain may still grow at 1/2 the speed but nodes waiting for irreversibility would no longer accept any transactions on the minority chain as finalized.

    This failure mode produces a single-block which some services may experience loss if it was reversed. By our estimates, the probability of this happening is much less than the probability of a Bitcoin block with 6 confirmations being reversed. This bears out in real-world testing of both BitShares and Steem which have operated for over 3 years without this situation being observed.

    DPOS 3.0 + BFT

    With EOSIO we are introducing inter-blockchain communication (IBC) which allows one chain to efficiently prove to another chain that a transaction is final. Finality is critical for IBC because once one blockchain accepts a message from another it is not easy nor desirable to reverse both chains to correct the mistake.

    Imagine for a moment that a blockchain was attempting to accept a Bitcoin deposit. A user submits all bitcoin blockheaders plus 6 block headers built on top of the block he references. Based upon this proof the blockchain takes irreversible actions. Now imagine that the Bitcoin forks and undoes those 6 blocks? It is not possible for this blockchain to reverse and reject the previously accepted Bitcoin transaction. Such an incident would require manual intervention and/or a hardfork. Such a hardfork/intervention would ripple through all chains that are connected. This is not a viable option.

    To enable secure and reliable IBC under all non-byzantine situations DPOS 3.0 + BFT introduces a small change to how the Last Irreversible Block (LIB) is calculated. With this change we can prove that it is impossible for two nodes to come to different conclusions regarding the LIB without at least 1/3 of the block producing nodes being intentionally malicious. Furthermore, we can prove malicious behavior of even a single node.

    The core idea behind DPOS is that each produced-block is a vote for all prior blocks. With this model once 2/3+ producers have built upon a particular block it has 2/3+ votes. This sounds good in theory except that it is possible for non-byzantine block producers to produce blocks on different forks at different times. When they produce these blocks they end up casting indirect conflicting votes for the block numbers that appear on each chain.

    Suppose a network with producers A, B, and C has an issue that causes two block producers to lose communication for a short period of time such that producer A produces block N at time T and producer B produces block N at time T+1. Now suppose producer C breaks the tie by building block N+1 at time T+2 on top of B’s block N with time T+1. After this happens and A learns of C’s block N+1, A will switch to the longer fork. Next time A produces a block he will indirectly confirm B’s block N which conflicts with A’s previously produced block N.

    Under the DPOS 2.0 rules, A’s block N would have votes from A, B, and C and therefore become irreversible due to (2/3+1) confirmation. Under DPOS 3.0 we require A to disclose that he previously confirmed an alternative block N. Due to this disclosure the network will not count A’s block as having voted for B’s block N. This leaves B’s block N with only 2 votes which is not enough to achieve irreversibility.

    Under DPOS 3.0 B’s block N will never achieve direct irreversibility because it requires votes from A, B, and C to have 2/3+1 and A cast a vote on an alternative block N. Instead, block N+1 will become irreversible once A producers N+2 and B produces N+3. This would give block N+1 the 3 votes necessary to reach 2/3+1. Once C’s block N+1 is irreversible, B’s block N is deemed irreversible as well.

    To implement this algorithm each block producer includes the highest block number (H) they have previously confirmed on any fork in the block header. When block N is applied only blocks in the range [H+1, N] receive votes toward irreversibility.

    Any producer who signs a block with an overlapping range is deemed byzantine and will generate cryptographic proof of misbehavior.

    With this information we can now generate a simple proof that for any given block height to achieve 2/3+1 votes for two different blocks at the same height that at least 1/3 of the producers must sign conflicting ranges. This would happen if there was an honest network split where two good groups of size 1/3 create two alternatives and a bad group with 1/3 signs on both forks. In practice, a network with good connectivity requires 2/3+1 to be malicious to create two different blocks deemed irreversible.

    Under this these rules there are now two ways for producers to sign byzantine statements:

    1. Sign two blocks with the same block number directly or indirectly
    2. Sign two blocks with the same block time Honest nodes running the default software will never do these things. Therefore, it is possible to trivially punish all bad actors even for failed attempts.


    The solution to this problem was discovered collaboratively by Bart, Arhag, and myself along with some other members of the B1 team.

  • nodeos service result in dirty db

    nodeos service result in dirty db

    We have been struggling with nodeos since the beginning, we can't find any way to have a systemd service or even a bash script that would automate or at least start and stop nodeos automatically.

    Most of the time when nodeos is stopped to be updated or simply in an attempt to make a backup it stops responding and the next time it is started we allways get a dirty db, we always worked around this by copying or replying or even syncing the whole chain, but now we are nearing 18M blocks and it takes days to resync.

    Today I was planning on updating all nodes to v1.3.0 and I have already screwed up 4 nodes, and I am afraid to update the rest!

    systemd config:

    Description=EOS daemon
  • Error 3090003: provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations

    Error 3090003: provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations

    Hi all, I just updated the last version, and got this issues when i tried to create an account as below. Anyone have this issues?

    $ cleos create account eosio eosio.token EOS7m4Q5HRiLPK8a1q3pX1DMLd8VehTdRfuabv9f3FoX6wG51bAjU
    Error 3090003: provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations
    Ensure that you have the related private keys inside your wallet and your wallet is unlocked.

    The wallet already imported a private key and unlocked.

    $ cleos wallet keys
    $ cleos wallet unlock --password PW5Jw5iTrqs8u1eMDY7EzU7ujkrmDQmxc6yKg1W67TtxaAn5cz21S
    Unlocked: default
  • Unlinkable block

    Unlinkable block

    2018-08-22T04:25:32.647 thread-0   producer_plugin.cpp:309       on_incoming_block    ] 3030001 unlinkable_block_exception: Unlinkable block
    unlinkable block
        thread-0  fork_database.cpp:151 add
        thread-0  controller.cpp:1036 push_block

    running more than 10 days, but yesterday occur this error and sync stop

  • how to get an account name?

    how to get an account name?

    I've got a node setup and I'm trying to use the get_account endpoint to fetch balances (not my own) but I can't seem to find account names. Wallet names are visible on the blockchain but not account names? If account names are not available publicly and I should be using a different endpoint, which one should I be using?

    Thank you

  • trying to create account with custom system account

    trying to create account with custom system account

    Hi im trying to do this:

    //create a new wallet 1)cleos wallet create -n claudia -f claudia_wallet_password.pwd

    //create new keys 2)cleos create key --file claudia.txt

    //save those keys Private key: 5JPWCTptoxdrhX3WTLxsQgeKH1EDFSyRKWjaijwQj5ohDUefpdT Public key: EOS5VT8EjARN2SvNNUSwdCo9y25BTpajk3ByRWZRt7wn3gXoBjTL2

    //import keys to wallet 3)cleos wallet import --name claudia --private key 5JPWCTptoxdrhX3WTLxsQgeKH1EDFSyRKWjaijwQj5ohDUefpdT

    // create an account 4)cleos create account claudia cesar EOS5VT8EjARN2SvNNUSwdCo9y25BTpajk3ByRWZRt7wn3gXoBjTL2

    but I have a problem while creating the account: image

    I don't know exactly what can be the issue.

    Thanks for the help!

  • Support for MacBook Pro with chip Apple M1 Pro running macOS Monterey

    Support for MacBook Pro with chip Apple M1 Pro running macOS Monterey


    Using MacBook Pro, with chip Apple M1 Pro and running macOS Monterey.

    When installing EOSIO with Homebrew

    % brew install eosio

    the following error is thrown:

    eosio: The intel architecture is required for this software.
    Error: eosio: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build.
  • Ensure that you have created a wallet and have it open

    Ensure that you have created a wallet and have it open

    When I try to use this example $ cleos wallet list Wallets: [ "local *" ] Excuse me, what is the reason

  • so let me get this straight the only possible way to use eos is if you can download cleos .. and cml -> and the only way you can get cleos is if your not on a window...

    so let me get this straight the only possible way to use eos is if you can download cleos .. and cml -> and the only way you can get cleos is if your not on a window...

    what a joke how ever single thing i want to code around is perfectly designed to not work for me ....

    how is windows not a supported system if you dont have any type of easy way to generate a wallet ... this currency will never thrive

  • no message

    no message

    Change Description

    Change Type

    Select ONE:

    • [ ] Documentation
    • [ ] Stability bug fix
    • [ ] Other
    • [ ] Other - special case

    Testing Changes

    Select ANY that apply:

    • [ ] New Tests
    • [ ] Existing Tests
    • [ ] Test Framework
    • [ ] CI System
    • [ ] Other

    Consensus Changes

    • [ ] Consensus Changes

    API Changes

    • [ ] API Changes

    Documentation Additions

    • [x] Documentation Additions
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Arche - Smart Hybrid Workforce Manager: A system that aims to provide companies an easy to use platform for managing company resources by allowing employees to book company spaces and resources.
Arche - Smart Hybrid Workforce Manager: A system that aims to provide companies an easy to use platform for managing company resources by allowing employees to book company spaces and resources.

Description Smart Hybrid Workforce Manager is a system that aims to provide companies an easy to use system for managing company resources by allowing

Dec 8, 2022
Return list of the contract's events logs

Return list of the contract's events logs Return contract's events logs via sending address, from_block and to_block range only as RAW data. Working w

Oct 12, 2021
Abigen by contract address using etherscan api

Abigen for zoomers Just a simple wrapper to fetch abis from etherscan and run abigen on it. Uses the name of a contract if possible. Usage First put y

Mar 24, 2022
DERO: Secure, Anonymous Blockchain with Smart Contracts. Subscribe to Dero announcements by sending mail to [email protected] with subject: subscribe announcements
DERO: Secure, Anonymous Blockchain with Smart Contracts.  Subscribe to Dero announcements by sending mail to with subject: subscribe announcements

Welcome to the Dero Project DERO News Forum Wiki Explorer Source Twitter Discord Github Stats WebWallet Medium Table of Contents ABOUT DERO PROJECT DE

Dec 7, 2022
The bare metal Go smart card
The bare metal Go smart card

Authors Andrea Barisani [email protected] | [email protected] Introduction The GoKey application implements a USB smartcard in pure Go

Dec 8, 2022
Yet another Binance Smart Chain client based on TrustFi Network

TrustFi Smart Chain The goal of TrustFi Smart Chain is to bring programmability and interoperability to Binance Chain. In order to embrace the existin

Mar 27, 2021
The Fabric Smart Client is a new Fabric Client that lets you focus on the business processes and simplifies the development of Fabric-based distributed application.

Fabric Smart Client The Fabric Smart Client (FSC, for short) is a new Fabric client-side component whose objective is twofold. FSC aims to simplify th

Dec 14, 2022
Tools to help teams develop smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain
Tools to help teams develop smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain

toolkit-for-cardano toolkit-for-cardano simplifies the development of Cardano smart contracts by providing teams with frequently needed tasks: Build T

Dec 19, 2022
A Binance Smart Chain client based on the go-ethereum fork

A Binance Smart Chain client based on the go-ethereum fork

Dec 31, 2022
Golang libraries for generating QR codes for Smart Health Cards representing COVID-19 Immunizations
Golang libraries for generating QR codes for Smart Health Cards representing COVID-19 Immunizations

go-smarthealthcards Golang libraries for generating QR codes for Smart Health Cards representing COVID-19 Immunizations. Usage Individual Libraries Yo

Dec 5, 2021
Automation for faucet-smart with some hacks 😈

give-me-bnb Automation for with some hacks ?? Usage $ give-me-bnb -help Usage of give-me-bnb: -proxy string

Nov 19, 2022