A golang framework helps gopher to build a data visualization and admin panel in ten minutes


the missing golang data admin panel builder tool.

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Inspired by laravel-admin


GoAdmin is a toolkit to help you build a data visualization admin panel for your golang app.

Online demo: https://demo.go-admin.com

Quick follow up example: https://github.com/GoAdminGroup/example

GoAdmin+vue example: https://github.com/GoAdminGroup/goadmin-vue-example



  • 🚀 Fast: build a production admin panel app in ten minutes.
  • 🎨 Theming: beautiful ui themes supported(default adminlte, more themes are coming.)
  • 🔢 Plugins: many plugins to use(more useful and powerful plugins are coming.)
  • Rbac: out of box rbac auth system.
  • ⚙️ Frameworks: support most of the go web frameworks.


We need your help: https://github.com/GoAdminGroup/docs/issues/1

Who is using

Comment the issue to tell us.

How to

Following three steps to run it.

Note: now you can quickly start by doing like this.

$ mkdir new_project && cd new_project
$ go install github.com/GoAdminGroup/go-admin/adm
$ adm init

Or (use adm whose version higher or equal than v1.2.16)

$ mkdir new_project && cd new_project
$ go install github.com/GoAdminGroup/go-admin/adm
$ adm init web

Step 1: import sql

Step 2: create main.go


package main

import (
	_ "github.com/GoAdminGroup/go-admin/adapter/gin"
	_ "github.com/GoAdminGroup/go-admin/modules/db/drivers/mysql"

func main() {
	r := gin.Default()

	eng := engine.Default()

	// global config
	cfg := config.Config{
		Databases: config.DatabaseList{
			"default": {
				Host:         "",
				Port:         "3306",
				User:         "root",
				Pwd:          "root",
				Name:         "goadmin",
				MaxIdleCon: 50,
				MaxOpenCon: 150,
				Driver:       "mysql",
		UrlPrefix: "admin",
		// STORE is important. And the directory should has permission to write.
		Store: config.Store{
		    Path:   "./uploads", 
		    Prefix: "uploads",
		Language: language.EN,
		// debug mode
		Debug: true,
		// log file absolute path
		InfoLogPath: "/var/logs/info.log",
		AccessLogPath: "/var/logs/access.log",
		ErrorLogPath: "/var/logs/error.log",
		ColorScheme: adminlte.ColorschemeSkinBlack,

	// add component chartjs

	_ = eng.AddConfig(cfg).
	        // add generator, first parameter is the url prefix of table when visit.
    	        // example:
    	        // "user" => http://localhost:9033/admin/info/user
		AddGenerator("user", datamodel.GetUserTable).
	// customize your pages
	eng.HTML("GET", "/admin", datamodel.GetContent)

	_ = r.Run(":9033")

More framework examples: https://github.com/GoAdminGroup/go-admin/tree/master/examples

Step 3: run

GO111MODULE=on go run main.go

visit: http://localhost:9033/admin

account: admin password: admin

A super simple example here

See the docs for more details.


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here for contribution guide

here to join into the develop team

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  • [Question] Using admin CLI

    [Question] Using admin CLI

    I am wondering how to use the admin cli. Got myself a database locally (tried sqlite and postgres), with a table and some data. It seems that I am always getting the error of no table in the database.

    go-admin cli error: no tables, you should build a table of your own business first.

    The database clearly consists of a table. Anything I could do to try to fix this?

  • [BUG] 筛选form.Select 不生效 以及 时间字段为bigint筛选问题

    [BUG] 筛选form.Select 不生效 以及 时间字段为bigint筛选问题

    bug 描述

    1. 按照例子

    // 设置为单选类型
    info.AddField("Gender", "gender", db.Tinyint).
        FieldFilterable(types.FilterType{FormType: form.SelectSingle}).
            {"value": "0", "field": "men"},
            {"value": "1", "field": "women"},
        }).FieldFilterOptionExt(map[string]interface{}{"allowClear": true})

    form.SelectSingle 改为 form.Select 无法实现筛选,单个筛选也不行

    2. 时间筛选

    数据库时间字段为 bigint 无法用时间筛选,请问怎么实现

    复现步骤 [清晰描述复现步骤,让别人也能看到问题]

    期望结果 [描述你原本期望看到的结果]

    复现代码 [提供可复现的代码,仓库,或线上示例]


    • GoAdmin 版本: [e.g. 1.0.0]
    • golang 版本
    • 浏览器环境
    • 开发环境 [e.g. mac OS]

    其他信息 [如截图等其他信息可以贴在这里]

  • [Question] 图片字段,用的类型是文件,当我编辑这条记录以后图片就没了

    [Question] 图片字段,用的类型是文件,当我编辑这条记录以后图片就没了

    问题描述 [详细地描述问题,让大家都能理解]


    示例代码 [如果有必要,展示代码,线上示例,或仓库]

    其他信息 [如截图等其他信息可以贴在这里]

  • [BUG]error:wrong id,No __goadmin_detail_pk parameter

    [BUG]error:wrong id,No __goadmin_detail_pk parameter

    bug 描述


    authRoute.GET("/info/:__prefix", controller.ShowInfo) controller.ShowInfo方法生成 edit、detail的url中没有__goadmin_detail_pk参数


    • GoAdmin 版本: [e.g. 1.0.0] 1.1.6
  • Feat : adapter for Buffalo Go framework

    Feat : adapter for Buffalo Go framework

    Buffalo is a popular framework for GO with over 4 700 stars and 120+ contributors. It would be super cool, if you would suport it aswell. https://github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo

    Let me know if you have an adapter to test for Buffalo.

    Thanks for this amazing work, looking forward to test it ;)

  • [BUG] 1.2.18 => 1.2.19 critical regression : `FieldJoin` are giving error when filtered by

    [BUG] 1.2.18 => 1.2.19 critical regression : `FieldJoin` are giving error when filtered by

    Bug Description [describe the bug in detail]

    I just upgraded from 1.2.18 to 1.2.19 and all FieldJoin are giving error when filtering.

    How to reproduce

    See code example below


    Filtering on an AddField of a table join made by FieldJoin

    Reproduction code

    This gives an error when filtering : "Error 1054: Unknown column 'user.username' in 'where clause'

    Please mind, that I left the db type as of the Field parameter of the FieldJoin (user_id in the example) and not of the type of the field which was joined (username in the example). This worked fine in v1.2.18

    	info.AddField("User", "username", db.Int).
    			Table:     "user",
    			JoinField: "id",
    			Field:     "user_id",
    		FieldFilterable(types.FilterType{Operator: types.FilterOperatorLike})

    Also the one below which on v1.2.18 didn't give error but also failed to filter correctly - empty result set.

            info.AddField("Customer", "name", db.Int).
    			Table:     "customer",
    			JoinField: "id",
    			Field:     "customer_id",
    		FieldFilterable(types.FilterType{FormType: form.SelectSingle}).
    		FieldFilterOptionsFromTable("customer", "name", "id")


    • GoAdmin version: 1.2.19
    • golang version: 1.15.7
    • Browser: chrome
    • OS mac OS
  • [BUG]form.Multifile无法编辑


    bug 描述 [详细地描述 bug,让大家都能理解]


    复现步骤 [清晰描述复现步骤,让别人也能看到问题]

    期望结果 [描述你原本期望看到的结果]


    复现代码 [提供可复现的代码,仓库,或线上示例]

    formList.AddField("Images", "images", db.Varchar, form.Multifile).FieldOptionExt(map[string]interface{}{
    		"maxFileCount": 3,


    • GoAdmin 版本:github.com/GoAdminGroup/go-admin v1.2.13
    • golang 版本:go version go1.14.2 windows/amd64
    • 浏览器环境:chrome
    • 开发环境:windows
  • [Question]关于count(1)、count(*)的问题



    plugins/admin/modules/table/default.go:526 这里会报错interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not int64,输出了下total[0],发现key是count(1),而不是count(*)


  • [BUG] form.File 当没进行更新时,会自动把原数据覆盖为空字符串

    [BUG] form.File 当没进行更新时,会自动把原数据覆盖为空字符串

    bug 描述 [详细地描述 bug,让大家都能理解]

    form.File 在进行编辑的更新的时候, 如果没有进行选择文件, 那么提交后, 会提交个空字符串, 并且还会更新到数据库, 把原数据覆盖为空.

    复现步骤 [清晰描述复现步骤,让别人也能看到问题]

    期望结果 [描述你原本期望看到的结果]

    复现代码 [提供可复现的代码,仓库,或线上示例]


    • GoAdmin 版本: [e.g. 1.1.6]
    • golang 版本
    • 浏览器环境
    • 开发环境 [e.g. mac OS]

    其他信息 [如截图等其他信息可以贴在这里]

  • [Proposal] form select support filter in db

    [Proposal] form select support filter in db

    Description [describe your advice]

    go admin is great and i love it, but when i use it, i got some problems:

    • the docs about form is empty: https://www.go-admin.com/docs/#/admin/form/components?id=selectbox

    • i want to filter select list in db which is now happened in front end. when the select list is very long, it will perform poorly

    Solution [if any solutions, describe here]

    • add support for filter in server rather than front-end for form.Select

    Others [screenshots and other info]

  • [BUG] info box 无法使用 font-awesome 图标

    [BUG] info box 无法使用 font-awesome 图标

    bug 描述 [详细地描述 bug,让大家都能理解]

    设置 info-box 的 Icon 为 font-awesome 图标时不生效。

    复现步骤 [清晰描述复现步骤,让别人也能看到问题]

    infobox1 := infobox.New().
    		SetText("CPU TRAFFIC").
    		SetIcon(`<i class="fa fa-tint" aria-hidden="true"></i>`).

    期望结果 [描述你原本期望看到的结果] infobox 使用 fa 的图标 实际上最终图标没有,


    同时,发现 fa-tint 直接从 class 里面消失了: image 只剩下了 fa 这个 class

    也尝试了类似 smallbox 的 SetIcon("fa-tint"). 同样无法生效

    复现代码 [提供可复现的代码,仓库,或线上示例]


    • GoAdmin 版本: 1.0.6
    • golang 版本: go1.13 darwin/amd64
    • 浏览器环境: Chrome 最新稳定版
    • 开发环境: Mac OS

    其他信息 [如截图等其他信息可以贴在这里]

  • [Proposal] support custom db connection interface inheritance

    [Proposal] support custom db connection interface inheritance

    Description [describe your advice]

    • 目前有快速实现后台数据的简单管理的需求
    • go-admin 项目各方面都符合需求,但我这面要使用的 mysql 数据库连接基于内部的 ”服务发现“ 进行初始化,现使用数据库有问题
    • 希望可以支持自定义实现 db Connection 接口,然后可以以类似插件的方式插入项目,进行使用(更为灵活)

    Solution [if any solutions, describe here]

    • db/connection/GetConnectionByDriver 逻辑重构,定义全局私有变量或自定义结构,支持 connection 种类的扩容(可以有一个 public method 追加)
    • 这是现在项目中的
    // GetConnectionByDriver return the Connection by given driver name.
    func GetConnectionByDriver(driver string) Connection {
    	switch driver {
    	case "mysql":
    		return GetMysqlDB()
    	case "mssql":
    		return GetMssqlDB()
    	case "sqlite":
    		return GetSqliteDB()
    	case "postgresql":
    		return GetPostgresqlDB()
    		panic("driver not found!")
    • 建议可以类似这样去增加可以扩容的机制(这里简单写个例子)
    var driverFuncMap map[string]func() Connection = map[string]func() Connection{
    	"mysql": GetMysqlDB,
    	"mssql": GetMssqlDB,
    	"sqlite": GetSqliteDB,
    	"postgresql": GetPostgresqlDB
    func DriverFuncMapExtend(driver string, f func() Connection) {
    	driverFuncMap[driver]  = f
    func GetConnectionByDriver(driver string) Connection {
    	if f, ok := driverFuncMap[driver]; ok {
    		return f()
    	panic("driver not found!")

    Others [screenshots and other info]

  • Does this work with mongodb [Question]

    Does this work with mongodb [Question]

    i like to know how to work with my existing application..

    why cannot I create my own admin function.. because I do to know how can I integrate with my own ..

    can you please give me any direction how to work my app.

  • [Question] any way to use _ILIKE_ operator?

    [Question] any way to use _ILIKE_ operator?


    I need to use the ILIKE operator on my FilterType so that the filter result becomes case-insensitive. Any other way to support a case-insensitive search on the table?

    Thanks in advance

    Example code

    info.AddField("Name", "name", db.Varchar).
    		FieldFilterable(types.FilterType{Operator: types.FilterOperatorLike}).FieldSortable() // use Ilike operator instead
  • [Question]


    Description [describe your questions]

    When I log in with different browser, all other sessions in goadmin_session are deleted. This happens on real production database. Running the same code but with my local database doesn't act this way.

    Example code [If you have any code info]

    Others [screenshots or other info]

    First I log in with admin account on browser 1, then I log in with admin account on browser 2. Reload browser 1 and it alerts following error image

    I checked my postgresDB, and the newest log in somehow deleted all entries before being inserted

  • [BUG]权限模块bug


    bug 描述 [详细地描述 bug,让大家都能理解]

    线上demo,用户修改密码,权限控制居然是在权限列表里添加?id=2实现的,这样的话每建一个用户,就要单独设置一个权限? 如果不设置权限表中的?id=2,在用户密码修改时,把浏览器地址的id改为1,就能更改admin的密码

    复现步骤 [清晰描述复现步骤,让别人也能看到问题]

    线上demo,用户修改密码,权限控制居然是在权限列表里添加?id=2实现的,这样的话每建一个用户,就要单独设置一个权限? 如果不设置权限表中的?id=2,在用户密码修改时,把浏览器地址的id改为1,就能更改admin的密码

    期望结果 [描述你原本期望看到的结果]


    复现代码 [提供可复现的代码,仓库,或线上示例]



    • GoAdmin 版本:
    • golang 版本:
    • 浏览器环境:
    • 开发环境:

    其他信息 [如截图等其他信息可以贴在这里]

GoAdmin is a toolkit to help you build a data visualization admin panel for your golang app.
GoAdmin is a toolkit to help you build a data visualization admin panel for your golang app.

the missing golang data admin panel builder tool. Documentation | 中文文档 | 中文介绍 | DEMO | 中文DEMO | Twitter | Forum Inspired by laravel-admin Preface GoAd

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快速crud开发框架,甚至于一行代码不用敲;自动根据数据库表结构自动生成crud代码;低代码开发框架;至少减少百分90%工作量;可快速把现有系统转成GfEasy版本;后端使用GoFrame开发;后台前端使用 cool-admin-vue;后台使用自适应布局,手机、PC完美使用。
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