Eclipse IDE for the Go programming language:

Project website:

As of 2017, Goclipse is no longer actively maintained, see this blog post for more information. If you are interested in contributing, you can for now fork the project - and there should be enough information here detailing how to build, test, release, etc.


Build Status Gitter

Developers Guide

Building the IDE:

You will need Maven for building Goclipse.

  • To build, run mvn clean verify at the root of the repository. This will run the test suite, and afterwards produce a p2 repository (an Eclipse Software Site) at bin-maven/features.repository/repository.
  • To just build without running tests, invoke mvn clean package.

Setting up a development environment:

  • You need Eclipse PDE to develop Eclipse plugins. Download and start it.
  • Clone the Git repository.
  • In Eclipse, click "File / Import... ", and then "General / Existing projects into workspace". Select the Git repository folder as the "root directory", enable "Search for nested projects", and select all the Eclipse projects that show up. Click finish to import those projects.

* Note: The actual project names will be different from those in the screenshot above. * Note: Java compiler settings will be automatically configured, since Eclipse compiler settings are stored in source version control. * Setup the target platform. Unfortunately due to limitations in Tycho/PDE tooling ([more info]( some manual steps are required: 1. Open a shell on `target-platform/` and run `mvn package`. This should create a `deps-repository/repository` directory. 1. Copy the target platform file: `target-platform/` to `target-platform/`. (this last filename is already git-ignored). 1. Open `target-platform/` in Eclipse, so that it opens under the PDE editor. 1. Click "Add", then select "Software Site". 1. On the "Add Software Site" dialog, click "Add...", then "Local...", navigate to Git repo directory, then choose the `target-platform/deps-repository/repository` directory. 1. On the "Add Software Site" dialog, the new repository should be selected. Click "Select All" to select all deps, then click "Finish". It should look more or less like this:
1. Then finally click "Set as Target Platform". * Build the workspace ( "Project / Build All"). Everything should build fine now, there should be no errors. * To start the IDE from your workspace: Open "Run / Run Configurations ...". Click on "Eclipse Application" to create a new launch for the plugins in your workspace. The default new configuration that is created should already be ready to be launched. * **Additional tip:** Locate the `bin-maven` folder in the top-level project, open its Properties from the Project Explorer context menu, and mark that directory as "Derived" in the "Resources" property page. This will prevent those folder resources to appear in UI operations such as "Open Resource" for example.

Running the tests in Eclipse:

  • In releng/launches there is one or several Eclipse launch files for running the tests, so if this project is added to your Eclipse workspace, the launches will show up automatically in Run Configurations..., as "JUnit Plug-in Tests".

Creating and deploying a new release:

A release is a web site with an Eclipse p2 update site. The website may contain no web pages at all, rather it can be just the p2 site. To create and deploy a new release:

  1. Ensure the version numbers of all plugins/features/etc. are properly updated, if they haven't been already.
  2. Run mvn clean verify to perform the Tycho build (see section above). Ensure all tests pass.
  • To create a signed release the sign-build Maven profile must be activated, and the required properties set.
  1. Create and push a new release tag for the current release commit.
  2. Go to the Github releases page and edit the newly present release. Add the corresponding ( entries to the release notes.
  3. Locally, run ant -f releng/ CreateProjectSite. This last step will prepare the project web site under bin-maven/ProjectSite.
  4. To actually publish the project site, run ant -f releng/ PublishProjectSite -DreleaseTag=<tagName>. What happens here is that the whole project site will be pushed into a Git repository, to then be served in some way (for example Github Pages). If projectSiteGitURL is not specified, the default value in will be used.
  • For more info on the Release Engineering script, run ant -f releng/, this will print the help.
  1. A branch or tag named latest should also be created in Github, pointing to the latest release commit. The previous latest tag can be deleted/overwritten. The documentation pages use this tag/branch in their links.

Project design info and notes


This project uses the LangEclipseIDE framework, which is designed to have its source embedded in the host IDE. See this section for more info on how this should be managed.

Extensive Compile-Time type and contract checking

See for more info on this principle.

Code style:

  • Indent with tabs (tab size is 4 spaces)
  • Max line width: 120
  • Block style:
    if(foo.blah()) {
  • Indentation for function arguments: 1 indent unit (= 1 tab):
    foo(one, two, three,
        four, five, six);

There is also an Eclipse formatter profile settings file you can use, although you are not obliged to format with all rules of that formatter settings. If you make a minor source change, don't format the whole file, but only around the changes you are contributing.

Unit tests double-method wrapper:

This code idiom is often used in this project's JUnit tests:

public void testXXX() throws Exception { testXXX$(); }
public void testXXX$() throws Exception {

This is donely solely as an aid when debugging code, so that the "Drop to frame" functionality can be used on the unit-test method. It seems the Eclipse debugger (or the JVM) cannot drop-to-frame to a method that is invoked dynamically (such as the unit-test method). So we wrap the unit-test method on another one. So while we now cannot drop-to-frame in testXXX, we can do it in testXXX$, which basically allows us to restart the unit-test.

TODO: investigate if there is an alternate way to achieve the same. I haven't actually checked that.

  • New debugger functionality based on CDT GDB support

    New debugger functionality based on CDT GDB support

    Here it is, as new debugger functionality based on CDT, as described here:!topic/goclipse/K90ar6u6VPk A few notes: The src-lang/ code may look a bit strange, but it is just a way to make it easy to share language indepedent code between IDEs. This is described in more detail in: if you wanna understand better how its done.

    I'm looking to do some further improvements on debug/launch functionality, namely: *add a debug hover in the Go editor (display value/toString of local variables, similar to a detail Variables view) *refactor and fix some issues around the launch tabs. There's a few bugs I found (that existed before this branch), like an NPE on new launches, and the tab asking the configuration to be saved even though no changes ocurred.

    But this pull request stands on its own, and fixes the debug issues mentioned in the GoogleGroups thread.

  • Debugger showing strange values/errors

    Debugger showing strange values/errors

    Hey everyone!

    I somehow can not get the debugger to work with go 1.3. For example I get the following errors for some variables

    019,121 115^error,msg="-var-create: unable to create variable object"

    And others are just plain wrong, for example a int that's just been initialized to 0 has the value

    p cleanCount 
    $1 = 4630277

    in gdb. I did set the go environment settings according to my installation (in /opt/go) and added a run configuration in 'DEBUG' mode for debugging. Do I need to take any additional steps to make it work?

    thanks in advance!

  • GoClipse v0.13 conflicts with C/C++ Dev Tools v8.8.0.x

    GoClipse v0.13 conflicts with C/C++ Dev Tools v8.8.0.x

    Bug: It's not possible to have both GoClipse v0.13 and C/C++ Development Tools v 10 installed together.

    I'm using Eclipse Version: Mars.2 (4.5.2), trying to install GoClipse 0.13.0.v201510291605.

    Eclipse says there is a conflict with the Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT), and gives me the option of either uninstalling CDT, or installing GoClipse v0.9. See screenshots below.

  • Oracle invocation error

    Oracle invocation error

    I get an error (Program exited with non-zero status:1) when I invoke "Open definition (go oracle)" anywhere in my code base. (goclipse 0.9.1) The output in the "Oracle/gocode log":

    >> Running: /usr/local/go/bin/oracle -pos=/path/to/gopath/path/to/source.go.go:#1913,#1913 -format=json describe path/to/sourcedir
       with GOPATH: /path/to/gopath
    cgo failed: [go tool cgo -objdir /tmp/os_user_C013325198 -- -I /tmp/os_user_C013325198 lookup_unix.go]: exec: "go": executable file not found in $PATH
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/os/user/lookup.go:9:9: undeclared name: current
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/os/user/lookup.go:9:9: undeclared name: current
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/os/user/lookup.go:9:2: wrong number of return values (want 2, got 1)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/os/user/lookup.go:15:9: undeclared name: lookup
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/os/user/lookup.go:15:9: undeclared name: lookup
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/os/user/lookup.go:15:2: wrong number of return values (want 2, got 1)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/os/user/lookup.go:21:9: undeclared name: lookupId
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/os/user/lookup.go:21:9: undeclared name: lookupId
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/os/user/lookup.go:21:2: wrong number of return values (want 2, got 1)
    cgo failed: [go tool cgo -objdir /tmp/net_C927988629 -- -I /tmp/net_C927988629 cgo_linux.go cgo_unix.go]: exec: "go": executable file not found in $PATH
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:56:20: undeclared name: cgoLookupHost
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:56:20: undeclared name: cgoLookupHost
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:56:20: assignment count mismatch (3 vs 1)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:57:6: invalid operation: operator ! not defined for ok (variable with invalid type)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:64:20: undeclared name: cgoLookupIP
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:64:20: undeclared name: cgoLookupIP
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:64:20: assignment count mismatch (3 vs 1)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:65:6: invalid operation: operator ! not defined for ok (variable with invalid type)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:72:19: undeclared name: cgoLookupPort
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:72:19: undeclared name: cgoLookupPort
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:72:19: assignment count mismatch (3 vs 1)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:73:6: invalid operation: operator ! not defined for ok (variable with invalid type)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:80:20: undeclared name: cgoLookupCNAME
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:80:20: undeclared name: cgoLookupCNAME
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:80:20: assignment count mismatch (3 vs 1)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/lookup_unix.go:81:6: invalid operation: operator ! not defined for ok (variable with invalid type)
    Error: couldn't load packages due to errors: os/user, net.

    When I run the oracle call in a terminal it runs fine. I don't know if eclipse forks another bash, that does not have the path to 'go'.

  • Goclipse not detecting Java 8 in Mac OS X

    Goclipse not detecting Java 8 in Mac OS X

    OS: OS X 10.10.3 JDK Installed: 1.8.0_45 Eclipse: 4.5 Mars

    On Eclipse launch, Goclipse errors out saying Java needs to be upgraded to version 8. Uninstalled Goclipse and re-installed, nothing

  • Content Assist and F3 does not work

    Content Assist and F3 does not work

    I am using latest release

    My project builds code properly.

    When I press ctrl+space it does not work, F3 also does not work

    ====================  Starting gocode server:    ====================
       /usr/local/go/bin/gocode -s -sock=tcp
    >> Running: /usr/local/go/bin/gocode -sock=tcp set lib-path /home/rohits/p1/p1trunk/psasmaster:/home/rohits/Desktop/gocode:/home/rohits/Work/vault
       with GOPATH: /home/rohits/p1/p1trunk/psasmaster:/home/rohits/Desktop/gocode:/home/rohits/Work/vault
    lib-path "/home/rohits/p1/p1trunk/psasmaster:/home/rohits/Desktop/gocode:/home/rohits/Work/vault"
    >> Running: /usr/local/go/bin/gocode -sock=tcp -f=csv autocomplete /psasmaster/src/ c246
       with GOPATH: /home/rohits/ipas/ipastrunk/psas.mastermgmt:/home/rohits/Desktop/gocode:/home/rohits/Work/vault
    panic: open /psasmaster/src/ no such file or directory
    1(runtime.call16): /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:401
    2(runtime.gopanic): /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:387
    3(main.find_other_package_files): /home/rohits/Desktop/gocode/src/
    4(main.get_other_package_files): /home/rohits/Desktop/gocode/src/
    5(main.(*auto_complete_context).update_caches): /home/rohits/Desktop/gocode/src/
    6(main.(*auto_complete_context).apropos): /home/rohits/Desktop/gocode/src/
    7(main.server_auto_complete): /home/rohits/Desktop/gocode/src/
    8(main.(*RPC).RPC_auto_complete): /home/rohits/Desktop/gocode/src/
    9(runtime.call64): /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:403
    10( /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:419
    11(reflect.Value.Call): /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:296
    12(net/rpc.(*service).call): /usr/local/go/src/net/rpc/server.go:382
    13(runtime.goexit): /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2232

    it is correct /psasmaster/src/, is not a proper file

    seems like plugin is only using "/"<proect_name>/<path_to_file>.go as argument to gocode.

    Should this be full path? or I have wrong project setup

    my project setup is src <> dir dir file.go

  • Auto running gofmt does not work

    Auto running gofmt does not work

    Go to Windows-->Preferences-->Go-->Tools and the check the "Format automatically on editor save". Well, this check box has no effect. This feature simply does not work. I am obviously missing something. I require help :-)

  • Executable file doesnt exist,executable file build to go\bin,not go_01_hello\bin

    Executable file doesnt exist,executable file build to go\bin,not go_01_hello\bin

    Sorry,I used goclispe for the first time.I had a problem.

    ************ Building Go project: go_01_hello ************ with GOARCH: amd64 with GOOS: windows with GOPATH: D:\work\Tools\MyEclipse\Workspaces\go_01_hello

    Running: D:\work\Tools\Go\bin\go.exe install -v -gcflags "-N -l" hello ^^^ Terminated, exit code: 0 ^^^

    ************ Build terminated. ************

    go 1.6rc2 os windows 10 eclipse 4.5.1

    goclipse 0.14(lastest)

  • trying to use

    trying to use "Download" from inside eclipse preferences gives error

    I have Go installed and GOPATH set.

    gocode is not installed and when I run the "Download" I get this error:

    ==== Starting gocode server ====
    /Users/max/go/bin/gocode set propose-builtins true
      FAILED: Cannot run program "/Users/max/go/bin/gocode": error=2, No such file or directory   Reason: Cannot run program "/Users/max/go/bin/gocode": error=2, No such file or directory
    >> Running: /usr/local/bin/go get -u
    package bytes: unrecognized import path "bytes" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package encoding/binary: unrecognized import path "encoding/binary" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package encoding/json: unrecognized import path "encoding/json" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package errors: unrecognized import path "errors" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package flag: unrecognized import path "flag" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package fmt: unrecognized import path "fmt" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package go/ast: unrecognized import path "go/ast" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package go/build: unrecognized import path "go/build" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package go/parser: unrecognized import path "go/parser" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package go/scanner: unrecognized import path "go/scanner" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package go/token: unrecognized import path "go/token" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package io: unrecognized import path "io" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package io/ioutil: unrecognized import path "io/ioutil" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package log: unrecognized import path "log" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package net: unrecognized import path "net" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package net/http: unrecognized import path "net/http" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package net/http/pprof: unrecognized import path "net/http/pprof" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package net/rpc: unrecognized import path "net/rpc" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package os: unrecognized import path "os" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package os/exec: unrecognized import path "os/exec" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package path: unrecognized import path "path" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package path/filepath: unrecognized import path "path/filepath" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package reflect: unrecognized import path "reflect" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package runtime: unrecognized import path "runtime" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package sort: unrecognized import path "sort" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package strconv: unrecognized import path "strconv" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package strings: unrecognized import path "strings" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package sync: unrecognized import path "sync" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package text/scanner: unrecognized import path "text/scanner" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package time: unrecognized import path "time" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package unicode: unrecognized import path "unicode" (import path does not begin with hostname)
    package unicode/utf8: unrecognized import path "unicode/utf8" (import path does not begin with hostname)
       ^^^ Terminated, exit code: 1 ^^^

    running /usr/local/bin/go get -u from command line works fine.

  • goclipse open definition fails with java.lang.NullPointerException in eclipse

    goclipse open definition fails with java.lang.NullPointerException in eclipse

    When I try to open definition for anything in my go code I get an error dialog saying: Internal error executing 'Open definition (go oracle)'. This used to work about a few days ago and suddenly stopped working. Heres the exception from my workspace log file:

    !ENTRY com.googlecode.goclipse.core 4 0 2015-10-30 11:33:14.541 !MESSAGE Internal error executing Open definition (go oracle). !STACK 0 java.lang.NullPointerException at com.googlecode.goclipse.ui.actions.GoOracleOpenDefinitionOperation.getByteOffsetForInvocationEncoding( at com.googlecode.goclipse.ui.actions.GoOracleOpenDefinitionOperation.prepareOperation( at melnorme.lang.ide.ui.actions.AbstractUIOperation.execute( at melnorme.lang.ide.ui.actions.AbstractUIOperation.executeAndHandle( at com.googlecode.goclipse.ui.editor.text.GoHyperlinkDetector2$ at org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.HyperlinkManager.mouseUp( at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent( at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent( at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.sendEvent( at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent( at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents( at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch( at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.PartRenderingEngine$ at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault( at at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.E4Workbench.createAndRunUI( at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$ at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault( at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench( at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench( at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.application.IDEApplication.start( at at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication( at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start( at at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework( at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun( at at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(

  • Cannot find

    Cannot find "Create project from existing source"

    Dear developers, Somehow there is no option to import existing Go source codes into Eclipse. The only option available is File->New->Go Project. For example running: $ go get -u will download the source to ~/go/bin/src/ How to import this existing project in to Eclipse using GoClipse? I cannot find any instructions to do this. My machine is Ubuntu 14.04 64bit with Eclipse 4.5.1 and Java 1.8.0_60. Thanks.

  • goclipse and gocode doesn't work form golang version 1.10!

    goclipse and gocode doesn't work form golang version 1.10!

    goclipse and gocode doesn't work form golang version 1.10!

    The author gocode advised praying :)

    Please consider the possibility to change GoClipse so that it started working with golang version 1.10 and higher!

  • Got this error when install GoEclipse

    Got this error when install GoEclipse

    An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profile=SDKProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=). No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,2.7.0.v20170129-0911

  • Fail to build lint and work fine inside terminal in MacOS

    Fail to build lint and work fine inside terminal in MacOS


    I just try to create a simple go's web server project by goclipse. All contents were created by wizard directly, except I modify the workspace's GOPATH to :/Users/penghh/Go. This is the same value of my bash profile. But I can't make the build target "lint" build success.


    How ever, it seems I can do lint under terminal


    Are there some setting I am missing to config goclipse inside Eclipse? Thank you~~


  • could not start goclipse because java version is 0

    could not start goclipse because java version is 0

    goclipse version: 0.16.1 Eclipse Version: Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a) Build id: 20171005-1200 java version "9.0.1" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9.0.1+11) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9.0.1+11, mixed mode)

    When there is JDK 9 installed, starting Eclipse would give an error message "could not start goclipse because java version is 0"

    I also installed JRE 9, problem remains the same.

    Work around would be: installing JDK 8 along side java 9, then either:

    1: Add -vm/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java to /Applications/


    2: change -vm option in /Applications/ from

    -vm /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.0.1.jdk/Contents/Home/bin -vmargs


    -vm /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/bin -vmargs

    I suppose substitute "jdk1.8.0_152.jdk" to any subversion of java 1.8 on your mac OS would work but I haven't tried. jdk1.8.0_152 is the latest as of 23rd November 2017.

    I notice there is jre in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/ but there is no jre in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.0.1.jdk/Contents/Home even I have installed jre 9.

  • lint on specific file

    lint on specific file


    I thought that enabling a build target for auto-check applied it on the saved file only, but it seems to apply it on the whole project. At least, the lint target keep processing the whole project, which is rather heavy. Is there a way to be file-specific?

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LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE.
LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE.

LiteIDE X Introduction LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE. Version: X37.3 (support Go modules) Author: visualfc Features Core fea

Jan 5, 2023
gide is an IDE framework in pure Go, using the GoGi gui. It extensively adopts emacs keybindings.
gide is an IDE framework in pure Go, using the GoGi gui.  It extensively adopts emacs keybindings.

Gide Gide is a flexible IDE (integrated development environment) framework in pure Go, using the GoGi GUI (for which it serves as a continuous testing

Jan 8, 2023
golab: go local application builder - a web-based golang ide
golab: go local application builder - a web-based golang ide

golab golab was a Go IDE for Linux. This project is no longer maintained and might not build due to chganges in dependency projects. The author (mb0)

Aug 16, 2022
A Golang plugin collection for SublimeText 3, providing code completion and other IDE-like features.

GoSublime Intro GoSublime is an IDE-like plugin for Sublime Text 3 mainly, but not limited to, providing integration for most of your Go/Golang develo

Jan 4, 2023
The in-browser IDE for Go

Go Wasm Go Wasm is a Go development environment with the essentials to write and run code entirely within the browser, using the power of WebAssembly

Dec 19, 2022