Snowflake - Simple twitter's snowflake uniquely identifiable descriptors (IDs) format generator for Go


Dead simple and fast Twitter's snowflake id generator in Go.


go get


  1. Generating a snowflake id
machineID := uint64(1)
sf := snowflake.New(machineID)

id := sf.NextID()
// 1292053924173320192

// or

id = snowflake.New(machineID).NextID()
// 1292053924173320192
  1. Parsing a snowflake id
parsed := snowflake.Parse(1292053924173320192)

fmt.Printf("Timestamp: %d\n", parsed.Timestamp)      // 1640942460724
fmt.Printf("Sequence: %d\n", parsed.Sequence)        // 0
fmt.Printf("Machine ID: %d\n", parsed.Discriminator) // 1
  1. Generating a snowflake ID with 2 discriminator fields
machineID := uint64(1)
processID := uint64(24)
sf := snowflake.New2(machineID, processID)

id := sf.NextID()
// 1292065108376162304

// or

id = snowflake.New2(machineID, processID).NextID()
// 1292065108376162304
  1. Parsing a snowflake id with 2 discriminator fields
parsed := snowflake.Parse2(1292065108376162304)

fmt.Printf("Timestamp: %d\n", parsed.Timestamp)       // 1640944495572
fmt.Printf("Sequence: %d\n", parsed.Sequence)         // 0
fmt.Printf("Machine ID: %d\n", parsed.Discriminator1) // 1
fmt.Printf("Process ID: %d\n", parsed.Discriminator2) // 24


Benched on Windows 10 - WSL 2 Ubuntu, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz and 12GB of memory

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
BenchmarkNewID/          14012617         87.52 ns/op        0 B/op        0 allocs/op
BenchmarkNewID/             4918552        244.3 ns/op        0 B/op        0 allocs/op
BenchmarkNewID/          4916791        245.8 ns/op        0 B/op        0 allocs/op
ok   command-line-arguments 4.230s

Disclaimer: Benchmark results may be faster than other implementations. But I do not guarantee that this library is the safest snowflake id generator.


Buy Me A Coffee

Juan Christian
he/him | 1st year Computer Science student
Juan Christian
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