provider-kubernetes is a Crossplane Provider that enables deployment and management of arbitrary Kubernetes objects on clusters


provider-kubernetes is a Crossplane Provider that enables deployment and management of arbitrary Kubernetes objects on clusters typically provisioned by Crossplane:

  • A Provider resource type that only points to a credentials Secret.
  • An Object resource type that is to manage Kubernetes Objects.
  • A managed resource controller that reconciles Object typed resources and manages arbitrary Kubernetes Objects.


If you would like to install provider-kubernetes without modifications, you may do so using the Crossplane CLI in a Kubernetes cluster where Crossplane is installed:

kubectl crossplane install provider crossplane/provider-kubernetes:main

You may also manually install provider-kubernetes by creating a Provider directly:

kind: Provider
  name: provider-kubernetes
  package: "crossplane/provider-kubernetes:main"

Developing locally

Start a local development environment with Kind where crossplane is installed:

make local-dev

Run controller against the cluster:

make run

Since the controller is running outside the Kind cluster, you need to make api server accessible (on a separate terminal):

sudo kubectl proxy --port=8081

Testing in Local Cluster

  1. Prepare provider config for the local cluster:

  2. If provider kubernetes running in the cluster (e.g. provider installed with crossplane):

    SA=$(kubectl -n crossplane-system get sa -o name | grep provider-kubernetes | sed -e 's|serviceaccount\/|crossplane-system:|g')
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding provider-kubernetes-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount="${SA}"
    kubectl apply -f examples/provider/config-in-cluster.yaml
  3. If provider kubernetes running outside the cluster (e.g. running locally with make run)

    KUBECONFIG=$(kind get kubeconfig --name local-dev | sed -e 's|server:\s*.*$|server: http://localhost:8081|g')
    kubectl -n crossplane-system create secret generic cluster-config --from-literal=kubeconfig="${KUBECONFIG}" 
    kubectl apply -f examples/provider/config.yaml
  4. Now you can create Object resources with provider reference, see sample object.yaml.

    kubectl create -f examples/object/object.yaml


make local.down
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