A Go rest API project that is following solid and common principles and is connected to local MySQL database.


This is an intermediate-level go project that running with a project structure optimized RESTful API service in Go. API's of that project is designed based on solid and common principles and connected to the local MySQL database.

Highlights of that project are listed at below

  • The RESTful API presents standard CRUD operations of a database table
  • This project has clean architecture and it has been covered with tests.
  • Data validation
  • It uses JWT-based authentication and auth middleware.
  • Each token is expired in 15 minutes to prevent system bugs.
  • Error handling is done with clear responses.
  • It presents structured logging with the username, password for 15 minutes with help of a token that is created by JWT. After that, the user can create TODOs.
  • The project used the following packages during the development time

Getting Started

If you're have not encountered Go before, you should visit this website here

After installing Go , you should run the following commands to experience this project

# download the starter code
git clone https://github.com/Kivanc10/golang-rest-api-with-mysql.git

# open the code
cd golang-rest-api-with-mysql

# start the database server and run the code
go run ./operate/operate.go

After that, you have a RESTful API that is running at It provides us following endpoints

  • GET /users : it provides us the list of all users logged-in
  • POST /signUp : it allows the user to sign up. It saves the user info into db and creates token with JWT.It accepts attached data like that:
    • PersonID can be anything because db arranged to auto increment
    • {
          "UserName":"sample user name",
  • POST /signIn : authenticates and login. It creates token again with JWT.It accepts attached data to , something like up above.
  • GET /users/me : It allows the user to access his information.To do this , user must be authenticated,otherwise system wil not let that happen
  • PUT /users/update/me : It updates the current authenticated user with accepted data.To do this user must be authenticated.It accepts attached data like:
    • {
            "UserName":"new user name",
            "Password":"new password"
  • DELETE /user/me : It deletes the current authenticated user.To do this user must be authenticated.
  • GET /users/logout/me : It allows the user to logout from all tokens.To do this user must be authenticated.The user will be not deleted from db.
  • POST /todo : It allows the user to create todos. To do this user must be authenticated.It accepts attached data like that :
    •     {
              "Context" : "sample todo"
  • GET /todos : It lists all todos that created by authenticated users.
  • GET /todos/me : It lists just the todos belong to the current user authenticated

If you have API client tools like Postman, you can handle complicated operations easily

If you create a new environment in Postman and declare variables you'll use , you make everything clear.

You also should add a set of codes in the test section of some requests arrange automatically with the bearer token of the header of the request.(signup,login,getme,update,logout) Before the code,you should define an environment token named authToken in section of Authorization of edit collection.

Then past the code in signup,login,getme,update,logout requests

if (pm.response.code == 200){

After that,your header of the request will updated by valid tokens automatically to authenticate.

You must ensure that you choose that environment

how to use endpoints

# sign up the user via POST /signUp
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d `{ "PersonID":0,"UserName":"sample user name","Password":"12312321"}` http://localhost:8080/signUp
# it should return response.header with jwt and token

# sign in with user via POST /signIn
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d `{ "PersonID":0,"UserName":"sample user name","Password":"12312321"}` http://localhost:8080/signIn
# it should return response.Header with jwt and token
# save token during the loggedin and inherit auth from postman environment,it handles itself
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ...JWT token here..." http://localhost:8080/users/me

# to create todos for the user authenticated
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ...JWT token here..." -d `{"Context" : "sample todo"}` http://localhost:8080/todo
# it returns the saved todo belong to the user authenticated

Project layout

├── dbOp                 main database operations of the project
├── middleware           auth middleware and tokens will create
├── operate              main application of the project
├── route                routes operations of the project related to RESTful api functions
└── static               static files belong to the project

Working with JWT based authenticaton and auth middleware

  • JSON Web Token (JWT) is a self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. If you will deal with authorization and information exchange, the most logical thing you will do is use JWT.
Auth middleware
  • We have the authentication service and its adapter and the login middleware in place, we can create middleware that checks for authenticated users, having it redirect to the /login page if the user is not authenticated

In that project,we create tokens if necessary such as signUp,signIn,... to make and save changes.Then we use auth middleware to access the current user if its token is valid. Auth middleware allows us to design a real secure system.

to create tokens

", atClaims) return token, nil // return token created and no error if succeed } ">
func CreateToken(userId uint64, name string) (string, error) { // it accepts userId and username
/* This function creates a token belong to the user with a set of information. The created token will be expired in 15 minutes */
	var err error
	//Creating Access Token
	os.Setenv("ACCESS_SECRET", mySignInKey) // define a global access key
	atClaims := jwt.MapClaims{} // create empty map to store keys-values belong to the user
  # store infos into the map
	atClaims["authorized"] = true
	atClaims["user_id"] = userId
	atClaims["user_name"] = name
	atClaims["exp"] = time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 15).Unix() // token is valid for 15 minutes
	at := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, atClaims) // use HS256 algorithm
	token, err := at.SignedString([]byte(os.Getenv("ACCESS_SECRET")))
	if err != nil { // error handling
		return "", errors.New("an error occured during the create token")
	fmt.Println("jwt map --> ", atClaims)
	return token, nil // return token created and no error if succeed

to integrate auth middleware

%s and len -> %d\n", authHeader, len(authHeader)) if len(authHeader) != 2 || authHeader[0] == "null" { // ["Bearer ","Token..."],if it is not like that,there is an error there //fmt.Println("Malformed token") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusUnauthorized) w.Write([]byte("Malformed Token")) log.Fatal("Malformed token") } jwtToken := authHeader[1] // get the token token, err := jwt.Parse(jwtToken, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { // parse the token if _, ok := token.Method.(*jwt.SigningMethodHMAC); !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"]) } return []byte(mySignInKey), nil }) // type conversion with jwt.MapClaims and to check the token is valid if claims, ok := token.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims); ok && token.Valid { // if that token is valid ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), "props", claims) // props is context key // Access context values in handlers like this next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx)) // if succeed serve http with context } else { // if there is an error fmt.Println("token err -> ", err) //r.Header.Set("ExpiredToken", jwtToken) //DelTokenIfExpired(jwtToken) // usernameInter := claims["user_name"] // if username, ok := usernameInter.(fmt.Stringer); ok { // person := dbop.GetPersonToDelToken(username.String()) // dbop.DeleteTokenIfExpired(person) // } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusUnauthorized) w.Write([]byte("you are Unauthorized or your token is expired")) } } }) } ">
func MiddleWare(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
			authHeader := strings.Split(r.Header.Get("Authorization"), "Bearer ") // split request header acc. to Bearer 
			fmt.Printf("authheader -> %s and len -> %d\n", authHeader, len(authHeader))
			if len(authHeader) != 2 || authHeader[0] == "null" { // ["Bearer ","Token..."],if it is not like that,there is an error there
				//fmt.Println("Malformed token")
				w.Write([]byte("Malformed Token"))
				log.Fatal("Malformed token")
				jwtToken := authHeader[1] // get the token
				token, err := jwt.Parse(jwtToken, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { // parse the token
					if _, ok := token.Method.(*jwt.SigningMethodHMAC); !ok {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"])
					return []byte(mySignInKey), nil
        // type conversion with jwt.MapClaims and to check the token is valid
				if claims, ok := token.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims); ok && token.Valid { // if that token is valid
					ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), "props", claims) // props is context key
					// Access context values in handlers like this					
					next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx)) // if succeed serve http with context

				} else { // if there is an error
					fmt.Println("token err -> ", err)
					//r.Header.Set("ExpiredToken", jwtToken)
					// usernameInter := claims["user_name"]
					// if username, ok := usernameInter.(fmt.Stringer); ok {
					// 	person := dbop.GetPersonToDelToken(username.String())
					// 	dbop.DeleteTokenIfExpired(person)
					// }

					w.Write([]byte("you are Unauthorized or your token is expired"))


Database scheme

Kıvanç Aydoğmuş
3nd Grade In Computer Engineering
Kıvanç Aydoğmuş
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