depth is tool to retrieve and visualize Go source code dependency trees.


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depth is tool to retrieve and visualize Go source code dependency trees.


Download the appropriate binary for your platform from the Releases page, or:

go get


depth can be used as a standalone command-line application, or as a package within your own project.


Simply execute depth with one or more package names to visualize. You can use the fully qualified import path of the package, like so:

$ depth
  ├ encoding/json
  ├ flag
  ├ fmt
  ├ io
  ├ log
  ├ os
  ├ strings
    ├ fmt
    ├ go/build
    ├ path
    ├ sort
    └ strings
12 dependencies (11 internal, 1 external, 0 testing).

Or you can use a relative path, for example:

$ depth .
$ depth ./cmd/depth
$ depth ../

You can also use depth on the Go standard library:

$ depth strings
  ├ errors
  ├ io
  ├ unicode
  └ unicode/utf8
5 dependencies (5 internal, 0 external, 0 testing).

Visualizing multiple packages at a time is supported by simply naming the packages you'd like to visualize:

$ depth strings 
  ├ errors
  ├ io
  ├ unicode
  └ unicode/utf8
5 dependencies (5 internal, 0 external, 0 testing).
  ├ fmt
  ├ go/build
  ├ path
  ├ sort
  └ strings
7 dependencies (7 internal, 0 external, 0 testing).


By default, depth only resolves the top level of dependencies for standard library packages, however you can use the -internal flag to visualize all internal dependencies:

$ depth -internal strings
  ├ errors
  ├ io
    ├ errors
    └ sync
      ├ internal/race
        └ unsafe
      ├ runtime
        ├ runtime/internal/atomic
          └ unsafe
        ├ runtime/internal/sys
        └ unsafe
      ├ sync/atomic
        └ unsafe
      └ unsafe
  ├ unicode
  └ unicode/utf8
12 dependencies (12 internal, 0 external, 0 testing).


The -max flag limits the dependency tree to the maximum depth provided. For example, if you supply -max 1 on the depth package, your output would look like so:

$ depth -max 1
  ├ encoding/json
  ├ flag
  ├ fmt
  ├ io
  ├ log
  ├ os
  ├ strings
7 dependencies (6 internal, 1 external, 0 testing).

The -max flag is particularly useful in conjunction with the -internal flag which can lead to very deep dependency trees.


By default, depth ignores dependencies that are only required for testing. However, you can view test dependencies using the -test flag:

$ depth -test strings
  ├ bytes
  ├ errors
  ├ fmt
  ├ io
  ├ io/ioutil
  ├ math/rand
  ├ reflect
  ├ sync
  ├ testing
  ├ unicode
  ├ unicode/utf8
  └ unsafe
13 dependencies (13 internal, 0 external, 8 testing).

-explain target-package

The -explain flag instructs depth to print import chains in which the target-package is found:

$ depth -explain strings -> strings -> -> strings


The -json flag instructs depth to output dependencies in JSON format:

$ depth -json
  "name": "",
  "deps": [
      "name": "encoding/json",
      "internal": true,
      "deps": null
      "name": "",
      "internal": false,
      "deps": [
          "name": "go/build",
          "internal": true,
          "deps": null

Integrating With Your Project

The depth package can easily be used to retrieve the dependency tree for a particular package in your own project. For example, here's how you would retrieve the dependency tree for the strings package:

import ""

var t depth.Tree
err := t.Resolve("strings")
if err != nil {

// Output: "'strings' has 4 dependencies."
log.Printf("'%v' has %v dependencies.", t.Root.Name, len(t.Root.Deps)) 

For additional customization, simply set the appropriate flags on the Tree before resolving:

import ""

t := depth.Tree {
  ResolveInternal: true,
  ResolveTest: true,
  MaxDepth: 10,

err := t.Resolve("strings")


depth was developed by Kyle Banks.


depth is available under the MIT license.

  • Output a summary after tree

    Output a summary after tree

    It would be nice to have a summary printed below the tree, for example:

    12 dependencies (8 internal, 4 external).

    If the -test flag is set it would also show test-only dependencies:

    15 dependencies (8 internal, 4 external, 3 testing).
  • Possible performance issue detected in downstream library using `depth`

    Possible performance issue detected in downstream library using `depth`

    Hi @KyleBanks,

    An issue has been reported recently in a downstream tool, swaggo/swag, which uses depth to calculate required dependencies in order to build valid OpenAPI 2.0 output as a result of parsing code comments in a given folder structure.

    Under the user @matrixik has exquisitely pointed out, there seems to be a performance issue in swag, which I have narrowed down, with the help of @sdghchj to be a problem with depth.

    1. Could you give a look at the flamegraphs provided under the issue linked and verify the assumption the problem lies in this tool is correct?
    2. Would you be able and willing to help fixing it?

    We use swaggo throughout our platform at Compensate in order to build the documentation for all our services.

    Thank you,


  • nicer dependencies tree

    nicer dependencies tree

    Little modification of deps tree printing.


      ├ errors
      ├ internal/bytealg
        ├ internal/cpu
        └ unsafe
      ├ io
        ├ errors
        ├ sync
          ├ internal/race
            └ unsafe
          ├ runtime
            ├ internal/bytealg
            ├ internal/cpu
            ├ runtime/internal/atomic
              └ unsafe
            ├ runtime/internal/sys
            └ unsafe
          ├ sync/atomic
            └ unsafe
          └ unsafe
        └ sync/atomic
      ├ unicode
      ├ unicode/utf8
      └ unsafe


      ├ errors
      ├ internal/bytealg
      │ ├ internal/cpu
      │ └ unsafe
      ├ io
      │ ├ errors
      │ ├ sync
      │ │ ├ internal/race
      │ │ │ └ unsafe
      │ │ ├ runtime
      │ │ │ ├ internal/bytealg
      │ │ │ ├ internal/cpu
      │ │ │ ├ runtime/internal/atomic
      │ │ │ │ └ unsafe
      │ │ │ ├ runtime/internal/sys
      │ │ │ └ unsafe
      │ │ ├ sync/atomic
      │ │ │ └ unsafe
      │ │ └ unsafe
      │ └ sync/atomic
      ├ unicode
      ├ unicode/utf8
      └ unsafe
  • depth fails with no output when run from source

    depth fails with no output when run from source

    I tried to run from source and depth simply exited with no output. Here's what I saw, compared to the output from the last release for my system:

    dgarrick@dgarrick-desktop:~/go/src/drive/drive$ go get
    dgarrick@dgarrick-desktop:~/go/src/drive/drive$ go version
    go version go1.8 linux/amd64
    dgarrick@dgarrick-desktop:~/go/src/drive/drive$ depth
    dgarrick@dgarrick-desktop:~/go/src/drive/drive$ ~/Downloads/depth_1.1.1_linux_amd64
      ├ encoding/json
      ├ flag
      ├ fmt
      ├ io
      ├ os
      ├ strings
        ├ bytes
        ├ errors
        ├ go/build
        ├ os
        ├ path
        ├ sort
        └ strings

    For reference, I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

  • Improve dependency resolution speed with concurrency

    Improve dependency resolution speed with concurrency

    Currently depth resolves all dependencies synchronously, which can be slightly time consuming on larger projects or when using -internal and/or -test flags, taking several seconds for large enough dependency trees. This would likely be improved by resolving dependencies concurrently and merging the results at the end.

    Will need to add some benchmarks prior to implementing this.

  • Update tests and documentation

    Update tests and documentation

    This change updates output provided by depth to align with reality.

    Throughout this tool, string package from Go's standard library is used as test subject and for documentation purposes. This change aligns tests the output that the tool gives corresponding with current dependencies. It does not carry any change in behavior.

  • I had the same problem, but it worked when it called it from the `cmd` folder (where `main.go` is)

    I had the same problem, but it worked when it called it from the `cmd` folder (where `main.go` is)

    I had the same problem, but it worked when it called it from the cmd folder (where main.go is)

    Originally posted by @ghohmann-asapp in

  • depth crashes when it is unable to resolve an imported package

    depth crashes when it is unable to resolve an imported package

    This may be fine for typical use, but for testing package imports it's particularly troubling. Consider the following:

        - vendoredpkg
             - testdep

    When resolving dependencies most package managers do not resolve secondary dependencies that are only required for testing. If mypkg depends on vendoredpkg that's fine, but running depth with -test will try to resolve it's testdep, which likely won't exist.

    I think in the case of test packages only, depth could output something like so:

        - vendoredpkg
             - testdep (UNRESOLVED)
  • Handle relative paths from the command line

    Handle relative paths from the command line

    Currently you have to type the full import path of a package, for example

    It would be nice to use relative paths like so:

    $ pwd 
    $ depth .
    $ depth ./cmd/depth
  • Log error message

    Log error message

    Error logging helps to track down issues. For example, I was investigating why swaggo failed in my project and found the package name is not in GOROOT error after I modified depth/pkg.go. It wasn't an obvious thing in my project.

    This PR adds error logging in the pkg.go file when it fails to import.

  • "depth" does not seem to work on any packages other than "depth"

    [~] % depth
    '': FATAL: unable to resolve root package
    [~]!% depth
    '': FATAL: unable to resolve root package

    It doesn't work on any KyleBanks packages other than "depth" itself, as far as I have tried.

  • Does it work for package 'main'?

    Does it work for package 'main'?

    I tried this on a server program where I want to see the dependency tree starting from the main package. I cd'ed into the same directory where main.go is found and ran depth main. This returned 'main': FATAL: unable to resolve root package.

    Of note is that I have many 'local' packages under main, and that is the tree that I would like to see.


  • If local Go is different version than Go used to compile `depth`, `tree.Resolve` fails with an unhelpful error message

    If local Go is different version than Go used to compile `depth`, `tree.Resolve` fails with an unhelpful error message

    Hi there!

    We've been using depth as a library as a part of to power our Go dependency discovery. We recently ran into an interesting bug where using a copy of depth compiled with a different (newer?) version of Go than the local Go caused tree.Resolve to fail with cryptic errors like could not resolve package: fmt or could not resolve package: bytes. My suspicion is that this is related to depth's usage of go/build, and some weirdness is going on with importing standard library packages when the Go version changes. See fossas/fossa-cli#63 for our downstream tracking issue.

    We're working around this issue by switching to go list parsing instead, but I wonder if this can be resolved within depth itself (maybe by special-casing the standard library packages?). If not, it may be possible to at least give a less cryptic error message by detecting when a resolution error occurs on a known standard library package.

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