Generic tools for go 1.18+


Generic tools for go 1.18+

FT (func tools)

Provide func tools over iterators

Iterators for functions like Filter, Map, Reduce, etc solve 3 main problems:

  1. Does not allocate new slices (because you just iterates over provided one)
  2. Iterates over slice just once (without iterators in case chaining filter -> map -> reduce iterates 3 times [1 time in each function])
  3. Iterator can be writen for any type you needed. So you can work with custom types (such a List, Queue, etc ) in same way

This package contains:

  • Filter - wrap provided iter and return new iterator, that yields elements satisfying the given function
  • Map - wrap provided iter and return new iterator, that yields elements obtained by applying the given function to each element of the original iterator
  • Skip - skip N iterations of iterator
  • Chunk - split provided iter into several slices returns iterator of slices with len less or equal size
  • Scan - same as reduce but instead of returning one result it return iterator of results at every step
  • Product - make cartesian product of input iters.
  • Cycle - return endless iterator that yields elements from original iter
  • Zip - create a new iterator over provided 2. This iterator yields pairs of each iterator elements. It ends when one of iter ends (you can combine it if you need zip more than 2 iters: Zip(Zip(iter1, iter2), iter3))
  • Enumerate - returns an iterator of the original slice elements with numbering
  • Collect - consumes iterator and return slice of its elements
  • CollectInto - consumes the iterator and fill provided arguments
  • CollectR - same as CollectInto but this func returns value of provided (during call) type. This func uses reflect.
  • Any- consumes iter and returns true if any element of iter returns true on predicate func call on it
  • All - consumes iter and returns true if all elements returns true on predicate func call on it
  • Reduce - consumes iter, calls provided func on every element of iterator, accumulating result (has optional argument for inital value)
  • Count - consumes iter and count its elements (has optional argument to call only specific values)
  • Sum - consumes elements and return sum of it (can be used only on iterators with numeric types (such as int. float, complex)
  • ForEach - consumes iterator and apply provided function on it
  • IntoChannel - return channel that yields iterator elements (has optional arg context.Context)
  • Max - consumes iter and return max element find in it or nil if no such element
  • Min - same as Max but return min element
Iterator consctructors:
  • SliceIter - iterator over slice
  • MapIter - iterator over map (this iterator spawn goroutine to read from map) use this if you have huge size map
  • MapIterOverSlice - iterator over map (this iterator creating SliceIter with all key-value pairs)
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