Set out to become the de facto open-source alternative to MongoDB


MangoDB is set out to become the de facto open-source alternative to MongoDB. MangoDB is an open-source proxy, which converts MongoDB wire protocol queries to SQL, and uses PostgreSQL as a database engine.

Why do we need MangoDB?

MongoDB is a life-changing technology for many developers, empowering them to build applications faster than using relational databases. Its easy to use and well documented drivers makes MongoDB one of the easiest to use database solutions avaliable. However, MongoDB abandoned its open source roots, changing the license to SSPL - making it unusable for many open source and commercial projects.

Most MongoDB users are not in need of many of the advanced features offered by MongoDB, however, they are in the need of an open-source database solution. Recognizing this, MangoDB is here to fill the gap by providing an alternative.


MangoDB will be compatible with MongoDB drivers and will work as a drop-in replacement for MongoDB in many cases.

Current state

What you are seeing here is a tech demo, intended to show a proof of concept. Over the next couple of months we will be working on adding more see this example for a short demonstration.

MangoDB is in a very early stage and welcomes all contributors. See

Contact us

Visit us at, get in touch, and sign up for updates on the project.

A truly Open Source MongoDB alternative
  • Add `saslStart` stub

    Add `saslStart` stub


    Closes #1593.

    We cannot enable authorization to run both FerretDB and MongoDB with PLAIN authorization mechanism because it is not available for MongoDB. Implemented stub was tested locally with FerretDB. To test it locally you need:

    • checkout into this branch;
    • execute bin/task run
    • execute in another terminal docker compose exec mongodb mongosh 'mongodb://username:[email protected]:27018/test?tls=true&tlsCAFile=/etc/certs/rootCA.pem&heartbeatFrequencyMS=300000&authMechanism=PLAIN'

    In the FerretDB output check for the saslStart string. FerretDB will respond with ok, MongoDB will respond with MechanismUnavailable error.

    Readiness checklist

    • [ ] I added tests for new functionality or bugfixes.
    • [x] I ran task all, and it passed.
    • [x] I added/updated comments for both exported and unexported top-level declarations (functions, types, etc).
    • [ ] I checked comments rendering with task godocs.
    • [x] I ensured that the title is good enough for the changelog.
    • [x] (for maintainers only) I set Reviewers (@FerretDB/core), Assignee, Labels, Project and project's Sprint fields.
    • [x] I marked all done items in this checklist.
  • Add documentation for embedded/nested documents query

    Add documentation for embedded/nested documents query


    Closes #1310.

    Readiness checklist

    • [ ] I added tests for new functionality or bugfixes.
    • [ ] I ran task all, and it passed.
    • [ ] I added/updated comments for both exported and unexported top-level declarations (functions, types, etc).
    • [ ] I checked comments rendering with task godocs.
    • [x] I ensured that the title is good enough for the changelog.
    • [x] (for maintainers only) I set Reviewers (@FerretDB/core), Assignee, Labels, Project and project's Sprint fields.
    • [x] I marked all done items in this checklist.
  • Implement `MsgDataSize` for Tigris

    Implement `MsgDataSize` for Tigris


    This PR closes #773.

    Readiness checklist

    • [x] I added tests for new functionality or bugfixes.
    • [x] I ran task all, and it passed.
    • [x] I added/updated comments for both exported and unexported top-level declarations (functions, types, etc).
    • [ ] I checked comments rendering with task godocs.
    • [ ] (for maintainers only) I set Reviewers (@FerretDB/core), Assignee, Labels, Project and project's Sprint fields.
    • [ ] I marked all done items in this checklist.
  • support multiple modules for linters

    support multiple modules for linters


    This PR closes #557 .

    Run linters in all modules except tools (., ./integration)

    Readiness checklist

    • [ ] I added tests for new functionality or bugfixes.
    • [ ] I ran task all, and it passed.
    • [ ] I added/updated comments for both exported and unexported top-level declarations (functions, types, etc).
    • [ ] I checked comments rendering with task godocs.
    • [ ] (for maintainers only) I set Reviewers (@FerretDB/core), Assignee, Labels, Project and project's Sprint fields.
    • [ ] I marked all done items in this checklist.
  • Support `ordered` argument for `delete` command

    Support `ordered` argument for `delete` command


    This PR closes #848.

    Readiness checklist

    • [x] I added tests for new functionality or bugfixes.
    • [x] I ran task all, and it passed.
    • [x] I added/updated comments for both exported and unexported top-level declarations (functions, types, etc).
    • [ ] I checked comments rendering with task godocs.
    • [x] (for maintainers only) I set Reviewers (@FerretDB/core), Assignee, Labels, Project and project's Sprint fields.
    • [x] I marked all done items in this checklist.
  • Support simple query pushdown

    Support simple query pushdown


    This is analysis PR for #2, we won't merge it. Select queries of the form {_id: <value>}. PR scope is {_id: <value>} where <value> is ObjectID.


    TODO: How will we ensure that Tigris compares values the same way as MongoDB?

    Not in scope

    Other cases when <value> of types are not in scope:

    • Strings
      • string comparison difference between MongoDB and PostgreSQL i.e.
      • case sensitive
      • zero values
      • collation
      • encoding checks
      • etc.
    • Binary data
      • len
      • sub-type
      • byte by byte
    • Numeric
    • Dates and Timestamps
      • ordering
    • Non-existent Fields (NaN, Inf)
    • Objects
    • Arrays
      • arrays are restricted to be in _id


    The pushdown term. MongoDB restrictions on _id. MongoDB Comparison/Sort Order.

  • Implement `debugError` command

    Implement `debugError` command


    Closes #640.

    Readiness checklist

    • [ ] I added tests for new functionality or bugfixes.
    • [ ] I ran task all, and it passed.
    • [ ] I added/updated comments for both exported and unexported top-level declarations (functions, types, etc).
    • [ ] I checked comments rendering with task godocs.
    • [x] I ensured that the title is good enough for the changelog.
    • [x] (for maintainers only) I set Reviewers (@FerretDB/core), Assignee, Labels, Project and project's Sprint fields.
    • [x] I marked all done items in this checklist.
  • Add documents validation to `wire` package

    Add documents validation to `wire` package


    Closes #1151.

    Readiness checklist

    • [x] I added tests for new functionality or bugfixes.
    • [ ] I ran task all, and it passed.
    • [x] I added/updated comments for both exported and unexported top-level declarations (functions, types, etc).
    • [ ] I checked comments rendering with task godocs.
    • [x] I ensured that the title is good enough for the changelog.
    • [x] (for maintainers only) I set Reviewers (@FerretDB/core), Assignee, Labels, Project and project's Sprint fields.
    • [x] I marked all done items in this checklist.
  • Fix issues for the Unix listener

    Fix issues for the Unix listener


    Closes #1295.

    • test-integration-pg runs on unix socket, -target-unix-socket is already specified in Taskfile.yml.
    • We don't support unix socket on windows, windows always uses TCP.

    Readiness checklist

    • [ ] I added tests for new functionality or bugfixes.
    • [x] I ran task all, and it passed.
    • [x] I added/updated comments for both exported and unexported top-level declarations (functions, types, etc).
    • [ ] I checked comments rendering with task godocs.
    • [x] I ensured that the title is good enough for the changelog.
    • [x] (for maintainers only) I set Reviewers (@FerretDB/core), Assignee, Labels, Project and project's Sprint fields.
    • [x] I marked all done items in this checklist.
  • Implement ListDatabases command.

    Implement ListDatabases command.

    Had a quick shot at the issue mentioned in #61 - It's not complete but I thought I'd just put it up so you could have a look and point me in the right direction in terms of how I'm approaching it! Still learning a bit about pgx, postgres and mongo.

    Are there any examples so far I could look at to begin getting a feel for how to go abouts this? And also how about the testing.

    Sorry if it's a bit lame, thanks though!

  • Add `InTransactionRetry` helper

    Add `InTransactionRetry` helper

    Final Design Deicsion

    • [x] Retry parameters maxRetries, delay are constants
    • [x] Context should only be checked in inTransaction (no need to check it in InTransactioRetry)
    • [x] ctxutil.Sleep(ctx, delay) should be used for delays between attempts
    • [x] transactionConflictError should wrap the original error
    • [ ] ~lazyerror should be used for errors that are not expected / couldn't be processed~ inTransaction already wraps everything in lazyError.

    Initital Proposal (draft, might not compile)

    Implement InTransactionRetry function that would use InTransaction with the given retry in case the transaction failed.

    Details: In principle, we need to retry the transaction only if there is a pgerrcode.UniqueViolation, pgerrcode.DuplicateObject, or a similar error.

    We can define a special error to be returned in such cases. For example, an error could be something like:

    // errTransactionConflict is returned when one of the queries in the transaction returned an error because
    // of an unexpected conflict. The caller could retry such a transaction.
    var errTransactionConflict = fmt.Errorf("transaction can't continue due to a conflict")

    And then InTransactionRetry would be something like:

    func (pgPool *Pool) InTransactionRetry(ctx context.Context, f func(pgx.Tx) error, maxRetries int, delay time.Duration) (err error) {
    	for retry := 0; retry < maxRetries; retry++ {
    		// TODO: Maybe check if context is done  
    		err := pgPool.InTransaction(ctx, f)
    		switch {
    		case err == nil:
    			return nil
    		case errors.Is(err, errTransactionConflict):
    			return err

    With that, the places where we check for pg errors could be like:

    	switch pgErr.Code {
    	case pgerrcode.UniqueViolation, pgerrcode.DuplicateObject:
    		return errTransactionConflict
    		return lazyerrors.Error(err)

    Definition of done

    • [x] Implement InTransactionRetry
    • [x] Modify at least one handler (for example, msg_insert) to use InTransactionRetry in case of a pg conflict for CreateCollectionIfNotExist
    • [x] Find places where we should use InTransactionRetry and create issue for them
  • Fix inserts of documents without `_id`s

    Fix inserts of documents without `_id`s

    What should be done?

    When an empty document bson.D{} is inserted through collection.InsertOne() or collection.InsertMany(), the driver itself sets a new unique _id for such a document.

    However, if such a document is inserted through db.RunCommand(), a unique _id is not set.

    In this case, FerretDB behaves differently than MongoDB: MongoDB inserts a doc and assigns an _id, and FerretDB returns an error.

    We need to fix it.


    See the issue mentioned in the skipped InsertEmpty test - Remove "skipped" and run the test to see the difference between MongoDB and FerretDB.

    Definition of Done

    • compatibility test unskipped.
  • Update building documentation

    Update building documentation


    Closes #735. Closes #1447.

    Readiness checklist

    • [ ] I added unit tests for new functionality or bug fixes.
    • [ ] I added integration tests for new functionality or bug fixes.
    • [ ] I added compatibility tests for new functionality or bug fixes.
    • [x] I made spot refactorings.
    • [x] I updated user documentation.
    • [x] I ran task all, and it passed.
    • [x] I added/updated comments for both exported and unexported top-level declarations (functions, types, etc).
    • [x] I checked comments rendering with task godocs.
    • [x] I ensured that the title is good enough for the changelog.
    • [x] (for maintainers only) I set Reviewers (@FerretDB/core), Assignee, Labels, Project and project's Sprint fields.
    • [x] I marked all done items in this checklist.
  • Validate the client's TLS certificate

    Validate the client's TLS certificate

    What should be done?

    It should be possible to configure FerretDB to validate the client's certificates against the given CA certificate and reject connections without valid certificates. See Standard go library should be enough for that


    Definition of Done

    • unit, integration, or compatibility test should added (at least one of them should be possible to do);
    • spot refactorings done;
    • user documentation updated (see #1706).
  • Document CLI flags and environment variables

    Document CLI flags and environment variables

    What should be done?

    Our documentation should provide more information than just --help flag.

    Most importantly:

    • the --mode flag requires some explanation in user documentation, not only in;
    • TLS flags should be explained.


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