Go-github-app - Template for building GitHub Apps in Go.

Template for GitHub Apps built with Golang

Build, Test and Lint Action Release Action Quality Gate Status Maintainability Test Coverage Go Report Card

Blog Posts - More Information About This Repo

You can find more information about this project/repository and how to use it in following blog post:

  • Soon...

Quick Start

To use this repository as starter for your project you can run configure_project.sh script, which sets up all variables and file names. This way you can avoid configuring and renaming things yourself:

./configure_project.sh \
    APP_ID="54321" \
    INSTALLATION_ID="987654321" \
    WEBHOOK_SECRET="verysecret" \
    KEY_PATH="./github_key.pem" \


make container  # Builds containerized application
make run        # Runs container at localhost

# From another terminal:
curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/github/pullrequests/octocat/hello-world


Test are run inside container image, equivalent to the container in which the application runs. To run tests:

make test

Running tests:
?   	github.com/MartinHeinz/go-github-app/cmd/app	[no test files]
ok  	github.com/MartinHeinz/go-github-app/cmd/app/apis	0.010s
?   	github.com/MartinHeinz/go-github-app/cmd/app/config	[no test files]
?   	github.com/MartinHeinz/go-github-app/cmd/app/httputil	[no test files]
?   	github.com/MartinHeinz/go-github-app/cmd/app/test_data	[no test files]
?   	github.com/MartinHeinz/go-github-app/cmd/app/utils	[no test files]
ok  	github.com/MartinHeinz/go-github-app/cmd/app/webhooks	0.006s
?   	github.com/MartinHeinz/go-github-app/pkg	[no test files]

Checking gofmt: PASS

Checking go vet: PASS


Predefined CI/CD uses GitHub Actions:

  • Build, Test, Lint Workflow (build.yaml):

    • Builds binary and container image
    • Runs tests and generates code coverage report
    • Performs SonarCloud code analysis
    • Sends coverage starts to CodeClimate
  • Release Workflow (release.yaml, triggered on tag creation):

    • Builds container image
    • Pushes the image to GitHub container registry
Martin Heinz
Software developer/DevOps engineer from Slovakia, living in Bratislava and currently working at IBM. Working with Python, Docker, OpenShift, Golang, Vue.js.
Martin Heinz
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    HI Martin, I'm newbie with go and I've learn a lots with go by your repo, May I have a question that how can I write func that can help me merge a PR ? I'm too newbie, and try to do more things with go.

    I'm trying to put a method here : main.go

    		v1.PUT("/github/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:pull_number/merge ", apis.MergePR)

    then I wrote a func in github.go

    func MergePR(c *gin.Context) {
    	owner := c.Param("owner")
    	repo := c.Param("repo")
    	pull_number := c.Param("pull_number")

    But I dont know howw to do a PUT action within func.


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