Simple example using Git actions + Argo CD + K8S + Docker and GO lang


Simple example using Git actions + Argo CD + K8S + Docker and GO lang


Pre reqs

  • Have an ArgoCD account and Installed.
  • Docker installed.
  • Have k3D intalled.
  • Kubectl installed.
  • Have a Github account.
  • Unlimited of curiosity to learn new things.


  1. Create a K8S cluster k3d cluster create {clustername} (It is in your preference host, in this case are local with K3D).
  2. To list all contexts kubectl config get-contexts.
  3. Enter in K8S cluster's context kubectl cluster-info --context {clustername}.
  4. See if nodes are ok in cluster with kubectl get nodes.
  5. Create a app that you need, in this case a simple webserver in go.
  6. Make a Dockerfile using multistage build.
  7. Build image and send to registry if is necessary (in this case I will maintain local) docker build -t {myname}/{imagename}:{tag} ..
  8. Run image with command docker run --rm -p 9090:9090.
  9. Insert in line 16 of file k8s/deployment.yamlyour image address and in line 22 the port of application.
  10. To run deployment in your kubernetes cluster use the command: kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml.
  11. To see if deployment is running use kubectl get pods.
  12. To delete cluster k3d cluster delete {clustername}.

About Dockerfile

Explain about dockerfile for generating go image

# Multistage build
# First image compile a binary in GO

FROM golang:1.17 as build 
COPY . . 
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o server main.go

# Second image catch a binary from first and generate a simple and light image to use in webserver

FROM alpine:3.12
COPY --from=build /app/server .
CMD ["./server"]


Materials used to reference:

Deploy contínuo com GitOps e ArgoCD k3d Docs ArgoCD ArgoCD Get Started

Diogo Miyake
Data Engineer with DevOps - DevSecOps - DataOps Machine Learning knowledge.
Diogo Miyake
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