Naabu - a port scanning tool written in Go that allows you to enumerate valid ports for hosts in a fast and reliable manner


FeaturesInstallationUsageRunning naabuConfigNMAP integrationCDN ExclusionDiscord

Naabu is a port scanning tool written in Go that allows you to enumerate valid ports for hosts in a fast and reliable manner. It is a really simple tool that does fast SYN/CONNECT scans on the host/list of hosts and lists all ports that return a reply.



  • Fast And Simple SYN/CONNECT probe based scanning.
  • Optimized for ease of use and lightweight on resources
  • Automatic handling of duplicate hosts between multiple subdomains
  • NMAP Integration for service discovery
  • Piped input / output support for integrating in workflows
  • Multiple Output formats supported (JSON, File, Stdout)
  • Multiple input support including HOST/IP/CIDR notation.


naabu -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

  ./naabu [flags]

   -host string                Host to scan ports for
   -list, -l string            File containing list of hosts to scan ports
   -exclude-hosts, -eh string  Specifies a comma-separated list of targets to be excluded from the scan (ip, cidr)
   -exclude-file, -ef string   Specifies a newline-delimited file with targets to be excluded from the scan (ip, cidr)

   -port, -p string            Ports to scan (80, 80,443, 100-200
   -top-ports, -tp string      Top Ports to scan (default top 100)
   -exclude-ports, -ep string  Ports to exclude from scan
   -ports-file, -pf string     File containing ports to scan for
   -exclude-cdn, -ec           Skip full port scans for CDNs (only checks for 80,443)

   -c int     General internal worker threads (default 25)
   -rate int  Rate of port scan probe request (default 1000)

   -o, -output string  File to write output to (optional)
   -json               Write output in JSON lines Format

   -scan-all-ips          Scan all the ips
   -scan-type, -s string  Port scan type (SYN/CONNECT) (default s)
   -source-ip string      Source Ip
   -interface-list, -il   List available interfaces and public ip
   -interface, -i string  Network Interface to use for port scan
   -nmap                  Invoke nmap scan on targets (nmap must be installed)
   -nmap-cli string       nmap command to run on found results (example: -nmap-cli 'nmap -sV')

   -retries int       Number of retries for the port scan probe (default 3)
   -timeout int       Millisecond to wait before timing out (default 1000)
   -warm-up-time int  Time in seconds between scan phases (default 2)
   -ping              Use ping probes for verification of host
   -verify            Validate the ports again with TCP verification

   -debug          Enable debugging information
   -v              Show Verbose output
   -no-color, -nc  Don't Use colors in output
   -silent         Show found ports only in output
   -version        Show version of naabu
   -stats          Display stats of the running scan

Installation Instructions

Download the ready to run binary / docker or install with GO

Before installing naabu, make sure to install libpcap library:

sudo apt install -y libpcap-dev

Installing Naabu:

go install -v

Running Naabu

To run the tool on a target, just use the following command.

naabu -host

This will run the tool against There are a number of configuration options that you can pass along with this command. The verbose switch -v can be used to display verbose information.

naabu -host

  ___  ___  ___ _/ /  __ __
 / _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ // /
/_//_/\_,_/\_,_/_.__/\_,_/ v2.0.3

[WRN] Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions
[WRN] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage.
[INF] Running SYN scan with root privileges
[INF] Found 4 ports on host (

The ports to scan for on the host can be specified via -p parameter. It takes nmap format ports and runs enumeration on them.

naabu -p 80,443,21-23 -host

By default, the Naabu checks for nmap's Top 100 ports. It supports following in-built port lists -

CMD Description
-top-ports 100 Scan for nmap top 100 port
-top-ports 1000 Scan for nmap top 1000 port
-p - Scan for full ports from 1-65535

You can also specify specific ports which you would like to exclude from the scan.

naabu -p - -exclude-ports 80,443

The o flag can be used to specify an output file.

naabu -host -o output.txt

To run the naabu on a list of hosts, -list option can be used.

naabu -list hosts.txt

You can also get output in json format using -json switch. This switch saves the output in the JSON lines format.

naabu -host -json


The ports discovered can be piped to other tools too. For example, you can pipe the ports discovered by naabu to httpx which will then find running http servers on the host.

echo | naabu -silent | httpx -silent

The speed can be controlled by changing the value of rate flag that represent the number of packets per second. Increasing it while processing hosts may lead to increased false-positive rates. So it is recommended to keep it to a reasonable amount.

Configuration file

Naabu supports config file as default located at $HOME/.config/naabu/config.yaml, It allows you to define any flag in the config file and set default values to include for all scans.

Nmap integration

We have integrated nmap support for service discovery or any additional scans supported by nmap on the found results by Naabu, make sure you have nmap installed to use this feature.

To use,nmap-cli flag can be used followed by nmap command, for example:-

echo | naabu -nmap-cli 'nmap -sV -oX nmap-output'
  ___  ___  ___ _/ /  __ __
 / _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ // /
/_//_/\_,_/\_,_/_.__/\_,_/ v2.0.0    

[WRN] Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions
[WRN] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage.
[INF] Running TCP/ICMP/SYN scan with root privileges
[INF] Found 4 ports on host (

[INF] Running nmap command: nmap -sV -p 80,8443,8080,443

Starting Nmap 7.01 ( ) at 2020-09-23 05:02 UTC
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0021s latency).
80/tcp   open  http          cloudflare
443/tcp  open  ssl/https     cloudflare
8080/tcp open  http-proxy    cloudflare
8443/tcp open  ssl/https-alt cloudflare

CDN Exclusion

Naabu also supports excluding CDN IPs being port scanned. If used, only 80 and 443 ports get scanned for those IPs. This feature can be enabled by using exclude-cdn flag.

Currently cloudflare, akamai, incapsula and sucuri IPs are supported for exclusions.

📋 Notes

  • Naabu is designed to scan ports on multiple hosts / mass port scanning.
  • As default naabu is configured with a assumption that you are running it from VPS.
  • We suggest to tune the flags / rate if running naabu from local system.
  • For best results, run naabu as root user.

naabu is made with 🖤 by the projectdiscovery team. Community contributions have made the project what it is. See the file for more details.

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