Github-workflow-dashboard - WEB and CLI dashboard for github action workflows

CLI capable of retrieving github action workflows stats


Example usage

  • Dashboard mod
github-workflow-dashboard -server-mod -owner Azure -repo k8s-deploy  "Create release PR" "Tag and create release draft"
  • CLI mod
github-workflow-dashboard -owner Azure -repo k8s-deploy  "Create release PR" "Tag and create release draft"


Prebuild binaries can be found here.
In order to rebuild the project run make go-build


Usage: github-workflow-dashboard [global flags] '<workflow>'

global flags:
  -format string
    	The format in which to print the workflow stats (ascii, json) (default "ascii")
    	Fetch only the latest run of the github workflow
  -owner string
    	Github repository owner
  -repo string
    	Github repository
    	Start a web server that periodically pulls github workflow stats
  -server-poll-interval int
    	Interval in minutes used to poll github workflows (default 5)
  -server-port int
    	The port on which to start the web server if running in server-mod (default 8080)
  -token string
    	Github API token, see: https://docs.github.coim/en/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use
    	Print version and exit

	github-workflow-dashboard -owner Azure -repo k8s-deploy  "Create release PR" "Tag and create release draft"

Environment variables

Command line args take precedence over env variables. If a cmd arg is not passed and an env variable is present then the env variable will be used.


Running with docker

  • Using Make
make docker-build
make docker-run
  • Using Docker
docker build -t github-workflow-dashboard .

docker run -it -rm -e WORKFLOW_SERVER_MOD=true -e WORKFLOW_OWNER="Azure" -e WORKFLOW_REPO="k8s-deploy" -p 8080:8080 github-workflow-dashboard
  • Exe displayed only the last run

    Exe displayed only the last run

    I I tried the exe-file on windows. It worked very well! The output displayed only the last run. Did I forgot to add a parameter?

    Screenshot of the workflows at github image

    Screnshot of exe output image

  • 同学,您这个项目引入了80个开源组件,存在2个漏洞,辛苦升级一下


    检测到 NewestUser/github-workflow-dashboard 一共引入了80个开源组件,存在2个漏洞

    漏洞标题:go-yaml < 2.2.8拒绝服务漏洞
    缺陷组件[email protected]
    影响范围:(∞, 2.2.8)
    缺陷组件引入路径:main@->[email protected]


  • Fix for 404-error exit on missing-param workflow run

    Fix for 404-error exit on missing-param workflow run

    Hi. It's a nice CLI utility!

    I'm experimenting around the CLI feature and faced an error when -parse-params is used for non-server mode. This PR is a trial to avoid an error exit.


    • When -parse-params is used, unexpected status code: 404 Not Found can occur due to missing workflow params.
      • This can occur when github workflow failed before starting (ex. invalid workflow yaml definition).


    • Proceed the processing after emitting the warning logs in a similar way as server mode (referenced the following logic).



    $ make go-build && ./bin/github-workflow-dashboard-darwin-amd64 -parse-params -owner parroty -repo workflow-dashboard-test -token $GITHUB_TOKEN
    env GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build -o ./bin/github-workflow-dashboard-linux-386 ./cmd/github-workflow-dashboard
    env GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build -o ./bin/github-workflow-dashboard-windows-386.exe ./cmd/github-workflow-dashboard
    env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./bin/github-workflow-dashboard-darwin-amd64 ./cmd/github-workflow-dashboard
    2022/02/25 23:05:14 unexpected status code: 404 Not Found


    $ make go-build && ./bin/github-workflow-dashboard-darwin-amd64 -parse-params -owner parroty -repo workflow-dashboard-test -token $GITHUB_TOKEN
    env GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build -o ./bin/github-workflow-dashboard-linux-386 ./cmd/github-workflow-dashboard
    env GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build -o ./bin/github-workflow-dashboard-windows-386.exe ./cmd/github-workflow-dashboard
    env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./bin/github-workflow-dashboard-darwin-amd64 ./cmd/github-workflow-dashboard
    WARN[0004] Failed fetching workflow params for workflow: Run Tests runId: 1898674888, it will be ommitedd, err: unexpected status code: 404 Not Found
    | WORKFLOW  | # |  STATUS   | BRANCH | COMMITER |   COMMIT MSG    |   COMMIT   |          COMMIT TIME          |           RUN TIME            |   PARAMS   |
    | Run Tests | 3 | completed | main   | parroty  | Update test.yml | aad4c036fc | 2022-02-25 13:05:15 +0000 UTC | 2022-02-25 13:05:16 +0000 UTC | key2: val2 |
    |           |    |           |        |          |                 |            |                               |                               | key1: val1 |
    |           |    |           |        |          |                 |            |                               |                               |            |
    | Run Tests | 2 | completed | main   | parroty  | Update test.yml | 7588024cc6 | 2022-02-25 12:50:58 +0000 UTC | 2022-02-25 12:51:00 +0000 UTC |            |
    | Run Tests | 1 | completed | main   | parroty  | Add dummy yml   | f0fd2458d6 | 2022-02-25 12:41:27 +0000 UTC | 2022-02-25 12:41:36 +0000 UTC |            |
  • Handle the lost run problem

    Handle the lost run problem

    1. Add a workflow with a name 'CI1'
    2. Run some tests
    3. It should be shown like that image
    4. Rename the workflow file image
    5. Your old runs are only listed at "all workflows".

    If you have a lot's of runs you wouln't find them anymore. They get be lost. AND (the worst) they need a lots of space. They should be deleted! In the python script at issue you can see how to filter the lost-runs.


  • Add option to delete runs

    Add option to delete runs

    @NewestUser another problem of github is to delete workflow runs. Nobody wants to klick thousands of buttons. I added a python script into my tooling.

    If you want to, you can implement this into your dashboard. (Did you know the "Lost-runs" problem, by changing the name of a worklfow name in the yml file?)

    Greetings and best wishes. I use PyGithub.

        def cleanup_workflow_runs(self, repo, workflow_selection=None, run_selection=None, interactive:bool=True):
            ''' Delete workflow runs.
            Actual you have to do this manual, because a good-usable functionality to clean up the workflow runs on the github page is not implemented... This is lame.
            This function will help you and saves your time.
            In case of interactive-mode
            1. List workflows
                -> Select workflow: Name, >LOST-RUNS< or all
            2. List selectable runs
                -> Select runs to delete (black list): Run Number(s), all, all-except-last, cancelled, failure or success
                -> Select runs to not delete (white list): Run Number(s)
            3. List selected runs (to delete)
                -> Confirm
                repo: Repository with type 'Github.get_repo()' or as str.
                workflow_selection: default = None, e.g. 'Self Hosted CI'
                run_selection: default = None, e.g. 'all', 'all-except-last', 'cancelled', 'failure' or 'success'
                interactive: default = True. If True the function will expact yout input/selection. If False all workflow-runs will be deleted.
            # input management
            if isinstance(repo, str):
                repo = self.get_repo(repo)
            if repo == None:
                raise Exception("Selected Repository is not in your organization!")
            # get runs
            totalRunList = repo.get_workflow_runs()
            # get a list of all workflows in the repo
            workflowList = repo.get_workflows()
            if workflowList.totalCount == 0:
                print("There are no workflows in your selected repository: '{}'".format(
            # print list
            print("List of all workflows of your selected repository: '{}'".format(
            run_count = 0
            for workflow in workflowList:
                runs = workflow.get_runs()
                run_count = run_count + runs.totalCount
                print(" ID: '{}', Name: '{}', State: '{}': Run(s): '{}'".format(,, workflow.state, runs.totalCount))
            # calculate lost runs
            lost_run_count = totalRunList.totalCount-run_count
            if lost_run_count > 0:
                print(" LOST-RUNS: There are '{}' workflow run(s) without an active yaml-file!".format(lost_run_count))
            # if no selection of a workflow is initiated by function-call
            if workflow_selection == None and interactive:
                workflow_selection = input("Please select a workflow by Name (e.g. >CI< or >LOST-RUNS< or press [Return] for all):")
            # if no interactive and no selection is done: choose the first workflow of the list
            elif workflow_selection == None and not interactive:
                print("No workflow chosen.")
            # search workflow in list
            found = False
            # if no workflow chosen
            if workflow_selection == None or workflow_selection == '':
                found = True
                runList = totalRunList
                print("{} run(s) found.".format(totalRunList.totalCount))
            # in case of lost runs
            elif workflow_selection == 'LOST-RUNS':
                found = True
                runList = []
                for run in totalRunList:
                    run_found = False
                    # check if run has a workflow
                    for workflow in workflowList:
                        if run.workflow_id ==
                            run_found = True
                    # if not, add it to the run list
                    if run_found == False:
                # raise exception if something went wrong
                if len(runList) != lost_run_count:
                    raise Exception("Something went wrong with get lost runs!")
                print("{} run(s) found.".format(lost_run_count))
            # if workflow chosen
                for workflow in workflowList:
                    if == workflow_selection:
                        print("Workflow found in list above: {}".format(workflow_selection))
                        found = True
                        # get runs
                        runList = workflow.get_runs()
                        print("{} run(s) found.".format(runList.totalCount))
            # if workflow found
            if found:
                print("Run List: ")
                for run in runList:
                    #print(" Run Number: '{}', Satus: '{}', Conclusion: '{}', ID: '{}'".format(run.run_number, run.status, run.conclusion,
                    print(" Run Number: '{}', Satus: '{}', Conclusion: '{}', ID: '{}', Branch: '{}', SHA: '{}'".format(run.run_number, run.status, run.conclusion,, run.head_branch, run.head_sha[0:7]))   
                # get input
                if run_selection == None and interactive:
                    ans = input("Select a special run number (e.g. 123), a list of workflow run numbers seperated by comma (e.g. 123, 111, 112) or type >all<, >all-except-last<, >cancelled<, >failure< or >success<:")
                # choose all if no selection is done an not interaction is used
                elif run_selection == None and not interactive:
                    ans = 'all'
                # choose selection if special run is selected
                    ans = run_selection
                # manage input: choose selection
                selectedRuns = []
                # special run number is selected
                if ans not in ['all', 'cancelled', 'failure', 'success', 'all-except-last']:
                    ansSplit = ans.split(',')
                    for id in ansSplit:
                        if id.isnumeric():
                            raise Exception("Invalid input '{}'!".format(id))
                    for run in runList:
                        # delete all runs
                        if ans == 'all':
                        # check conclusion
                        elif ans in ['cancelled', 'failure', 'success'] and run.conclusion == ans:
                        # in case of "all-except-last"
                        elif ans == 'all-except-last' and not run == runList[0]:
                # whitelist
                if interactive:
                    ans = input("Do you want to keep runs? Select a special run number (e.g. 123) or a list of workflow run numbers seperated by comma (e.g. 123, 111, 112). For no run keeping press [Return]:")
                    if ans != '':
                        keepRuns = []
                        # convert run slection
                        ansSplit = ans.split(',')
                        for id in ansSplit:
                        # step over keep runs
                        for keepRun in keepRuns:
                            # search in list and change List
                            for selectedRun in selectedRuns:
                                if selectedRun == keepRun:
                                    # delete keepRunId from run List (keeping)
                # list runs to delete
                if interactive:
                    print("Selected Run List: ")
                    for run in runList:
                        if run.run_number in selectedRuns:
                            #print(" Run Number: '{}', Satus: '{}', Conclusion: '{}', ID: '{}'".format(run.run_number, run.status, run.conclusion,
                            print(" Run Number: '{}', Satus: '{}', Conclusion: '{}', ID: '{}', Branch: '{}', SHA: '{}'".format(run.run_number, run.status, run.conclusion,, run.head_branch, run.head_sha[0:7]))          
                    ans = input("Confirm selection! Yes [default] or No:")
                    if ans in ['y', 'Y', 'yes', 'YES', 'Yes', '']:
                    elif ans in ['n', 'N', 'no', 'NO', 'No']:
                        print("Unkown input! Skip.")
                # interate over list and 
                for run in runList:
                    if run.run_number in selectedRuns:
                        # delete completed workflow run
                        if run.status == 'completed':
                            print(" delete run with number: '{}'".format(run.run_number))
                            repo._requester.requestJson("DELETE", run.url)
                        # ask for cancel workflow run
                            print("It is not possible to delete run: '{}'. This is not completed.".format(run.run_number))
                            if interactive:
                                ans = input("Do you want to cancel it? Yes [default] or No:")
                                if ans in ['y', 'Y', 'yes', 'YES', 'Yes', '']:
                                    print("Please rerun cleanup")
                                elif ans in ['n', 'N', 'no', 'NO', 'No']:
                                    print("No cancel selected!")
                                    print("Unkown input! Skip.")
                print("Workflow '{}' not found in list above.".format(workflow_selection))```
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