The primary place where Optimism works on stuff related to Optimistic Ethereum


The Optimism Monorepo


This is the primary place where Optimism works on stuff related to Optimistic Ethereum.


Extensive documentation is available here.



Read through for a general overview of our contribution process.

Directory Structure

  • packages: Contains all the typescript packages and contracts
  • l2geth: Fork of go-ethereum v1.9.10 implementing the OVM.
  • integration-tests: Integration tests between a L1 testnet, l2geth,
  • ops: Contains Dockerfiles for containerizing each service involved in the protocol, as well as a docker-compose file for bringing up local testnets easily

Branching Model and Releases

Active Branches

Branch Status
master Accepts PRs from develop when we intend to deploy to mainnet.
develop Accepts PRs that are compatible with master OR from regenesis/X.X.X branches.
regenesis/X.X.X Accepts PRs for all changes, particularly those not backwards compatible with develop and master.


We generally follow this Git branching model. Please read the linked post if you're planning to make frequent PRs into this repository (e.g., people working at/with Optimism).

The master branch

The master branch contains the code for our latest "stable" releases. Updates from master always come from the develop branch. We only ever update the master branch when we intend to deploy code within the develop to the Optimistic Ethereum mainnet. Our update process takes the form of a PR merging the develop branch into the master branch.

The develop branch

Our primary development branch is develop. develop contains the most up-to-date software that remains backwards compatible with our latest experimental network deployments. If you're making a backwards compatible change, please direct your pull request towards develop.

Changes to contracts within packages/contracts/contracts are usually NOT considered backwards compatible and SHOULD be made against a release candidate branch. Some exceptions to this rule exist for cases in which we absolutely must deploy some new contract after a release candidate branch has already been fully deployed. If you're changing or adding a contract and you're unsure about which branch to make a PR into, default to using the latest release candidate branch. See below for info about release candidate branches.

Release new versions

Developers can release new versions of the software by adding changesets to their pull requests using yarn changeset. Changesets will persist over time on the develop branch without triggering new version bumps to be proposed by the Changesets bot. Once changesets are merged into master, the bot will create a new pull request called "Version Packages" which bumps the versions of packages. The correct flow for triggering releases is to re-base these pull requests onto develop and merge them, and then create a new pull request to merge develop onto master. Then, the release workflow will trigger the actual publishing to npm and Docker hub.

Release candidate branches

Branches marked regenesis/X.X.X are release candidate branches. Changes that are not backwards compatible and all changes to contracts within packages/contracts/contracts MUST be directed towards a release candidate branch. Release candidates are merged into develop and then into master once they've been fully deployed. We may sometimes have more than one active regenesis/X.X.X branch if we're in the middle of a deployment. See table in the Active Branches section above to find the right branch to target.


Code forked from go-ethereum under the name l2geth is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 in accordance with the original license.

All other files within this repository are licensed under the MIT License unless stated otherwise.

Onther Inc. Technology
Ethereum Blockchain R&D Startup
Onther Inc. Technology
  • Or 328 migration v20221005

    Or 328 migration v20221005

    optimism/master의 업데이트(commit id: 302700d694ad448befadc23760a9e5b448e3754d)를 적용하여 migration 작업을 진행하였습니다. OR-328 브랜치에서 docker container 빌드 및 실행, integration-test까지 확인 완료하였습니다.

    확인 과정에서 tokamak/message-relayer를 빌드할 때 필요한 패키지들이 업데이트되면서 의존성 문제가 있어 init 함수를 일부 수정하였습니다. 같이 확인 부탁드립니다.

    • contract-bedrock 패키지 빌드 제외
    • tokamak/message-relayer 빌드에 필요한 패키지 버전 업데이트
    • tokamak/message-relayer 디펜던시 오류 픽스 & 패키지 버전 업데이트
    • tokamak/message-relayer 내 불필요한 주석 삭제
  • OR-162 deploy contracts

    OR-162 deploy contracts

    아래와 같이 contract 배포 작업을 완료하였습니다. 작업한 내용을 확인하실 수 있도록 ops/ 에 가이드를 추가하였습니다. 확인 부탁드립니다.

    • 컨트랙트 배포용 쉘 스크립트 적용
    • fee token 기능을 위한 컨트랙트 추가
    • hardhat 배포 스크립트 수정
    • state dump 코드 수정
  • [OR-132] Add L1 BOBA & Boba_GasPriceOracle contract

    [OR-132] Add L1 BOBA & Boba_GasPriceOracle contract

    I modified some code to deploy the contracts for L2 fee token.

    • ADD packages/contracts/contracts/L1/token/BOBA.sol
    • ADD packages/contracts/contracts/L2/predeploys/Boba_GasPriceOracle.sol
    • MODIFY deploy script in packages/contracts/deploy
    • ADD packages/contracts/src/hardhat-deploy-ethers.ts
    • MODIFY packages/contracts/src/predeploys.ts
  • Or 339 deploy contracts FW

    Or 339 deploy contracts FW

    빠른 출금을 위한 컨트랙트 추가 및 배포 구현 완료하였습니다. 확인 부탁드립니다. 구현 내용은 12/12 세미나에서 말씀드린 내용과 완전히 동일하며, 수정 내용을 살펴보시고 궁금한 점이 있으시면 언제든 코멘트를 부탁드리겠습니다.

    commit log

    add contracts for fast-withdraw]( add contracts for fast-withdraw in tokamak/contracts( clean up( add test for L2BillingContracts( add test for L1CrossDomainMessengerFast( add tokamak_deployer( clean up & disable typechain( implement deploy script: L1CrossDomainMessengerFast, L1Liqui…( Fix CALL_EXCEPTION error( deploy ERC20 in L1/L2 & deploy BillingContract( serve addreses of deployed contract( change list of deployed token contract( get network env in deploy/004-L2ERC20.deploy.ts( clean up( refactoring packages(

  • Or 244 apply feedback

    Or 244 apply feedback

    fee token PoC 피드백 반영하였습니다. 확인 부탁드립니다.

    • L2 토큰 심볼 변경: TOKAMAK -> TON
    • deploy script 15번 수정: hardhat flag에 따라 L1 Token 컨트랙트 배포 결정
    • L2TokamakFee 필드명 수정: L2TokamakFee -> ERC20L2Fee
    • 예제 코드 간소화 (예제 코드는 OR-244 브랜치를 feature/fee-token에 merge하고 나서 tokamak-optimism-example 레포지토리에 이동할 예정입니다.)
  • Or 215 fix fee token example

    Or 215 fix fee token example

    fee token 관련 example 코드의 버그를 수정하고 integration-tests에서 tokamak fee 테스트 코드를 추가하였습니다.

    • register fee token: examples/reigster-fee-token
    • send transaction: examples/fee-token-sendtx
    • tokamak fee test code: integration-tests/test/tokamak-fee-payment.spec.ts

    현재 integration-tests에서 withdrawTOKAMAK 테스트는 주석처리되어 있습니다. finalize 시 CTC/SCC 컨트랙트 call에서 오류가 있어 살펴보는 중입니다. 오류가 해결되면 추가하여 push하겠습니다.

  • OR-339 deploy contracts FW

    OR-339 deploy contracts FW

    빠른 출금을 위한 컨트랙트 추가 및 배포 구현 완료하였습니다. 확인 부탁드립니다.

    구현 내용은 12/12 세미나에서 말씀드린 내용과 완전히 동일하며, 수정 내용을 살펴보시고 궁금한 점이 있으시면 언제든 코멘트를 부탁드리겠습니다.

    해당 PR에서는 PR 목적에 맞는 코드 수정 내용만을 확인할 수 있도록 main -> feature/fast-withraw 로 변경 사항을 머지하였습니다. (pull request) 가이드 해주셔서 감사합니다. @harryoh

    commit log

    add contracts for fast-withdraw ( add contracts for fast-withdraw in tokamak/contracts ( clean up ( add test for L2BillingContracts ( add test for L1CrossDomainMessengerFast ( add tokamak_deployer ( clean up & disable typechain ( implement deploy script: L1CrossDomainMessengerFast, L1LiquidityPool, L2LiquidityPool (included proxy) ( Fix CALL_EXCEPTION error ( deploy ERC20 in L1/L2 & deploy BillingContract ( serve addreses of deployed contract ( change list of deployed token contract ( get network env in deploy/004-L2ERC20.deploy.ts ( clean up ( refactoring packages (

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