Fast in-memory key:value store/cache with TTL

MCache library

Build Status Go Report Card GoDoc

go-mcache - this is a fast key:value storage. Its major advantage is that, being essentially a thread-safe .


with expiration times, it doesn't need to serialize, and quick removal of expired keys.


~ $ go get -u

Example a Pointer value (vary fast method)

type User struct {
	Name string
	Age  uint
	Bio  string

func main() {
	//Start mcache instance
	MCache = mcache.New()

	//Create custom key
	key := "custom_key1"
	//Create example struct
	user := &User{
		Name: "John",
		Age:  20,
		Bio:  "gopher 80 lvl",

	//args - key, &value, ttl (or you need never delete, set ttl is mcache.TTL_FOREVER)
	err := MCache.Set(key, user, time.Minute*20)
	if err != nil {

	if data, ok := MCache.Get(key); ok {
		objUser:= data.(*User)
		fmt.Printf("User name: %s, Age: %d, Bio: %s\n", objUser.Name, objUser.Age, objUser.Bio)			

Performance Benchmarks

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkWrite-4          200000              7991 ns/op 
BenchmarkRead-4          1000000              1716 ns/op 
BenchmarkRW-4             300000              9894 ns/op

What should be done

  • the possibility of closing
  • r/w benchmark statistics
  • rejection of channels in safeMap in favor of sync.Mutex (there is an opinion that it will be faster)



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  • Cache seems to be a singleton [resolved]

    Cache seems to be a singleton [resolved]

    Try this:

    a, b := mcache.New(), mcache.New()
    a.Set("foo", 123, time.Second)
    val, ok := b.Get("foo")
    fmt.Println(val, ok)

    Which will produce "123 ok". It seems you cannot have multiple caches. This should either be documented clearly or fixed.

  • Fix a bug that objects remain in storage.

    Fix a bug that objects remain in storage.

    I found a rare case bug that objects remain in a storage in spite of gc working.

    We can sometimes see by the following.

    import (
    const (
    	N = 4000
    func test() {
    	driver := mcache.StartInstance()
    	var interval time.Duration
    	var i int64
    	fmt.Printf("Storage has %d object\n", driver.Len())
    	i = 0
    	for true {
    		if i % 1000 == 0 {
    			fmt.Printf("It is working... %d\n", i)
    		interval = time.Millisecond * 1
    		driver.Set(strconv.FormatInt(i, 10), big.NewInt(i), interval)
    		if i >= N {
    	fmt.Printf("Finished setting %d objects\n", N)
    	fmt.Printf("Storage currently has %d object\n", driver.Len())
    	time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
    	l := driver.Len()
    	if l != 0 {
    		fmt.Printf("%d objects remain\n", l)
    	} else {
    		fmt.Println("Nothing remain")
    func main() {

    Please confirm the behavior above, and check my code.



    BenchmarkWrite-4          200000              8370 ns/op                                                                                                                                                    
    BenchmarkRead-4          1000000              1710 ns/op                                                                                                                                                    
    BenchmarkRW-4             300000              9412 ns/op


    BenchmarkWrite-4          200000              7991 ns/op 
    BenchmarkRead-4          1000000              1716 ns/op 
    BenchmarkRW-4             300000              9894 ns/op
  • README: fix example code

    README: fix example code

    • add "header" sections (package and import)
    • add missing word "struct" in the User type declaration
    • replace "new" with composite literal to get rid of unnecessary assignments
    • add missing returned error receiver to MCache.Set and MCache.SetPointer
    • fix MCache name where methods Get and GetPointer are called
    • fix typo objUser,Bio -> objUser.Bio
    • last log.Println should be Printf in order to replace "%s" with the key value
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    Apply for maintainer

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