Tabouli: a TUI for interacting with firmware/embedded devices that support a CLI via serial interface/virtual COM Port



Tabouli is a TUI for interacting with firmware/embedded devices that support a CLI via serial interface/virtual COM Port. It supports command history, shortcuts, and Test Automation that allows you to automatically send commands defined in your test file.

Tabouli, written in Go, is also a delicious Mediterranean dish (properly spelled Tabbouleh) and it contains the letters T, U, and I: (T)abo(U)l(I)

Made @ Ovyl ovyl



First, enable golang plugin:
asdf plugin-add golang

Next, install latest:
asdf install golang latest

Lastly, Reshim:
asdf reshim golang

Note: We use asdf to manage golang installations below, but feel free to use whatever method you like.

Running From Source

Start by installing dependencies:
go get

Then run the TUI from Source:
go run main.go tui /dev/tty.usbserial-2111430

Running A Binary

Create the binary:
go build -o bin/tabouli main.go

Run the binary:
tabouli tui /dev/tty.usbserial-2111430
If you are running from a binary, make sure that you place your test files and the default file in /bin folder along with your binary.



Command History

The TUI supports a command history. Simply hit the up arrow just like a normal terminal.


Currently the Commands and Test Files are invokable via auto-assigned shortcut. Simply make sure that the appropriate window has focus for the shortcut to work.
The shortcut is designated in yellow next to a command or automated test like this: (1)

Test Automation Files

The application will look resursively for test files starting with the current executable diretory. Test files must start with test_ and be of file type .yaml. For instance: test_my_quick_test.yaml will be picked up. The contents of the file should look something like this:

  - help
  - comm_test
  - gpio_set -pin 3 -level 1
  - ble_start_scan -whitelist 0
  - led -which 1 -color red

The software will parse the file and send each line (without the "-", that is for YAML file syntax).

Defaults File

Please update the defaults.yaml file to adjust your serial port connection settings and terminators/delimiters:

  • Baud Rate
  • Data Bits
  • Stop Bits
  • Parity
  • RX Terminator (indicates the end of a response from the device)
  • TX Terminator (added to the end of a commands to the device)

The terminators MUST be in double quotes in the defaults.yaml file like this: "\r\n".

Firmware Requirements

Currently in order to be able to populate the "Commands" window automatically, there is an expected format that the firmware should send back the "help" response, here is how we handle it in our firmware:

cli_lib.println("`help`                 Get help/usage for commands\n");
cli_lib.println("`comm_test`            Request communications test\n");
cli_lib.println("`switch_settings`      Get the user settings\r\n");  // Notice the last command ends in \r\n

Each command has backticks around the command, and the description is outside of the command. This is not required, it just fills out the "Commands" column. Typing in commands and Test Automation will still work just fine.

Future Work

  • Support a "wait" or "sleep" command in the Test Automation file syntax
  • Support a "headless mode" for just invoking test automation - not everyone wants a TUI.
Product development firm located in Nashville
  • Release a precompiled version

    Release a precompiled version

    I think that it would be great to have a precompiled version of this app, either available via the release page of github or in some main distro repositories (but that has some work to it). In my use case I don't intend to install the go toolchain on my system and it would be great to have a precompiled package that I can just move in my bin folder.

  • Make the TUI interactive from the beginning to list available com ports, pick serial settings, then open.

    Make the TUI interactive from the beginning to list available com ports, pick serial settings, then open.

    UI should come up with list of available com ports for a CLI, and for Logs, you can select and pick for each, or both.
    UI should read the default serial settings from the file, but also allow user to adjust if needed. If changes are made the defaults file is written to for next time. Once user makes selections the UI transitions to logs, or cli or both.

  • App does not exit gracefully when device is unplugged when logging is enabled

    App does not exit gracefully when device is unplugged when logging is enabled

    When --logs is passed in and device com port for logging is connected, unplug the device. This disconnect is not handled properly and the app does not even respond to ctrl+c to kill it. I have to kill the terminal.

  • expect and test scripts additional features

    expect and test scripts additional features

    Could also add expect functionality, where the script checks back if it received a valid response. IMO, support for "test scripts" would provide a good basis for automated on-device tests that could be performed by the CI server.

    Best, Voja

  • Support detecting Automation File changes while app is running.

    Support detecting Automation File changes while app is running.

    Currently the app loads the Automation Files on load. If you change one or add a new one, you have to re-load the app. It would be nice to detect file changes and reload them and detect new files added.

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