Authorization As A Service


NOTE: this is a work in progress and this software is not usable yet

a3s (stands for Auth As A Service) is an authentication and ABAC authorization server.

It allows to normalize various sources of authentication like OIDC, AWS/Azure/GCP Identity tokens, LDAP and more into a generic authentication token that contains identity claims (rather than scopes). These claims can be used by authorization policies to give a particular subset of users various permissions.

These authorization policies match a set of users based on a logical claim expression (like group=red and color=blue or group=admin) and apply to a namespace.

A namespace is a node that is part of hierarchical tree that represent an abstract organizational unit.

Basically, an authorization policy allows a subset of users, defined by claims retrieved from an authentication source, to perform actions in a particular namespace and all of its children.

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  • test



    Motivation and Context

    How Has This Been Tested?

    Screenshots (if appropriate)

    Types of changes

    • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)


    • [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
    • [ ] I have read the CONTRIBUTING document.
    • [ ] I have added tests to cover my changes if appropriate.
    • [ ] All new and existing tests passed.
  • Align examples/python/testapp/ token names to README

    Align examples/python/testapp/ token names to README


    The provided example commands at the end of examples/python/testapp/ call the tokens mtok and jtok.

    This conflicts with the naming convention in examples/python/testapp/

    Motivation and Context

    This change renames them TOKEN_M and TOKEN_J to make this more consistent and help avoid confusion.

    How Has This Been Tested?

    This is a non-breaking change and therefore is untested.

    Types of changes

    • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
  • make test fails on master

    make test fails on master

    Describe the bug

    Platform: Mac OS

      * /Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/src/
      Line 71:
      Expected: 'tls: failed to parse certificate from server: x509: malformed certificate'
      Actual:   'tls: failed to parse certificate from server: asn1: structure error: tags don't match (16 vs {class:1 tag:7 length:97 isCompound:true}) {optional:false explicit:false application:false private:false defaultValue:<nil> tag:<nil> stringType:0 timeType:0 set:false omitEmpty:false} certificate @2'
      (Should be equal)
      goroutine 34 [running]:
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/reporting/reports.go:143 +0x7b
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/reporting/reports.go:103 +0xbc
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/context.go:176 +0x233
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/doc.go:125 +0x71
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/src/ +0x25a
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/discovery.go:80 +0x3e
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/context.go:261 +0x232
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/context.go:163 +0xa9*ContextManager).SetValues.func1(0x0)
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/context.go:97 +0x5cb
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/gid.go:19 +0x1b9*ContextManager).SetValues(0xc00019ca80, 0xc00033e120, 0xc00034c000)
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/context.go:63 +0x285
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/context.go:162 +0x359
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/doc.go:77 +0xb1
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/src/ +0x47b
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/discovery.go:80 +0x3e
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/context.go:261 +0x232
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/context.go:110 +0x1d8*ContextManager).SetValues.func1(0x0)
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/context.go:97 +0x5cb
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/gid.go:24 +0x46, 0xc0001aa120)
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/stack_tags.go:108 +0x43, 0xc0001aa120)
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/stack_tags.go:56 +0x45
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/stack_tags.go:49
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/gid.go:24 +0x176*ContextManager).SetValues(0xc00019ca80, 0xc000199290, 0xc0001a0640)
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/context.go:63 +0x285
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/context.go:105 +0x465
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/convey/doc.go:75 +0xe5
      	/Users/sseeeff/workspace/code/go/src/ +0x105
      testing.tRunner(0xc000182480, 0x1a354c8)
      	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1193 +0x203
      created by testing.(*T).Run
      	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1238 +0x5d8
    15 total assertions
    --- FAIL: TestMakeTLSPeerCertificateVerifier (0.02s)

    Possible solution

    Check error as StartsWith "tls: failed to parse certificate from server: "

  • Quickstart: Missing dependencies in go.mod/sum while build on MAC OS.

    Quickstart: Missing dependencies in go.mod/sum while build on MAC OS.

    Missing deps in make docker:

    cd cmd/a3s && CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-w -s" -trimpath
    ../../../../../../pkg/mod/[email protected]/prometheus/desc.go:22:2: missing go.sum entry for module providing package (imported by; to add:
    	go get[email protected]
    ../../../../../../pkg/mod/[email protected]/prometheus/desc.go:24:2: missing go.sum entry for module providing package (imported by; to add:
    	go get[email protected]
    ../../../../../../pkg/mod/[email protected]/prometheus/value.go:24:2: missing go.sum entry for module providing package (imported by; to add:
    	go get[email protected]
    ../../../../../../pkg/mod/[email protected]/go/metrics.pb.go:9:2: missing go.sum entry for module providing package (imported by; to add:
    	go get[email protected]
    ../../../../../../pkg/mod/[email protected]/oidc/oidc.go:19:2: missing go.sum entry for module providing package (imported by; to add:
    	go get
    make: *** [a3s_linux] Error 1

    Missing deps in make cli:

    sseeeff@sseeeff-mbp a3s (master) $ make cli
    cd cmd/a3sctl && CGO_ENABLED=0 go install -ldflags="-w -s" -trimpath
    ../../pkgs/authlib/internal/providers/gcp.go:7:2: missing go.sum entry for module providing package (imported by; to add:
    	go get
    ../../../../../../pkg/mod/[email protected]/prettyjson.go:12:2: missing go.sum entry for module providing package (imported by; to add:
    	go get[email protected]
    ../../../../../../pkg/mod/[email protected]/util.go:15:2: missing go.sum entry for module providing package (imported by; to add:
    	go get[email protected]
    make: *** [cli] Error 1
  • pkg/permissions: support negative permissions

    pkg/permissions: support negative permissions

    It should be possible to declare negative permissions like so


    This would allow some sort of blacklist model like


    Effectively allowing everything but getting dog

  • Fixed: Only populate issuer if one is found

    Fixed: Only populate issuer if one is found


    When leveraging a3s as an auth source, I noticed that claims coming from backend looked like this:

    "claims": [
      "@auth:[email protected]",

    This caused issue with the retrievemany filter for authorizations as there was no issuer provided. To get it to work, the logic is now to populate the issuer if one is found, else skip adding it.

  • Update README regarding dependencies and binary names

    Update README regarding dependencies and binary names


    example/python/testapp/ was missing a required python dependency. It also assumed your system refers to python and pip 3 binaries as python and pip.

    Motivation and Context

    This change adds the missing python dependency pyopenssl and adds notes to reflect you may need to use pip3 and python3 to call the required commands.

    How Has This Been Tested?

    This is a non-breaking change and therefore it is untested

    Types of changes

    • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
  • ui: irl claims requesting & scanning

    ui: irl claims requesting & scanning

    • New page /request.html for creating claim requesting entries. Each entry can generate a claim request QR which internally contains:
      claims: string[]
      issuers: string[]
      message: string
      meta: {
        version: string
    • In the original login page, a button Scan Request QR is added. It will scan the claim request QR generated by the requester. The requested claim prefixes will be used as the cloak parameter with any auth source to get the token, shown as a QR image.
  • Quickstart: dev/certs-init does not work.

    Quickstart: dev/certs-init does not work.

    Describe the bug

    It uses a command called tg and generates errors like:

    seeeff@seeeff-mbp a3s (master) $ dev/certs-init
    dev/certs-init: line 11: tg: command not found
    dev/certs-init: line 17: tg: command not found
    cat: .data/certificates/ca-intermediate-cert.pem: No such file or directory
    cat: .data/certificates/ca-root-cert.pem: No such file or directory
    dev/certs-init: line 32: tg: command not found
    dev/certs-init: line 44: tg: command not found
    dev/certs-init: line 52: tg: command not found
    dev/certs-init: line 61: tg: command not found
    dev/certs-init: line 65: tg: command not found
    seeeff@seeeff-mbp a3s (master) $
  • ui: login updates

    ui: login updates

    • Add select / deselect all for claims selection dialog
    • Hide @source:* claims
    • Use window.location.origin + window.location.pathname for OIDC redirect URL
  • [Community Health Assessment] Changes needed

    [Community Health Assessment] Changes needed

    This issue was opened by a bot called Community Health (PANW) because this repo has failed too many community health checks.

    Repo maintainers: Please take the time to fix the issues in the table to reach the target score. These improvements will help others find your work and contribute to it. This issue will update as your score improves until it hits the target score.

    Click More info for instructions to fix each item.

    | Health Check | Pass | Score | More Info | | ------------ | ---- | ----- | --------- | | Contains a meaningful file | :white_check_mark: | 20 / 20 | More info | file exists | :x: | 0 / 20 | More info | Repo has a description | :white_check_mark: | 15 / 15 | More info | Has a recognized open source license | :white_check_mark: | 15 / 15 | More info | Has a descriptive repo name | :x: | 0 / 15 | More info | Required topics attached to repo | :x: | 0 / 15 | More info | file with contribution guidelines | :x: | 0 / 5 | More info | Has custom issue and pull request templates | :x: | 0 / 5 | More info

    Current score: 50 Target threshold: 100 Total possible: 110

  • [Community Health Assessment] Changes needed

    [Community Health Assessment] Changes needed

    This issue was opened by a bot called Community Health (PANW) because this repo has failed too many community health checks.

    Repo maintainers: Please take the time to fix the issues in the table to reach the target score. These improvements will help others find your work and contribute to it. This issue will update as your score improves until it hits the target score.

    Click More info for instructions to fix each item.

    | Health Check | Pass | Score | More Info | | ------------ | ---- | ----- | --------- | | Contains a meaningful file | :white_check_mark: | 20 / 20 | More info | file exists | :white_check_mark: | 20 / 20 | More info | Repo has a description | :white_check_mark: | 15 / 15 | More info | Has a recognized open source license | :white_check_mark: | 15 / 15 | More info | Has a descriptive repo name | :x: | 0 / 15 | More info | Required topics attached to repo | :x: | 0 / 15 | More info | file with contribution guidelines | :white_check_mark: | 5 / 5 | More info | Has custom issue and pull request templates | :x: | 0 / 5 | More info

    Current score: 75 Target threshold: 100 Total possible: 110

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