An ENet wrapper for Godot 3.


An ENet wrapper for Godot.

GDNet for Godot 3. If you need to use GDNet for Godot 2.1+, you can find it here.


ENet is a library that provides a number of features on top of UDP such as, connection handling, sequencing, reliability, channels, bandwidth throttling, packet fragmentation and reassembly. GDNet provides a (mostly) thin wrapper around ENet.


Simply drop the code into a gdnet3 directory in your godot/modules directory and build for the platfom of your choice. GDNet has been verified to build on Linux (64 bit), MacOS X (32/64 bit), and Windows (32/64 bit cross-compiled using MinGW).


extends Node

var client1 = null
var client2 = null
var peer1 = null
var peer2 = null
var server = null

func _init():
	var address =

	server =

	client1 =
	peer1 = client1.host_connect(address)

	client2 =
	peer2 = client2.host_connect(address)

func _process(delta):
	if (client1.is_event_available()):
		var event = client1.get_event()

		if (event.get_event_type() == GDNetEvent.CONNECT):
			print("Client1 connected")
			peer1.send_var("Hello from client 1", 0)

		if (event.get_event_type() == GDNetEvent.RECEIVE):

	if (client2.is_event_available()):
		var event = client2.get_event()

		if (event.get_event_type() == GDNetEvent.CONNECT):
			print("Client2 connected")
			peer2.send_var("Hello from client 2", 0)

		if (event.get_event_type() == GDNetEvent.RECEIVE):

	if (server.is_event_available()):
		var event = server.get_event()

		if (event.get_event_type() == GDNetEvent.CONNECT):
			var peer = server.get_peer(event.get_peer_id())
			var address = peer.get_address();
			print("Peer connected from ", address.get_host(), ":", address.get_port())
			peer.send_var(str("Hello from server to peer ", event.get_peer_id()), 0)

		elif (event.get_event_type() == GDNetEvent.RECEIVE):
			server.broadcast_var("Server broadcast", 0)

Sample Output:

Client1 connected
Client2 connected
Peer connected from
Peer connected from
Hello from server to peer 0
Hello from client 2
Hello from server to peer 1
Server broadcast
Hello from client 1
Server broadcast
Server broadcast
Server broadcast



  • set_port(port:Integer)
  • get_port():Integer
  • set_host(host:String)
  • get_host():String


  • get_event_type():Integer - returns one of GDNetEvent.CONNECT, GDNetEvent.DISCONNECT, or GDNetEvent.RECEIVE
  • get_peer_id():Integer - the peer associated with the event
  • get_channel_id():Integer - only valid for GDNetEvent.RECEIVE events
  • get_packet():PoolByteArray - only valid for GDNetEvent.RECEIVE events
  • get_var():Variant - only valid for GDNetEvent.RECEIVE events
  • get_data():Integer - only valid for GDNetEvent.CONNECT and GDNetEvent.DISCONNECT events


  • get_peer(id:Integer):GDNetPeer
  • set_event_wait(id:Integer) - sets the duration of time the host thread will wait (block) for events (default: 1 ms)
  • set_max_peers(max:Integer) - must be called before bind (default: 32)
  • set_max_channels(max:Integer) - must be called before bind (default: 1)
  • set_max_bandwidth_in(max:Integer) - measured in bytes/sec, must be called before bind (default: unlimited)
  • set_max_bandwidth_out(max:Integer) - measured in bytes/sec, must be called before bind (default: unlimited)
  • bind(addr:GDNetAddress) - starts the host (the system determines the interface/port to bind if addr is empty)
  • unbind() - stops the host
  • host_connect(addr:GDNetAddress, data:Integer):GDNetPeer - attempt to connect to a remote host (data default: 0)
  • broadcast_packet(packet:PoolByteArray, channel_id:Integer, type:Integer) - type must be one of GDNetMessage.UNSEQUENCED, GDNetMessage.SEQUENCED, or GDNetMessage.RELIABLE
  • broadcast_var(var:Variant, channel_id:Integer, type:Integer) - type must be one of GDNetMessage.UNSEQUENCED, GDNetMessage.SEQUENCED, or GDNetMessage.RELIABLE
  • is_event_available():Boolean - returns true if there is an event in the queue
  • get_event_count():Integer - returns the number of events in the queue
  • get_event():GDNetEvent - return the next event in the queue


These methods should be called after a successful connection is established, that is, only after a GDNetEvent.CONNECT event is consumed.

  • get_peer_id():Integer
  • get_address():GDNetAddress
  • ping() - sends a ping to the remote peer
  • set_ping_interval(pingInterval:Integer) - Sets the interval at which pings will be sent to a peer
  • get_avg_rtt():Integer - Average Round Trip Time (RTT). Note, this value is initially 500 ms and will be adjusted by traffic or pings.
  • reset() - forcefully disconnect a peer (foreign host is not notified)
  • peer_disconnect(data:Integer) - request a disconnection from a peer (data default: 0)
  • disconnect_later(data:Integer) - request disconnection after all queued packets have been sent (data default: 0)
  • disconnect_now(data:Integer) - forcefully disconnect peer (notification is sent, but not guaranteed to arrive) (data default: 0)
  • send_packet(packet:PoolByteArray, channel_id:int, type:int) - type must be one of GDNetMessage.UNSEQUENCED, GDNetMessage.SEQUENCED, or GDNetMessage.RELIABLE
  • send_var(var:Variant, channel_id:Integer, type:Integer) - type must be one of GDNetMessage.UNSEQUENCED, GDNetMessage.SEQUENCED, or GDNetMessage.RELIABLE
  • set_timeout(limit:int, min_timeout:Integer, max_timeout:Integer)
    • limit - A factor that is multiplied with a value that based on the average round trip time to compute the timeout limit.
    • min_timeout - Timeout value, in milliseconds, that a reliable packet has to be acknowledged if the variable timeout limit was exceeded before dropping the peer.
    • max_timeout - Fixed timeout in milliseconds for which any packet has to be acknowledged before dropping the peer.


Copyright (c) 2015 James McLean
Licensed under the MIT license.

while(true) { random(existence || nonexistence) ? break; : continue; };
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