Chadburn is a scheduler alternative to cron, built on Go and designed for Docker environments.

Chadburn - a job schedulerGitHub version Testing Status

Chadburn is a modern and low footprint job scheduler for docker environments, written in Go. Chadburn aims to be a replacement for the old fashioned cron.


Chadburn is a new project based on the previous and continuous work incorporated into Ofelia and a fork of Ofelia provided by @rdelcorro, of which Chadburn was forked from. This project was started as a result of needing a version of Ofelia that incorporated the following fixes:

  • Update tasks if docker containers are started, stopped, restarted, or changed
  • Do not require a dummy task on the Ofelia container just to use Chadburn.
  • Support INI and docker labels at the same time. The configs will simply be merged.
  • Do not require a restart in order to pick up new or remove tasks.

PremoWeb will be responsive to addressing issues raised in this project and will also be monitoring issues in the original Ofelia source code repository and applying changes that should be reflected in Chadburn.

Why Chadburn?

It has been a long time since cron was released, actually more than 28 years. The world has changed a lot and especially since the Docker revolution. Vixie's cron works great but it's not extensible and it's hard to debug when something goes wrong.

Many solutions are available: ready to go containerized crons, wrappers for your commands, etc. but in the end simple tasks become complex.


The main feature of Chadburn is the ability to execute commands directly on Docker containers. Using Docker's API Chadburn emulates the behavior of exec, being able to run a command inside of a running container. Also you can run the command in a new container destroying it at the end of the execution.


A wiki is being written to document how to use Chadburn. Caprover users can use a One Click App (coming soon) to deploy and implement scheduled jobs using Service Label Overrides.

For everyone else, here's the general approach to use Chadburn:


Scheduling format is the same as the Go implementation of cron. E.g. @every 10s or 0 0 1 * * * (every night at 1 AM).

Note: the format starts with seconds, instead of minutes.

you can configure four different kind of jobs:

  • job-exec: this job is executed inside of a running container.
  • job-run: runs a command inside of a new container, using a specific image.
  • job-local: runs the command inside of the host running Chadburn.
  • job-service-run: runs the command inside a new "run-once" service, for running inside a swarm

See Jobs reference documentation for all available parameters.

INI-style config

Run with chadburn daemon --config=/path/to/config.ini

[job-exec "job-executed-on-running-container"]
schedule = @hourly
container = my-container
command = touch /tmp/example

[job-run "job-executed-on-new-container"]
schedule = @hourly
image = ubuntu:latest
command = touch /tmp/example

[job-local "job-executed-on-current-host"]
schedule = @hourly
command = touch /tmp/example

[job-service-run "service-executed-on-new-container"]
schedule = 0,20,40 * * * *
image = ubuntu
network = swarm_network
command =  touch /tmp/example

Docker labels configurations

In order to use this type of configurations, Chadburn need access to docker socket.

docker run -it --rm \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
        premoweb/chadburn:latest daemon --docker

Labels format: `chadburn.<JOB_TYPE>.<JOB_NAME>.<JOB_PARAMETER>=<PARAMETER_VALUE>. This type of configuration supports all the capabilities provided by INI files.

Also, it is possible to configure job-exec by setting labels configurations on the target container. To do that, additional label chadburn.enabled=true need to be present on the target container.

For example, we want chadburn to execute uname -a command in the existing container called my_nginx. To do that, we need to we need to start my_nginx container with next configurations:

docker run -it --rm \
    --label chadburn.enabled=true \
    --label chadburn.job-exec.test-exec-job.schedule="@every 5s" \
    --label chadburn.job-exec.test-exec-job.command="uname -a" \

Now if we start chadburn container with the command provided above, it will execute the task:

  • Exec - uname -a

Or with docker-compose:

version: "3"
    image: premoweb/chadburn:latest
      - nginx
    command: daemon --docker
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro

    image: nginx
      chadburn.enabled: "true"
      chadburn.job-exec.datecron.schedule: "@every 5s"
      chadburn.job-exec.datecron.command: "uname -a"

Dynamic docker configuration

You can start Chadburn in its own container or on the host itself, and it will magically pick up any container that starts, stops or is modified on the fly. In order to achieve this, you simply have to use docker containers with the labels described above and let Chadburn take care of the rest.

Hybrid configuration (INI files + Docker)

You can specify part of the configuration on the INI files, such as globals for the middlewares or even declare tasks in there but also merge them with docker. The docker labels will be parsed, added and removed on the fly but also, the file config can be used to execute tasks that are not possible using just docker labels such as:

  • job-local
  • job-run

Use the INI file to:

  • Configure the slack or other middleware integration
  • Configure any global setting
  • Create a job-run so it executes on a new container each time
slack-webhook =

[job-run "job-executed-on-new-container"]
schedule = @hourly
image = ubuntu:latest
command = touch /tmp/example

Use docker to:

docker run -it --rm \
    --label chadburn.enabled=true \
    --label chadburn.job-exec.test-exec-job.schedule="@every 5s" \
    --label chadburn.job-exec.test-exec-job.command="uname -a" \


Chadburn comes with three different logging drivers that can be configured in the [global] section:

  • mail to send mails
  • save to save structured execution reports to a directory
  • slack to send messages via a slack webhook


  • smtp-host - address of the SMTP server.

  • smtp-port - port number of the SMTP server.

  • smtp-user - user name used to connect to the SMTP server.

  • smtp-password - password used to connect to the SMTP server.

  • email-to - mail address of the receiver of the mail.

  • email-from - mail address of the sender of the mail.

  • mail-only-on-error - only send a mail if the execution was not successful.

  • save-folder - directory in which the reports shall be written.

  • save-only-on-error - only save a report if the execution was not successful.

  • slack-webhook - URL of the slack webhook.

  • slack-only-on-error - only send a slack message if the execution was not successful.


Chadburn can prevent that a job is run twice in parallel (e.g. if the first execution didn't complete before a second execution was scheduled. If a job has the option no-overlap set, it will not be run concurrently.


The easiest way to deploy Chadburn is using Docker. See examples above.

If don't want to run Chadburn using our Docker image you can download a binary from releases page.

Thank You to team Ofelia and it's contributors.

A special thanks to @rdelcorro for the work in fixing the issues referenced in this pull request, despite this pull request having been ignored for 30 days. PremoWeb aims to ensure that open software is continously improve and will remain responsive to raised issues and pull requests.

Much thanks to the original work that went into Ofelia by it's author and contributors.

  • Job is always being deregistered

    Job is always being deregistered

    Hi, it seems that if I use a configuration file instead of the labels option in the docker-compose file my job is always deregistered for some reason:

    scheduler  | daemon.go:41 ▶ DEBUG Config file: /etc/chadburn.conf not found                                     │
    scheduler  | scheduler.go:45 ▶ NOTICE New job registered "users-tasks" - "uname -a" - "@every 20s" - ID: 1      │
    scheduler  | scheduler.go:56 ▶ DEBUG Starting scheduler                                                         │
    scheduler  | cron_utils.go:13 ▶ DEBUG start                                                                     │
    scheduler  | cron_utils.go:13 ▶ DEBUG schedule
    scheduler  | scheduler.go:50 ▶ NOTICE Job deregistered (will not fire again) "users-tasks" - "uname -a" - "@ever│
    y 20s" - ID: 1                                                                                                  │
    scheduler  | cron_utils.go:13 ▶ DEBUG removed

    My config.conf:

    save-folder = /etc/logs
    [job-exec "users-tasks"]
    schedule = @every 20s
    container = api
    network = app-network
    command = uname -a

    My docker-compose.yml:

            image: some-cool-image
                chadburn.enabled: "true"
            image: premoweb/chadburn:latest
            container_name: scheduler
            restart: unless-stopped
                - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
                - ./scheduler/config.conf:/etc/chadburn.conf
                - api
                - app-network

    But it works if I do this:

            image: some-cool-image
                chadburn.enabled: "true"
                chadburn.job-exec.datecron.schedule: "@every 5s"
                chadburn.job-exec.datecron.command: "uname -a"
            image: premoweb/chadburn:latest
            container_name: scheduler
            restart: unless-stopped
                - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
                - api
                - app-network
  • ARM/v7 Support? (ready-to-use docker image)

    ARM/v7 Support? (ready-to-use docker image)

    This issue opened as a result of a question asked by @markfqs seeking an "off the shelf" solution for the arm/v7 architecture:

    See original comment raising the issue:

    I'm still new to Github's CI/CD tooling for automated Actions in Workflows but I'm pretty sure I can get you a usable product soon. While I do not currently have possession of any device with an ARM Cortex A9 chipset (ARM/v7), I do know that there hosting providers that do provide VPS accounts that use this architecture.

    In a quick search, I see that there are example Github workflows for building form ARM/v7. I'll try and see what I can do in the coming days to solve this for you.

    So, @markfqs, what kind of device using ARM/v7 version of the ARM Cortex A9 chipset you wish to see support for?

  • Email reporting: allow SMTP auth on unencrypted connections

    Email reporting: allow SMTP auth on unencrypted connections

    Copied from as Ofelia seems unmaintained:

    I want to use the email option together with gotify-smtp, which requires you to put the destination user that should receive the notifications in the authentication username field. However, Ofelia refuses to allow this:

    mail.go:57 ▶️ ERROR Mail error: "unencrypted connection"

    In general, I totally agree with this behaviour. But given I am only trying to communicate to another Docker container on the same network, there is no security issue that I can tell from using an unencrypted connection. It would be nice if there could be an option to allow authenticating over an unencrypted connection (disabled by default, of course). Thank you for considering :)

  • Config file cannot be loaded on startup

    Config file cannot be loaded on startup

    I'm not yet sure as to why this is happening, but my config file wont read at startup and thus I dont get logging right.

    I am using the latest docker container and I've tried mounting the config file via volume, copying it into /tmp in the container and even setting chmod to 777.

    I did also start chadburn a second time inside the container - with same results. Logging would be really great as I cannot get my jobs working. Surprisingly the config file gets loaded successfully for the jobs - even though they are not working.

    / # /usr/bin/chadburn daemon --config=/tmp/chadburn.conf 
    daemon.go:41 ▶ DEBUG Config file: /tmp/chadburn.conf not found
    scheduler.go:45 ▶ NOTICE New job registered "autoprint-test1" - "cd /app/autoprint/test1 && php -q index.php" - "@every 2m" - ID: 1
    scheduler.go:45 ▶ NOTICE New job registered "autoprint-test2" - "cd /app/autoprint/test2 && php -q index.php" - "@every 2m" - ID: 2
    scheduler.go:56 ▶ DEBUG Starting scheduler
    cron_utils.go:13 ▶ DEBUG start
    cron_utils.go:13 ▶ DEBUG schedule
    cron_utils.go:13 ▶ DEBUG schedule
    scheduler.go:50 ▶ NOTICE Job deregistered (will not fire again) "autoprint-test1" - "cd /app/autoprint/test1 && php -q index.php" - "@every 2m" - ID: 1
    scheduler.go:50 ▶ NOTICE Job deregistered (will not fire again) "autoprint-test2" - "cd /app/autoprint/test2 && php -q index.php" - "@every 2m" - ID: 2
    cron_utils.go:13 ▶ DEBUG removed
    cron_utils.go:13 ▶ DEBUG removed
    / # cat /tmp/chadburn.conf 
    save-folder = /etc/logs
    [job-exec "autoprint-test1"]
    schedule = @every 2m
    container = autoprint
    network = mybridge
    command = cd /app/autoprint/test1 && php -q index.php
    [job-exec "autoprint-test2"]
    schedule = @every 2m
    container = autoprint
    network = mybridge
    command = cd /app/autoprint/test2 && php -q index.php
    / # ping autoprint
    PING autoprint ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.112 ms
    64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.075 ms
    --- autoprint ping statistics ---
    2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max = 0.075/0.093/0.112 ms
  • Chadburn is not picking up any tasks

    Chadburn is not picking up any tasks


    docker-compose chadburn:

    version: "3"
        image: premoweb/chadburn:latest
        container_name: chadburn
        restart: always
        command: daemon
          - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
          - traefik
          name: traefik-network

    docker-compose influxdb

    version: '3.7'
        image: arm64v8/influxdb:2.2
        container_name: influxdb
        restart: always
          chadburn.enabled: true
          chadburn.job-exec.backup-influxdb.schedule: "38 8 * * *"
          chadburn.job-exec.backup-influxdb.command: "/backup/"

    docker inspect of the container

    ❯ docker inspect influxdb | jq ".[].Config.Labels"
      "chadburn.enabled": "True",
      "chadburn.job-exec.backup-influxdb.command": "/backup/",
      "chadburn.job-exec.backup-influxdb.schedule": "38 8 * * *",
      "com.docker.compose.config-hash": "5e307b1e77c4fd6682759977b4a9472868ed6d75fd76d30a7492bc328eb5c14d",
      "com.docker.compose.container-number": "1",
      "com.docker.compose.oneoff": "False",
      "com.docker.compose.project": "influxdb2",
      "com.docker.compose.project.config_files": "docker-compose.yaml",
      "com.docker.compose.project.working_dir": "/opt/influxdb2",
      "com.docker.compose.service": "influxdb",
      "com.docker.compose.version": "1.29.2"

    Logs of chadburn

    Attaching to chadburn
    chadburn    | daemon.go:47 ▶ DEBUG Config file: /etc/chadburn.conf not found
    chadburn    | scheduler.go:101 ▶ DEBUG Starting scheduler
    chadburn    | cron_utils.go:13 ▶ DEBUG start

    Do I miss something?

  • Dockerhub Tags

    Dockerhub Tags

    Could you tag the docker images with version and hashes please?

    In reference to #9 since there is only a latest tag we can't pull the v1.0.0 release to get docker label detection working again.

    it also makes for following a practice of running containers are a specific version to avoid auto-upgrades.

  • Detection of service label updates/changes (Broken / Re-write in progress)

    Detection of service label updates/changes (Broken / Re-write in progress)

    Today was really fced up.

    Tried to incorporate the changes from Ofelia, thinking they finally got around to accepting the pull request. I didn't verify this before bringing all the changes over. As a result, v1.0.1 fully breaks the ability to automatically see service label changes. You will need to pull v1.0.0 and build it yourself until this is fixed.

    We're back to operating in a world of restarting the scheduler.

    Hey @rdelcorro, when did you make your changes? I am trying to reverse engineer their changes and mix in your code changes to see if I can hammer out a quick repair.

    Spending my day tomorrow (Christmas day) working on this.

  • Known memory leak issue possible.

    Known memory leak issue possible.

    As maintainer of this Chadburn fork of Ofelia, I am concerned about the problem of memory leaks for at least some users.


    Thank you @helmut72 for raising this issue over at the Ofelia project. I'm tracking it here as well.

    A feature request to switch to Chadburn has been raised but another question was raised about the known memory leak issue. See:

    I am creating this issue for others who may have come across this problem in Chadburn. Since this was raised with Ofelia project, the focus should remain there, however this issue will get updated when I or others discover relevant updates addressing the problem.

  • Soon to be website currently inaccessable.

    Soon to be website currently inaccessable.

    Just a heads up for anyone trying to reach the address for the future website, it's currently not accessible to many due to ongoing DNS-over-http infrastructure attacks across the United States.

    I don't have much more information other than you may notice this also affects any .google, .dev and any other specialty "SSL Required" type domains.

  • Mail notifications fail with unknown certificate

    Mail notifications fail with unknown certificate

    We using custom CA on our SMTP server and we get following error. mail.go:57 ▶ ERROR Mail error: "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"

    Any idea how to fix it?

  • Reconsider name

    Reconsider name

    While Chronos is an amazing name, it's already in use by a well known cron repoacement:

    TikTok eould also work but also taken 😅

  • overriding job defaults possible?

    overriding job defaults possible?


    I am wondering if it's possible to override default job parameter values?

    My use case is for setting the user or no-overlap on job-exec once per container vs having to specify it for every job, i.e.

          chadburn.enabled: "true"
          # test task
          chadburn.job-exec.test-job.schedule: '@every 1h'
          chadburn.job-exec.test-job.command: 'bash -lc "python -u -m test_task'
          chadburn.job-exec.test-job.user: "non-root"
          # different test task
          chadburn.job-exec.test-job-2.schedule: '@every 2h'
          chadburn.job-exec.test-job-2.command: 'bash -lc "python -u -m test_task_2'
          chadburn.job-exec.test-job-2.user: "non-root"

    and im wondering If something like below can be achieved?

          chadburn.enabled: "true"
          chadburn.default.job-exec.user: "non-root"
          # test task
          chadburn.job-exec.test-job.schedule: '@every 1h'
          chadburn.job-exec.test-job.command: 'bash -lc "python -u -m test_task'
          # different test task
          chadburn.job-exec.test-job-2.schedule: '@every 2h'
          chadburn.job-exec.test-job-2.command: 'bash -lc "python -u -m test_task_2'


  • How to remove previous jobs?

    How to remove previous jobs?

    Discussed in

    Originally posted by Turab August 26, 2022 Hi,

    Using Caprover overrides to register jobs and it works. However, when I change the name of the job an save; I get two jobs. Means the old job still stays there. How can I remove the jobs?

    Btw, I have my instance complaining that there isn't a config file; which there really isn't. I am running Chadburn from single-click app in Caprover.

  • Static only config without docker socket

    Static only config without docker socket

    Add support to run chadburn with static config and without docker socket

    Currently it breaks with:

    daemon.go:46 ▶ CRITICAL Can't start the app: Get "http://unix.sock/info": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: no such file or directory
  • job service ignores entrypoint

    job service ignores entrypoint

    The command parameter should be applied as arguments in a service but it appears to be replacing entrypoint.

    Also it would be nice to have a configuration entrypoint to explicitly override entrypoint

  • Does not give notice when there's an error on INI and INI does not support multiple lines.

    Does not give notice when there's an error on INI and INI does not support multiple lines.

    My INI file. All I did was put new lines in the command. On the upstream it gives an error saying that that string is not terminated which doesn't appear to be true. but on the fork it does not even show an error message.

    [job-service-run "Do a job at CA1"]
    schedule = @every 10s
    image = fullstorydev/grpcurl:latest
    delete = false
    command = """
      grpcurl --plaintext -d {'name':'foo'} ca1:6565 rpc.Greeter/SayHello

    Docker compose

    version: "3.7"
        command: daemon --config=/jobs.ini
              memory: 256M
              - "node.role == manager"
          - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
          - source: jobs
            target: /jobs.ini
            mode: 0600
        file: ./example.ini
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