a golang web mvc framework, like asp.net mvc.


goku is a Web Mvc Framework for golang, mostly like ASP.NET MVC.

doc & api


To install goku, simply run go get github.com/QLeelulu/goku. To use it in a program, use import "github.com/QLeelulu/goku"

To run example "todo" app, just:

$ cd $GOROOT/src/pkg/github.com/QLeelulu/goku/examples/todo/
$ go run app.go

maybe you need run todo.sql first.


package main

import (

// routes
var routes []*goku.Route = []*goku.Route{
    // static file route
        Name:     "static",
        IsStatic: true,
        Pattern:  "/static/(.*)",
    // default controller and action route
        Name:       "default",
        Pattern:    "/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        Default:    map[string]string{"controller": "home", "action": "index", "id": "0"},
        Constraint: map[string]string{"id": "\\d+"},

// server config
var config *goku.ServerConfig = &goku.ServerConfig{
    Addr:           ":8888",
    ReadTimeout:    10 * time.Second,
    WriteTimeout:   10 * time.Second,
    MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
    //RootDir:        os.Getwd(),
    StaticPath: "static",
    ViewPath:   "views",
    Debug:      true,

func init() {
     * project root dir
    _, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
    config.RootDir = path.Dir(filename)

     * Controller & Action
        Get("index", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
        return ctx.Html("Hello World")


func main() {
    rt := &goku.RouteTable{Routes: routes}
    s := goku.CreateServer(rt, nil, config)
    goku.Logger().Logln("Server start on", s.Addr)


var Routes []*goku.Route = []*goku.Route{
        Name:     "static",
        IsStatic: true,
        Pattern:  "/public/(.*)",
        Name:       "edit",
        Pattern:    "/{controller}/{id}/{action}",
        Default:    map[string]string{"action": "edit"},
        Constraint: map[string]string{"id": "\\d+"},
        Name:    "default",
        Pattern: "/{controller}/{action}",
        Default: map[string]string{"controller": "todo", "action": "index"},
// create server with the rules
rt := &goku.RouteTable{Routes: todo.Routes}
s := goku.CreateServer(rt, nil, nil)


rt := new(goku.RouteTable)
rt.Static("staticFile", "/static/(.*)")
    "blog-page", // route name
    "/blog/p/{page}", // pattern
    map[string]string{"controller": "blog", "action": "page", "page": "0"}, // default
    map[string]string{"page": "\\d+"} // constraint
    "default", // route name
    "/{controller}/{action}", // pattern
    map[string]string{"controller": "home", "action": "index"}, // default

Controller And Action

// add a controller named "home"
    Filters(new(TestControllerFilter)). // this filter is fot controller(all the actions)
    // home controller's index action
    // for http GET
    Get("index", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
    return ctx.Html("Hello World")
}).Filters(new(TestActionFilter)). // this filter is for home.index action
    // home controller's about action
    // for http POST
    Post("about", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
    return ctx.Raw("About")
  • get /home/index will return Hello World
  • post /home/index will return 404
  • post /home/about will return About


ActionResulter is type interface. all the action must return ActionResulter. you can return an ActionResulter in the action like this:

// ctx is *goku.HttpContext
ctx.NotFound("oh no! ):")
// or you can return a view that
// will render a template
ctx.Render("viewName", viewModel)

or you can return a ActionResulter by this

return &ActionResult{
    StatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
    Headers:    map[string]string{"Content-Type": "text/html"},
    Body:       "Page Not Found",

for more info, check the code.

View and ViewData

Views are the components that display the application's user interface (UI)

To render a view, you can just return a ViewResut which implement the ActionResulter interface. just like this:

    Get("page", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
    blog := GetBlogByid(10)

    // you can add any val to ViewData
    // then you can use it in template
    // like this: {{ .Data.SiteName }}
    ctx.ViewData["SiteName"] = "My Blog"

    // or you can pass a struct to ViewModel
    // then you can use it in template
    // like this: {{ .Model.Title }}
    // that same as blog.Title
    return ctx.View(blog)

ctx.View() will find the view in these rules:

  1. /{ViewPath}/{Controller}/{action}
  2. /{ViewPath}/shared/{action}

for example, ServerConfig.ViewPath is set to "views", and return ctx.View() in home controller's about action, it will find the view file in this rule:

  1. {ProjectDir}/views/home/about.html
  2. {ProjectDir}/views/shared/about.html

if you want to return a view that specified view name, you can use ctx.Render:

// it will find the view in these rules:
//      1. /{ViewPath}/{Controller}/{viewName}
//      2. /{ViewPath}/shared/{viewName}
// if viewName start with '/',
// it will find the view direct by viewpath:
//      1. /{ViewPath}/{viewName}
ctx.Render("viewName", ViewModel)

ViewEngine & Template

// you can add any val to ViewData
// then you can use it in template
// like this: {{ .Data.SiteName }}
ctx.ViewData["SiteName"] = "My Blog"

blogs := GetBlogs()
// or you can pass a struct to ViewModel
// then you can use it in template
// like this: {{range .Model}} {{ .Title }} {{end}}
return ctx.View(blogs)

default template engine is golang's template.

<div class="box todos">
    <h2 class="box">{{ .Data.SiteName }}</h2>
      {{range .Model}}
        <li id="blog-{{.Id}}">



<!DOCTYPE html>
    {{template "head"}}
  {{template "body" .}}


{{define "head"}}
    <!-- add css or js here -->

{{define "body"}}
    I'm main content.

note the dot in {{template "body" .}} , it will pass the ViewData to the sub template.


More Template Engine Support

if you want to use mustache template, check mustache.goku


type HttpContext struct {
    Request        *http.Request       // http request
    responseWriter http.ResponseWriter // http response
    Method         string              // http method

    //self fields
    RouteData *RouteData             // route data
    ViewData  map[string]interface{} // view data for template
    Data      map[string]interface{} // data for httpcontex
    Result    ActionResulter         // action result
    Err       error                  // process error
    User      string                 // user name
    Canceled  bool                   // cancel continue process the request and return

Form Validation

you can create a form, to valid the user's input, and get the clean value.

import "github.com/QLeelulu/goku/form"

func CreateCommentForm() *goku.Form {
    name := NewCharField("name", "Name", true).Range(3, 10).Field()
    nickName := NewCharField("nick_name", "Nick Name", false).Min(3).Max(20).Field()
    age := NewIntegerField("age", "Age", true).Range(18, 50).Field()
    content := NewTextField("content", "Content", true).Min(10).Field()

    form := NewForm(name, nickName, age, content)
    return form

and then you can use this form like this:

f := CreateCommentForm()

if f.Valid() {
    // after valid, we can get the clean values
    m := f.CleanValues()
    // and now you can save m to database
} else {
    // if not valid
    // we can get the valid errors
    errs := f.Errors()

checkout form_test.go


simple database api.

db, err := OpenMysql("mymysql", "tcp:localhost:3306*test_db/lulu/123456")

// you can use all the api in golang's database/sql
_, err = db.Query("select 1")

// or you can use some simple api provide by goku
r, err := db.Select("test_blog", SqlQueryInfo{
    Fields: "id, title, content",
    Where:  "id>?",
    Params: []interface{}{0},
    Limit:  10,
    Offset: 0,
    Group:  "",
    Order:  "id desc",

// insert map
vals := map[string]interface{}{
    "title": "golang",
    "content": "Go is an open source programming environment that " +
        "makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.",
    "create_at": time.Now(),
r, err := db.Insert("test_blog", vals)

// insert struct
blog := TestBlog{
    Title:    "goku",
    Content:  "a mvc framework",
    CreateAt: time.Now(),
r, err = db.InsertStruct(&blog)

// get struct
blog := &TestBlog{}
err = db.GetStruct(blog, "id=?", 3)

// get struct list
qi := SqlQueryInfo{}
var blogs []Blog
err := db.GetStructs(&blogs, qi)

// update by map
vals := map[string]interface{}{
    "title": "js",
r, err2 := db.Update("test_blog", vals, "id=?", blog.Id)

// delete
r, err := db.Delete("test_blog", "id=?", 8)

checkout db_test.go

DataBase SQL Debug

if you want to debug what the sql query is, set db.Debug to true

db, err := OpenMysql("mymysql", "tcp:localhost:3306*test_db/username/pwd")
db.Debug = true

after you set db.Debug to true, while you run a db command, it will print the sql query to the log, juse like this:

2012/07/30 20:58:03 SQL: UPDATE `user` SET friends=friends+? WHERE id=?;
                    PARAMS: [[1 2]]

Action Filter

type TestActionFilter struct {

func (tf *TestActionFilter) OnActionExecuting(ctx *goku.HttpContext) (ar goku.ActionResulter, err error) {
    ctx.WriteString("OnActionExecuting - TestActionFilter \n")
func (tf *TestActionFilter) OnActionExecuted(ctx *goku.HttpContext) (ar goku.ActionResulter, err error) {
    ctx.WriteString("OnActionExecuted - TestActionFilter \n")

func (tf *TestActionFilter) OnResultExecuting(ctx *goku.HttpContext) (ar goku.ActionResulter, err error) {
    ctx.WriteString("    OnResultExecuting - TestActionFilter \n")

func (tf *TestActionFilter) OnResultExecuted(ctx *goku.HttpContext) (ar goku.ActionResulter, err error) {
    ctx.WriteString("    OnResultExecuted - TestActionFilter \n")

Order of the filters execution is:

  1. OnActionExecuting
  2. -> Execute Action -> return ActionResulter
  3. OnActionExecuted
  4. OnResultExecuting
  5. -> ActionResulter.ExecuteResult
  6. OnResultExecuted


type TestMiddleware struct {

func (tmd *TestMiddleware) OnBeginRequest(ctx *goku.HttpContext) (goku.ActionResulter, error) {
    ctx.WriteString("OnBeginRequest - TestMiddleware \n")
    return nil, nil

func (tmd *TestMiddleware) OnBeginMvcHandle(ctx *goku.HttpContext) (goku.ActionResulter, error) {
    ctx.WriteString("  OnBeginMvcHandle - TestMiddleware \n")
    return nil, nil
func (tmd *TestMiddleware) OnEndMvcHandle(ctx *goku.HttpContext) (goku.ActionResulter, error) {
    ctx.WriteString("  OnEndMvcHandle - TestMiddleware \n")
    return nil, nil

func (tmd *TestMiddleware) OnEndRequest(ctx *goku.HttpContext) (goku.ActionResulter, error) {
    ctx.WriteString("OnEndRequest - TestMiddleware \n")
    return nil, nil

Order of the middleware event execution is:

  1. OnBeginRequest
  2. OnBeginMvcHandle(if not the static file request)
  3. => run controller action (if not the static file request)
  4. OnEndMvcHandle(if not the static file request)
  5. OnEndRequest


To use logger in goku, just:

goku.Logger().Logln("i", "am", "log")
goku.Logger().Errorln("oh", "no!", "Server Down!")

this will log like this:

2012/07/14 20:07:46 i am log
2012/07/14 20:07:46 [ERROR] oh no! Server Down!



View the LICENSE file.

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