ReCT-Go-Compiler - A compiler for the ReCT programming language written in Golang


A compiler for the ReCT programming language written in Golang
It is currentry under development.

  • No checking for division by 0

    No checking for division by 0


    You don't check if you are dividing by 0. If you are dividing by 0, return a Math error?

  • better readme

    better readme

    Do NOT fork.

    I need some details:

    • Contributors name
    • Installation process
      • Package manager?
      • From source
    • CLI help
    • Documentation links
    • Some examples

    I will finish this later

  • Can't run main file

    Can't run main file

    when I run go run main.go it gives an error.

    # command-line-arguments
    ./main.go:16:2: undefined: Init
    ./main.go:18:2: undefined: ProcessFlags
    note: module requires Go 1.16

    maybe it is deprecated? It is fixed by running go run cli.go

  • Organisation?


    Why isn't this on Discord?

    I am at college right now and their network blocks out Discord so I will ask this here.

    Should we get organised?

    By "organised" I mean we know what needs to be done and know what each other are working on. So, for example, we could set up a Trello board or GitHub Kanban to help manage the project better. - I feel like we would be more productive.

  • undefined: os.ReadFile

    undefined: os.ReadFile

    I get the following error:

    go: downloading v0.3.4
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20220131195533-30dcbda58838
    go: extracting v0.3.4
    go: extracting v0.0.0-20220131195533-30dcbda58838
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20201204173432-505706aa38fa
    go: downloading v0.9.1
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1
    go: extracting v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20210630005230-0f9fa26af87c
    go: extracting v0.9.1
    go: extracting v0.0.0-20210630005230-0f9fa26af87c
    go: extracting v0.0.0-20201204173432-505706aa38fa
    go: finding v0.3.4
    go: finding v0.0.0-20201204173432-505706aa38fa
    go: finding v0.9.1
    go: finding v0.0.0-20220131195533-30dcbda58838
    go: finding v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1
    go: finding v0.0.0-20210630005230-0f9fa26af87c
    # ReCT-Go-Compiler/lexer
    lexer/lexer.go:324:19: undefined: os.ReadFile
    note: module requires Go 1.16
  • [REQUEST] operator overload for classes

    [REQUEST] operator overload for classes

    This will allow you to add syntax sugar to your Rect code. These are 2 examples I thought that you could implement:

    class Foo {
       set operator +(int sum) {}


    class Foo {
       set function __sum(int sum) {}
  • Terrible method to store rect packages

    Terrible method to store rect packages

    Currently, rect packages are stored into [PATH Of EXECUTABLE]/packages/*. This is a terrible way of keeping them because when the user installs rgoc, they would normally install it into /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. This means that the packages would need to be stored at /usr/bin/packages/*. The bin folder should NOT contain anything else except for the user programs.

    What are some possible solutions?

    • One solution that I thought was that packages should be installed into /usr/lib/rect. The installer could change this location and it could be added to the user $PATH.

    Another issue is that the user may need different versions of the same package for different projects. This is an issue that python3 had and the solution was basically doing a virtual environment for every project and storing the packages locally to that project instead of globally. Or you could do it the nodeJS way and it's to install them into a rect_packages? folder.



    i dunno man this is like doing tech support over telephone absolutely no clue whats going on

    Originally posted by @RedCubeDev-ByteSpace in

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