tfacon is a CLI tool for connecting Test Management Platforms and Test Failure Analysis Classifier.

Test Failure Classifier Connector


tfacon is a CLI tool for connecting Test Management Platforms and Test Failure Analysis Classifier. Test Failure Analysis Classifier is an AI/ML predictioner developed by Red Hat D&O Data Science Team which can predict the test's catalog. It supports AutomationBug, ProductBug, SystemBug on Report Portal now. tfacon only support report portal at this moment. We will support more platforms in the future.

User Guide


Via go get
go get -u
Via pip
pip install tfacon

Get Started


This is where you store all parameters like this You must use auth_token from a superadmin account to run tfacon, otherwise the validation will fail!

launch_id: "your launch_id goes here"
project_name: "your project name goes here"
auth_token: "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx" 
platform_url: ""
tfa_url: "your tfa classifier url"
connector_type: "RPCon"

The default name is tfacon.yml, you can change this by edit this environment variable TFACON_YAML_PATH


This is where you put all the config information for tfacon


The default name for this cfg file is tfacon.cfg, you can change this by edit this environment variable TFACON_CONFIG_PATH


❯ tfacon list -h
list all information constructed from tfacon.yml/enviroment variables/cli

  tfacon list [flags]

      --auth-token string       The AUTH_TOKEN of report portal
      --connector-type string   The type of connector you want to use(example: RPCon, PolarionCon, JiraCon) (default "RPCon")
  -h, --help                    help for list
      --launch-id string        The launch id of report portal
      --platform-url string     The url to the test platform(example: (default "default val for platform url")
      --project-name string     The project name of report portal
      --tfa-url string          The url to the TFA Classifier (default "default val for tfa url")

Output Example:

❯ tfacon list
tfacon  1.0.0
Copyright (C) 2021, Red Hat, Inc.

2021/08/06 03:21:33 Printing the constructed information
LaunchID:        968
ProjectName:     TFA_RP
AuthToken:       xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx
Client:          &{<nil> <nil> <nil> 0s}


❯ tfacon run -h                                       
run the info retrival and get the pridiction from TFA

  tfacon run [flags]

      --auth-token string       The AUTH_TOKEN of report portal
      --connector-type string   The type of connector you want to use(example: RPCon, PolarionCon, JiraCon) (default "RPCon")
  -h, --help                    help for run
      --launch-id string        The launch id of report portal
      --platform-url string     The url to the test platform(example: (default "default val for platform url")
      --project-name string     The project name of report portal
      --tfa-url string          The url to the TFA Classifier (default "default val for tfa url")

Example Output

❯ tfacon run --project-name "project_name" --launch-id 1006

2021/08/06 03:46:59 Getting prediction of test item(id): 54799
2021/08/06 03:46:59 Getting prediction of test item(id): 54900
2021/08/06 03:46:59 Getting prediction of test item(id): 54106
2021/08/06 03:46:59 Getting prediction of test item(id): 54555
2021/08/06 03:46:59 Getting prediction of test item(id): 54986
2021/08/06 03:46:59 Getting prediction of test item(id): 54411
2021/08/06 03:46:59 Getting prediction of test item(id): 54824
2021/08/06 03:46:59 Getting prediction of test item(id): 54642
2021/08/06 03:46:59 Getting prediction of test item(id): 54841
This is the return info from update: [{"issueType":"ab001","comment":"","autoAnalyzed":false,"ignoreAnalyzer":false,"externalSystemIssues":[]},{"issueType":"ab001","comment":"","autoAnalyzed":false,"ignoreAnalyzer":false,"externalSystemIssues":[]},{"issueType":"ab001","comment":"Should be marked with custom defect type","autoAnalyzed":false,"ignoreAnalyzer":false,"externalSystemIssues":[]},{"issueType":"si001","comment":"","autoAnalyzed":false,"ignoreAnalyzer":false,"externalSystemIssues":[]},{"issueType":"ab001","comment":"Should be marked with custom defect type","autoAnalyzed":false,"ignoreAnalyzer":false,"externalSystemIssues":[]},{"issueType":"ab001","comment":"Should be marked with custom defect type","autoAnalyzed":false,"ignoreAnalyzer":false,"externalSystemIssues":[]},{"issueType":"ab001","comment":"Should be marked with custom defect type","autoAnalyzed":false,"ignoreAnalyzer":false,"externalSystemIssues":[]},{"issueType":"ab001","comment":"Should be marked with custom defect type","autoAnalyzed":false,"ignoreAnalyzer":false,"externalSystemIssues":[]},{"issueType":"pb001","comment":"Should be marked with custom defect type","autoAnalyzed":false,"ignoreAnalyzer":false,"externalSystemIssues":[]}]


You must use auth_token from a superadmin account to run tfacon, otherwise the validation will fail!

❯ tfacon validate -h
validate if the parameter is valid and if the urls are accesible

  tfacon validate [flags]

      --auth-token string       The AUTH_TOKEN of report portal
      --connector-type string   The type of connector you want to use(example: RPCon, PolarionCon, JiraCon) (default "RPCon")
  -h, --help                    help for validate
      --launch-id string        The launch id of report portal
      --platform-url string     The url to the test platform(example: (default "default val for platform url")
      --project-name string     The project name of report portal
      --tfa-url string          The url to the TFA Classifier (default "default val for tfa url")

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   You can add this tag to print more detailed info

Example Output

0s} TFAURL: Validation Passed! ">
❯ tfacon validate --project-name "TFACON" --launch-id 231
LaunchID:        231
ProjectName:     TFACON
AuthToken:       xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx
Client:          &{<nil> <nil> <nil> 0s}

Validation Passed!

You can also add -v to have more detailed information for validation error


❯ tfacon init -h                                     
init will create a sample workspace for tfacon

  tfacon init [flags]

  -h, --help   help for init

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   You can add this tag to print more detailed info

Advanced Config

You can set up advanced config in ./tfacon.cfg by default or you can define the location of the config file with TFACON_CONFIG_PATH environment variable



Set Concurrency

You can set this to True or False, if you set it to True tfacon will deal with the test items in an async non-blocking way(faster), you can disable it to have a more clear view, but you will have a slower run compared to setting it to True


You can enable this to add an extra attribute "AI Prediction" to all the test items, the value of this attribute will be the prediction extracted from TFA Classifier

Developer Guide


UML graph


Contributor Guide

Branch name

develop is the development branch master is the stable branch

More Details

Release Information


Vedio Tutourial

How To Embed tfacon to CI Pipelines

CI Details

Red Hat Quality Engineering
Red Hat Quality Engineering
  • validate tfa url failed: http handler request exception

    validate tfa url failed: http handler request exception

    Describe the bug

    ./go/bin/tfacon validate
    LaunchID: 	 739
    ProjectName: 	 demo
    RPURL: 	 https://reportportal-smqe
    Client: 	 &{<nil> <nil> <nil> 0s}
    TFAURL: 	 https://tfa
    validate tfa url failed: http handler request exception, status code is:404, err is %!w(<nil>)

    There is an error during validation: validate error: validate tfa url failed: http handler request exception, status code is:404, err is %!w()

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. go get -u
    2. Configure tfa yaml
    3. Runtfacon validate

    Expected behavior Successfully validated.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: macOS Monterey | 12.0.1
    • go version go1.16.4 darwin/amd64

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

  • Test item attributes are being overwritten by the AI Prediction attribute

    Test item attributes are being overwritten by the AI Prediction attribute

    Describe the bug tfacon is overwriting existing test item attributes.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Upload a report to ReportPortal where failed test items have attributes.
    2. View a test item and notice its existing attributes.
    3. Run tfacon against that launch ID.
    4. Open the launch in ReportPortal and navigate to that same test item. It should now have an "AI Prediction" attribute.
    5. Notice that the previously existing attributes are gone.

    Expected behavior The test case should have the new "AI Prediction" attribute alongside its previous attributes.

    Screenshots Example of the test case (with no failure since this is from a different launch, but the attributes should be the same) Screen Shot 2021-12-16 at 11 02 20 AM

    Example post-tfacon: Screen Shot 2021-12-16 at 11 00 39 AM

  • Exported TFACON_YAML_PATH doesn't work and complain about Config File

    Exported TFACON_YAML_PATH doesn't work and complain about Config File "6D73TCAIDPAZ" Not Found in "[/tmp]"

    Describe the bug

    I tried to implement it with jenkins and have generated file from credentials and basically command looks like: TFACON_YAML_PATH=/tmp/6D73TCAIDPAZ tfacon run --launch-id 399

    You can see file exists as I paused the pipeline and checking the content of file. $ cat /tmp/6D73TCAIDPAZ project_name: "ocs" auth_token: "Mytoken" platform_url: "" tfa_url: "" connector_type: "RPCon"

    2021-12-03 15:31:36  + TFACON_YAML_PATH=/tmp/6D73TCAIDPAZ
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  + tfacon run --launch-id 376
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  Config File "6D73TCAIDPAZ" Not Found in "[/tmp]"
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  Config File "6D73TCAIDPAZ" Not Found in "[/tmp]"
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  Config File "6D73TCAIDPAZ" Not Found in "[/tmp]"
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  Config File "6D73TCAIDPAZ" Not Found in "[/tmp]"
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  --------------------------------------------------
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  tfacon  1.0.0
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  Copyright (C) 2021, Red Hat, Inc.
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  -------------------------------------------------
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  Initializing Defect Types...
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  tfacon http handler crashed:Get "default%20val%20for%20platform%20url/api/v1//settings": unsupported protocol scheme ""
    2021-12-03 15:31:36  created defect types failed, please use superadmin auth_tokenfalsetfacon http handler crashed:Get "default%20val%20for%20platform%20url/api/v1//item?filter.eq.issueType=ti001&filter.eq.launchId=376&filter.eq.status=FAILED&isLatest=false&launchesLimit=0": unsupported protocol scheme ""

    If I use just regular: tfacon.yml file without exporting TFACON_YAML_PATH it works just fine.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. export env variable for TFACON_YAML_PATH pointing to config yaml file an run tfacon command

    Expected behavior If I export TFACON_YAML_PATH it should take that path and do not complain the file doesn't exist

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: centos 8
  • tfacon times out randomly even after waiting for about 180 seconds

    tfacon times out randomly even after waiting for about 180 seconds

    Describe the bug When trying to run tfacon with load where there are about 800+cases and 63 items to be investigated i see that tfacon fails with error even after waiting for about 180 minutes.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to ocp reportportal
    2. Delete all launches from the project prow
    3. Rebuild jenkins job

    Expected behavior we could see that tfacon times out randomly even after waiting for about 180 seconds and results are not being classified.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. iOS]
    • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
    • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
    • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Additional context As suggested we have set the conurrency to true, increased the timeout in our script from 60 seconds to 180 seconds , import and classification is running serially and not parallely. I will provide all the links to reportportal, jenkins jobs, scripts we are using in a separate email.

  • Provide hint/comment on prediction

    Provide hint/comment on prediction

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    As a TFAcon user, I just get prediction on failures. But still I have to look into all failed tests logs to see if prediction is correct. It will be very useful if I get some comment or hint (parsed from logs using some regex) that will explain why particular failure predicted as system issue or product issue or automation issue.

    As an example, lets look into following failed test, where prediction given by TFA classifier i.e. Predicted system issue, is correct. But still as a QE, I have to look into logs and verify it's correct prediction.

    Screenshot 2022-04-21 at 12 54 15 PM

    Screenshot 2022-04-21 at 12 55 23 PM

    Describe the solution you'd like

    I would like TFA classifier to provide hint/comment on failure and TFAcon to update that comment with prediction as shown below.

    Screenshot 2022-04-21 at 12 56 23 PM

  • Adding  tfacon --rp-log-level=DEBUG option

    Adding tfacon --rp-log-level=DEBUG option

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. As tfa user I would like to have --rp-log-level=DEBUG option in tfacon

    testcase system-out not visible to tfacon by default log level from Polarion

    How to reproduce? Reproduced with TestingFarm outputs:

    TestingFarm is fedora test service, which generates xml reports, please refer

    Sample output Failed test are generated with the following failure xUnit schema. <failure type="FAIL" message="Test "/plans/sst_kernel_security/plan" failed. Found a bug? Please open an issue in the issue tracker: "/> # STDOUT: ---v---v---v---v---v---. ... ---^---^---^---^---^---

    This uploaded with rp_preproc, to RP Once tfacon client is updating RP portal with its Prediction the MakeDecision does not have enough data for processing

    Describe the solution you'd like I would like to parse content as per the log level This way we could override problems not seen by Err level or Info of report portal

    Describe alternatives you've considered This could be also fixed by RP portal client

    Additional context

  • Fix spelling errors

    Fix spelling errors

    While reading through the README for this project, I came across a couple spelling errors. This PR addresses the spelling errors in the README and updates the help message for those commands with the spelling errors.

  • Modified rp_url processing and changed error handler to panic

    Modified rp_url processing and changed error handler to panic

    Modified rp_url processing and changed error handler to panic to adapt tfacon-con in datarouter project, droute needs to handle error from the outter function which is tfacon.Run, it doesn't throw error, so we need to change the error handler to panic

  • Add prediction score and reformatted the link in report portal comment

    Add prediction score and reformatted the link in report portal comment

    Add prediction score and reformatted the link in report portal comment, added documentation about new attribute prediction score and attched an image for the new format of comment for Recommendation Engine returned information

  • Use replaceable values when possible

    Use replaceable values when possible

    Hi @JunqiZhang0

    Its not good to expose internal URLs. Also, when using values you want the user to replace (replaceables), use <replace_me> in text files, and replace_me where better markup is available.

    Thank you

  • False missing cfg warnings when working with cli args

    False missing cfg warnings when working with cli args

    When running tfacon and providing all the arguments via the cli instead of with the 'tfacon.yml' file, I get false missing cfg file warnings printed to the screen although I have the 'tfacon.cfg' file in the working directory or having the 'TFACON_CONFIG_PATH' env var set.

    Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Have the 'tfacon.cfg' in the working directory or set the 'TFACON_CONFIG_PATH' env var to point to its location
    2. Execute tfacon with and provide all the parameters using the cli (not with 'tfacon.yml')

    Expected behavior: No missing cfg file warning printed to the screen

    Actual behavior: Config File "tfacon" Not Found in "[/home/user/path/to/tfacon/dir]" called from Config File "tfacon" Not Found in "[/home/user/path/to/tfacon/dir" called from Config File "tfacon" Not Found in "[/home/user/path/to/tfacon/dir]" called from Config File "tfacon" Not Found in "[/home/user/path/to/tfacon/dir]" called from

    tfacon 1.0.2 Copyright (C) 2021, Red Hat, Inc.

    Initializing Defect Types...

  • tfacon validate command should validate re_url as well if configured

    tfacon validate command should validate re_url as well if configured

    Describe the bug Currently tfacon validate command won't validate re_url.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Configure tfacon with incorrect re_url and everything else should be correct.
    2. Run tfacon vaidate or tfacon validate -r
    3. Currently tfacon validation pass.

    Expected behavior tfacon validation should fail.

  • No recommendation links from the past three failures are entered into comment section for openshift report portal

    No recommendation links from the past three failures are entered into comment section for openshift report portal

    Describe the bug We do not see any recommendation links for the past three similar failures in the comment section of openshift report portal and attaching screenshot for the same.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Browse through the openshift report portal url
    2. click on the 'To Investigate' items
    3. click on the test case which needs to be investigated
    4. you can see that there is nothing listed in the comments section

    Expected behavior Comments section should have links to the top three failures which happened for this testcase


    Screenshot from 2022-08-04 17-45-10

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. iOS]
    • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
    • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
    • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

  • When the recommendation engine is down we get panic without a clear error message

    When the recommendation engine is down we get panic without a clear error message

    Describe the bug

    When the recommendation engine is down we get panic without a clear error message. We get panic: http handler request exception, status code is:404, err is %!w(<nil>) . I would expect to see which server we have a problem with ... it could be the report portal, or recommendation engine, or the classifier ... I had to dive into the code to see which endpoint is not responding correctly...

    11:57:41  + tfacon run --verbose --re --re-url --launch-id 1127
    11:57:41  --------------------------------------------------
    11:57:41  tfacon  1.0.3
    11:57:41  Copyright (C) 2021, Red Hat, Inc.
    11:57:41  -------------------------------------------------
    11:57:41  Initializing Defect Types...
    11:57:41  panic: http handler request exception, status code is:404, err is %!w(<nil>)
    11:57:41  goroutine 139 [running]:
    11:57:41*RPConnector).GetPrediction(0xc000020500, 0xc00044e812, 0x6, 0xc00044e812, 0x6, 0xc0000315c8, 0x3, 0xc0004f0600, 0x17f, 0x0, ...)
    11:57:41  	/home/runner/work/tfacon/tfacon/connectors/rp_connector.go:426 +0x30b
    11:57:41*RPConnector).BuildIssueItemHelper(0xc000020500, 0xc00044e812, 0x6, 0x101, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
    11:57:41  	/home/runner/work/tfacon/tfacon/connectors/rp_connector.go:281 +0x1c5
    11:57:41*RPConnector).BuildIssueItemConcurrent(0xc000020500, 0xc0002b9b00, 0xc0002b9b60, 0xc000352b00, 0xc0002e0101)
    11:57:41  	/home/runner/work/tfacon/tfacon/connectors/rp_connector.go:369 +0x72
    11:57:41  created by*RPConnector).BuildIssuesConcurrent
    11:57:41  	/home/runner/work/tfacon/tfacon/connectors/rp_connector.go:256 +0x16b

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: While the recommendation engine is down, try to run tfacon. tfacon run --verbose --re --re-url --launch-id 1127

    Expected behavior

    I want to see something like:

    panic: Recommendation engine can not be reached:  status code is:404

    The same applies to the TFA, and report portal endpoints.

  •  panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:13] with capacity 1

    panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:13] with capacity 1

    Describe the bug Recently we started see this kind of issues: 2022-07-08 01:31:42 Initializing Defect Types... 2022-07-08 01:31:43 panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:13] with capacity 1 2022-07-08 01:31:43
    2022-07-08 01:31:43 goroutine 27 [running]: 2022-07-08 01:31:43, 0x0, 0x8db5c3, 0x6) 2022-07-08 01:31:43 /home/runner/work/tfacon/tfacon/connectors/rp_connector.go:342 +0x42f 2022-07-08 01:31:43*RPConnector).GetREResult(0xc0000ee400, 0xc00037794f, 0x26, 0xc00037794f, 0x26) 2022-07-08 01:31:43 /home/runner/work/tfacon/tfacon/connectors/rp_connector.go:333 +0x271 2022-07-08 01:31:43*RPConnector).BuildIssueItemHelper(0xc0000ee400, 0xc0001df312, 0x6, 0x101, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...) 2022-07-08 01:31:43 /home/runner/work/tfacon/tfacon/connectors/rp_connector.go:298 +0x6fd 2022-07-08 01:31:43*RPConnector).BuildIssueItemConcurrent(0xc0000ee400, 0xc00036c0c0, 0xc00036c120, 0xc000370150, 0xc000320101) 2022-07-08 01:31:43 /home/runner/work/tfacon/tfacon/connectors/rp_connector.go:369 +0x72 2022-07-08 01:31:43 created by*RPConnector).BuildIssuesConcurrent 2022-07-08 01:31:43 /home/runner/work/tfacon/tfacon/connectors/rp_connector.go:256 +0x16b

    Screen Shot 2022-07-08 at 3 49 08 PM

    I see there is big timeframe for those error, so not sure if it might be related to model restart? Few links:

    To Reproduce When I tried to re-produce now by re-triggering one of the failed job it passed ok. E.g. here:

    Expected behavior To update the predictions and recommendations

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. iOS]
    • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
    • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
    • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

  • As a tfacon user, I would like the tfacon can predict the test case failure with previously added comment.

    As a tfacon user, I would like the tfacon can predict the test case failure with previously added comment.

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. For now tfacon can predict all of the test failures, and classify all of them. But when I analyse the test failures, I need to read the failure logs carefully without any support.

    Before using tfacon, I use the auto-analysis built-in reportportal. Generally, the built-in auto-analyse can not predict 100% test failures, but it has one useful feature for testers. So I hope tfacon can do the same feature as it. For example:

    1. After I uploaded the 1st round of testing result to reportportal, I classify the test failures as product bug with a comment on this test case: "New bug:".

    2. When I ran the 2nd round of testing and upload the test result to reportportal, the built-in auto-analyse will classify the same test failure as product bug, and add the comment "New bug:". In other words, built-in auto-analyse not only use the previous defect type, but also the comment.

    3. When I ran the third round of testing and upload the test result to reportportal, and use tfacon to classify the same test failure:

    The classified defect type is Predicted Product Bug without any comment for tester to reference.

    Describe the solution you'd like It would be very helpful if the tfacon can add the previous comment from previous analysis. For example, in the above the 3rd step, tfacon classify the defect type with a comment "New bug:".

    Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

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A Target Tracking , NoteTaking , CheckLists and Data Management GUI App for Bug Hunter's and Pentesters.

Screenshots Features • Installation • Usage • Features • Notes • Sandman A Target Tracking , NoteTaking , CheckLists and Data Management GUI App for B

Dec 25, 2022
Go-file-downloader-ftctl - A file downloader cli built using golang. Makes use of cobra for building the cli and go concurrent feature to download files.

ftctl This is a file downloader cli written in Golang which uses the concurrent feature of go to download files. The cli is built using cobra. How to

Jan 2, 2022
Go-api-cli - Small CLI to fetch data from an API sync and async

Async API Cli CLI to fetch data on "todos" from a given API in a number of ways.

Jan 13, 2022