Fast HTTP enumerator

Status badge for tests


A fast HTTP enumerator that allows you to execute a large number of HTTP requests, filter the responses and display them in real-time.


Run an HTTP GET request for each entry in filenames.txt, hide all responses with the status code 403 or 404:

basic demo

Common usage of monsoon is also covered in our blog article "Introducing monsoon - a lean and versatile HTTP enumerator".


Building from source

These instructions will get you a compiled version of the code in the master branch.

You'll need a recent version of the Go compiler, at least version 1.14. For Debian, install the package golang-go.

Clone the repository, then from within the checkout run the following command:

$ go build

Afterwards you'll find a monsoon binary in the current directory. It can be for other operating systems as follows:

$ GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o monsoon.exe

Unofficial Packages

For Arch Linux based distributions monsoon is available as an unofficial package on the AUR. Using your AUR helper of choice such as yay:

yay -S monsoon

Getting Help

The program has several subcommands, the most important one is fuzz which contains the main functionality. You can display a list of commands as follows:

$ ./monsoon -h
  monsoon command [options]

Available Commands:
  fuzz        Execute and filter HTTP requests
  help        Help about any command
  show        Construct and display an HTTP request
  test        Send an HTTP request to a server and show the result
  version     Display version information

  -h, --help   help for monsoon

Use "monsoon [command] --help" for more information about a command.

For each command, calling it with --help (e.g. monsoon fuzz --help) will display a description of all the options, and calling monsoon help fuzz also shows an extensive list of examples.


The SecLists Project collects wordlists that can be used with monsoon.

  • The show-status / hide-status flags don't work with multiple status codes

    The show-status / hide-status flags don't work with multiple status codes

    Monsoon doesn't show matched responses if multiple status codes are specified.

    For example a similar command to the one below shows that multiple responses have been seen with status code 302 (in the status code display on the bottom), however no results are shown in the results table. $ monsoon fuzz -f wordlist.txt --show-status 301,302

    If I specify only a single status code or a range as follows, then the results table is populated. $ monsoon fuzz -f wordlist.txt --show-status 302 $ monsoon fuzz -f wordlist.txt --show-status 301-302

  • fix: Read response body more efficiently

    fix: Read response body more efficiently

    This PR removes the (for most request unnecessary) allocation of 5MB for the response body per request.

    I tested this with a 45k-lines wordlist against a local HTTPS test server in Go that returns a random status code and small response bodies:

    |Branch | Requests/s | Time| |-|-|-| |Current Master|1811|19s| |This PR|11947|3s|

  • Increase Connection Pool Limit to Avoid Resource Exhaustion

    Increase Connection Pool Limit to Avoid Resource Exhaustion

    The current HTTP transport limits the idle connections for pooling to 2 (MaxIdleConns is unlimited but MaxIdleConnsPerHost is DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost=2) . In the default configuration, monsoon will already do 5 concurrent requests which causes the limit to be exceeded and connections to be closed and reopened unnecessarily.

    As this closing and reopening keeps happening over the lifetime of the scan, the operating system will keep the ephemeral ports of the countless closed connections in a TIME_WAIT state for some time. This can then easily cause the system to accumulate ports in this state until it exceeds its limits (on macOS this causes the error can't assign requested address).

    This PR sets MaxIdleConnsPerHost and DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost to 100. The same solution was already applied to gobuster (see and The problem is also described in detail in this blog post, which suggests the same solution.

    Another solution would be to take the number of "threads" as an argument and set it as the limit. This is what does.

  • Add Unconditional socks5 Proxy Support

    Add Unconditional socks5 Proxy Support

    This PR adds support for an unconditional socks5 proxy. monsoon already supported HTTP and socks5 proxies via http.ProxyFromEnvironment, but connections to loopback devices are excluded. Through the environment variable FORCE_SOCKS5_PROXY a socks5 server can be configured that also forwards requests to loopback devices. Username and password is supported and $NO_PROXY is also respected.

    The help texts for the fuzz and test commands were modified to explain the possible proxy configuration options.

    I also changed the Dial field of the http.Transport to DialContext because the former was deprecated.

  • Multiple FUZZ keywords?

    Multiple FUZZ keywords?

    Hi :D, is there a way to use multiple keywords?, something like this:

    monsoon -f usernames.txt:FUZZ1 -f passwords.txt:FUZZ2 -XPOST -u -d 'username=FUZZ1&password=FUZZ2'

    -it would also be interesting to have a proxy option

    best regards :D

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