An in-memory string-interface{} map with various expiration options for golang

TTLCache - an in-memory cache with expiration

Documentation Release

TTLCache is a simple key/value cache in golang with the following functions:

  1. Expiration of items based on time, or custom function
  2. Loader function to retrieve missing keys can be provided. Additional Get calls on the same key block while fetching is in progress (groupcache style).
  3. Individual expiring time or global expiring time, you can choose
  4. Auto-Extending expiration on Get -or- DNS style TTL, see SkipTTLExtensionOnHit(bool)
  5. Can trigger callback on key expiration
  6. Cleanup resources by calling Close() at end of lifecycle.
  7. Thread-safe with comprehensive testing suite. This code is in production at on critical systems.

Note (issue #25): by default, due to historic reasons, the TTL will be reset on each cache hit and you need to explicitly configure the cache to use a TTL that will not get extended.

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You can copy it as a full standalone demo program.

package main

import (


var (
	notFound = ttlcache.ErrNotFound
	isClosed = ttlcache.ErrClosed

func main() {
	newItemCallback := func(key string, value interface{}) {
		fmt.Printf("New key(%s) added\n", key)
	checkExpirationCallback := func(key string, value interface{}) bool {
		if key == "key1" {
			// if the key equals "key1", the value
			// will not be allowed to expire
			return false
		// all other values are allowed to expire
		return true
	expirationCallback := func(key string, value interface{}) {
		fmt.Printf("This key(%s) has expired\n", key)

	loaderFunction := func(key string) (data interface{}, ttl time.Duration, err error) {
		ttl = time.Second * 300
		data, err = getFromNetwork(key)

		return data, ttl, err

	cache := ttlcache.NewCache()
	defer cache.Close()
	cache.SetTTL(time.Duration(10 * time.Second))

	cache.Set("key", "value")
	cache.SetWithTTL("keyWithTTL", "value", 10*time.Second)

	if value, exists := cache.Get("key"); exists == nil {
		fmt.Printf("Got value: %v\n", value)
	count := cache.Count()
	if result := cache.Remove("keyNNN"); result == notFound {
		fmt.Printf("Not found, %d items left\n", count)

func getFromNetwork(key string) (string, error) {
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 30)
	return "value", nil

TTLCache - Some design considerations

  1. The complexity of the current cache is already quite high. Therefore not all requests can be implemented in a straight-forward manner.
  2. The locking should be done only in the exported functions and startExpirationProcessing of the Cache struct. Else data races can occur or recursive locks are needed, which are both unwanted.
  3. I prefer correct functionality over fast tests. It's ok for new tests to take seconds to proof something.

Original Project

TTLCache was forked from wunderlist/ttlcache to add extra functions not avaiable in the original scope. The main differences are:

  1. A item can store any kind of object, previously, only strings could be saved
  2. Optionally, you can add callbacks too: check if a value should expire, be notified if a value expires, and be notified when new values are added to the cache
  3. The expiration can be either global or per item
  4. Items can exist without expiration time (time.Zero)
  5. Expirations and callbacks are realtime. Don't have a pooling time to check anymore, now it's done with a heap.
  6. A cache count limiter
  • Limit on no. of keys stored in ttlcache?

    Limit on no. of keys stored in ttlcache?

    is there a limit on no. of keys that can be stored using ttlcache library? In our service we recently faced increase in response time when ttlcache was being used.

  • Returning loader errors

    Returning loader errors

    With new version v3 there is currently no way to return loader (either default or getter) error as Get returns only item and there is no way to propagate errors back to caller.

  • SuppressedLoader should allow setting `group`

    SuppressedLoader should allow setting `group`

    SuppressedLoader looks useful! Unfortunately, group is private. So if I just create a SuppressedLoader from an existing Loader and try to use it, I get an "invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference" error.

    I have had to copy SuppressedLoader into my own code where I can set group myself in order to workaround this.


    • ttlcache should expose a method for constructing SuppressedLoaders with non-nil group?
    • SuppressedLoader should lazily set group to non-nil?
  • Upgrade to v3

    Upgrade to v3

    Before the stable release of v3, some additional, non-backwards compatible changes could be made. Here is a list of my proposed changes:

    • [x] Update
    • [x] Allow TTL extension to be enabled/disabled per Get() call, rather than per cache instance. Having them both could also work: the global cache value would be used as the default one.
    • [x] Use functional options to set cache options.
    • [x] Remove the SimpleCache interface, since it serves no purpose, at least in this package. The idiomatic approach is to allow the client/user of the package to create their own interface, with their own limited set of methods. However, if there are clear and useful examples of where this is may be needed, this interface should be at least renamed to something more appropriate.
    • [x] Rename the event methods and make them follow On[Noun](fn) naming pattern (e.g. OnExpiration(fn)). The provided functions should also be stored in a slice rather than a simple field. A good example of this is bolt's OnCommit.
    • [x] Separate expiration queue and LRU item list.
    • [x] Rename existing methods.
    • [x] Remove evictionreason_enumer.go since it seems to add very little value yet creates quite a bit of unidiomatic code noise.
    • [x] Clean up some of the code/add proper docs.
    • [x] Add Loader interface and its helper types/funcs.
    • [x] Improve mutex usage.
    • [x] Make auto cleaner process optional. It should also be possible to stop and then restart it without closing the cache instance.
    • [x] Remove Close(), replace it with Start() and Stop()
    • [x] Remove error return values (most of them return only ErrClosed).
    • [x] Add a method for manual expired item deletion.
    • [x] Return/pass the whole Item type rather than its fields (applies to Get/Set/event functions).
    • [x] Rewrite/improve tests.

    I may have some more ideas later on.

    What do you think @ReneKroon?

  • call expirationCallback automatically on cache.Close()

    call expirationCallback automatically on cache.Close()

    Is it possible to call expirationCallback on each remaining keys in the cache, when calling cache.Close()?

    The purpose is to keep the overall expirationCallback behavior the same?

  • func (cache *Cache) startExpirationProcessing() - Never Exits and Leaves residual Goroutines.

    func (cache *Cache) startExpirationProcessing() - Never Exits and Leaves residual Goroutines.

    Hey, I noticed there is no exit case in your Goroutine here:

    I was developing an application that start multiple caches as child-struct. But when the parent is removed this function - func (cache *Cache) startExpirationProcessing() - keeps running forever.

    Do you perhaps have a way of killing it somewhere in your code ? I like your package and I would love to keep using it, but in the current state I can not :(

  • feat(disable_overwrite_on_set): Add ability to disable overwrites when setting an item in the cache

    feat(disable_overwrite_on_set): Add ability to disable overwrites when setting an item in the cache

    Add ability to disable overwrites when setting an item in the cache

    • Added new option & associated test
    • Added functionality in cache.set() to return the item if overwrite is disabled. Could be done as an else.. but wanted to make explicit up front at top of func.

    Not sure if more tests need additional testing. I didn't a chance to review all existing cases / structure of testing framework

    Addresses issue / enhancement request

  • add GetItems method

    add GetItems method

    Hi! @ReneKroon ! Awesome cache! Want to switch to yours from as yours has a size limit.

    Can you accept a small PR which adds the GetItems method?

  • Loaderfunction key not found

    Loaderfunction key not found

    Fixes #44

    I ran into some trouble where TestCache_Limit didn't work for me locally but that was the same before and after the change (length was 10 but keys were incorrect - this might be due to shitty windows timers).

    Let me know any thoughts.

  • PurgeCallback to be called on Purge()

    PurgeCallback to be called on Purge()

    I needed a callback to be called on Purge. If I just wrapped it in an internal package, I'd invent a possible race condition:

    thread1 purges 
    thread2 adds
    add callback
    purge callback

    Thus this PR.

  • Use type parameters

    Use type parameters

    This PR adds type parameters to all the relevant types and functions. The logic of the functions and their tests has not been changed.

    Other changes worth mentioning:

    • The top-level documentation comments have been reformatted (mainly missing periods have been added). The content of those comments has not been changed.
    • For the sake of consistency, some fields/variables have been renamed from 'data' to 'value'.
    • The go version specified in go.mod has been changed to 1.18.
    • has been renamed to

    Closes: #63

  • Add MGet or Multiple Get to improve read performance

    Add MGet or Multiple Get to improve read performance

    I've performance issues when my cache has heavy read and write load in the same time. I propose an approch like Reduce mutex blocking while get from multiple keys (like redis MGET ) Or use RW.Mutex while Get() instead.

  • use atomics for metrics

    use atomics for metrics

    AFAIK metricsMu is not really performing any useful function over and above the likely more efficient atomic integer operations available on most modern CPUs. In the Metric() return function, the metricsMu served to ensure all the counters are returned as of an instant in time when no other counter is incremented relative to other counters, but since the write locks are only held for the duration of an increment of a single element of the structure, even that has no utility (i.e., there are never increments of two counters at once while holding the lock across both increments, which is the only thing the read lock would protect). Finally, the atomic loads probably collapse to simple reads on many CPUs, with the atomic load possibly only forcing cpu cache coherency (i.e., you can probably just write Metrics(){return c.metrics} and be just fine).

  • Provides similar implementation as sync.Map (LoadOrStore, LoadAndDelete)

    Provides similar implementation as sync.Map (LoadOrStore, LoadAndDelete)

  • Add Version method to item type

    Add Version method to item type

    It should return a uint64 that determines how many times an item has been updated. This method may be useful in situations when a task's execution depends on whether the item has changed or not and when due to the duration of another task a transaction/mutex isn't acceptible.

    item := cache.Get("key")
    version := item.Version()
    // long task
    if item.Version() == version {
         // execute only if the item hasn't been updated during the long task's execution
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