Kafka producer and consumer tool in protobuf format.


Kafka producer and consumer tool in protobuf format.


  • Consume and produce messages using Protobuf protocol
  • Trace messages with Jaeger
  • Create custom templates for one or multiple messages and produce them to Kafka


go install github.com/SberMarket-Tech/protokaf@latest


Configuration file is optional, so you can skip this section.

In order for Protokaf to work, it needs to know how to reach your Kafka broker. First option is to provide --broker each time you invoke Protokaf. Another option is to use a configuration file. You can provide Protokaf with a configuration file with option -F .. on the command line. Or by default Protokaf will search its config files in .protokaf.yaml and $HOME/.protokaf.yaml respectively.

Example of .protokaf.yaml

debug: true
broker: "<addr>:<port>"
kafka-auth-dsn: "SCRAM-SHA-512:<namespace>:<passwd>"
proto: "<dir>/<protofile>"


$ protokaf help

List metadata

$ protokaf list [-t <topic>(,<topic>...)]
1 brokers:
 broker 1 ""
2 topics:
  topic "test-topic", partitions: 1
    partition 0, leader 1, replicas: [1] (offline: []), isrs: [1]
  topic "test", partitions: 1
    partition 0, leader 1, replicas: [1] (offline: []), isrs: [1]



$ protokaf produce -h


This proto file will be used in the examples below.


syntax = "proto3";

package example;

message HelloRequest {
  string name = 1;
  int32 age = 2;

A simple produce message

$ protokaf produce HelloRequest \
    --broker kafka:9092 \
    --proto api/example.proto \
    --topic test \
    --data '{"name": "Alice", "age": 11}'

Produce message with headers

$ protokaf produce HelloRequest \
    --broker kafka:9092 \
    --proto api/example.proto \
    --topic test \
    --header "priority=high" \
    --header "application=protokaf" \
    --data '{"name": "Alice", "age": 11}'

Produce message with template

$ protokaf produce HelloRequest \
    --broker kafka:9092 \
    --proto api/example.proto \
    --topic test \
    --data '{"name": {{randomFemaleName | quote}}, "age": {{randomNumber 10 20}}}' \
    --count 10 \
    --seed 42

Produce message with Kafka auth

$ protokaf produce HelloRequest \
    --broker kafka:9093 \
    --kafka-auth-dsn "SCRAM-SHA-512:login:passwd" \
    --proto api/example.proto \
    --topic test \
    --data '{"name": "Alice", "age": 11}'

Read data from stdin or flag

Read message HelloRequest from stdin, produce to test topic

$ echo '{"name": "Alice", "age": 11}' | protokaf produce HelloRequest -t test

Read message HelloRequest from -d value, produce to test topic

$ protokaf produce HelloRequest -t test -d '{"name": "Alice", "age": 11}'


Template options

  • --seed <int> You can set number greater then zero to produce the same pseudo-random sequence of messages
  • --count <int> Useful for generating messages with random data
  • --concurrency <int> Number of message senders to run concurrently for const concurrency producing

Show all template functions

$ protokaf produce --template-functions-print



$ protokaf help consume


$ protokaf consume HelloRequest \
    --broker kafka:9092 \
    --proto api/example.proto \
    --group mygroup \
    --topic test

Read messages from Kafka test topic, use group mygroup, print to stdout

$ protokaf consume HelloRequest -G mygroup -t test

Read the last 10 messages from test topic, then exit

$ protokaf consume HelloRequest -G mygroup -t test -c 10


Prepare test environment

make docker-dev-up
make kafka-users
make install # optional (you can use 'go run . <args> <flags>')
SberMarket Tech
Open Source by RnD team
SberMarket Tech
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  • Parameters for producing from file

    Parameters for producing from file

    Hey, thank you for your project! Would be nice to have ability to keep parameters in file and get it from saved file.

    Save to file:

    $ protokaf generate HelloRequest \
        --data '{"name": {{randomFemaleName | quote}}, "age": {{randomNumber 10 20}}}' \
        --count 10 \
        --seed 42
        --save data.json

    After we can use file to produce:

    $ protokaf produce HelloRequest \
        --load data.json
  • Support Lua-scripts to generate random data for producing

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    To generate some specific data would be great to support Lua-script.

    For example, if my script is in funcs.lua:

    function randomCardNumber() {
        return "4242424242424242"

    It can be passed to input like:

    $ protokaf produce CardRequest \
      --lua funcs.lua
      --data '{"card": {{randomCardNumber | quote}}}'
  • Several configurations in one file

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    I would like to be able to create several configurations in .protokaf.yaml: Something like that:

        debug: true
        debug: true
        broker: stage.host:9093
        kafka-auth-dsn: "SCRAM-SHA-256:admin:secret"

    And using it that way:

    $ protokaf consume HelloRequest -P stage ...
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