Example of using Pion WebRTC to play H264 + Ogg from disk

This repo demonstrates how you can use Pion WebRTC to play H264 and Ogg from disk. These same APIs can be used to pull from other sources.

You can use the follow command to create inputs

  • ffmpeg -i $INPUT_FILE -an -c:v libx264 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -b:v 2M -max_delay 0 -bf 0 output.h264
  • ffmpeg -i $INPUT_FILE -c:a libopus -page_duration 20000 -vn output.ogg

Or pull from my website

Open play-from-disk-h264 example page

jsfiddle.net you should see two text-areas and a 'Start Session' button

Run play-from-disk-h264 with your browsers SessionDescription as stdin

The output.ogg and output.h264 you created should be in the same directory as play-from-disk-h264. In the jsfiddle the top textarea is your browser, copy that and:


Run echo $BROWSER_SDP | play-from-disk-h264


  1. Paste the SessionDescription into a file.
  2. Run play-from-disk-h264 < my_file

Input play-from-disk-h264's SessionDescription into your browser

Copy the text that play-from-disk-h264 just emitted and copy into second text area

Hit 'Start Session' in jsfiddle, enjoy your video!

A video should start playing in your browser above the input boxes. play-from-disk-h264 will exit when the file reaches the end

Congrats, you have used Pion WebRTC! Now start building something cool

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  • Fix audio and video stream

    Fix audio and video stream

    I've implemented the fix we talked about on Slack. Audio and video transmit flawlessly now.

    Also, with the original FFmpeg command for creating H264 video, I had lag and desynchronization issues (video would fall behind the audio). I've created a new command with fixes those issues.

    I think we should also apply these fixes to the official examples in the pion/webrtc repo that use IVF, since they have the same issue. If you like, I can make a PR for that as well.

    Also maybe the play-from-disk-h264 can be added to the official examples?

    Only thing that remains is that the video stream takes a few seconds of loading to start. In my code, I fixed that by using code I found in one of pion/webrtc's issues which merges SPS and PPS packets:

    // ** Fixes to make video start streaming instantly **
    // 1. Prepend NAL start prefix code
    nal.Data = append([]byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}, nal.Data...)
    // 2. Merge SPS and PPS packets
    if nal.UnitType == h264reader.NalUnitTypeSPS || nal.UnitType == h264reader.NalUnitTypePPS {
        spsAndPpsCache = append(spsAndPpsCache, nal.Data...)
    } else if nal.UnitType == h264reader.NalUnitTypeCodedSliceIdr {
        nal.Data = append(spsAndPpsCache, nal.Data...)
        spsAndPpsCache = []byte{}

    However, I was unsure if this should be added to this example, because this looks like a separate fix to the H264 packetizer.

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