A Lua VM in Go

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A Lua VM in pure Go

go-lua is a port of the Lua 5.2 VM to pure Go. It is compatible with binary files dumped by luac, from the Lua reference implementation.

The motivation is to enable simple scripting of Go applications. For example, it is used to describe flows in Shopify's load generation tool, Genghis.


go-lua is intended to be used as a Go package. It does not include a command to run the interpreter. To start using the library, run:

go get github.com/Shopify/go-lua

To develop & test go-lua, you'll also need the lua-tests submodule checked out:

git submodule update --init

You can then develop with the usual Go commands, e.g.:

go build
go test -cover

A simple example that loads & runs a Lua script is:

package main

import "github.com/Shopify/go-lua"

func main() {
  l := lua.NewState()
  if err := lua.DoFile(l, "hello.lua"); err != nil {


go-lua has been used in production in Shopify's load generation tool, Genghis, since May 2014, and is also part of Shopify's resiliency tooling.

The core VM and compiler has been ported and tested. The compiler is able to correctly process all Lua source files from the Lua test suite. The VM has been tested to correctly execute over a third of the Lua test cases.

Most core Lua libraries are at least partially implemented. Prominent exceptions are regular expressions, coroutines and string.dump.

Weak reference tables are not and will not be supported. go-lua uses the Go heap for Lua objects, and Go does not support weak references.


Benchmark results shown here are taken from a Mid 2012 MacBook Pro Retina with a 2.6 GHz Core i7 CPU running OS X 10.10.2, go 1.4.2 and Lua 5.2.2.

The Fibonacci function can be written a few different ways to evaluate different performance characteristics of a language interpreter. The simplest way is as a recursive function:

  function fib(n)
    if n == 0 then
      return 0
    elseif n == 1 then
      return 1
    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

This exercises the call stack implementation. When computing fib(35), go-lua is about 6x slower than the C Lua interpreter. Gopher-lua is about 20% faster than go-lua. Much of the performance difference between go-lua and gopher-lua comes from the inclusion of debug hooks in go-lua. The remainder is due to the call stack implementation - go-lua heap-allocates Lua stack frames with a separately allocated variant struct, as outlined above. Although it caches recently used stack frames, it is outperformed by the simpler statically allocated call stacks in gopher-lua.

  $ time lua fibr.lua
  real  0m2.807s
  user  0m2.795s
  sys   0m0.006s
  $ time glua fibr.lua
  real  0m14.528s
  user  0m14.513s
  sys   0m0.031s
  $ time go-lua fibr.lua
  real  0m17.411s
  user  0m17.514s
  sys   0m1.287s

The recursive Fibonacci function can be transformed into a tail-recursive variant:

  function fibt(n0, n1, c)
    if c == 0 then
      return n0
    else if c == 1 then
      return n1
    return fibt(n1, n0+n1, c-1)
  function fib(n)
    fibt(0, 1, n)

The Lua interpreter detects and optimizes tail calls. This exhibits similar relative performance between the 3 interpreters, though gopher-lua edges ahead a little due to its simpler stack model and reduced bookkeeping.

  $ time lua fibt.lua
  real  0m0.099s
  user  0m0.096s
  sys   0m0.002s

  $ time glua fibt.lua
  real  0m0.489s
  user  0m0.484s
  sys   0m0.005s

  $ time go-lua fibt.lua
  real  0m0.607s
  user  0m0.610s
  sys   0m0.068s

Finally, we can write an explicitly iterative implementation:

  function fib(n)
    if n == 0 then
      return 0
    else if n == 1 then
      return 1
    local n0, n1 = 0, 1
    for i = n, 2, -1 do
      local tmp = n0 + n1
      n0 = n1
      n1 = tmp
    return n1

This exercises more of the bytecode interpreter’s inner loop. Here we see the performance impact of Go’s switch implementation. Both go-lua and gopher-lua are an order of magnitude slower than the C Lua interpreter.

  $ time lua fibi.lua
  real  0m0.023s
  user  0m0.020s
  sys   0m0.003s

  $ time glua fibi.lua
  real  0m0.242s
  user  0m0.235s
  sys   0m0.005s

  $ time go-lua fibi.lua
  real  0m0.242s
  user  0m0.240s
  sys   0m0.028s


go-lua is licensed under the MIT license.

  • go get fails on Windows 7 (go version go1.4 windows/amd64)

    go get fails on Windows 7 (go version go1.4 windows/amd64)

    I couldn't install the library by go getting it. I got the following errors:

    C:\Users\hugo>go get github.com/Shopify/go-lua


    c:\users\hugo\go\src\github.com\Shopify\go-lua\base.go:12: undefined: CheckType c:\users\hugo\go\src\github.com\Shopify\go-lua\base.go:23: undefined: MetaField c:\users\hugo\go\src\github.com\Shopify\go-lua\base.go:24: undefined: CheckType c:\users\hugo\go\src\github.com\Shopify\go-lua\base.go:41: undefined: CheckInteger c:\users\hugo\go\src\github.com\Shopify\go-lua\base.go:42: undefined: CheckType c:\users\hugo\go\src\github.com\Shopify\go-lua\base.go:95: undefined: CheckStackWithMessage c:\users\hugo\go\src\github.com\Shopify\go-lua\base.go:101: undefined: Errorf c:\users\hugo\go\src\github.com\Shopify\go-lua\base.go:326: undefined: SetFunctions c:\users\hugo\go\src\github.com\Shopify\go-lua\bit32.go:32: undefined: CheckUnsigned c:\users\hugo\go\src\github.com\Shopify\go-lua\bit32.go:43: undefined: CheckUnsigned c:\users\hugo\go\src\github.com\Shopify\go-lua\bit32.go:43: too many errors

  • Rename func Type(*State,int) to TypeOf. typedef Type enumerations.

    Rename func Type(*State,int) to TypeOf. typedef Type enumerations.

    Rename the Type func to TypeOf to avoid colliding with the new Type typedef for the type enumeration. Fix bug in missuse of TypeName.

    r: @fbogsany cc: @Shopify/performance

  • Fix PushFString %p format token.

    Fix PushFString %p format token.

    Fixes a nasty bug where using a %p in a format string does not advance the argument index, which causes the next format token to look at the same argument again and all subsequent tokens will be off-by-one.

  • Translate section 4.8 of Lua C reference manual to GoDocs.

    Translate section 4.8 of Lua C reference manual to GoDocs.


    • Add some typedefs (Mode, Operator, CmpOperator)
    • replace Status by error (to make it obvious that some functions return errors)
    • restrict range of some integers (max of 255 upvalues)
    • provide error message to RawEqual (useful for user).

    r: @fbogsany cc: @Shopify/performance

  • Handle runtime panic where comparison operand is nil

    Handle runtime panic where comparison operand is nil

    All table/UD comparisons were assuming the other operand wasn't nil. This doesn't mesh with Lua, since it results in a panic where the result should be false. Related to issue #45 and pull request #57, but addresses the issue for userdata as well.

    The issue's pretty simple: if one side of the comparison is a table or userdata and the other side is nil, the other side is assumed to be a userdata or table and a type assertion is made. If the assertion fails, the program has a runtime panic and dies.

    I don't know if this issue exists for metamethods on other types as well.

  • ToBoolean returns true on too-large stack index

    ToBoolean returns true on too-large stack index

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        l := lua.NewState()
        fmt.Printf("Top: %d\n", l.Top())
        for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
            fmt.Printf("ToBoolean(%d) %t\n", i, l.ToBoolean(i))

    Results in:

    Top: 2
    ToBoolean(0) false
    ToBoolean(1) true
    ToBoolean(2) false
    ToBoolean(3) true

    That last result is puzzling.

    Here's the same sort of thing written in C against PUC-Rio Lua 5.2:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "lua.h"
    #include "lauxlib.h"
    int main() {
        lua_State *L;
        L = luaL_newstate();
        lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
        lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
        printf("Top: %d\n", lua_gettop(L));
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            printf("ToBoolean(%d) %d\n", i, lua_toboolean(L, i));

    Results in:

    Top: 2
    ToBoolean(0) 0
    ToBoolean(1) 1
    ToBoolean(2) 0
    ToBoolean(3) 0

    Other ToWhatever API's in go-lua appear to have a value, ok multi-valued return. Is the correct fix here to add a second API value, or to simply return false? The former would be consistent with other go-lua API's, the latter would be consistent with the C API and on the surface would not require changing existing code - although this might actually be a downside if there is any code that relies on this peculiarity of out-of-bounds truthiness.

  • Panic when returning from a lua function directly, but not if I store the results in a variable first

    Panic when returning from a lua function directly, but not if I store the results in a variable first

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        l := lua.NewState()
        loadInline := func(code string) {
            if err := l.Load(bytes.NewBufferString(code), "", "bt"); err != nil {
        // Load in a global function
            function doingStuff(a, b)
                return a + b
        l.Call(0, 0)
        // Call the function, first storing the result in a local variable
            local res = doingStuff(1, 2)
            return res
        l.Call(0, 1)
        i, _ := l.ToInteger(-1)
        log.Printf("i: %d", i)
        // Call the function, directly returning the result from it
            return doingStuff(1, 2)
        l.Call(0, 1)
        i, _ = l.ToInteger(-1)
        log.Printf("i: %d", i)

    So first I'm loading a more or less useless function into the global namespace. Then I go to call it. If I Store the return value as a local variable It works fine and prints out 3 like it should. However, if I just directly return the result without first storing it I get a panic:

    panic: runtime error: index out of range
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    github.com/Shopify/go-lua.func·125(0xc2080485f0, 0xc200400006, 0x5d6ca8, 0xc200400006)
            /home/mediocregopher/src/go/src/github.com/Shopify/go-lua/vm.go:358 +0x3fc
            /home/mediocregopher/src/go/src/github.com/Shopify/go-lua/vm.go:942 +0x22e
            /home/mediocregopher/src/go/src/github.com/Shopify/go-lua/vm.go:928 +0x28
    github.com/Shopify/go-lua.(*State).call(0xc208038000, 0x1, 0x1, 0xc208010000)
            /home/mediocregopher/src/go/src/github.com/Shopify/go-lua/stack.go:381 +0xa6
    github.com/Shopify/go-lua.(*State).CallWithContinuation(0xc208038000, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
            /home/mediocregopher/src/go/src/github.com/Shopify/go-lua/lua.go:349 +0x126
    github.com/Shopify/go-lua.(*State).Call(0xc208038000, 0x0, 0x1)
            /home/mediocregopher/src/go/src/github.com/Shopify/go-lua/lua.go:1345 +0x4e
            /tmp/wat.go:42 +0x240

    Could this be a bug with the shopify implementation, or is what I'm doing fundamentally incorrect in some way? Thanks!

  • add an environment to lua.State

    add an environment to lua.State

    I'd like to be able to decouple the lua.State from my Go process. For instance, be able to have multiple lua.State that print("hello world") and be able to capture their output individually.

    For this, I thought of introducing an Environment struct in the lua.State which is used by libraries that would otherwise use the Go os package. By default, the Environment is set to us os.Stdout/err/in though they are now configurable.

    For instance, I want to be able to do (derivative work):

    func TestLuaEngine(t *testing.T) {
        buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
        script := `print("hello world")`
        eng, err := engine.Lua(script)
        if err != nil {
        err := eng.Execute(context.Background())
        if err != nil {
        if want, got := "hello world", buf.String(); want != got {
            t.Fatalf("want output %q, got %q", want, got)



  • Open Source go-lua

    Open Source go-lua

    Steps to release Shopify/go-lua as an open source project:

    • [x] #25 move test fixtures (originally Lua test code) to a separate repo
    • [x] sanity check documentation
    • [x] cleanup README.md, include status & limitations
    • [x] add license?
    • [x] ask "someone" to open the repo
  • lua.Next skips values

    lua.Next skips values

    Calling lua.Next on maps will sometime fail to retrieve all the values in a table. This is because the implementation of next relies on the order of iteration in Go maps:

    func (l *State) next(t *table, key int) bool {
        i, k := 0, l.stack[key]
        // ...
        found := k == nil
        // checks for the key `hk == k`
        // then returns the value at the next iteration
        // following calls to `next` assume future iteration on t.hash 
        // will be in the same order
        for hk, v := range t.hash {
            if found {
                if v != nil {
                    l.stack[key] = hk
                    l.stack[key+1] = v
                    return true  
            } else if l.equalObjects(hk, k) {
                found = true
        return false // no more elements

    From the spec, this order is not guaranteed to be stable between iterations in a for-range loop. See bullet point 3: http://golang.org/ref/spec#For_statements

    To enforce this, iteration over map is randomized between for-range clauses since Go 1: http://golang.org/src/pkg/runtime/hashmap.c (line 785)

    They talk about it in http://blog.golang.org/go-maps-in-action

  • Returns basic Go types instead of nil.

    Returns basic Go types instead of nil.

    r: @fbogsany


    Since ToValue is only used for integration with Go, it's most convenient if Go types that can be Push into the VM can also be returned using ToValue. I believe all the basic Go types pushable to lua are string, bool, int, uint and float64.

    For instance, in a test harness exposing notequals function to Lua code:

    func isNotEqual(t *testing.T) lua.Function {
        return func(l *lua.State) int {
            name := lua.CheckString(l, 1)
            want := lua.ToValue(l, 2)
            got := lua.ToValue(l, 3)
            if reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
                t.Errorf("%s: dont want `%#v` but got it (%#v)", name, want, got)
            return 0

    If want and/or got are string or int or any Go types, the current implementation will return nil. Then the following assertion would fail:

    notequals("Should not be equal", "hello", 1)
    -- dont want `<nil>` but got it (<nil>)

    This is because "hello" and 1 are going to be returned as type string and int from the VM, which will mask them as nil in the current ToValue implementation.

    want := lua.ToValue(l, 2)
    got := lua.ToValue(l, 3)
    // want and got are both `nil`
    if reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
        t.Errorf("%s: dont want `%#v` but got it (%#v)", name, want, got)


    Add a case to the switch in ToValue:

    func ToValue(l *State, index int) interface{} {
        v := l.indexToValue(index)
        switch v := v.(type) {
        case string, uint, int, float64, bool:
        case *table:
        // more cases
            return nil
        return v
  • Call LUA function from GO

    Call LUA function from GO

    Hi Folks,

    I'm wondering if anybody was able to call a Lua function from GO, instead of just run all the file or a buffered script.

    I'm aware of need to load all the file (and who any code outside a function will be executed), but I'm thinking about a way of load it and after it was done, We be able of call any function of the Lua script, any time with the desired arguments.

    Without the need of recompile and than increasing the speed.

    Does anyone here did it?

  • fix(os): undefined syscall.Getrusage on wasm

    fix(os): undefined syscall.Getrusage on wasm

    error while compiling to wasm

    /home/azama/go/pkg/mod/github.com/!shopify/[email protected]/unix.go:11:6: undefined: syscall.Getrusage
    /home/azama/go/pkg/mod/github.com/!shopify/[email protected]/unix.go:11:24: undefined: syscall.RUSAGE_SELF
  • Author ? I want to know go-lua how to support lua-socket??

    Author ? I want to know go-lua how to support lua-socket??

    I rewrite a project from c++ to golang. Issue : it use lua-socket in cpp and i use go-lua in go...

    I want to know go-lua is or not support lua-socket??

    C++ code:

    static int base_open(lua_State *L) {
        if (socket_open()) {
            /* export functions (and leave namespace table on top of stack) */
            luaL_setfuncs(L, func, 0);
            lua_pushstring(L, "_DEBUG");
            lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
            lua_rawset(L, -3);
            /* make version string available to scripts */
            lua_pushstring(L, "_VERSION");
            lua_pushstring(L, LUASOCKET_VERSION);
            lua_rawset(L, -3);
            return 1;
        } else {
            lua_pushstring(L, "unable to initialize library");
            return 0;
  •  bad argument #2 to '__newindex' (not a number in proper range)

    bad argument #2 to '__newindex' (not a number in proper range)

    is go-lua can only run in 64bit machine? when i run my lua script on ubuntu 64 bit, it works ok( lua test.lua), and i run my golang code using go run main.go,int works ok too, but when i just cross compile the same golang code using GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build main.go error occured, i hope to use go-lua on my 32bit arm board, root@b503_lcd:~# uname -a Linux b503_lcd 4.1.15-2.1.0+g37e48c8 #90 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 26 11:41:29 CST 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux root@b503_lcd:~# ./main test go lua... this is CONNECT, panic: runtime error: test.lua:34: bad argument #2 to '__newindex' (not a number in proper range) goroutine 1 [running]: main.main() /mnt/hgfs/b503/gopath/src/golua/main.go:11 +0xa0

    the 34 line is string.format("%012d",34567890121111) why? is go-lua can only run in 64bit machine?

    Here's my test: package main import "github.com/Shopify/go-lua" import "fmt" var arg1 = 1 var arg2 = 2 func add(x, y int) int { fmt.Printf("this is go func add\n") return x + y }

    var luatestGofunc0 = func(l *lua.State) int { fmt.Printf("this is a go func-0 called by lua script!\n") top := l.Top() fmt.Printf("top:%d\n", top) a0 := l.ToUserData(0) a1 := l.ToUserData(1) a2 := l.ToUserData(2) fmt.Printf("ao,a1,a2=%#v,%#v,%#v\n", a0, a1, a2) return 2 }

    func main() { fmt.Printf("hello golang,test lua script...\n") l := lua.NewState() l.Register("LtestGofunc0", luatestGofunc0) l.Register("LtestGofunc1", func(l *lua.State) int { fmt.Printf("this is a go func 1...\n") return 0 }) lua.OpenLibraries(l) if err := lua.DoFile(l, "test1.lua"); err != nil { panic(err) } }

    bellow is test1.lua: this is a lua script demo:

    ip= "" port = 5050

    function CONNECT( ip,port ) print("this is CONNECT,"..ip..port) end

    function TxData( tx ) print("this is TxData,"..tx) end

    function DISCONNECT( ... ) print("this is DISCONNECT") end

    ret = CONNECT(ip,port)

    MTI = 'B001' -- STI = '52' -- DBL = '0000001C' -- DATA = '' --

    shanghu = string.format("%012d",34567890121111) ----------------------the 34 line poscode = string.format("%016d",34567890112233) samcode = '313233343536' optcode = '3132333435363738'

    DATA = shanghu..poscode..samcode..optcode DBL = string.format("%08x",string.len(DATA)/2) TX = MTI .. STI .. DBL .. DATA

    ret,rcv = TxData(TX)

    MTI = 'B004' blackver = '00000000' DATA = blackver .. poscode DBL = string.format("%02x",string.len(DATA)/2) TX = MTI .. STI .. DBL .. DATA

    ret,rcv = TxData(TX)


Go bindings for Lua C API - in progress

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A Lua VM in Go

A Lua VM in pure Go go-lua is a port of the Lua 5.2 VM to pure Go. It is compatible with binary files dumped by luac, from the Lua reference implement

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GopherLua: VM and compiler for Lua in Go

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