Test your command line interfaces on windows, linux and osx and nodes viá ssh and docker

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Define language independent tests for your command line scripts and programs in simple yaml files.

  • It runs on windows, osx and linux
  • It can validate local machines, ssh hosts and docker containers
  • It is a self-contained binary - no need to install a heavy lib or language
  • It is easy and fast to write

For more information take a look at the quick start, the examples or the integration tests.

Table of contents


Any system with Go installed

Probably the easiest way to install commander is by using go get to download and install it in one simple command:

go get github.com/commander-cli/commander/cmd/commander

This works on any OS, as long as go is installed. If go is not installed on your system, follow one of the methods below.

Linux & osx

Visit the release page to get the binary for you system.

curl -L https://github.com/commander-cli/commander/releases/download/v2.3.0/commander-linux-amd64 -o commander
chmod +x commander


  • Download the current release
  • Add the path to your path environment variable
  • Test it: commander --version

Quick start

A commander test suite consists of a config and tests root element. To start quickly you can use the following examples.

# You can even let commander add tests for you!
$ ./commander add --stdout --file=/tmp/commander.yaml echo hello
  echo hello:
    exit-code: 0
    stdout: hello

written to /tmp/commander.yaml

# ... and execute!
$ ./commander test /tmp/commander.yaml
Starting test file /tmp/commander.yaml...

✓ echo hello

Duration: 0.002s
Count: 1, Failed: 0

Complete YAML file

Here you can see an example with all features for a quick reference

    type: ssh
    user: root
    pass: pass
    type: ssh
    user: root
    identity-file: /home/user/id_rsa.pub
    type: docker
    image: alpine:2.4
    type: docker
    instance: alpine_instance_1

config: # Config for all executed tests
    dir: /tmp #Set working directory
    env: # Environment variables
        KEY: global
    timeout: 50s # Define a timeout for a command under test
    retries: 2 # Define retries for each test
    - ssh-host1 # define default hosts
    echo hello: # Define command as title
        stdout: hello # Default is to check if it contains the given characters
        exit-code: 0 # Assert exit-code
    it should skip:
        command: echo "I should be skipped"
        stdout: I should be skipped
        skip: true
    it should fail:
        command: invalid
                - invalid # Assert only contain work
                - not in there # Validate that a string does not occur in stdout
            exactly: "/bin/sh: 1: invalid: not found"
            line-count: 1 # Assert amount of lines
            lines: # Assert specific lines
                1: "/bin/sh: 1: invalid: not found"
                object.attr: hello # Make assertions on json objects
                "//book//auhtor": Steven King # Make assertions on xml documents
            file: correct-output.txt
        exit-code: 127
        skip: false

    it has configs:
        command: echo hello
              - hello #See test "it should fail"
            exactly: hello
            line-count: 1
            inherit-env: true # You can inherit the parent shells env variables
            dir: /home/user # Overwrite working dir
                KEY: local # Overwrite env variable
                ANOTHER: yeah # Add another env variable
            timeout: 1s # Overwrite timeout
            retries: 5
            nodes: # overwrite default nodes
              - docker-host1
              - docker-host2
        exit-code: 0


# Execute file commander.yaml in current directory
$ ./commander test 

# Execute a specific suite
$ ./commander test /tmp/test.yaml

# Execute a single test
$ ./commander test /tmp/test.yaml --filter "my test"

# Execute suite from stdin
$ cat /tmp/test.yaml | ./commander test -

# Execute suite from url
$ ./commander test https://your-url/commander_test.yaml

# Execute suites within a test directory
$ ./commander test --dir /tmp

# Execute suites in a different working directory 
$ ./commander test --workdir /examples minimal_test.yaml

Adding tests

You can use the add argument if you want to commander to create your tests.

# Add a test to the default commander.yaml
$ ./commander add echo hello
written to /tmp/commander.yaml

# Write to a given file
$ ./commander add --file=test.yaml echo hello
written to test.yaml

# Write to stdout and file
$ ./commander add --stdout echo hello
  echo hello:
    exit-code: 0
    stdout: hello

written to /tmp/commander.yaml

# Only to stdout
$ ./commander add --stdout --no-file echo hello
  echo hello:
    exit-code: 0
    stdout: hello



   Commander - CLI app testing

   commander [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

     test     Execute the test suite
     add      Automatically add a test to your test suite
     help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version


Tests are defined in the tests root element. Every test consists of a command and an expected result, i.e. an exit-code.

tests: # root element
  echo test: # test case - can either be the command or a given title
    stdout: test
    exit-code: 0

A test is a map which configures the test. The key (echo test in the example above) of the test can either be the command itself or the title of the test which will be displayed in the test execution.

If the same command is tested multiple times it is useful to set the title of the test manually and use the command property. Further the title can be useful to describe tests better. See the commander test suite as an example.

  • name: title or command under test
  • type: map
  • default: {}


  echo test: # command and title will be the same
    stdout: test
    exit-code: 0
  my title: # custom title
    command: exit 1 # set command manually
    exit-code: 1


command is a string containing the command to be tested. Further the command property is automatically parsed from the key if no command property was given.

  • name: command
  • type: string
  • default: can't be empty
  • notes: Will be parsed from the key if no command property was provided and used as the title too
echo test: # use command as key and title
  exit-code: 0
it should print hello world: # use a more descriptive title...
  command: echo hello world  # ... and set the command in the property manually
  stdout: hello world
  exit-code: 0


config sets configuration for the test. config can overwrite global configurations.

  • name: config
  • type: map
  • default: {}
  • notes:
    • for more information look at config
echo test:
    timeout: 5s


exit-code is an int type and compares the given code to the exit-code of the given command.

  • name: exit-code
  • type: int
  • default: 0
exit 1: # will pass
  exit-code: 1
exit 0: # will fail
  exit-code: 1


stdout and stderr allow to make assertions on the output of the command. The type can either be a string or a map of different assertions.

If only a string is provided it will check if the given string is contained in the output.

  • name: stdout
  • type: string or map
  • default:
  • notes: stderr works the same way
echo test:
  stdout: test # make a contains assertion
echo hello world:
    line-count: 1 # assert the amount of lines and use stdout as a map

contains is an array or string. It checks if a string is contained in the output. It is the default if a string is directly assigned to stdout or stderr.

  • name: contains
  • type: string or array
  • default: []
  • notes: default assertion if directly assigned to stdout or stderr
echo hello world:
  stdout: hello # Default is a contains assertion

echo more output:
      - more
      - output

exactly is a string type which matches the exact output.

  • name: exactly
  • type: string
  • default:
echo test:
    exactly: test

json is a map type and allows to parse json documents with a given GJSON syntax to query for specific data. The key represents the query, the value the expected value.

  • name: json
  • type: map
  • default: {}
  • notes: Syntax taken from GJSON
cat some.json: # print json file to stdout
  name.last: Anderson # assert on name.last, see document below

some.json file:

  "name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"},
  "children": ["Sara","Alex","Jack"],
  "fav.movie": "Deer Hunter",
  "friends": [
    {"first": "Dale", "last": "Murphy", "age": 44, "nets": ["ig", "fb", "tw"]},
    {"first": "Roger", "last": "Craig", "age": 68, "nets": ["fb", "tw"]},
    {"first": "Jane", "last": "Murphy", "age": 47, "nets": ["ig", "tw"]}

More examples queries:

"name.last"          >> "Anderson"
"age"                >> 37
"children"           >> ["Sara","Alex","Jack"]
"children.#"         >> 3
"children.1"         >> "Alex"
"child*.2"           >> "Jack"
"c?ildren.0"         >> "Sara"
"fav\.movie"         >> "Deer Hunter"
"friends.#.first"    >> ["Dale","Roger","Jane"]
"friends.1.last"     >> "Craig"

lines is a map which makes exact assertions on a given line by line number.

  • name: lines
  • type: map
  • default: {}
  • note: starts counting at 1 ;-)
echo test\nline 2:
      2: line 2 # asserts only the second line

line-count asserts the amount of lines printed to the output. If set to 0 this property is ignored.

  • name: line-count
  • type: int
  • default: 0
echo test\nline 2:
    line-count: 2

not-contains is a array of elements which are not allowed to be contained in the output. It is the inversion of contains.

  • name: not-contains
  • type: array
  • default: []
echo hello:
    not-contains: bonjour # test passes because bonjour does not occur in the output
echo bonjour:
    not-contains: bonjour # test fails because bonjour occurs in the output

xml is a map which allows to query xml documents viá xpath queries. Like the [json][#json] assertion this uses the key of the map as the query parameter to, the value is the expected value.

  • name: xml
  • type: map
  • default: {}
  • notes: Used library xmlquery
cat some.xml:
      //book//author: J. R. R. Tolkien

some.xml file:

    <author>J. R. R. Tolkien</author>

file is a file path, relative to the working directory that will have its entire contents matched against the command output. Other than reading from a file this works the same as exactly.

The example below will always pass.

output should match file:
  command: cat output.txt
    file: output.txt


See stdout for more information.

  • name: stderr
  • type: string or map
  • default:
  • notes: is identical to stdout
# >&2 echos directly to stderr
">&2 echo error": 
  stderr: error
  exit-code: 0

">&2 echo more errors":
    line-count: 1


skip is a boolean type, setting this field to true will skip the test case.

  • name: skip
  • type: bool
  • default: false
echo test:
  stdout: test
  skip: true


You can add configs which will be applied globally to all tests or just for a specific test case, i.e.:

  dir: /home/root # Set working directory for all tests

  echo hello:
    config: # Define test specific configs which overwrite global configs
      timeout: 5s
  exit-code: 0


dir is a string which sets the current working directory for the command under test. The test will fail if the given directory does not exist.

  • name: dir
  • type: string
  • default: current working dir
dir: /home/root


env is a hash-map which is used to set custom env variables. The key represents the variable name and the value setting the value of the env variable.

  • name: env
  • type: hash-map
  • default: {}
  • notes:
    • read env variables with ${PATH}
    • overwrites inherited variables, see #inherit-env
  VAR_NAME: my value # Set custom env var
  CURRENT_USER: ${USER} # Set env var and read from current env


inherit-env is a boolean type which allows you to inherit all environment variables from your active shell.

  • name: inherit-env
  • type: bool
  • default: false
  • notes: If this config is set to true in the global configuration it will be applied for all tests and ignores local test configs.
inherit-env: true


interval is a string type and sets the interval between retries.

  • name: interval
  • type: string
  • default: 0ns
  • notes:
    • valid time units: ns, us, µs, ms, s, m, h
    • time string will be evaluated by golang's time package, further reading time/#ParseDuration
interval: 5s # Waits 5 seconds until the next try after a failed test is started


retries is an int type and configures how often a test is allowed to fail until it will be marked as failed for the whole test run.

  • name: retries
  • type: int
  • default: 0
  • notes: interval can be defined between retry executions
retries: 3 # Test will be executed 3 times or until it succeeds


timeout is a string type and sets the time a test is allowed to run. The time is parsed from a duration string like 300ms. If a tests exceeds the given timeout the test will fail.

  • name: timeout
  • type: string
  • default: no limit
  • notes:
    • valid time units: ns, us, µs, ms, s, m, h
    • time string will be evaluated by golang's time package, further reading time/#ParseDuration
timeout: 600s


Commander has the option to execute tests against other hosts, i.e. via ssh.

Available node types are currently:

  • local, execute tests locally
  • ssh, execute tests viá ssh
  • docker, execute tests inside a docker container
nodes: # define nodes in the node section
    type: ssh # define the type of the connection 
    user: root # set the user which is used by the connection
    pass: password # set password for authentication
    addr: # target host address
    identity-file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa # auth with private key
  echo hello:
      nodes: # define on which host the test should be executed
        - ssh-host
    stdout: hello
    exit-code: 0

You can identify on which node a test failed by inspecting the test output. The [local] and [ssh-host] represent the node name on which the test were executed.

✗ [local] it should test ssh host
✗ [ssh-host] it should fail if env could not be set


The local node is the default execution and will be applied if nothing else was configured. It is always pre-configured and available, i.e. if you want to execute tests on a node and locally.

    user: ...
  echo hello:
      nodes: # will be executed on local and ssh-host
        - ssh-host
        - local
    exit-code: 0


The ssh node type will execute tests against a configured node using ssh.


  • The inhereit-env config is disabled for ssh hosts, nevertheless it is possible to set env variables
  • Private registries are not supported at the moment
nodes: # define nodes in the node section
    type: ssh # define the type of the connection 
    user: root # set the user which is used by the connection
    pass: password # set password for authentication
    addr: # target host address
    identity-file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa # auth with private key
  echo hello:
      nodes: # define on which host the test should be executed
        - ssh-host
    stdout: hello
    exit-code: 0


The docker node type executes the given command inside a docker container.

Notes: If the default docker registry should be used prefix the container with the registry docker.io/library/

    type: docker
    image: docker.io/library/alpine:3.11.3
    docker-exec-user: 1000 # define the owner of the executed command
    user: user # registry user
    pass: password # registry password, it is recommended to use env variables like $REGISTRY_PASS
    - docker-host
  "id -u":
     stdout: "1001"


See the documentation at development.md


Heavily inspired by goss.

Similar projects:

  • Add test against directory

    Add test against directory

    closes #85. I thought I would take a stab at this. I am mainly using this as a learning experience and would love feedback. I thought this would be a good issue to learn the codebase.

    This change will allow a user to execute./commander test examples/ or ./commander test --file-order examples/. Here are the following outputs respectively:

    dylanhitt@Dylans-MacBook-Pro commander (add-test-against-directory) $ ./commander test examples/ 
    Starting test against directory: examples/...
    ✓ [minimal_test.yaml] [local] echo hello
    ✓ [environment.yaml] [local] echo $KEY
    ✓ [commander.yaml] [local] echo hello
    ✓ [environment.yaml] [local] it should overwrite env
    ✗ [commander.yaml] [local] it should fail
    ✓ [commander.yaml] [local] it should print hello world
    ✓ [commander.yaml] [local] it should validate exit code
    ✗ [commander.yaml] [local] 'it should fail', on property 'Stderr'
    /bin/sh: invalid: command not found
    to contain
    /bin/sh: 1: invalid: not found
    Duration: 0.041s
    Count: 7, Failed: 1
    Test suite failed, use --verbose for more detailed output
    dylanhitt@Dylans-MacBook-Pro commander (add-test-against-directory) $ ./commander test --file-order examples/ 
    Starting test against directory: examples/...
    ✓ [commander.yaml] [local] it should print hello world
    ✓ [commander.yaml] [local] it should validate exit code
    ✓ [commander.yaml] [local] echo hello
    ✗ [commander.yaml] [local] it should fail
    ✓ [environment.yaml] [local] echo $KEY
    ✓ [environment.yaml] [local] it should overwrite env
    ✓ [minimal_test.yaml] [local] echo hello
    ✗ [commander.yaml] [local] 'it should fail', on property 'Stderr'
    /bin/sh: invalid: command not found
    to contain
    /bin/sh: 1: invalid: not found
    Duration: 0.036s
    Count: 7, Failed: 1
    Test suite failed, use --verbose for more detailed output

    The change also supports testing multiple files for a test that has the same title. Here is an example:

    dylanhitt@Dylans-MacBook-Pro commander (add-test-against-directory) $ ./commander test examples/ "echo hello" 
    Starting test against directory: examples/...
    ✓ [commander.yaml] [local] echo hello
    ✓ [minimal_test.yaml] [local] echo hello
    Duration: 0.012s
    Count: 2, Failed: 0
    File Errors:
    [environment.yaml] could not find test echo hello!

    If it's something you would consider merging let me know and I can finish up writing the unit test and integration tests for the change as well as the docs. Just opening this now to get the ball rolling (:



    • [x] Added unit / integration tests for windows, macOS and Linux?
    • [x] Added a changelog entry in CHANGELOG.md?
    • [x] Updated the documentation (README.md, docs)?
    • [x] Does your change work on Linux, Windows and macOS?
  • Add --config flag to provide default config to all suites being ran

    Add --config flag to provide default config to all suites being ran

    Closes #136


    • [x] Added unit / integration tests for windows, macOS and Linux?
    • [x] Added a changelog entry in CHANGELOG.md?
    • [x] Updated the documentation (README.md, docs)?
    • [x] Does your change work on Linux, Windows and macOS?
  • Add file assertion

    Add file assertion

    Fixes #105

    Happy to discuss and make changes!


    • [x] Added unit / integration tests for windows, macOS and Linux?
    • [x] Added a changelog entry in CHANGELOG.md?
    • [x] Updated the documentation (README.md, docs)?
    • [x] Does your change work on Linux, Windows and macOS?
  • Unable to run docker via kind cluster

    Unable to run docker via kind cluster


    • [x] Can you reproduce the problem?
    • [x] Are you running the latest version?
    • [x] Did you perform a cursory search?


    I am trying to run commander to run custom tool test via docker and kind, its failing on docker path. I tried searching on documentation but not able to resolve the test yet. If I run same docker commands from CLI it does work and lists the clusters successfully docker ps -a --filter label=io.x-k8s.kind.cluster --format '{{.Label "io.x-k8s.kind.cluster"}}'"

    Is there any method to add docker executable to test path?

    Steps to Reproduce

    step 1: ./commander test --verbose Fails with error:

    Error:failed to list kind clusters when bootstrapping failed to list clusters: command "docker ps -a --filter label=io.x-k8s.kind.cluster --format '{{.Label "io.x-k8s.kind.cluster"}}'" failed with error: exec: "docker": executable file not found in $PATH

    Expected behavior: list the kind clusters

    Actual behavior: Stderr throws the error above


    • Version: commander version 2.4.0
    • Platform: darwin arm64
    • Subsystem:

    You can get the version information from executing commander --version.

  • --dir bug

    --dir bug


    • [x] Can you reproduce the problem?
    • [x] Are you running the latest version?
    • [x] Did you perform a cursory search?


    --dir flag doesn't work with commands with shell scripts

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Unpack the attachment
    2. Execute ./commander test tests/test.yaml Expected behavior: the test should pass Actual behavior: the test passed
    3. Execute ./commander test --dir tests/ Expected behavior: the test should pass Actual behavior:
    Starting test against directory: tests/...
    panic: yaml: unmarshal errors:
      line 3: cannot unmarshal !!str `echo "H...` into struct { Tests map[string]suite.YAMLTest "yaml:\"tests\""; Config suite.YAMLTestConfigConf "yaml:\"config\""; Nodes map[string]suite.YAMLNodeConf "yaml:\"nodes\"" }
    goroutine 18 [running]:
    github.com/SimonBaeumer/commander/pkg/suite.ParseYAML(0xc00032e000, 0x1a, 0x21a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/SimonBaeumer/commander/pkg/suite/yaml_suite.go:57 +0x2cc
    github.com/SimonBaeumer/commander/pkg/app.testFile(0xc0000260c0, 0xd, 0x0, 0x0, 0xd, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/SimonBaeumer/commander/pkg/app/test_command.go:102 +0xa7
    github.com/SimonBaeumer/commander/pkg/app.testDir.func1(0xc0002e0c00, 0xc000215fc0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x7ffeefbff97f, 0x6, 0xc000080960)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/SimonBaeumer/commander/pkg/app/test_command.go:75 +0x19b
    created by github.com/SimonBaeumer/commander/pkg/app.testDir
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/SimonBaeumer/commander/pkg/app/test_command.go:67 +0x182



    • Version: 2.1.0
    • Platform: Darwin
    • Subsystem: ?
  • Output package has too much responsibilities

    Output package has too much responsibilities

    The output/cli.go has more responsibilities than formatting the output.

    • It measures the execution time
    • Counts succeeded and failed tests

    The runtime should be responsible for that, the output should only receive the data and process it.

  • Add --filter flag

    Add --filter flag

    Fixes #137 #77


    • [x] Added unit / integration tests for windows, macOS and Linux?
    • [x] Added a changelog entry in CHANGELOG.md?
    • [x] Updated the documentation (README.md, docs)?
    • [x] Does your change work on Linux, Windows and macOS?
    • [x] Add regex support
    • [ ] (?) Add wildcard support
    • [x] Fix directory support
      • [ ] Maybe print warning that no test was found in file
  • Skip test case

    Skip test case

    closes #127


    • [x] Added unit / integration tests for windows, macOS and Linux?
    • [x] Added a changelog entry in CHANGELOG.md?
    • [x] Updated the documentation (README.md, docs)?
    • [x] Does your change work on Linux, Windows and macOS?
  • Preserve execution order alphabetically by test title

    Preserve execution order alphabetically by test title

    Fixes #


    • [x] Added unit / integration tests for windows, macOS and Linux?
    • [x] Added a changelog entry in CHANGELOG.md?
    • [x] Updated the documentation (README.md, docs)?
    • [x] Does your change work on Linux, Windows and macOS?
  • Add ability to run tests in sequential order

    Add ability to run tests in sequential order

    While running the tests in parallel speeds up the execution overall, there are times when executing tests in sequential order is needed. Currently, I'm managing this in a shell script calling "Commader YAML TEST" individually.

    I could be wrong but I believe I read somewhere that the --dir will run the test files (YAML) in sequential order? This request is specifically for running the tests sequentially within the YAML.

  • Move test execution to runner file, refactor output

    Move test execution to runner file, refactor output

    Closes #121.


    • [x] Migrate runtime.Start to it's own file runner.go
    • [x] Stream TestResults to output in runtime
    • [x] Aggregate TestResults to a single struct Result
    • [x] Add FileName to TestCase struct when executing against a dir
    • [x] Define a single OutputWriter to be used in both Runtime and for out.PrintSummary
    • [x] Test runner.go
    • [x] Converge struct Results in Test_Command when executing against a dir
    • [x] Switch output to go/template


    • [x] Added unit / integration tests for windows, macOS and Linux?
    • [ ] Added a changelog entry in CHANGELOG.md?
    • [ ] Updated the documentation (README.md, docs)?
    • [x] Does your change work on Linux, Windows and macOS?
  • Support bash and awk verifiers

    Support bash and awk verifiers

    To process and validate a result with custom logic bash and awk verifiers could be an interesting option to write smaller assertions which are more complex.

  • Add proper error handling and coroutine cancellation

    Add proper error handling and coroutine cancellation

    To exit early on errors (i.e. missing addresses) go routines should be cancelled if an error occured. Also all routines should be cancelled gracefully on SIGTERM and SIGINT signals.

  • Fix nil-pointer exception in SSH authentication

    Fix nil-pointer exception in SSH authentication


    • [x] Reproduced issue
    • [ ] Investigate


    • [ ] Added unit / integration tests for windows, macOS and Linux?
    • [ ] Added a changelog entry in CHANGELOG.md?
    • [ ] Updated the documentation (README.md, docs)?
    • [ ] Does your change work on Linux, Windows and macOS?
  • Enable regular expression for stdout, stderr assertion

    Enable regular expression for stdout, stderr assertion


    • [x] Are you running the latest version?
    • [x] Did you perform a cursory search?


    I think it would be nice if we can use regular expression in stdout and stderr assertion, for example:

        echo 'There are 30 dogs': 
                    1: There (is|are) \d+ dog[s]?


    • Version: 2.4
    • Platform: Linux
    • Subsystem: Centos
  • SSH public key authentication broken in commander 2.4.0 on CentOS 8.4.2105

    SSH public key authentication broken in commander 2.4.0 on CentOS 8.4.2105


    • [x] Can you reproduce the problem?
    • [x] Are you running the latest version?
    • [x] Did you perform a cursory search?


    When using SSH public key authentication, commander crashes:

    # commander test test.yml --verbose
    Starting test file test.yml...
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x18 pc=0x79ea53]
    goroutine 23 [running]:
    golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.publicKeyCallback.auth(0xc00030a960, 0xc000024240, 0x20, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0, 0xa80aa0, 0xc00034c000, 0xa76980, 0xc0000721b0, ...)
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/ssh/client_auth.go:204 +0xd3
    golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.(*connection).clientAuthenticate(0xc000340080, 0xc00033e000, 0x0, 0xa)
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/ssh/client_auth.go:44 +0x332
    golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.(*connection).clientHandshake(0xc000340080, 0xc0002c8d58, 0x8, 0xc00033e000, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/ssh/client.go:113 +0x2b6
    golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.NewClientConn(0xa865a0, 0xc00000e010, 0xc0002c8d58, 0x8, 0xc000140968, 0xa865a0, 0xc00000e010, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc00030a980, ...)
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/ssh/client.go:83 +0xf8
    golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.Dial(0x9b9aeb, 0x3, 0xc0002c8d58, 0x8, 0xc000140968, 0xc00030a980, 0x1, 0x2)
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/ssh/client.go:177 +0xb3
    github.com/commander-cli/commander/pkg/runtime.SSHExecutor.Execute(0xc0002c8d58, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000308620, 0x15, 0xc0002c8db0, 0xf, ...)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/commander-cli/commander/pkg/runtime/ssh_executor.go:76 +0x1d0
    github.com/commander-cli/commander/pkg/runtime.(*Runner).Run.func2(0xc0002c8f40, 0xc00030a8c0, 0xc00006eae0, 0xc00006ea80)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/commander-cli/commander/pkg/runtime/runner.go:49 +0x231
    created by github.com/commander-cli/commander/pkg/runtime.(*Runner).Run
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/github.com/commander-cli/commander/pkg/runtime/runner.go:30 +0x113

    Using plain username/password authentication works.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Create a YML document as seen below
    2. Run commander test test.yml
    3. Watch the beautiful stacktrace :)
        type: ssh
        addr: node1:22
        identity-file: /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
        #user: root
        #pass: trustno1
        - node1
      check kurt user:
        command: id kurt
            - kurt
            - no such user
        exit-code: 0

    Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]

    SSH login succeeds and test is executed.

    Actual behavior: [What actually happened]

    Application crashes.


    • Version: v2.4.0
    • Platform: CentOS Linux 8.4.2105 (x86_64)
    • Subsystem: ?

    You can get the version information from executing commander --version.

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