Quick and Easy server testing/validation

Goss - Quick and Easy server validation

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Goss in 45 seconds

Note: For an even faster way of doing this, see: autoadd

Note: For testing docker containers see the dgoss wrapper

Note: For some Docker/Kubernetes healthcheck, health endpoint, and container ordering examples, see the blog post from @aelsabbahy here.



What is Goss?

Goss is a YAML based serverspec alternative tool for validating a server’s configuration. It eases the process of writing tests by allowing the user to generate tests from the current system state. Once the test suite is written they can be executed, waited-on, or served as a health endpoint.

Why use Goss?

  • Goss is EASY! - Goss in 45 seconds
  • Goss is FAST! - small-medium test suits are near instantaneous, see benchmarks
  • Goss is SMALL! - <10MB single self-contained binary

Why a fork?

I forked this project because the original repository isn't under active development anymore. Due to the reason we use it heavily in production I started this fork.


This will install goss and dgoss.

Note: Using curl | sh is not recommended for production systems, use manual installation below.

# Install latest version to /usr/local/bin
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SimonBaeumer/goss/add-coverage/install.sh | sh

# Install v0.4.0 version to ~/bin
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SimonBaeumer/goss/add-coverage/install.sh | GOSS_VER=v0.4.0 GOSS_DST=~/bin sh

Manual installation

# See https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss/releases for release versions
curl -L https://github.com/SimonBaeumer/goss/releases/download/_VERSION_/goss-linux-amd64 -o /usr/local/bin/goss
chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/goss

# (optional) dgoss docker wrapper (use 'master' for latest version)
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SimonBaeumer/goss/_VERSION_/extras/dgoss/dgoss -o /usr/local/bin/dgoss
chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/dgoss

Build it yourself

# Enable git-hooks for development environments
make init
# Build the source
make build

Full Documentation

Documentation is available here: https://github.com/SimonBaeumer/goss/blob/master/docs/manual.md

Quick start

Writing a simple sshd test

An initial set of tests can be derived from the system state by using the add or autoadd commands.

Let's write a simple sshd test using autoadd.

# Running it as root will allow it to also detect ports
$ sudo goss autoadd sshd

Generated goss.yaml:

$ cat goss.yaml
    listening: true
    listening: true
    - '::'
    enabled: true
    running: true
    exists: true
    uid: 74
    gid: 74
    - sshd
    home: /var/empty/sshd
    shell: /sbin/nologin
    exists: true
    gid: 74
    running: true

Now that we have a test suite, we can:

  • Run it once
goss validate

Total Duration: 0.021s # <- yeah, it's that fast..
Count: 15, Failed: 0
  • Edit it to use templates, and run with a vars file
goss --vars vars.yaml validate
  • keep running it until the system enters a valid state or we timeout
goss validate --retry-timeout 30s --sleep 1s
  • serve the tests as a health endpoint
goss serve &
curl localhost:8080/healthz

# JSON endpoint
goss serve --format json &
curl localhost:8080/healthz

Manually editing Goss files

Goss files can be manually edited to use:

Some examples:

    title: UID must be between 50-100, GID doesn't matter. home is flexible
      desc: Ensure sshd is enabled and running since it's needed for system management
      sev: 5
    exists: true
      # Validate that UID is between 50 and 100
        gt: 50
        lt: 100
      # Home can be any of the following
      - /var/empty/sshd
      - /var/run/sshd

    installed: true
      # Must have 3 kernels and none of them can be 4.4.0
      - have-len: 3
      - not:
          contain-element: 4.4.0

  # Loaded from --vars YAML/JSON file
    installed: true

{{if eq .Env.OS "centos"}}
  # This test is only when $OS environment variable is set to "centos"
    installed: true

Supported resources

  • package - add new package
  • file - add new file
  • addr - add new remote address:port - ex: google.com:80
  • port - add new listening [protocol]:port - ex: 80 or udp:123
  • service - add new service
  • user - add new user
  • group - add new group
  • command - add new command
  • dns - add new dns
  • process - add new process name
  • kernel-param - add new kernel-param
  • mount - add new mount
  • interface - add new network interface
  • http - add new network http url
  • goss - add new goss file, it will be imported from this one
  • matching - test for matches in supplied content

Supported output formats

  • rspecish (default) - Similar to rspec output
  • documentation - Verbose test results
  • JSON - Detailed test result
  • TAP
  • JUnit
  • nagios - Nagios/Sensu compatible output /w exit code 2 for failures.
  • silent - No output. Avoids exposing system information (e.g. when serving tests as a healthcheck endpoint).

Community Contributions

  • goss-ansible - Ansible module for Goss.
  • degoss - Ansible role for installing, running, and removing Goss in a single go.
  • kitchen-goss - A test-kitchen verifier plugin for Goss.
  • goss-fpm-files - Might be useful for building goss system packages.
  • molecule - Automated testing for Ansible roles, with native Goss support.
  • packer-provisioner-goss - A packer plugin to run Goss as a provision step.


Currently goss only runs on Linux.

The following tests have limitations.


  • rpm
  • deb
  • Alpine apk
  • pacman


  • systemd
  • sysV init
  • OpenRC init
  • Upstart


Original project: https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss

  • Evalute if the system package could be removed

    Evalute if the system package could be removed

    Removal of the system package could be a good thing because it doesn't need to be abstracted behind an interface. It just gathers information about the system under test, which could be done by simple libraries/packages.

  • Add test https client-certificate authentication server

    Add test https client-certificate authentication server

    • Added https server for testing client certificate authentication

    Example certificate authentication:

            status: 200
            cert: /home/example/client.crt
            key: /home/example/client.key

    Fixes #25

  • Add support for client certificates

    Add support for client certificates

    It would be great if you could give the HTTPS request a client certificate.


  • Builds fail with latest packer - Incompatible API version

    Builds fail with latest packer - Incompatible API version

    With the latest packer (1.5.1), I started to get the following error with goss:

    Failed to initialize build 'amazon-ebs': error initializing provisioner 'goss': Incompatible API version with plugin. Plugin version: 4, Ours: 5

    Using goss 0.6.0

  • [WIP] Add docker resource

    [WIP] Add docker resource

    Adds the docker resource to goss.

    First draft:

      "alpine:3.7": # Image, Title or Name as title? 
        exist: true
        running: true
        image: "alpine:3.7"
        name: "alpine_name"
        count: 1

    Fixes #57

    Definition of done:

    • [ ] Add documentation
    • [ ] Define api / resource definition
    • [ ] Implement add command
    • [ ] Implement auto add
    • [ ] Implement validation
    • [ ] Add integration tests
    • [ ] Add unit tests
  • Commands are not executed in the order they defined

    Commands are not executed in the order they defined


    I've two ideas.

    1. I'd like to define multiple commands in goss.yml and I expect they are being run in the same order as they go in the file. But they do not run in the same order, sometimes they do. It looks like they run randomly. Example of commands:
    • mount a NFS share
    • check permissions
    • unmount the share.

    It would be great if it possible to define either order of execution (maybe add an option "priority") or just follow the order the commands are defined in goss.yml.

    1. I feel a big inconvenience in running multiple commands using "command" test. It would be awesome to have a test called script where I can specify a code of a multiline script. This might look like this:
        body: |
          #!/bin/bash, #!/usr/bin/env python, #!/usr/bin/awk, #!/usr/bin/sed, etc
          as many as need shell/python/awk/etc commands or other script language instructions
          on many lines
       stdout: []
      ... etc ...

    I know I can put needed scripts on a target host/image and execute it using command but the powerfull side of Goss is a simplicity. I wouldn't like to split a simple configuration into multiple pieces.

    Thanks, Dmitrii

    Imported from https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss/issues/455

  • add process misreads process status

    add process misreads process status

    For several processes on my RHEL 7.3 server, goss seems to misrecord the statuses of processes...

    As a test, I pipe every process in ps into a goss add process command...

    for p in $(ps -ef | grep -v '\[' | cut -b49- | cut -d" " -f1 | cut -d: -f1 | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev |sort -u); do 
      ../goss a process ${p}

    Apart from the fluff (CMD from ps header, and ps, cut, rev, sort used in the command above), one would expect all these processes to be actual running processes. Yet, goss reports several of them as NOT running.

    If I take just systemd processes as an example:

    ps -ef | grep systemd
    root         1     0  0 May21 ?        00:00:51 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 21
    root       898     1  0 May21 ?        00:01:01 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald
    root       932     1  0 May21 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
    dbus      2353     1  0 May21 ?        00:00:23 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile --systemd-activation
    root      2383     1  0 May21 ?        00:00:08 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-logind

    We see 4 processes all running since May 21. If we examine the goss.yaml file we see this:

    grep -A1 systemd goss.yaml
        running: true     
        running: false    
        running: true     
        running: true

    3 of the 4 are listed as running, but even though systemd-journald is running, it is reported as false...

    Whatever is happening is consistent, in the sense that validation will pass confirming "systemd-journald" is not running when goss re-executes.

    There are a few other processes (excluding ps, cut, rev, sort from the command that fed goss) from a vendor product on my system that similarly report as running false when they are actually running...

    Any idea what is happening to cause this strange behavior?

    [This is using v0.3.7 AMD64]

    Imported from https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss/issues/451

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