A Go utility to convert Go example tests into jupyter notebooks.


Scientists (my main project's users) love jupyter notebook tutorials

pkg.dev.go's runnable playground doesn't support file IO but I love example tests and the fact that they update with every new release (guaranteeing docs never rot and I never need to manually update them).

So I'm writing this program that rips an entire project's example tests that include the keyword "tutorial" and packages them into jupyter notebooks that get pushed to a hosting service then update tests in godocs with associated urls.

Is this a dirty hack to get runnable IO examples? Maybe, but I'll be danged if I need to maintain tutorials on top of my libraries.


Given a Go package repo url go2colab will:

  • Store the Url
  • Extract and store the and store Repo, Owner, Branch/Commit, and Host's names from the Url
  • if the Branch/Commit isn't supplied default to commit associated latest release tag
  • Clone the git repo into a temporary directory
  • If no Branch/Commit is supplied extract the latest release tag from repo with its associated commit.
  • Parse go.mod for Go version
  • Find every example_test.go file path in the repo and its subpackages and store those in Repo.Paths
  • Iterate through example paths and extract every example test with the word "tutorial" in its definition and parse it into a Tutorial struct.
  • For each Tutorial:
    • Initalize a Notebook struct with required metadata. (an autorunning notebook cell that sets up the go kernel and env)
    • Convert Tutorial.Source to a Notebook.Cell and append it to Notebook.Cells
    • If flag - Write the notebook to a file in same directory as source example test
    • If flag - Push the notebook to hosting service with Go runtime
    • If flag - Update godocs with the tutorial's url
    • If flag - Update godocs with the tutorial's url

What this is not (unless y'all start throwing money at my github sponsors).

  • This does not convert colab notebooks to Go example tests
  • This is not a doc hosting solution
  • This is not a product
A strange creature that creates software that creates strange creatures.
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