Streaming approximate histograms in Go

gohistogram - Histograms in Go

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This package provides Streaming Approximate Histograms for efficient quantile approximations.

The histograms in this package are based on the algorithms found in Ben-Haim & Yom-Tov's A Streaming Parallel Decision Tree Algorithm (PDF). Histogram bins do not have a preset size. As values stream into the histogram, bins are dynamically added and merged.

Another implementation can be found in the Apache Hive project (see NumericHistogram).

An example:


The accurate method of calculating quantiles (like percentiles) requires data to be sorted. Streaming histograms make it possible to approximate quantiles without sorting (or even individually storing) values.

NumericHistogram is the more basic implementation of a streaming histogram. WeightedHistogram implements bin values as exponentially-weighted moving averages.

A maximum bin size is passed as an argument to the constructor methods. A larger bin size yields more accurate approximations at the cost of increased memory utilization and performance.

A picture of kittens:

stack of kittens

Getting started

Using in your own code

$ go get
import ""

Running tests and making modifications

Get the code into your workspace:

$ cd $GOPATH
$ git clone [email protected]:VividCortex/gohistogram.git ./src/

You can run the tests now:

$ cd src/
$ go test .

API Documentation

Full source documentation can be found here.


We only accept pull requests for minor fixes or improvements. This includes:

  • Small bug fixes
  • Typos
  • Documentation or comments

Please open issues to discuss new features. Pull requests for new features will be rejected, so we recommend forking the repository and making changes in your fork for your use case.


Copyright (c) 2013 VividCortex

Released under MIT License. Check LICENSE file for details.

  • Set a version and tag a release

    Set a version and tag a release

    I think this project is very useful and I've noted other projects in Go use it as well. Merely a suggestion, but I think you could make things simpler for people pulling this in if you have a tagged release tag to pull from. (See It is super quick to add in Github.

    Thanks for writing this.

  • Merge performance and serialization changes

    Merge performance and serialization changes

    My main contribution is a benchmark to quantify the proposed performance enhancements by @nemothekid

    < go test -run none -bench . -benchtime 2s
    BenchmarkNumericHistogram20-8    3000000               891 ns/op
    BenchmarkNumericHistogram50-8    2000000              1396 ns/op
    BenchmarkNumericHistogram100-8   1000000              2120 ns/op
    ok 9.901s
    < go test -run none -bench . -benchtime 2s
    BenchmarkNumericHistogram20-8   20000000               205 ns/op
    BenchmarkNumericHistogram50-8   10000000               340 ns/op
    BenchmarkNumericHistogram100-8   5000000               482 ns/op
    ok 10.964s
  • question on ewma function not using existing value

    question on ewma function not using existing value

    hello, I find the following a bit odd. I'll go take a look at the Java code, but either its wrong or can be simplified.

    func ewma(existingVal float64, newVal float64, alpha float64) (result float64) {
        result = newVal*(1-alpha) + existingVal*alpha  // *** existingVal is always 0 ??
    func (h *WeightedHistogram) scaleDown(except int) {
        for i := range h.bins {
            if i != except {
                h.bins[i].count = ewma(h.bins[i].count, 0, h.alpha) //****  <--- 0 ??
  • Is there a way to print the histogram?

    Is there a way to print the histogram?

    You display in the README a printed histogram, but I can't find any instructions in the API docs for outputting the histogram to console. Is there an easy way to do this from your package?

  • Got panic under unknown circumstances

    Got panic under unknown circumstances

    When I'm using numeric histograms in different goroutines getting panic from time to time: runtime error: index out of range

    Panic is here:

  • Configure WhiteSource for

    Configure WhiteSource for

    Welcome to WhiteSource for! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before WhiteSource starts scanning your repository for security vulnerabilities.

    :vertical_traffic_light: WhiteSource for will start scanning your repository only once you merge this Pull Request. To disable WhiteSource for, simply close this Pull Request.

    What to Expect

    This PR contains a '.whitesource' configuration file which can be customized to your needs. If no changes were applied to this file, WhiteSource for will use the default configuration.

    Before merging this PR, Make sure the Issues tab is enabled. Once you merge this PR, WhiteSource for will scan your repository and create a GitHub Issue for every vulnerability detected in your repository.

    If you do not want a GitHub Issue to be created for each detected vulnerability, you can edit the '.whitesource' file and set the 'minSeverityLevel' parameter to 'NONE'.

    If WhiteSource Remediate Workflow Rules are set on your repository (from the WhiteSource 'Integrate' tab), WhiteSource will also generate a fix Pull Request for relevant vulnerabilities.

    :question: Got questions? Check out WhiteSource for docs. If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.

  • Make bin merging more robust

    Make bin merging more robust

    Outliers significantly affect the current merging algorithm. We can end up with situations like this:

    Total: 109
    -1000    .
    -900     .
    -800     .
    -700     .
    -600     .
    -0.041725873527114175    .......................................
    700      .
    800      .
    900      .
    1000     .
  • How to get count nuber at specific bin value?

    How to get count nuber at specific bin value?

    Not a math person here, been looking into the code but no clue. I assume it must be pretty simple, so please bear with me.

    How to get a count number for a specific bin value (numerichistogram)? Thank you πŸ™πŸ»

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