
AList Logo

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一款阿里云盘的目录文件列表程序,后端基于golang最好的http框架gin,前端使用vueant design





  • 自动刷新tokenrefresh_token自动更新,失效时间未知,本人使用过程中没有失效过。
  • 图片、视频、音频预览
  • 目录加密
  • Readme渲染
  • 自定义根目录
  • 文件直链下载


  • 排序
  • 文件预览
    • 图片
    • 视频
    • 音频
  • Readme渲染
  • 密码加密
  • 搜索与翻页
  • 文件直链
  • 路径优化
  • 缓存



The AList is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.

  • 下载直链文件出现错误



    <Message>At least one of AdditionalHeaders is not in request headers.</Message>
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:38]
     ________  ___       ___  ________  _________
    |\   __  \|\  \     |\  \|\   ____\|\___   ___\
    \ \  \|\  \ \  \    \ \  \ \  \___|\|___ \  \_|
     \ \   __  \ \  \    \ \  \ \_____  \   \ \  \
      \ \  \ \  \ \  \____\ \  \|____|\  \   \ \  \
       \ \__\ \__\ \_______\ \__\____\_\  \   \ \__\
        \|__|\|__|\|_______|\|__|\_________\   \|__|
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:38] 检查更新...
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 当前已是最新版本:v1.0.3
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 读取配置文件...
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:39] config:&{Info:{Title:AList Roots:[] Logo:https://drive.aqualink.top/d/AquaStock/imgUrl/logo1.png FooterText: FooterUrl: MusicImg:https://img.oez.cc/2020/12/19/0f8b57866bdb5.gif CheckUpdate:true Script:document.querySelector('body').style="background-image:url('https://drive.aqualink.top/d/AquaStock/imgUrl/wallhaven-j8xw9m.jpg');background-attachment:fixed;" Autoplay:true Preview:{Url: PreProcess:[] Extensions:[] Text:[txt htm html xml java properties sql js md json conf ini vue php py bat gitignore yml go sh c cpp h hpp] MaxSize:0}} Server:{Address: Port:5244 Search:true Static:dist SiteUrl:* Password:Lin.19990426} AliDrive:{ApiUrl:https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2 MaxFilesCount:3000 Drives:[{AccessToken: RefreshToken:c0795053b4a14ffaa8c664ac8df7aad1 RootFolder:606d2863f69f21f31a2840c1853d4a2429d0a084 Name:AquaStock Password: Hide:false DefaultDriveId:}]} Database:{Type:sqlite3 User: Password: Host: Port:0 Name: TablePrefix: DBFile:alist.db}}
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 初始化client...
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 初始化阿里云盘...
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 刷新所有token...
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 刷新[AquaStock]token...
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:39] do_post_req:&{Method:POST URL:https://auth.aliyundrive.com/v2/account/token Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[] Body:{Reader:{"refresh_token":"c0795053b4a14ffaa8c664ac8df7aad1","grant_type":"refresh_token"}
    } GetBody:0x7c2e00 ContentLength:82 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host:auth.aliyundrive.com Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm:<nil> Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS:<nil> Cancel:<nil> Response:<nil> ctx:0xc000024088}
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 请求返回信息:{"access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIwZDM1ZTgzNzUzMDQ0NWUwOWExYmYwMGQ3ZTM4ZmI5MCIsImN1c3RvbUpzb24iOiJ7XCJjbGllbnRJZFwiOlwiMjVkelgzdmJZcWt0Vnh5WFwiLFwiZG9tYWluSWRcIjpcImJqMjlcIixcInNjb3BlXCI6W1wiRFJJVkUuQUxMXCIsXCJTSEFSRS5BTExcIixcIkZJTEUuQUxMXCIsXCJVU0VSLkFMTFwiLFwiU1RPUkFHRS5BTExcIixcIlNUT1JBR0VGSUxFLkxJU1RcIixcIkJBVENIXCIsXCJPQVVUSC5BTExcIixcIklNQUdFLkFMTFwiLFwiSU5WSVRFLkFMTFwiXSxcInJvbGVcIjpcInVzZXJcIixcInJlZlwiOlwiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWxpeXVuZHJpdmUuY29tL1wifSIsImV4cCI6MTYxNzk2NzM1OSwiaWF0IjoxNjE3OTYwMDk5fQ.sRY-7rwZ-zJEV4eEWZ83SQNgP8Ib_pognTRYEa8zteqQWUAZgozK0spBmnH_WlyGVB8gULPz3YASM2cUbCN1SqbNp6e3Ni8Tl5Z-_ffLq8WO35auRRazSjT5RCGwajbQcCGo0Gf2v_-KSdu_Sh8zMpiRJr7ydAah0c5g917j98E","refresh_token":"df0be3cdde4d4bab972f5f30fb912dd0","expires_in":7200,"token_type":"Bearer","user_id":"0d35e837530445e09a1bf00d7e38fb90","user_name":"135***077","avatar":"https://ccp-bj29-bj-1592982087.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/pds%2Favatar%2Fcb2146a04f4e403ba3cadbe861320d78?x-oss-access-key-id=LTAIsE5mAn2F493Q\u0026x-oss-expires=1617963759\u0026x-oss-signature=eQrNa70xVtMQVEYKOUFpoaHyYpLRtJJqaGWUgoK6CQA%3D\u0026x-oss-signature-version=OSS2","nick_name":"Aquakuma","default_drive_id":"74470","default_sbox_drive_id":"74471","role":"user","status":"enabled","expire_time":"2021-04-09T11:22:39Z","state":"","exist_link":[],"need_link":false,"user_data":{"DingDingRobotUrl":"https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=0b4a936d0e98c08608cd99f693393c18fa905aa0868215485a28497501916fec","EncourageDesc":"内测期间有效反馈前10名用户将获得终身免费会员","FeedBackSwitch":true,"FollowingDesc":"34848372","back_up_config":{"手机备份":{"folder_id":"606ba345949bb7bd8a784fe195f72dd3e3b0ac8b","photo_folder_id":"606ba3459e55cf0555aa42ab8ecc2288691849d3","sub_folder":{},"video_folder_id":"606ba34575216e412c2a4db588f4e7b3844b45f1"}},"ding_ding_robot_url":"https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=0b4a936d0e98c08608cd99f693393c18fa905aa0868215485a28497501916fec","encourage_desc":"内测期间有效反馈前10名用户将获得终身免费会员","feed_back_switch":true,"following_desc":"34848372","share":"5fb23a699f400bdf8fcd402c8426bb3362fdf8cd"},"pin_setup":true,"is_first_login":false,"need_rp_verify":false,"device_id":"5fd951d713a64632b4b42be49c365c3c"}
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:39] config:&{Info:{Title:AList Roots:[AquaStock] Logo:https://drive.aqualink.top/d/AquaStock/imgUrl/logo1.png FooterText: FooterUrl: MusicImg:https://img.oez.cc/2020/12/19/0f8b57866bdb5.gif CheckUpdate:true Script:document.querySelector('body').style="background-image:url('https://drive.aqualink.top/d/AquaStock/imgUrl/wallhaven-j8xw9m.jpg');background-attachment:fixed;" Autoplay:true Preview:{Url: PreProcess:[] Extensions:[] Text:[txt htm html xml java properties sql js md json conf ini vue php py bat gitignore yml go sh c cpp h hpp] MaxSize:0}} Server:{Address: Port:5244 Search:true Static:dist SiteUrl:* Password:Lin.19990426} AliDrive:{ApiUrl:https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2 MaxFilesCount:3000 Drives:[{AccessToken:eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIwZDM1ZTgzNzUzMDQ0NWUwOWExYmYwMGQ3ZTM4ZmI5MCIsImN1c3RvbUpzb24iOiJ7XCJjbGllbnRJZFwiOlwiMjVkelgzdmJZcWt0Vnh5WFwiLFwiZG9tYWluSWRcIjpcImJqMjlcIixcInNjb3BlXCI6W1wiRFJJVkUuQUxMXCIsXCJTSEFSRS5BTExcIixcIkZJTEUuQUxMXCIsXCJVU0VSLkFMTFwiLFwiU1RPUkFHRS5BTExcIixcIlNUT1JBR0VGSUxFLkxJU1RcIixcIkJBVENIXCIsXCJPQVVUSC5BTExcIixcIklNQUdFLkFMTFwiLFwiSU5WSVRFLkFMTFwiXSxcInJvbGVcIjpcInVzZXJcIixcInJlZlwiOlwiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWxpeXVuZHJpdmUuY29tL1wifSIsImV4cCI6MTYxNzk2NzM1OSwiaWF0IjoxNjE3OTYwMDk5fQ.sRY-7rwZ-zJEV4eEWZ83SQNgP8Ib_pognTRYEa8zteqQWUAZgozK0spBmnH_WlyGVB8gULPz3YASM2cUbCN1SqbNp6e3Ni8Tl5Z-_ffLq8WO35auRRazSjT5RCGwajbQcCGo0Gf2v_-KSdu_Sh8zMpiRJr7ydAah0c5g917j98E RefreshToken:df0be3cdde4d4bab972f5f30fb912dd0 RootFolder:606d2863f69f21f31a2840c1853d4a2429d0a084 Name:AquaStock Password: Hide:false DefaultDriveId:}]} Database:{Type:sqlite3 User: Password: Host: Port:0 Name: TablePrefix: DBFile:alist.db}}
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:39] do_post_req:&{Method:POST URL:https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/user/get Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[] Body:{Reader:{}
    } GetBody:0x7c2e00 ContentLength:3 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host:api.aliyundrive.com Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm:<nil> Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS:<nil> Cancel:<nil> Response:<nil> ctx:0xc000024088}
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 请求返回信息:{"domain_id":"bj29","user_id":"0d35e837530445e09a1bf00d7e38fb90","avatar":"https://ccp-bj29-bj-1592982087.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/pds%2Favatar%2Fcb2146a04f4e403ba3cadbe861320d78?x-oss-access-key-id=LTAIsE5mAn2F493Q&x-oss-expires=1617963759&x-oss-signature=eQrNa70xVtMQVEYKOUFpoaHyYpLRtJJqaGWUgoK6CQA%3D&x-oss-signature-version=OSS2","created_at":1605515880120,"updated_at":1617666885431,"email":"","nick_name":"Aquakuma","phone":"13559977077","role":"user","status":"enabled","user_name":"135***077","description":"","default_drive_id":"74470","user_data":{"back_up_config":{"手机备份":{"folder_id":"606ba345949bb7bd8a784fe195f72dd3e3b0ac8b","photo_folder_id":"606ba3459e55cf0555aa42ab8ecc2288691849d3","sub_folder":{},"video_folder_id":"606ba34575216e412c2a4db588f4e7b3844b45f1"}},"share":"5fb23a699f400bdf8fcd402c8426bb3362fdf8cd"}}
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 初始化盘[AquaStock]成功:&{RespError:{Code: Message:} DomainId:bj29 UserId:0d35e837530445e09a1bf00d7e38fb90 Avatar:https://ccp-bj29-bj-1592982087.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/pds%2Favatar%2Fcb2146a04f4e403ba3cadbe861320d78?x-oss-access-key-id=LTAIsE5mAn2F493Q&x-oss-expires=1617963759&x-oss-signature=eQrNa70xVtMQVEYKOUFpoaHyYpLRtJJqaGWUgoK6CQA%3D&x-oss-signature-version=OSS2 CreatedAt:1605515880120 UpdatedAt:1617666885431 Email: NickName:Aquakuma Phone:13559977077 Role:user Status:enabled UserName:135***077 Description: DefaultDriveId:74470 UserData:map[back_up_config:map[手机备份:map[folder_id:606ba345949bb7bd8a784fe195f72dd3e3b0ac8b photo_folder_id:606ba3459e55cf0555aa42ab8ecc2288691849d3 sub_folder:map[] video_folder_id:606ba34575216e412c2a4db588f4e7b3844b45f1]] share:5fb23a699f400bdf8fcd402c8426bb3362fdf8cd]}
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 初始化数据库...
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 初始化定时任务:刷新token
    [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.
    [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
     - using env:   export GIN_MODE=release
     - using code:  gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:39] 初始化路由...
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/info                 --> github.com/Xhofe/alist/server/controllers.Info (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] POST   /api/get                  --> github.com/Xhofe/alist/server/controllers.Get (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] POST   /api/path                 --> github.com/Xhofe/alist/server/controllers.Path (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] POST   /api/office_preview/:drive --> github.com/Xhofe/alist/server/controllers.OfficePreview (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] POST   /api/video_preview/:drive --> github.com/Xhofe/alist/server/controllers.VideoPreview (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] POST   /api/local_search         --> github.com/Xhofe/alist/server/controllers.LocalSearch (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] POST   /api/global_search        --> github.com/Xhofe/alist/server/controllers.GlobalSearch (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/rebuild/:drive/:password --> github.com/Xhofe/alist/server/controllers.RebuildTree (5 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /d/*path                  --> github.com/Xhofe/alist/server/controllers.Down (5 handlers)
    INFO[2021-04-09 17:22:39] Starting server @
    [GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:43] down:AquaStock
    [GIN] 2021/04/09 - 17:22:43 | 200 |     735.382µs | | GET      "/d/AquaStock?pw=907325c69271ddf0"
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:43] path:{Path:AquaStock Password:pass}
    [GIN] 2021/04/09 - 17:22:43 | 200 |     550.033µs | | POST     "/api/path"
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:44] path:{Path:AquaStock/imgUrl Password:pass}
    [GIN] 2021/04/09 - 17:22:44 | 200 |     599.353µs | | POST     "/api/path"
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:45] path:{Path:AquaStock/imgUrl/logo1.png Password:pass}
    [GIN] 2021/04/09 - 17:22:45 | 200 |     334.361µs | | POST     "/api/path"
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:45] down:AquaStock/imgUrl/logo1.png
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:45] do_post_req:&{Method:POST URL:https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/file/get_download_url Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[] Body:{Reader:{"drive_id":"74470","file_id":"606f010752c5091c6d674d4fae4664c1f6eef8ad","expire_sec":14400,"file_name":""}
    } GetBody:0x7c2e00 ContentLength:108 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host:api.aliyundrive.com Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm:<nil> Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS:<nil> Cancel:<nil> Response:<nil> ctx:0xc000024088}
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:45] 请求返回信息:{"method":"GET","url":"https://bj29.cn-beijing.data.alicloudccp.com/5MOLcbsZ%2F74470%2F606f010752c5091c6d674d4fae4664c1f6eef8ad%2F606f0107f2e7614838b24406b4b30bde4a20af5d?di=bj29&dr=74470&f=606f010752c5091c6d674d4fae4664c1f6eef8ad&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27logo1.png&u=0d35e837530445e09a1bf00d7e38fb90&x-oss-access-key-id=LTAIsE5mAn2F493Q&x-oss-additional-headers=referer&x-oss-expires=1617974565&x-oss-signature=Ciaf8k9D%2F8GfVGFiAVNbX%2FMw%2FkpbytwIwxrLWaK6rC8%3D&x-oss-signature-version=OSS2","expiration":"2021-04-09T13:22:45.627Z","size":80806,"ratelimit":{"part_speed":-1,"part_size":-1}}
    [GIN] 2021/04/09 - 17:22:45 | 301 |   75.582062ms | | GET      "/d/AquaStock/imgUrl/logo1.png?pw=907325c69271ddf0"
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:54] down:AquaStock/imgUrl/logo1.png
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:54] do_post_req:&{Method:POST URL:https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/file/get_download_url Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[] Body:{Reader:{"drive_id":"74470","file_id":"606f010752c5091c6d674d4fae4664c1f6eef8ad","expire_sec":14400,"file_name":""}
    } GetBody:0x7c2e00 ContentLength:108 TransferEncoding:[] Close:false Host:api.aliyundrive.com Form:map[] PostForm:map[] MultipartForm:<nil> Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS:<nil> Cancel:<nil> Response:<nil> ctx:0xc000024088}
    DEBU[2021-04-09 17:22:54] 请求返回信息:{"method":"GET","url":"https://bj29.cn-beijing.data.alicloudccp.com/5MOLcbsZ%2F74470%2F606f010752c5091c6d674d4fae4664c1f6eef8ad%2F606f0107f2e7614838b24406b4b30bde4a20af5d?di=bj29&dr=74470&f=606f010752c5091c6d674d4fae4664c1f6eef8ad&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27logo1.png&u=0d35e837530445e09a1bf00d7e38fb90&x-oss-access-key-id=LTAIsE5mAn2F493Q&x-oss-additional-headers=referer&x-oss-expires=1617974574&x-oss-signature=vmL4dImDF9F88lxQU4xt3jC8BIJfSgcUAojZG5adMoI%3D&x-oss-signature-version=OSS2","expiration":"2021-04-09T13:22:54.099Z","size":80806,"ratelimit":{"part_speed":-1,"part_size":-1}}
    [GIN] 2021/04/09 - 17:22:54 | 301 |   55.802224ms | | GET      "/d/AquaStock/imgUrl/logo1.png?pw=907325c69271ddf0"
  • 登录显示Invalid token,并且通过./alist -password查询是正确的密码

    登录显示Invalid token,并且通过./alist -password查询是正确的密码

    Alist Version / Alist 版本


    Describe the bug / 问题描述

    查询的密码是正确的,也无法登录后台,显示Invalid token

    Reproduction / 复现链接

    查询的密码是正确的,也无法登录后台,显示Invalid token

    Logs / 日志

    No response

  • 云盘添加成功后,出现Strconv.Atoi: parsing

    云盘添加成功后,出现Strconv.Atoi: parsing "": invalid syntax

    Please make sure of the following things

    • [X] I have read the documentation.
    • [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.
    • [X] I'm sure it's due to alist and not something else(such as Dependencies or Operational).
    • [X] I'm sure I'm using the latest version

    Alist Version / Alist 版本


    Driver used / 使用的存储驱动


    Describe the bug / 问题描述

    云盘添加成功后,出现Strconv.Atoi: parsing "": invalid syntax image log日志并无相关报错

    Reproduction / 复现链接


    Logs / 日志

    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:14 | 200 |     149.793µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/index.659f4289.css"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:14 | 200 |     708.558µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/index.403084e8.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |     159.611µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/entry.41ecdce4.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |      65.599µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/api/public/settings"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |     104.787µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/api/me"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |      52.081µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/useT.fc5c14e1.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |      175.85µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/index.4ca0d2be.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |     135.827µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/index.a2a99c3e.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |      46.924µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/useTitle.07ecabdb.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |      45.518µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/item_type.be442da4.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |      59.201µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/SettingItem.5eb1c5c1.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |      30.532µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/Common.4215afa0.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |       34.78µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/ResponsiveGrid.02a4af8d.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:15 | 200 |     543.098µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/api/admin/setting/list"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:19 | 200 |      57.871µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/Storages.0abeb989.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:19 | 200 |      49.763µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/DeletePopover.ba5a0544.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:19 | 200 |     594.689µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/api/admin/storage/list"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:46 | 200 |     106.008µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/AddOrEdit.a41513af.js"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:47 | 200 |     170.779µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/api/admin/storage/get"
    [GIN] 2022/11/08 - 11:26:50 | 200 |      65.604µs | 240e:45c:ce10:f1b1:389b:731d:c4ce:dc47 | GET      "/assets/Profile.deee9109.js"
  • 希望增加iOS16在线安装IPA的协议


    Please make sure of the following things

    • [X] I have read the documentation.
    • [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.
    • [X] I'm sure this feature is not implemented.
    • [X] I'm sure it's a reasonable and popular requirement.

    Description of the feature / 需求描述


    Suggested solution / 实现思路

    No response

    Additional context / 附件

    No response

  • 使用https访问时,下载按钮仍然是http协议


    Please make sure of the following things

    • [X] I have read the documentation.
    • [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.
    • [X] I'm sure it's due to alist and not something else(such as Dependencies or Operational).
    • [X] I'm sure I'm using the latest version

    Alist Version / Alist 版本


    Driver used / 使用的存储驱动


    Describe the bug / 问题描述

    环境: 已配置nginx反向代理,配置了ssl,外网通过https访问网页,端口为非默认(80或者443) 问题: 在文件下载界面,下载按钮后面url为http协议导致跳转到http下载失败,临时解决方案为监听http的此端口并再次重定向 补充:config文件site_url未配置(已测试如果配置为https的域名,则外网使用非默认端口访问请求api/public/settings会404)

    Reproduction / 复现链接


    Logs / 日志

    下载按钮: Snipaste_2022-11-06_23-08-06 config配置文件: Snipaste_2022-11-06_23-13-22

  • 相同的文件多次上传


    Please make sure of the following things

    • [x] I have read the documentation.
    • [x] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.
    • [x] I'm sure it's due to alist and not something else(such as Dependencies or Operational).

    Alist Version / Alist 版本


    Describe the bug / 问题描述

    我使用 rclone 挂载alist 的webdav,然后往rclone 里上传文件,结果相同的文件上传了6份,而且以完全相同的文件名,完全相同的大小保存在123网盘里面

    Reproduction / 复现链接


    Logs / 日志

    -- Logs begin at Wed 2022-05-11 13:55:28 CST, end at Wed 2022-05-11 18:34:34 CST. --
    5月 11 16:57:39 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 16:57:39] webdav: locked
    5月 11 16:57:39 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:57:39 | 423 |     139.044µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 16:57:41 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 16:57:41] webdav: locked
    5月 11 16:57:41 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:57:41 | 423 |     157.711µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 16:57:43 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 16:57:43] webdav: locked
    5月 11 16:57:43 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:57:43 | 423 |     196.087µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 16:57:45 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 16:57:45] webdav: locked
    5月 11 16:57:45 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:57:45 | 423 |     138.087µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 16:57:47 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 16:57:47] webdav: locked
    5月 11 16:57:47 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:57:47 | 423 |     136.252µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 16:57:49 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 16:57:49] webdav: locked
    5月 11 16:57:49 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:57:49 | 423 |     671.472µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 16:57:51 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 16:57:51] webdav: locked
    5月 11 16:57:51 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:57:51 | 423 |     246.755µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 16:57:53 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 16:57:53] webdav: locked
    5月 11 16:57:53 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:57:53 | 423 |     143.961µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 16:58:33 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 16:58:33] webdav: locked
    5月 11 16:58:33 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:58:33 | 423 |     280.131µs | | PUT      "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 16:58:35 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 16:58:35] webdav: locked
    5月 11 16:58:35 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:58:35 | 423 |      292.59µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 16:58:37 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:58:37 | 201 |         9m30s | | PUT      "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 16:58:37 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 16:58:37 | 204 |  172.424572ms | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:14 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:14] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:14 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:14 | 423 |     271.214µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:16 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:16] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:16 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:16 | 423 |     154.711µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:18 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:18] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:18 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:18 | 423 |     137.794µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:20 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:20] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:20 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:20 | 423 |     134.961µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:22 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:22] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:22 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:22 | 423 |     268.005µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:24 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:24] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:24 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:24 | 423 |     135.336µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:26 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:26] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:26 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:26 | 423 |     264.713µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:28 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:28] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:28 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:28 | 423 |     136.545µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:30 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:30] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:30 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:30 | 423 |     137.545µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:32 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:32] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:32 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:32 | 423 |     161.545µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:34 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:34] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:34 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:34 | 423 |     154.295µs | | PUT      "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:36 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:36] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:36 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:36 | 423 |     219.463µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:38 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:38] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:38 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:38 | 423 |     135.836µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:40 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:40] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:40 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:40 | 423 |     162.712µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:42 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:42] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:42 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:42 | 423 |     282.381µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:44 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:44] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:44 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:44 | 423 |     172.587µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:46 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:46] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:46 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:46 | 423 |     142.461µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:48 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:48] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:48 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:48 | 423 |     149.128µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:50 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:50] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:50 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:50 | 423 |     137.337µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:52 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:52] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:52 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:52 | 423 |     138.211µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:54 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:54] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:54 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:54 | 423 |     145.044µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:56 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:56] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:56 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:56 | 423 |     162.212µs | | PUT      "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:05:58 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:05:58] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:05:58 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:05:58 | 423 |     221.005µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:00 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:00] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:00 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:00 | 423 |     140.295µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:02 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:02] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:02 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:02 | 423 |     144.628µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:04 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:04] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:04 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:04 | 423 |     136.128µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:06 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:06] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:06 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:06 | 423 |     137.419µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:08 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:08] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:08 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:08 | 423 |     148.878µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:10 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:10] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:10 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:10 | 423 |     137.753µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:12 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:12] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:12 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:12 | 423 |      134.92µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:14 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:14] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:14 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:14 | 423 |    1.039148ms | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:16 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:16] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:16 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:16 | 423 |     147.962µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:18 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:18] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:18 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:18 | 423 |      161.42µs | | PUT      "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:20 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:20] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:20 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:20 | 423 |     211.005µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:22 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:22] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:22 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:22 | 423 |     218.671µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:24 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:24] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:24 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:24 | 423 |     135.836µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:26 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:26] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:26 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:26 | 423 |     155.086µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:28 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:28] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:28 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:28 | 423 |     135.753µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:30 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:30] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:30 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:30 | 423 |     150.378µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:32 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:32] webdav: locked
    5月 11 17:06:32 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: [GIN] 2022/05/11 - 17:06:32 | 423 |     149.086µs | | DELETE   "/dav/123pan(5365)/qejpivse9q7h4ja6ip1dh7cdc8"
    5月 11 17:06:34 n1-yyy alist.sh[3343]: ERRO[2022-05-11 17:06:34] webdav: locked
  • 最新版本123网盘总是无法访问,必须重新部署才可以


    Alist Version / Alist 版本


    Describe the bug / 问题描述


    Reproduction / 复现链接


    日志 / Logs

  • 能否支持便携版本?


    Please make sure of the following things

    • [X] I have read the documentation.
    • [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.
    • [X] I'm sure this feature is not implemented.
    • [X] I'm sure it's a reasonable and popular requirement.

    Description of the feature / 需求描述




    Suggested solution / 实现思路

    No response

    Additional context / 附件

    No response

  • 打开网页是白屏状态


    Alist Version / Alist 版本


    Describe the bug / 问题描述

    打开网页是白屏状态,已改配置文件中的temp_dir的值由空改为data/tem 屏幕截图 2022-02-17 234332 p

    Reproduction / 复现链接

    No response

    日志 / Logs

    No response

  • 天翼云盘上传内存OOM


    Alist Version / Alist 版本


    Describe the bug / 问题描述

    内存OOM 严重

    我的场景是 NAS 同步软件通过alist 同步文件到天翼云

    Reproduction / 复现链接

    No response

    日志 / Logs

    windows 版
    runtime: VirtualAlloc of 413515776 bytes failed with errno=1455
    fatal error: out of memory
    runtime stack:
    runtime.throw({0xf52908, 0xc10cebb000})
            /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1198 +0x76
    runtime.sysUsed(0xc109420000, 0x18a5c000)
            /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mem_windows.go:83 +0x1c9
    runtime.(*mheap).allocSpan(0x1aadfc0, 0xc52e, 0x0, 0x1)
            /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mheap.go:1268 +0x3a5
            /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mheap.go:913 +0x69
            /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:383 +0x4e
    linux arm64版
    Fri Jan 14 21:02:07 2022 kern.info kernel: [130470.458696] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/,task=alist-linux-arm,pid=3562,uid=0
    Fri Jan 14 21:02:07 2022 kern.err kernel: [130470.471946] Out of memory: Killed process 3562 (alist-linux-arm) total-vm:3302172kB, anon-rss:1691156kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:0 pgtables:3456kB oom_score_adj:0
    Fri Jan 14 21:02:07 2022 kern.info kernel: [130470.660111] oom_reaper: reaped process 3562 (alist-linux-arm), now anon-rss:0kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:0kB
  • webdav无法使用,报错[远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有连接]


    Alist Version / Alist 版本

    docker部署 xhofe/alist:v2 后台管理版本:7c7306b

    Describe the bug / 问题描述

    添加ali云盘之后,原来的alist查看功能都正常,访问webdav链接报错 image

    然后使用RaiDrive,报错: image 账号设置: image

    Reproduction / 复现链接

    No response

    日志 / Logs

    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:19 | 200 |      46.625µs | | GET      "/assets/index.esm.15199f90.js"
    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:22 | 200 |      25.881µs | | GET      "/assets/useTitle.1b7ac298.js"
    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:22 | 200 |     127.622µs | | GET      "/assets/index.f543d104.js"
    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:22 | 200 |      25.576µs | | GET      "/api/admin/login"
    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:22 | 200 |      32.437µs | | GET      "/assets/form-item.ab02a964.js"
    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:22 | 200 |       21.18µs | | GET      "/assets/settings.81c2a562.js"
    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:22 | 200 |       20.12µs | | GET      "/api/admin/login"
    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:22 | 200 |     686.839µs | | GET      "/api/admin/settings?group=0"
    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:58 | 200 |      79.743µs | | GET      "/assets/accounts.a04890db.js"
    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:58 | 200 |       23.35µs | | GET      "/api/admin/login"
    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:58 | 200 |     408.991µs | | GET      "/api/admin/accounts"
    [GIN] 2022/01/12 - 06:19:58 | 200 |     377.338µs | | GET      "/api/admin/drivers"
  • fix(deps): update module gorm.io/gorm to v1.24.3

    fix(deps): update module gorm.io/gorm to v1.24.3

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | gorm.io/gorm | require | patch | v1.24.2 -> v1.24.3 |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

  • fix(deps): update module gorm.io/driver/sqlite to v1.4.4

    fix(deps): update module gorm.io/driver/sqlite to v1.4.4

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | gorm.io/driver/sqlite | require | patch | v1.4.3 -> v1.4.4 |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

  • fix(deps): update module gorm.io/driver/postgres to v1.4.6

    fix(deps): update module gorm.io/driver/postgres to v1.4.6

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | gorm.io/driver/postgres | require | patch | v1.4.5 -> v1.4.6 |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

  • 又拍云存储报错


    Please make sure of the following things

    • [X] I have read the documentation.
    • [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.
    • [x] I'm sure it's due to alist and not something else(such as Dependencies or Operational).
    • [X] I'm sure I'm using the latest version

    Alist Version / Alist 版本


    Driver used / 使用的存储驱动


    Describe the bug / 问题描述

    无论存储配置如何填写,均会报错500,前端页面显示:Request failed with status code 500,运行的命令行会报错。 服务器(Ubuntu)本地计算机(macOS)均会复现

    Reproduction / 复现链接


    Logs / 日志

    命令行报错信息: 2022/12/30 20:45:06 [Recovery] 2022/12/30 - 20:45:06 panic recovered: close of closed channel

    runtime/debug.Stack() /usr/local/go/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x64 github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/pkg/singleflight.newPanicError({0x1024a0460?, 0x102682920}) /source/pkg/singleflight/singleflight.go:35 +0x28 github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/pkg/singleflight.(*Group[...]).doCall.func2.1() /source/pkg/singleflight/singleflight.go:188 +0x40 panic({0x1024a0460, 0x102682920}) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884 +0x204 github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/drivers/uss.(*USS).List(0x14000986000, {0x100e95fc4?, 0x10230e0d8?}, {0x10269a530?, 0x1400056b0e0?}, {{0x100e95fc4?, 0x2f00386b88?}}) /source/drivers/uss/driver.go:71 +0x3cc github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/internal/op.List.func1() /source/internal/op/fs.go:98 +0x70 github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/pkg/singleflight.(*Group[...]).doCall.func2(0x14000386d0e?, 0x1400056b140, 0x60) /source/pkg/singleflight/singleflight.go:193 +0x64 github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/pkg/singleflight.(*Group[...]).doCall(0x140009d41e0?, 0x140009e1b13?, {0x140009e1b13?, 0x10230e0d8?}, 0x100f25ab4?) /source/pkg/singleflight/singleflight.go:195 +0x90 github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/pkg/singleflight.(*Group[...]).Do(0x103100140, {0x140009e1b13, 0x1}, 0x14000386e90) /source/pkg/singleflight/singleflight.go:108 +0x1e0 github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/internal/op.List({0x102696d78, 0x140002c6300}, {0x10269e6d0?, 0x14000986000?}, {0x10230e0d8, 0x1}, {{0x140009e1afd?, 0x14000982270?}}, {0x0, 0x0, ...}) /source/internal/op/fs.go:97 +0x364 github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/internal/fs.list({0x102696d78, 0x140002c6300}, {0x140009e1afd, 0x1}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) /source/internal/fs/list.go:25 +0x19c github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/internal/fs.List({0x102696d78?, 0x140002c6300?}, {0x140009e1afd, 0x1}, {0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?}) /source/internal/fs/fs.go:17 +0x30 github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/server/handles.FsGet(0x140002c6300) /source/server/handles/fsread.go:291 +0x590 github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*Context).Next(...) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/context.go:173 github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/server/middlewares.Auth(0x140002c6300) /source/server/middlewares/auth.go:55 +0x3a4 github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*Context).Next(...) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/context.go:173 github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/server/middlewares.StoragesLoaded(0x140002c6300) /source/server/middlewares/check.go:14 +0x29c github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*Context).Next(...) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/context.go:173 github.com/gin-gonic/gin.CustomRecoveryWithWriter.func1(0x140002c6300) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/recovery.go:101 +0x7c github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*Context).Next(...) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/context.go:173 github.com/gin-gonic/gin.LoggerWithConfig.func1(0x140002c6300) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/logger.go:240 +0xac github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*Context).Next(...) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/context.go:173 github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*Engine).handleHTTPRequest(0x1400052dba0, 0x140002c6300) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/gin.go:616 +0x554 github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*Engine).ServeHTTP(0x1400052dba0, {0x102694570?, 0x140000feb60}, 0x1400057ed00) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/gin.go:572 +0x1d4 net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP({0x10268f160?}, {0x102694570, 0x140000feb60}, 0x1400057ed00) /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2947 +0x2c4 net/http.(*conn).serve(0x140005940a0, {0x102696560, 0x1400054c150}) /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1991 +0x560 created by net/http.(*Server).Serve /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:3102 +0x444

    /source/pkg/singleflight/singleflight.go:165 (0x100f2f137) /source/pkg/singleflight/singleflight.go:200 (0x100f3275f) /source/pkg/singleflight/singleflight.go:108 (0x100f3254f) /source/internal/op/fs.go:97 (0x100f25c73) /source/internal/fs/list.go:25 (0x10114985b) /source/internal/fs/fs.go:17 (0x10114860f) /source/server/handles/fsread.go:291 (0x1019044cf) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/context.go:173 (0x1018c8633) /source/server/middlewares/auth.go:55 (0x1018c8470) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/context.go:173 (0x1018c8b0b) /source/server/middlewares/check.go:14 (0x1018c88a0) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/context.go:173 (0x1014ed73b) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/recovery.go:101 (0x1014ed71c) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/context.go:173 (0x1014ec9bb) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/logger.go:240 (0x1014ec998) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/context.go:173 (0x1014ebb43) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/gin.go:616 (0x1014eb828) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/gin-gonic/[email protected]/gin.go:572 (0x1014eb443) /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2947 (0x100e071b3) /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1991 (0x100e02c3f) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172 (0x100b986b3)

  • MySQL: failed migrate database: Error 1170

    MySQL: failed migrate database: Error 1170

    Please make sure of the following things

    • [X] I have read the documentation.
    • [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.
    • [X] I'm sure it's due to alist and not something else(such as Dependencies or Operational).
    • [X] I'm sure I'm using the latest version

    Alist Version / Alist 版本


    Driver used / 使用的存储驱动


    Describe the bug / 问题描述

    This occurs after updating to version 3.7.2, rolling back to 3.7.1 fixes it.

    Reproduction / 复现链接

    This occurs after updating to version 3.7.2.

    Logs / 日志

    INFO[2022-12-30 12:01:03] reading config file: data/config.json INFO[2022-12-30 12:01:03] config file not exists, creating default config file INFO[2022-12-30 12:01:03] load config from env with prefix: INFO[2022-12-30 12:01:03] init logrus... 2022/12/30 12:01:04 failed migrate database: Error 1170: BLOB/TEXT column 'name' used in key specification without a key length

  • 关于V3.7.2搜索功能的相关若干问题


    Please make sure of the following things

    • [X] I have read the documentation.
    • [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.
    • [X] I'm sure it's due to alist and not something else(such as Dependencies or Operational).
    • [X] I'm sure I'm using the latest version

    Alist Version / Alist 版本


    Driver used / 使用的存储驱动


    Describe the bug / 问题描述

    使用mysql数据库、搜索索引类型为‘database’,考虑全文索引问题 以下例在x_search_nodes中均有记录 image image

    例:在根目录搜索02.jpg,其位于\🦄 Unicorn Flavored Grain Packs\2018\2018.Q2\04\02.jpg,在其上上级及以前(🦄 Unicorn Flavored Grain Packs\2018\2018.Q2)均无法搜索到结果,且出现大量无关目标(路径、名称均无匹配),在其上级时可搜索到结果但仍出现大量无关目标(路径、名称均无匹配)) image image

    例:有文件夹名为07,在任意级下搜索均无法搜索到结果 image image

    例:有文件夹名为2022.Q12022.Q2等,搜索关键词2022.设计开节非法哈sfjwhfe1123——)(*&……%,即仅有5个字符匹配时,添加任意字母仍可搜索到不相干结果 image image 同理,搜索2022.Q2时,可搜索到无关的2022.Q1文件夹 image

    Reproduction / 复现链接


    Logs / 日志

    No response