A multi-pass compiler written in Go comprised of scanner, recursive-descent parser, generation of AST, intermediate representation (ILOC), and code generation (Armv8).

GoLite Project - Go Huskies!

This is a project conducted and led in the course MPCS 51300 Compilers at the University of Chicago. In a group of two, we developed a multi-pass compiler in Go through building scanner, recursive-descent parser, generation of AST, intermediate representation (ILOC), and code generation (Armv8) from scratch.

Group Members

Qi An: [email protected]
Yuanheng Zhao: [email protected], [email protected]

MileStone 1 - Scanner

Testing for Scanner:

  1. The tested files should be saved in the directory of proj/golite/scanner.
  2. Usage of -lex: Run the command below from the directory ../proj-gohuskies/proj/golite/, go run golite.go -lex scanner/test1.golite

Expected test result: The expected output is displayed sequentially in the format of {token_type}({line_number})

Example Output:


MileStone 2 - Parser and Semantic Analysis

Testing for Parser:

  1. The tested files should be saved in the directory of proj/golite/parser.
  2. Usage of -ast: Run the command below from the directory ../proj-gohuskies/proj/golite/, go run golite.go -ast parser/test1_parser.golite

Expected test result: The displayed output is expected to be the same as the content of the test file.

Example Output:

package main;
import "fmt";
func main () {
var a int;
a = 1+1;


MileStone 3 - ILOC

Testing for ILOC:

  1. The tested files should be saved in the directory of proj/golite/iloc.
  2. Usage of -iloc: Run the command below from the directory ../proj-gohuskies/proj/golite/, go run golite.go -iloc iloc/test3_iloc.golite

Expected test result: The expected output is displayed sequentially of the ILOC instructions of the source code in test file.

Example Output:

    mov r2,#3
    mov r1,r2
    mov r3,#6
    add r4,r1,r3
    mov r0,r4
    print r0
    b condLabel_L1
    mov r5,#1
    sub r6,r1,r5
    mov r1,r6
    print r1
    mov r7,#0
    mov r8,#0
    cmp r1,r7
    movgt r8,#1
    cmp r8,#1
    beq loopBody_L2

MileStone 4 (Final Submission) - Assembly

Usage of -S:

  1. go to directory ../proj-gohuskies/proj/golite/
  2. Example: go run golite.go -S .\arm\test1_arm.golite
  3. check the directory of ../proj-gohuskies/proj/golite, the output file should be in the same folder as golite.go

Example Output:

	.arch armv8-a
	.comm d,8,8
	.comm e,8,8
	.type main,%function
	.global main
	.p2align		2
	sub sp,sp,16
	stp x29,x30,[sp]
	mov x29,sp
	sub sp,sp,#48
	mov x1,#7
	str x1,[x29,#-8]
	ldr x2,[x29,#-8]
	mov x1,x2
	str x1,[x29,#-16]
	mov x1,#3
	str x1,[x29,#-24]
	ldr x2,[x29,#-24]
	mov x1,x2
	str x1,[x29,#-32]
	ldr x1,[x29,#-16]
	ldr x2,[x29,#-32]
	add x3,x1,x2
	str x3,[x29,#-40]
	ldr x2,[x29,#-40]
	mov x1,x2
	str x1,[x29,#-48]
	add sp,sp,#48
	ldp x29,x30,[sp]
	add sp,sp,16
	.size main,(.-main)
Hello! I am a masters student currently studying Computer Science at the University of Chicago, with interests in software and data engineering.
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