Advent of Code Input Loader, provide a session cookie and a problem date, returns a string or []byte of the input

Advent of Code Get (aocget) Go Reference

A small lib to download your puzzle input for a given day.

Uses your session token to authenticate to obtain your personalized input.

Getting your Session Token

  1. Login to Advent of Code
  2. Open your browser's DevTools (usually F12)
  3. Head over to your cookies
  4. Copy the value of the session cookie


package main

import (

func main() {
	aoc := aocget.NewClient(os.Getenv("SESSION_TOKEN"))
	i, err := aoc.DownloadInputString(2021, 1)
	if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("unable to download input: %v\n", err)

System Engineer by day, Savage raider by night
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