A tool for capturing newly issued x.509 from Certificate Transparency logs & performing periodic revocation checking.


This repository contains the tools for collecting newly issued x509 certificates from Certificate Transparency logs, as well as performing OCSP & CRL revocation checks on the certficates.


Logster is the tool that is used to monitor CT logs and fetch all newly issued certificates. The tool can listen to any amount of CT logs which reside in ctlogs.txt. Each log URL is separated by a new line, and should not start with https://.

Example ctlogs.txt file

From each newly issued certificate that is logged, the certificate PEM, as well as its chain is downloaded and stored in a MongoDB.

NOTE: A certificate can be logged to multiple CT logs. This tool does not take this into account and does NOT omit certificates that already have been stored in the database. As such, multiple entires of the same certificate will make it into the database.


Revocado is used to check the recovation statuses of certificates logged by logster. The primary way of checking revocation statuses is through OCSP requests. From these OCSP requests, we extract the revocation status, the revocation reason and the time of revocation. If OCSP isn't available, we perform a CRL check instead. The result from a CRL check is a binary yes/no, depending on if the certificate is in the CRL or not.

Error codes

A list of common error responses for OCSP requests are defined in DBhandler.go and have a corresponding error code:

unAuth  0
verErr  1
malFor  2 
badSig  3 
notOK   4
tOut    5
other   7


The tool is written in Go, and needs an installation of Go to compile. To compile the program, simply run go build.

The tool uses MongoDB for data storage and the configuration is stored in a .env file.

Example .env file


Depending on hardware used, the amount of parallell revocation checks that can be performed will differ. To control how many requests are ran concurrently, the semaphore sem in DBhandler.go is used. Feel free to play around with this to find a good value for your system.


To set up periodic revocation checking, cron jobs can be used to run the tool every hour. To set up a crontab, run crontab -e and put in the following:

0 * * * * /path/to/ct-logster/logster/logster rev >> /path/to/ct-logster/logster/output.txt

This will run a revocation check every hour and append the output to output.txt.

Data structure

The data that is stored in the database is the struct CertInfo in logster.go. Feel free to remove/add fields to suit your needs.

type CertInfo struct {
	CertIndex    int            `bson:"certIndex"`
	SerialNumber string         `bson:"serialNumber"`
	Domain       []string       `bson:"domains"`
	OCSP         string         `bson:"OCSP,omitempty"`
	CRL          string         `bson:"CRL,omitempty"`
	CTlog        string         `bson:"ctLog"`
	Certificate  string         `bson:"cert,omitempty"`
	Chain        []string       `bson:"certChain,omitempty"`
	Changes      []StatusUpdate `bson:"Change"`


To run the collection tool, simply run logster log. Do this for however long you wish to collect newly issued certificates. timeout can be used to set a time limit for the collection. For example, timeout 2d logster log will terminate the program after 2 days. Revocation checking can be performed in parallell with certificate collection, which is done easily by setting up cron jobs.


Were you to use our code, dataset, or parts of it in your work, we kindly ask that you reference the following paper in your publication:

  • Adam Halim, Max Danielsson, Martin Arlitt and Niklas Carlsson, "Temporal Analysis of X.509 Revocations and their Statuses", Proc. International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC), Genoa, Italy, June 2022
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