A version control system to manage large files.

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ArtiVC (Artifacts Version Control) is a handy command-line tool for data versioning on cloud storage. With only one command, it helps you neatly snapshot your data and Switch data between versions. Even better, it seamlessly integrates your existing cloud environment. ArtiVC supports three major cloud providers (AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage) and the remote filesystem using SSH.


Try it out from the Getting Started guide


  • Data Versioning: Version your data like versioning code. ArtiVC supports commit history, commit message, and version tag. You can diff two commits, and pull data from the specific version.
  • Use your own storage: We are used to putting large files in NFS or S3. To use ArtiVC, you can keep putting your files on the same storage without changes.
  • No additional server is required: ArtiVC is a CLI tool. No server or gateway is required to install and operate.
  • Multiple backends support: ArtiVC natively supports local filesystem, remote filesystem (by SSH), AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob Storage as backend. And 40+ backends are supported through Rclone integration. Learn more
  • Painless Configuration: No one like to configure. So we leverage the original configuration as much as possible. Use .ssh/config for ssh access, and use aws configure, gcloud auth application-default login, az login for the cloud platforms.
  • Efficient storage and transfer: The file structure of the repository is stored and transferred efficiently by design. It prevents storing duplicated content and minimum the number of files to upload when pushing a new version. Learn more


For more detail, please read the ArtiVC documentation

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  • [General Question] Does this CLI understand updates from other writers?

    [General Question] Does this CLI understand updates from other writers?

    Let’s say a S3 prefix is being used by multiple services. I want to update certain object content locally and write it back to the same S3 object key IFF no other service touch that one before my work. Would it possible with this CLI?

    Like for my own work, I interact with that S3 prefix with this CLI, will I be able to easily pull and tell objects added/updated/deleted by others?

    Curious how does the versioning work in such case?

  • Implement speed progress message

    Implement speed progress message

    $ art init s3://art-vcs/datasets/foobarbar
    $ art push
    upload objects: (125/125), speed: 1.07MB/s
    0 modified(M), 125 added(+), 0 deleted(-), 0 renamed(R)
    create commit: c1ff40606ec9d01eb3d33bddfc049f672eab5d69
    update ref: latest -> c1ff40606ec9d01eb3d33bddfc049f672eab5d69
  • support partial download

    support partial download

    support partial download

    # get
    art get -o output repo -- path/to/file1 path/to/file2 data/
    # pull
    art pull -- path/to/partia
    art pull v0.1.0 -- path/to/partia ...
  • add status command

    add status command

    art status shows the differences between the latest remote repo and the local workspace.

    Show status of the workspace
      art status
    	# check current status
    	art status
  • artiv enhancement - art clone

    artiv enhancement - art clone

    The original flow to download a repo to a workspace is art init + art pull.

    We add a art clone command to make it simpler.

      art clone <repository> [<dir>]
      # clone a workspace with local repository
      art clone /path/to/mydataset
      # clone a workspace with s3 repository
      art clone s3://mybucket/path/to/mydataset
  • Reduce binary size

    Reduce binary size

    Add linker flags -s and -w to reduce binary size by removing debug and DWARF symbols

    Saved around 6M before compression.

    Ref: https://pkg.go.dev/cmd/link

    -s Omit the symbol table and debug information. -w Omit the DWARF symbol table.


    # Before
    $ go build -o bin/avc -ldflags ' -X github.com/infuseai/artivc/cmd.tagVersion= -X github.com/infuseai/artivc/cmd.gitCommit=6895c74b6ca090770e0338447bf62d2c7a2bb1e3 -X github.com/infuseai/artivc/cmd.gitTreeState=clean ' main.go
    $ stat -f%z bin/avc
    # After
    $ go build -o bin/avc -ldflags ' -X github.com/infuseai/artivc/cmd.tagVersion= -X github.com/infuseai/artivc/cmd.gitCommit=6895c74b6ca090770e0338447bf62d2c7a2bb1e3 -X github.com/infuseai/artivc/cmd.gitTreeState=dirty -s -w ' main.go
    $ stat -f%z bin/avc

    Signed-off-by: Ash Wu [email protected]

  • Support gcs repoistory

    Support gcs repoistory

    Repo URL

    avc init gs://<bucket>/<path>


    1. Use default application credential by
      gcloud auth application-default login  
    2. or explicit credentials
      GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<service account json>
  • feature request: avc log should not require server interaction

    feature request: avc log should not require server interaction

    It seems to me that avc log doesn't really require going back to the server for default output. It would be useful to either default to local-only or to have an optional argument that instructs it to only look at the local store.

  • Feature request: persistently delete files

    Feature request: persistently delete files

    avc doesn't track the deletion of files - that is, when you remove a file, it merely removes it from the current commit set. This can be problematic when you have multiple collaborating users or multiple working directories.


    1. On computer X, create file A in avc repository and push it.
    2. On computer Y, pull the repository. Note that file A exists.
    3. On computer X, remove file A and push the update. A is not in the commit and isn't in the working directory.
    4. on computer Y, pull the repository. Note that file A still exists. If Y pushes without manually removing file A, file A will reappear in the repository.
  • What is the difference between the command

    What is the difference between the command "put" and "push" ?

    I'm new using the tools, I think is really interesting and useful. While using it I got confused by the command "put" and "push" I understand that both will upload the data to the repository but I'm not sure when should I use either of them.

  • feature request: record (or be able to retrieve) additional metadata for each file/directory

    feature request: record (or be able to retrieve) additional metadata for each file/directory

    Some additional metadata would be useful:

    • the user who pushed a commit
    • the user and date associated with pushing a specific version of a file or directory

    In principal, the date is retrievable by following the history back for a particular commit. The username is not persisted, though and it might be better to keep it as per-blob metadata or carry forward with each commit. As an alternative, each blob in a commit could point back to the commit that originated it.

  • Progress bar for push/pull commands

    Progress bar for push/pull commands

    It would be nice to have a progress bar for the push commands. We are testing it out on one of our large medical imaging dataset (0.5M objects = 0.6TB) and the data repository took 7h to push.

    I imagine this could probably extend to the other commands as well.

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