An example microservice demo using kubernetes concepts like deployment, services, persistent volume and claims, secrets and helm chart

Docker vs Kubernetes

Docker Kubernetes
container tech, isolated env for apps infra management, multiple containers
automated builds and deploy apps - CI automated scheduling and management of app containers
platform for config, build & destribute containers ecosystem for managing cluster of containers

Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes

Docker Swarn Kubernetes
complex install easy install
high learning curve, but powerful easy to use, limited functionality
auto-scaling manual scaling
built in monitoring N/A
manual load balancing auto load balancing

Create deplyment

kubectl create deployment example-db-depl --image=abhijitwakchaure/example-db:1.0.0 --port=8081 --replicas=2


kubectl apply -f db-deployment.yml

Create service

kubectl apply -f app-service.yml

Expose deployment

kubectl expose deployment example-db-depl --name=example-db-srv --port=8081 --target-port=8081 --type ClusterIP

Scale deployment

kubectl scale deployment example-app-depl --replicas=5

Test with multiple requests

for n in {1..100}; do printf "%5s" "$n. "; curl; echo ""; sleep 0.3; done

Inject linkerd

kubectl get deploy -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -

Helm Commands

Create new chart

helm create example-chart

Install chart

Test the rendered/compiled yaml files before install

helm install my-chart example-chart --dry-run

Now deploy the chart

helm install my-chart example-chart

OR using custom values

helm install my-chart example-chart -f customValues.yml

Delete chart

helm delete my-chart
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