An enum generator for go


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An enum generator for go

How it works

The goal of go-enum is to create an easy to use enum generator that will take a decorated type declaration like type EnumName int and create the associated constant values and funcs that will make life a little easier for adding new values. It's not perfect, but I think it's useful.

I took the output of the Stringer command as the String() method, and added a way to parse a string value.

Command options

go-enum --help

  -h, --help       display help information
  -f, --file      *The file(s) to generate enums.  Use more than one flag for more files.
      --noprefix   Prevents the constants generated from having the Enum as a prefix.
      --lower      Adds lowercase variants of the enum strings for lookup.
      --marshal    Adds text (and inherently json) marshalling functions.
      --sql        Adds SQL database scan and value functions.
      --flag       Adds golang flag functions.
      --prefix     Replaces the prefix with a user one.
      --names      Generates a 'Names() []string' function, and adds the possible enum values in the error response during parsing
      --nocamel    Removes the snake_case to CamelCase name changing


The parser looks for comments on your type defs and parse the enum declarations from it. The parser will look for ENUM( and continue to look for comma separated values until it finds a ). You can put values on the same line, or on multiple lines.
If you need to have a specific value jump in the enum, you can now specify that by adding =numericValue to the enum declaration. Keep in mind, this resets the data for all following values. So if you specify 50 in the middle of an enum, each value after that will be 51, 52, 53...


You can use comments inside enum that start with //
The comment must be at the end of the same line as the comment value, only then it will be added as a comment to the generated constant.

// Commented is an enumeration of commented values
value1 // Commented value 1
value3 // Commented value 3
type Commented int

The generated comments in code will look something like:

const (
    // CommentedValue1 is a Commented of type Value1
    // Commented value 1
    CommentedValue1 Commented = iota
    // CommentedValue2 is a Commented of type Value2
    // CommentedValue3 is a Commented of type Value3
    // Commented value 3


There are a few examples in the example directory. I've included one here for easy access, but can't guarantee it's up to date.

// Color is an enumeration of colors that are allowed.
/* ENUM(
Black, White, Red
Green = 33 // Green starts with 33
// Blue
// grey=
// yellow
// blue-green
// red-orange
// yellow_green
// red-orange-blue
// )
type Color int32

The generated code will look something like:

// Code generated by go-enum

package example

import (

const (
    // ColorBlack is a Color of type Black
    ColorBlack Color = iota
    // ColorWhite is a Color of type White
    // ColorRed is a Color of type Red
    // ColorGreen is a Color of type Green
    // Green starts with 33
    ColorGreen Color = iota + 30
    // ColorBlue is a Color of type Blue
    // ColorGrey is a Color of type Grey
    // ColorYellow is a Color of type Yellow
    // ColorBlueGreen is a Color of type Blue-Green
    // ColorRedOrange is a Color of type Red-Orange
    // ColorYellowGreen is a Color of type Yellow_green
    // ColorRedOrangeBlue is a Color of type Red-Orange-Blue

const _ColorName = "BlackWhiteRedGreenBluegreyyellowblue-greenred-orangeyellow_greenred-orange-blue"

var _ColorMap = map[Color]string{
    0:  _ColorName[0:5],
    1:  _ColorName[5:10],
    2:  _ColorName[10:13],
    33: _ColorName[13:18],
    34: _ColorName[18:22],
    35: _ColorName[22:26],
    36: _ColorName[26:32],
    37: _ColorName[32:42],
    38: _ColorName[42:52],
    39: _ColorName[52:64],
    40: _ColorName[64:79],

// String implements the Stringer interface.
func (x Color) String() string {
    if str, ok := _ColorMap[x]; ok {
        return str
    return fmt.Sprintf("Color(%d)", x)

var _ColorValue = map[string]Color{
    _ColorName[0:5]:                    0,
    strings.ToLower(_ColorName[0:5]):   0,
    _ColorName[5:10]:                   1,
    strings.ToLower(_ColorName[5:10]):  1,
    _ColorName[10:13]:                  2,
    strings.ToLower(_ColorName[10:13]): 2,
    _ColorName[13:18]:                  33,
    strings.ToLower(_ColorName[13:18]): 33,
    _ColorName[18:22]:                  34,
    strings.ToLower(_ColorName[18:22]): 34,
    _ColorName[22:26]:                  35,
    strings.ToLower(_ColorName[22:26]): 35,
    _ColorName[26:32]:                  36,
    strings.ToLower(_ColorName[26:32]): 36,
    _ColorName[32:42]:                  37,
    strings.ToLower(_ColorName[32:42]): 37,
    _ColorName[42:52]:                  38,
    strings.ToLower(_ColorName[42:52]): 38,
    _ColorName[52:64]:                  39,
    strings.ToLower(_ColorName[52:64]): 39,
    _ColorName[64:79]:                  40,
    strings.ToLower(_ColorName[64:79]): 40,

// ParseColor attempts to convert a string to a Color
func ParseColor(name string) (Color, error) {
    if x, ok := _ColorValue[name]; ok {
        return x, nil
    return Color(0), fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid Color", name)

// MarshalText implements the text marshaller method
func (x Color) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
    return []byte(x.String()), nil

// UnmarshalText implements the text unmarshaller method
func (x *Color) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
    name := string(text)
    tmp, err := ParseColor(name)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    *x = tmp
    return nil

Adding it to your project

  1. go get
  2. Add a go:generate line to your file like so... //go:generate go-enum -f=$GOFILE --marshal
  3. Run go generate like so go generate ./...
  4. Enjoy your newly created Enumeration
  • Question: How to support camel case format

    Question: How to support camel case format

    How do I define ENUM to achieve this?

    1. The text in name is in lower case
    2. Int values in enumeration are case sensitive
    xxxDataSwap = iota

    Also, can I ignore Parse's error like this:

        //return a default value
  • Fix deprecated function use, ignored return

    Fix deprecated function use, ignored return

    Hi, I saw some warnings in my IDE while browsing the code, and I thought why not submit some fix for it.

    One thing I didn't fix because it broke some of the tests was strings.Title.

    These are the tests which failed. IMO, the cases.Title is probably more correct than the strings.Title. I tested with the recommended cases.Title(language.Und, cases.NoLower).String().

        generator_test.go:61: snapshot not equal:
            --- Previous
            +++ Current
            @@ -1739,8 +1739,8 @@
               (string) (len=22) "\tSanitizingHyphenStart",
            -  (string) (len=72) "\t// Sanitizing_underscoreFirst is a Sanitizing of type _underscoreFirst.",
            -  (string) (len=27) "\tSanitizing_underscoreFirst",
            -  (string) (len=64) "\t// Sanitizing0numberFirst is a Sanitizing of type 0numberFirst.",
            -  (string) (len=23) "\tSanitizing0numberFirst",
            -  (string) (len=60) "\t// Sanitizing123456789a is a Sanitizing of type 123456789a.",
            -  (string) (len=21) "\tSanitizing123456789a",
            +  (string) (len=72) "\t// Sanitizing_UnderscoreFirst is a Sanitizing of type _UnderscoreFirst.",
            +  (string) (len=27) "\tSanitizing_UnderscoreFirst",
            +  (string) (len=64) "\t// Sanitizing0NumberFirst is a Sanitizing of type 0NumberFirst.",
            +  (string) (len=23) "\tSanitizing0NumberFirst",
            +  (string) (len=60) "\t// Sanitizing123456789A is a Sanitizing of type 123456789A.",
            +  (string) (len=21) "\tSanitizing123456789A",
               (string) (len=61) "\t// Sanitizing123123Asdf is a Sanitizing of type 123123-Asdf.",
            @@ -1773,5 +1773,5 @@
               (string) (len=52) "\tSanitizingHyphenStart:      _SanitizingName[11:23],",
            -  (string) (len=52) "\tSanitizing_underscoreFirst: _SanitizingName[23:39],",
            -  (string) (len=52) "\tSanitizing0numberFirst:     _SanitizingName[39:51],",
            -  (string) (len=52) "\tSanitizing123456789a:       _SanitizingName[51:61],",
            +  (string) (len=52) "\tSanitizing_UnderscoreFirst: _SanitizingName[23:39],",
            +  (string) (len=52) "\tSanitizing0NumberFirst:     _SanitizingName[39:51],",
            +  (string) (len=52) "\tSanitizing123456789A:       _SanitizingName[51:61],",
               (string) (len=52) "\tSanitizing123123Asdf:       _SanitizingName[61:72],",
            @@ -1793,8 +1793,8 @@
               (string) (len=64) "\tstrings.ToLower(_SanitizingName[11:23]): SanitizingHyphenStart,",
            -  (string) (len=69) "\t_SanitizingName[23:39]:                  Sanitizing_underscoreFirst,",
            -  (string) (len=69) "\tstrings.ToLower(_SanitizingName[23:39]): Sanitizing_underscoreFirst,",
            -  (string) (len=65) "\t_SanitizingName[39:51]:                  Sanitizing0numberFirst,",
            -  (string) (len=65) "\tstrings.ToLower(_SanitizingName[39:51]): Sanitizing0numberFirst,",
            -  (string) (len=63) "\t_SanitizingName[51:61]:                  Sanitizing123456789a,",
            -  (string) (len=63) "\tstrings.ToLower(_SanitizingName[51:61]): Sanitizing123456789a,",
            +  (string) (len=69) "\t_SanitizingName[23:39]:                  Sanitizing_UnderscoreFirst,",
            +  (string) (len=69) "\tstrings.ToLower(_SanitizingName[23:39]): Sanitizing_UnderscoreFirst,",
            +  (string) (len=65) "\t_SanitizingName[39:51]:                  Sanitizing0NumberFirst,",
            +  (string) (len=65) "\tstrings.ToLower(_SanitizingName[39:51]): Sanitizing0NumberFirst,",
            +  (string) (len=63) "\t_SanitizingName[51:61]:                  Sanitizing123456789A,",
            +  (string) (len=63) "\tstrings.ToLower(_SanitizingName[51:61]): Sanitizing123456789A,",
               (string) (len=63) "\t_SanitizingName[61:72]:                  Sanitizing123123Asdf,",
  • Custom prefix with `--prefix` is appending not replacing

    Custom prefix with `--prefix` is appending not replacing

    I'm using go-enum v0.5.0 Linux x86_64 I've created an enum as such:

    //go:generate go-enum -f=$GOFILE --marshal --names --nocamel --prefix TokenTypeEnum_
    package tokens
    	AD_HOC_USER = 1
    type TokenTypeEnum uint8

    By default, the --nocamel flag gives me TokenTypeEnum<name> but I want the constants to be named TokenTypeEnum_<name> for readability but instead I'm getting TokenTypeEnum_TokenTypeEnum<name>

    The README suggests the --prefix flag should be replacing the existing prefix but it's not. --noprefix removes both prefixes

  • Add snapshot testing for generated output

    Add snapshot testing for generated output

    I've recently written a go library ( to test exactly this sort of project!

    I see you already have a test input that you generate an enum for. This PR adds a snapshot test to check that the generated output doesn't change over time (if you're expecting the output to change as a result of a PR then you simply update the stored snapshot by setting the environment variable UPDATE_SNASPHOTS before running your tests)

  • Text after ) will be included in the last enum value

    Text after ) will be included in the last enum value

    When adhering to godot linter rules, I must add a trailing . to the end of the ENUM(...). But this will result in ). to be added to the string name:

    // ENUM(1).
    type Test int8


    const (
    	// Test1 is a Test of type 1)..
    	Test1 Test = iota
    const _TestName = "1)."

    But even worse, on a multiline variant, it will add an empty item, colliding with the type:

    // ENUM(
    //   X
    //   Y
    //   Z
    // ).
    type Test int8


    const (
    	// TestX is a Test of type X.
    	TestX Test = iota
    	// TestY is a Test of type Y.
    	// TestZ is a Test of type Z.
    	// Test is a Test of type )..
    const _TestName = "XYZ)."

    I tried (to no avail) to disable godot for the ENUM line, since I find it a bit pointless. However, this does mean that it's also not possible to add some text behind the closing ) which may be useful. Especially considering ENUM(...values...) kinda implies that parsing stops at )

  • Generates `foo_test_enum.go` from `foo_test.go` instead of `foo_enum_test.go`

    Generates `foo_test_enum.go` from `foo_test.go` instead of `foo_enum_test.go`

    When I have a file foos_test.go with:

    //go:generate go-enum --marshal
    package trygoenum
    // ENUM(bob, alice, john, sally)
    type People int

    and I run go generate ./... go-enum creates foos_test_enum.go.

    This causes go build ./... to fail:

    $ go build ./...
    # try-go-enum.invalid
    ./foos_test_enum.go:16:12: undefined: People
    ./foos_test_enum.go:29:22: undefined: People
    ./foos_test_enum.go:37:9: undefined: People
    ./foos_test_enum.go:44:31: undefined: People
    ./foos_test_enum.go:52:32: undefined: People
    ./foos_test_enum.go:56:9: undefined: People
    ./foos_test_enum.go:60:9: undefined: People
    ./foos_test_enum.go:65:10: undefined: People

    I would say ideally go-enum should put enums for _test.go files in _enum_test.go files.

  • Getting stringer error

    Getting stringer error

    Just tonight I am getting errors similar to Failed writing enum data for enum: "AssociationType": template: generator:306:32: executing "stringer" at : wrong number of args for stringify: want 2 got 1

    go 1.15 go-enum 0.3.10

    My Makefile simply states

    go get -u
    go generate ./...

    That generates the errors as it is using V0.3.10

    if I do

    go get -u[email protected]
    go generate ./...

    Then it all works as expected

  • Mapping enums to aliases/symbols

    Mapping enums to aliases/symbols

    I have a lot of enums which need to be mapped to arbitrary strings that don't match the enum name. Am I missing a good way to handle this in the library already?

    Would you be open to a PR adding optional mapping to symbols/aliases?

    var _{{.enum.Name}}Symbols = map[string]{{.enum.Name}}{
    {{- $vars := dict "lastoffset" 0 -}}
    {{ range $rIndex, $value := .enum.Values }}
    	{{- $lastOffset := pluck "lastoffset" $vars | first }}{{ $offset := sub $value.Value $rIndex }}
    	{{- if $value.Comment}}
    	"{{$value.Comment}}": {{$rIndex}},
    	{{- end}}
    {{- end}}
    func Parse{{.enum.Name}}Symbol(bs []byte) ({{.enum.Name}}, error) {
        s := string(bs)
    	if s == " " {
    		s = "SPACE"
    	if val, ok := _{{.enum.Name}}Symbols[s]; ok {
    		return val, nil
    	return {{.enum.Name}}(0), fmt.Errorf("'%s' is not a valid {{.enum.Name}}", string(bs))
    AlphaNumeric // A/N
    Numeric // N
    Misc // SPACE
    type FieldType int
    var _FieldTypeSymbols = map[string]FieldType{
    	"A/N":   0,
    	"N":     1,
            "SPACE": 2,
    func ParseFieldTypeSymbol(bs []byte) (FieldType, error) {
    	s := string(bs)
    	if s == " " {
    		s = "SPACE"
    	if val, ok := _FieldTypeSymbols[s]; ok {
    		return val, nil
    	return FieldType(0), fmt.Errorf("'%s' is not a valid FieldType", string(bs))
  • Support interface for flag

    Support interface for flag

    Thanks for this handy tool. Do you think it is reasonable to implement the following interface so that it can be used as a Flag.

    // Value is the interface to the dynamic value stored in a flag.
    // (The default value is represented as a string.)
    type Value interface {
    	String() string
    	Set(string) error
    	Type() string

    Currently I am manually implementing this.

  • Please check in your dependencies

    Please check in your dependencies

    Your package is not go-get-able if you don't check in your vendor directory. This is what happens right now if I try to go get your package:

    go get
    ../../Masterminds/sprig/crypto.go:35:37: multiple-value uuid.NewV4() in single-value context
  • rename error from _XXXErrNilPtr to errXXXNilPtr.

    rename error from _XXXErrNilPtr to errXXXNilPtr.

    Please see

    When I use --sql to generate my enum files, go-enum add the _XXXErrNilPtr ERROR type.

    But when I use staticcheck to validate code, it tells me to try to use errXXXNilPtr instead of some other kind of naming rule.

    Can we do that?

  • Function for getting a list of values

    Function for getting a list of values

    --names adds ...Names() to get a list of enum names, but I would like to just get a list of enum values instead. I can kind of achieve the same thing by using MustParse...() with values from ...Names() but I would still be more comfortable just having ...Values().

    Mainly making this issue to see how you feel about the request or if there may already be a way to do it that I don't know of.

  • Use a config file instead of code for enum definitino

    Use a config file instead of code for enum definitino

    Hi. I like the project. I'm wondering if you have considered or would like to have a contribution where the enum definitions are in a config file instead of in a code stub?

    I think it would be quite interesting to have them defined in something similar to how go-swagger or sqlc does it.

    An idea of a possible configuration file:

    version: 1
      - package: animal
        target: internal/animal
        name: Animal
        type: int
          "+": Plus
          "#": Sharp
      - package: color
        target: internal/color
        name: Color
        type: int
            - value: 33
              comment: Green starts with 33
          marshal: true
          lower: true
          pointer: true
          mustparse: true
  • Specify custom value for enum string ?

    Specify custom value for enum string ?

    Is it possible to specify custom value for enum string ? Like this for example:

    /* ENUM(
    PROD = "https://prod",
    DEV = "http://dev"
    type Environment string

    Which could generate this

    const (
    	PROD Environment = "https://prod"
    	DEV Environment = "http://dev"
  • Add support for case changing

    Add support for case changing

    The main reason behind this PR is I often have my enums defined as upper snake case like this: MY_ENUM. This means when I run the generator the constant generated is EnumTypeMYENUM, instead of EnumTypeMyEnum as expected.

    Note: the lowercase name transformation is applied before the CamelCase transformation.



    // ENUM(MY_ENUM)
    type EnumType int

    Before this PR:

    Generated Constant

    const (
    	// EnumTypeMYENUM is a EnumType of type MY_ENUM.
    	EnumTypeMYENUM = iota

    After this PR:

    Generated Constant

    const (
    	// EnumTypeMyEnum is a EnumType of type MY_ENUM.
    	EnumTypeMyEnum = iota
  •  questions about empty strings

    questions about empty strings

    Two questions about empty strings:

    1. Enumeration values currently do not support empty strings? (because there is a valid empty string case)
    2. The mysql type is varchar, default: "". In this case, the Scanner and Valuer interfaces can only be implemented manually?
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