Redis-based rate counter and rate limiter


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rerate is a redis-based ratecounter and ratelimiter

  • Dead simple api
  • With redis as backend, multiple rate counters/limiters can work as a cluster
  • Count/Limit requests any period, 2 day, 1 hour, 5 minute or 2 second, it's up to you
  • Recording requests as a histotram, which can be used to visualize or monitor
  • Limit requests from single ip, userid, applicationid, or any other unique identifier


package main

import (


func main() {
    // redigo buckets
    pool := newRedisPool("localhost:6379", "")
    buckets := rerate.NewRedigoBuckets(pool)

    // OR redis buckets
    // client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
	//	 Addr:     "localhost:6379",
	// 	 Password: "",
	// 	 DB:       0,
	// })
    // buckets := rerate.NewRedisBuckets(client)
    // Counter
    counter := rerate.NewCounter(buckets, "rl:test", 10 * time.Minute, 15 * time.Second)
    c, err := counter.Count("click")
    // Limiter
    limiter := rerate.NewLimiter(buckets, "rl:test", 1 * time.Hour, 15 * time.Minute, 100)
    rem, err := limiter.Remaining("")
    exceed, err := limiter.Exceeded("")


Install rerate using the "go get" command:

go get


Sample - Sparkline

    cd cmd/sparkline
    npm install webpack -g
    npm install
    webpack && go run main.go

Open http://localhost:8080 in Browser, And then move mouse.




rerate is available under the The MIT License (MIT).

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