🍍Jeff provides the simplest way to manage web sessions in Go.


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A tool for managing login sessions in Go.


I was looking for a simple session management wrapper for Go and from what I could tell there exists no simple sesssion library.

This library is requires a stateful backend to enable easy session revocation and simplify the security considerations. See the section on security for more details.


  • Redirect to login
  • Middleware wrapper
  • Easy to clear sessions
  • Small, idiomatic API
  • CSRF Protection
  • Context aware
  • Fast
  • Multiple sessions under one key


The module uses msgpack for encoding and requires a recent version of Go to function. It's recommended to have a version no older than 1 year, but there's a hard requirement to have at least Go 1.11+. Tests are only done against the latest stable version of Go.


There are three primary methods:

Set starts the session, sets the cookie on the given response, and stores the session token.

func (s Server) Login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    user = Authenticate(r)
    if user != nil {
        // Key must be unique to one user among all users
        err := s.jeff.Set(r.Context(), w, user.Email)
        // handle error
    // finish login

Wrap authenticates every http.Handler it wraps, or redirects if authentication fails. Wrap's signature works with alice. The "Public" wrapper checks for an active session but does not call the redirect handler if there is no active session. It's a way to set the active session on the request without denying access to anonymous users.

    mux.HandleFunc("/login", loginHandler)
    mux.HandleFunc("/products", j.Public(productHandler))
    mux.HandleFunc("/users", j.Wrap(usersHandler))
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)

Clear deletes the active session from the store for the given key.

func (s Server) Revoke(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // stuff to get user: admin input form or perhaps even from current session
    err = s.jeff.Clear(r.Context(), user.Email)
    // handle err

The default redirect handler redirects to root. Override this behavior to set your own login route.

    sessions := jeff.New(store, jeff.Redirect(
        http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound)

This is primarily helpful to run custom logic on redirect:

    // customHandler gets called when authentication fails
    sessions := jeff.New(store, jeff.Redirect(customHandler))


Session tokens are securely generated on Set (called after successful login). This library is unique in that the user gets to decide the session key. This is to make it easier for operators to manage sessions by not having to track/store session tokens after creating a session. Session keys don't have to be cryptographically secure, just unique per user. A good key that works for most people is the user's email.

The cookie format is as follows:


The SessionKey is used to find the given session in the backend. If found, the client SessionToken is then constant-time compared with the stored token.

Sessions are stored in the backend as a map from the application-chosen session key to a list of active sessions. Sessions are lazily cleaned up once they expire.


Most of the existing solutions use encrypted cookies for authentication. This enables you to have stateless sessions. However, this strategy has two major drawbacks:

  • Single ultra-secret key.
  • Hard to revoke sessions.

It's possible to alleviate these concerns, but in the process one will end up making a stateful framework for revocation, and a complicated key management strategy for de-risking the single point of failure key.

Why aren't we encrypting the cookie?

Encrypting the cookie implies the single secret key used to encrypt said cookie. Programs like chamber can aid in handling these secrets, but any developer can tell you that accidentally logging environment variables is commonplace. I'd rather reduce the secrets required for my service to a minimum.

CSRF Protection

This library also provides limited CSRF protection via the SameSite session cookie attribute. This attribute (implemented in modern browsers) limits a Cross Origin Request to a subset of safe HTTP methods. See the OWASP Guide for more details.


Clone the repo, run docker-compose up -d, then run make test.

With the local redis instance running, you can then run the example application: go run ./cmd/example/main.go.


Also excluded from this library are flash sessions. While useful, this is not a concern for this library. If you need this feature, please see one of the libraries below.

Race Conditions

There is a race condition inherant in how this library handles expiration and deletion of sessions. Because sessions are stored as a list for each user, to add, delete, or prune sessions, it's required to do a read, modify, write without any kind of transaction. That means that it's possible, for example, for a new session to be wiped out if it's created between reading and writing in another concurrent read-modify-write operation, or for a session which was meant to be cleared, didn't get cleared because the clear was issued during another processes' modify step in the read-modify-write cycle.

In practice, this should be quite rare but for people considering this for short-lived sessions with high numbers of concurrent sessions per user, you might want to reconsider.


The most popular session management tool is in the gorilla toolkit. It uses encrypted cookies by default. Has a very large API.


A comprehensive session management tool. Also a very large API. Heavy use of naked interfaces.


Encrypted cookie manager by default. Has middleware feature. Big API. No easy way to clear session without storing session token elsewhere.


Lightweight, server-only API. Uncertain about what the purpose of the Manager interface is. Heavy use of naked interface.


Lightweight, server-only API. Includes concept of Users in library. No wrapping or middleware.


Batteries-included middleware for keeping track of users, login states and permissions. Very large API.


Alan Braithwaite
Currently moving bytes around @Segmentio. https://www.abraithwaite.net https://twitter.com/Caust1c
Alan Braithwaite
  • Fix redigo import

    Fix redigo import

    The currently used redigo import is incorrect, as is uses an old, invalid redigo version. See here for citation: https://github.com/gomodule/redigo/issues/486#issuecomment-633237866

    This PR fixes that, and tidies up all imports too

  • sessions: Clear doesn't return potential error

    sessions: Clear doesn't return potential error

    Clear function in sessions.go doesn't handle the return value of the clear function.


  • Comparison to github.com/alexedwards/scs

    Comparison to github.com/alexedwards/scs

    A quick look at both libraries seems to show an important difference: github.com/alexedwards/scs buffers all response bytes. A bufferedResponseWriter{} buffering all output to catch session changes before headers are sent (

    Jeff seems to handle this better (but not easier) by making you call Set manually when headers should be set without wrapping your http.Handler.

    Don't use alexedwards/scs if you send large payloads to clients, stream response bodies, use websockets(?), etc.

  • Can I replace authboss with yours?

    Can I replace authboss with yours?

    Excuse the question maybe very basic for you, but I'm learning day by day and I want to understand well.

    I am using authboss for a hobby project.

    But I do not need most of its features: I would just like to authenticate a user (email and password) if he has to use specific APIs.

    Do you think I can replace authboss with your project?

  • sessions: load all sessions for user

    sessions: load all sessions for user

    Hi @abraithwaite! First of all, I want to say thanks a lot for this package, I found out that popular packages were lacking for my use-case where I want to search sessions by user-id.

    However, after taking a look around, I couldn't find an exported function to get all active sessions for a user. This is helpful, for example, if the user is logged in from many devices and we want to revoke them all at once.


  • No way to delete a single session for a given user

    No way to delete a single session for a given user

    Currently, user's sessions are stored as a list of active sessions under a single key in redis, each with their own unique token.

    When we moved to this model, we didn't update the Clear and Delete methods to be able to clear just an individual session. As it stands, calling either of these methods will terminate all active sessions instead of just one, as it was originally intended.

  • Evaluate using gokv as storage interface

    Evaluate using gokv as storage interface

    Hi, I saw your project in my GitHub feed because someone I follow starred it and when seeing the Storage interface I immediately thought that it would be a great fit for a project of mine: https://github.com/philippgille/gokv

    I'll paste the code here so you don't have to follow the links:


    type Storage interface {
    	Store(ctx context.Context, key, value []byte, exp time.Time)
    	Fetch(ctx context.Context, key []byte) (value []byte, err error)
    	Delete(ctx context.Context, key []byte) error


    type Store interface {
        Set(k string, v interface{}) error
        Get(k string, v interface{}) (found bool, err error)
        Delete(k string) error
        Close() error


    • gokv doesn't work with contexts yet
    • There's no expiration handling in the implementations, but you can save the whole item (that includes the expiration) and similarly to your memory implementation (here), just not return it when it's expired.


    • The main upside is the number of implementations for the interface. There's a simple Go map, sync.Map, FreeCache, BigCache, bbolt (a.k.a. BoltDB), BadgerDB, LevelDB, Local files, Redis, Consul, etcd, Apache ZooKeeper, Memcached, Hazelcast, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3, Azure Table Storage, Google Cloud Datastore, Alibaba Cloud Tablestore, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, CockroachDB and Apache Ignite. And more to come :)
    • All implementations allow to save any struct instead of just a slice of bytes. That's useful for example to include the expiration when storing a session and allows extending the stored struct with more fields in the future

    This is exactly the use case that I had in mind when creating it: As a package creator you want your package users to to be able to use as many storage implementations as possible, so you only use a common key-value interface and then point package users to existing implementations.

    Maybe you can have a look at it and then I'd love to hear what you think :)

  • Add control of SameSite prefix

    Add control of SameSite prefix

    For our application, we need our session cookies to have SameSite=None. SameSite=lax is hardcoded in the cookie setup, here: https://github.com/abraithwaite/jeff/blob/ade959fcada38fb6f6ad3f421ef28a4c6e9040ea/sessions.go#L198

    Can SameSite's setting become an Option on jeff.New()?

  • sessions: implictly clear session cookie

    sessions: implictly clear session cookie

    Breaking API change:

    Clear now implicitly clears the active session on the given context and also clears the cookie by setting the expiry date to the zero value of time.Time.

    Delete was added to replace the previous Clear behavior.

  • context: add basic support for context

    context: add basic support for context

    This doesn't add full support. Doing so requires cooperation from the libraries. However, this does solve the case where a request is cancelled, we don't block and return control to the caller. The consequence is that we're leaking a goroutine for the remainder of the open request to memcache/redis (which shouldn't be long)

    Both libraries expose the ability to set timeouts on connections. It might be worthwhile to see how to integrate them more seamlessly:

    https://godoc.org/github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache/memcache#ConnectTimeoutError https://godoc.org/github.com/gomodule/redigo/redis#DoWithTimeout

  • Remove error message when using Insecure option

    Remove error message when using Insecure option

    I understand the purpose of the Secure attribute on cookies, but I think the jeff library is making too many assumptions about requiring them. The error message is inappropriate in several situations:

    • During development, the log message creates unnecessary output on every reload of the server code.
    • There are instances where an implementer might have a legitimate need to exclude the Secure cookie attribute (e.g., a trusted network, an HTTP connection that's routed through a secure SSH tunnel).

    To remove the Secure attribute, jeff already requires the client to specify the Insecure option. If the user is explicitly choosing that option, the library should accept that choice rather than generating error messages about it.

  • Expire token cookie in addition to deleting the value

    Expire token cookie in addition to deleting the value

    After the server invalidates the session token, it should expire it to indicate to the client that the client should be deleted. Otherwise, the client keeps sending an invalid value of 'deleted' as the session token, which just creates noise.

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